Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 38: Half-elf tribe


“Damn, saved a group of half-elves.”

Half-elves have almost the same appearance as humans except for their handsome faces and slightly different ears.

At this time, Clayman felt a little unworthy that he had rescued a group of half-elves. This world is more particular about a race that is not mine, and its heart must be different.

Clayman certainly doesn’t like this group of half-elves who live deep in the Ironwood Forest and don’t pay taxes to the lords.

If he had discovered earlier that the guys being hunted were half-elves, Clayman probably wouldn’t have lost a dozen of his best men to fight the ogres head-on.

Half-elf Al, who was about to express his gratitude to Clayman, looked a little embarrassed at this moment.

The words in his mouth were choked back, and he found that Clayman looked over again, and could only show a polite but embarrassing smile.

Looking at Al and the dozens of rescued half-elves in front of him, Clayman also had a headache. The lords of the North had all dealt with half-elves to some extent,

Although these guys are not as strong as ordinary humans, their shooting skills are accurate and they stick together better. They are more thorny than human farmers. They are not easy to manage and are generally not welcomed by human lords.

“Sir, I hope to become your subject.”

Klayman was stunned when he heard this, and instinctively wanted to refuse. These guys are not easy to control. If you get angry, they will leave a big beach for you and go into the woods. It is impossible to chase them into the woods and kill them. Catch it out.

“We are the only ones left in our tribe. We will pay taxes according to regulations in the future, and we can also join your army. We are all the best archers.”

Although Al’s ability to sense words was average, Clayman’s disgust for half-elves was almost written on his face. He quickly added that he wanted to show Clayman the value of his tribe.

But it was obvious that Al had not yet understood who was really in charge of this territory. However, due to Al’s interruption, Clayman remembered that it was Richard who was in charge of this territory, so he did not say his rejection directly.

“I can’t make the decision in this matter. Come back to Ironwood City with me. You can only stay if Lord Richard agrees to take you in.”

“Let’s go back to Ironwood City with me first. I have to ask you some questions.”

Kleiman left some soldiers to continue to monitor the edge of the forest, and then slowly walked towards Ironwood City with Al and others.

Al naturally didn’t have any objections and called on the few dozen remaining tribesmen to follow Clayman.

There was no words to say all the way, and the half-elves were very depressed. Although they had just escaped with their lives, almost all of them had relatives who died at the hands of the ogres, and the entire tribe had only one member left.

Al did try to strike up a conversation with Clayman a few times, wanting to know the basic situation of Hunter Territory, but unfortunately Clayman was not very willing to take care of Al.

The morale of the Nader family’s cavalry is pretty good. Although they lost some men, they killed several ogres, which is quite a victory. According to Richard’s style, there should be a fair reward.

As for the dead? Sorry, no one is immune to death in war. This group of Northland cavalry who lick blood from their swords have long been used to life and death.

Although it was still spring, the midday sun was really scorching. Clayman’s cavalry was fine. They were just sweating a little and were still in good spirits. The half-elves brought by Al had already been on the run for a night, and now there were signs that they could no longer hold on.

Fortunately, Ironwood City is not too far away.

“Hey, here we are.”

Kleiman pointed at the Ironwood City ahead with his riding crop. This was also the only thing Clayman said to Al.

Al naturally also saw the city in the distance. The half-elf’s eyesight was still better than that of humans. Although Ironwood City cannot be said to be a majestic city, Al didn’t have much knowledge. Ironwood City was really a city in his eyes. A great city.

“Master Richard, Clayman and the others are back.”

“Well, let’s go and have a look.”

Not long after Clayman brought Al and others into the city, Richard took the initiative to find them.

Richard has learned about Clayman’s encounter with the ogre from the previous messenger, and now he needs more information.

“Lord Richard.”

When Clayman saw Richard coming towards him, he quickly dismounted and saluted, not that Clayman had any loyalty to Richard.

But it is true that he has a certain respect for Richard’s fairness in dealing with things, and with the bonus of the dozen knights under Richard’s command, he cannot help but be disrespectful.


Richard first nodded towards Clayman, and then asked.

“Tell me specifically what happened.”

Kleiman described the situation to Richard in detail,

From when he encountered Al and other half-elves being chased while on patrol, to when he led a charge and drove the ogres back to the forest, he reported to Richard without hesitation.

Li Cha’s brows furrowed as he heard this, and his mind was racing.

Obviously, these ogres chasing the half-elves are not lonely guys. They just retreated to the Ironwood Forest temporarily.

Then Richard turned his attention to Al, the half-elf who planned to bring people to join him.

Richard stared at Al suddenly in a daze, like that kind of direct greed. Al looked at Richard with hairy eyes. Half-elves are naturally more handsome, and men are no exception.

He had heard about the disgusting habits of some human nobles even when he lived in the Ironwood Forest.

However, for the sake of the survival of his tribe, Al had no choice but to bow to Richard respectfully despite Richard’s hot gaze.

Richard didn’t know that Al had misunderstood that he had a strange hobby. The change in his eyes when he looked at Al was because the system suddenly popped up a page in his mind.

Name: Al

Race: Half-elf

Strength: 3.7

Agility: 4.5

Physique: 3.2

Spirit: 4.2

Skills: Wood Spirit Breathing (Advanced), Archery (Master)

Speciality: Half-elf leader (has a strong appeal to half-elves, and the attack of half-elves under his command is increased by 10%)

This is the second person that Richard has seen among the indigenous people who has a hero template. These attributes are actually average in Richard’s opinion.

Although half-elves have the advantages of vision and archery, their shortcomings are also very obvious. Their physiques are generally weaker than humans, and their population is not large. They always hold a pride unique to elves. Not very happy to be ruled by humans.

Of course, Al’s half-elves should be able to understand the current situation after encountering the disaster of genocide, and they can no longer show any pride.

What really moved Richard was the second prompt from the system

“Trigger the barrier (elf) generation conditions, please ask whether to place the barrier (elf) main city.”

This is what really makes Richard’s heart hot.

Richard did not choose to release the main city of Barrier (Elf) immediately, but releasing it in Ironwood City was still a bit eye-catching.

Richard first readily accepted Al’s surrender and ordered people to settle the group of half-elves.

Afterwards, according to the rules, rewards were distributed to Clayman and his men and credit was recorded, which caused a burst of cheers.

Although this is what they deserve,

It’s just that as Nader’s cavalry, they were mentally prepared to be treated differently, but they were a little surprised that Richard treated them fairly.

This is probably the principle of lowering user expectations.

Even Clayman was impressed by Richard’s fairness.

Richard left in a hurry after announcing the reward. The appearance of the main city of the barrier (elf) diverted all of Richard’s thoughts, and his mind was full of thinking about how to place the main city of the barrier (elf).


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