Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 379: Notes and origins


As soon as Richard saw the words on the cover, he became extremely interested and immediately asked the outstanding swordsman to hand over the book in his hand.

It is said to be a book, but in fact it is more like a research notebook. When Richard was in the royal capital, he also learned some elven writings in order to understand that period of history. Although he was not proficient enough, he still had to connect some professional words when he encountered them. I was guessing, but I could barely understand the meaning of the notes in my hand.

“Elven Calendar Year 3672, Moon of Mist

Although the orc’s vitality is strong, it still cannot withstand the alienation. Even if I have been using the highest level of healing techniques on it, it still has not survived for three days.

This time I added two snake girl arms and a dragon’s heart.

Elven Calendar Year 3672, Frost Moon

The giant is indeed a race with strong vitality. It has survived for more than a week after replacing the dragon’s heart. The next step is to modify its muscles. If everything goes well, the giant’s strength will be doubled, and it can kill a head with one punch. An ancient dragon, right?

Elven Calendar Year 3673, Flower Moon

That **** of Moon God actually performed miracles in the imperial capital again, and the emperor knelt down to her. This is a shame to the empire! One day I will create creatures that can challenge the gods. ”

The handwriting here is heavier, and Richard can even feel the mood of the magician at that time through his scrawled handwriting. The magician’s pride made him feel ashamed that the emperor of the empire bowed to the gods. The arrogance of these magicians is endless. It is for other creatures, they still want to maintain their pride in front of the gods.

In the middle, the mage kept babbled to express his dissatisfaction with the gods, but only a few words were repeated over and over, so much so that Richard wanted to complain about the other person’s lack of vocabulary. The elf mage’s curses were not interesting at all.

After quickly flipping through the chapter, the notes got back to the main topic.

“Elven Calendar Year 3673, Maple Moon

That’s not enough. A giant with twice the strength is still no match for the gods. Now it can’t even break free from my cage. How can it possibly compete with the gods? Maybe I should try to let it master some magic power.

Elven Calendar Year 3673, Frost Moon

The giant is an idiot with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. It has been unable to master a single spell for such a long time. Maybe I should try to imprint the method of using spells directly into its mind.

Elven Calendar Year 3674, Maple Moon

Finally, the conferring of magic was completed, and the transformed giant released its first magic. It seemed that this giant was more talented in frost magic. After I gave it magical abilities, its appearance was changing. It is already different from other giants. Maybe I should give him a new name, just call it ice giant.

Elven Calendar Year 3674, Moon of Mist

There is an upper limit for the giant’s own magic power. He doesn’t know how to cultivate it on his own, so he expects to rely on it to challenge the gods? forget it. ”

When the elf mage recorded this, he obviously seemed a little decadent. It was probably because his research had reached a dead end and he suffered a certain blow.

However, Richard saw something different from this text. Was the ice giant created by this elf mage? Are the snow giants in the snowfield the degenerates of ice giants after the demonic tide was low?

Richard continued to scroll down.

“Elven Calendar, Year 3675, Frost Moon

That sanctimonious hypocrite of the Sun God actually publicly asked Sofina to be his attendant, and also wanted twelve elven ladies to accompany him. Who doesn’t know what he had in mind? Doesn’t he remember that he once Is he an elf? I wish I could pierce his head with a death ray. I think I should do it. ”

“Year 3676 of the Elven Calendar, the Moon of Mist

I absolutely can’t give up like this. I can do experiments with giant dragons. This is the perfect creature. Just be careful and don’t let the dragon family find out. These big lizards can’t fight, but they are good at complaining. .

Seven giant dragons have died in the experiment, so be careful lately, the dragons have begun to become suspicious.

Elven Calendar Year 3678, Maple Moon

Today, we have successfully merged two giant dragons into one body. Two hearts provide power for their actions. The two heads can breathe out dragon breath at the same time. Hey, the ancient dragon has double breath. Even I have to stay away from direct contact. . ”

This elf magician looks stronger than expected.

After reading this, Richard has become more vigilant about this ruins. At first, he thought it was just an ordinary mage tower ruins. After all, during the Elf Empire, the most powerful ones were mages. According to the Elf Empire, According to the regulations, magisters are eligible to apply to the official empire to build their own mage towers. At the peak of the Elf Empire, there were hundreds of magisters, and now there are hundreds of masters at the peak of the sky level.

The higher-level Holy Mage generally does not have more than two hands, so normally speaking, the probability of encountering the Mage Tower of an ordinary Mage is definitely much higher than that of encountering the Mage Tower of a Holy Mage.

But sometimes luck is like this. Look at this note-taker, how he deals with the transformed ancient dragon so lightly. It is obvious that ordinary magisters cannot, and the relics left by the holy magister are not the same as those left by ordinary magisters. The ruins below are obviously not of the same level in terms of value or danger.

“Year 3679 of the Elven Calendar, Frost Moon

A part of the characteristics of a lion have been added to the two-headed ancient dragon, and its reaction speed has been much faster. There is no rejection reaction yet. The empty bone of the dragon’s breath-breathing side has been replaced with alchemical materials. It breathes dragon’s breath. It’s more powerful. I have to be more careful when fighting it. It should be able to kill an angel easily. I’m really a genius.

It’s just that it is completely different from the dragon. As its creator, I should probably give it a new name, just call it Chimera. What a good name.

Elven Calendar Year 3681, Flower Moon

Is there really no way above the holy steps? Does it mean that gods are superior if they rely on luck to obtain godhood?

In the final analysis, apart from the rules, the godhead is just a concentrated expression of powerful magic power. I don’t know where the innate godhead of the gods is obtained, but why can’t we create the godhead? As long as the high-level energy is compressed to a point, Then release it in some way…”

“Damn it, my research has been noticed. Do the villains from the temple want to make our people become slaves of the gods forever?”

“I can’t hide here anymore. I want to go back to the Magic Tower. In order to show goodwill to the gods, the people who arrested me this time turned out to be people from the Palace Mage Group. Maybe they can understand me, at least they study me. It has to be handed over to…”

This notebook ends here. These are part of the description that Richard can understand. There are a lot of theoretical explanations and experimental data in the notebook. Richard himself is confused about these. There are some things. It cannot be understood by just recognizing the words. Of course, in this era, I am afraid that no one in this era has the theoretical knowledge to analyze the content in the notes. Luo Lin, the highest level among human magicians at present, is only an official magician. That’s all, there are several gaps between him and the owner of the note.

“In the end, this place was not destroyed, only the mage tower on the ground was destroyed? Was it the palace mage group of the Elf Empire who saved it?”

Richard judged from the rock formations that the underground ruins should be very deep. There is no physical connection to the outside world. They are all connected by teleportation arrays. The teleportation arrays that were hidden by the elves and magicians at that time were activated by the system. Only then could he enter the ruins so easily.

It seems that the elven mages have been dissatisfied with the gods for more than a day or two. The so-called mad emperor in the history of the elven empire was a figure four thousand years later in the elven history.

The owner of this notebook was more than three hundred years earlier than the Mad Emperor when he did these studies. However, if the owner of this notebook knew about the Mad Emperor’s deeds, he should be angry. Although the Mad Emperor gave the Elf Empire to There was no more fun, but he succeeded in dragging the gods into sinking together, which was like fulfilling half of this elf mage’s long-cherished wish.

After sighing, Richard did not waste any more time and ordered several people:

“Look for any valuable books, we are going to go up first.”

After reading the entire note, Richard has no interest at all in the strange biological modification technology recorded in it. It is completely two systems. Even if he puts the most complete process in front of all human magicians, he will not be interested in it at all. Anyone who can replicate the achievements of this Elf Saint Magister cannot do this without hundreds of years of technological accumulation.

What interests Li is the artificial godhead mentioned in the notes. Judging from the meaning of the notes, this Holy Magister has really researched it, but was intervened by the temple at the last moment. It seems that the subsequent research will not be completed. It is impossible to continue, and I don’t know if he has ever created a real thing.

To Richard’s disappointment, after waiting for a long time, he didn’t get any good news. Apart from finding some corrupt tools, nothing valuable was found here.

“Forget it, let’s go up first.”

Richard still has a sense of proportion in his heart. The important thing is to complete the exploration and build the main city with towers (mage). As long as the main city is defended, this ruins will be his back garden from now on. You can explore as much as you want. .

This area where the prison and the biological transformation platform are combined is only a corner of the ruins. There are still many places in the entire ruins that have not been explored.

It was easy when they arrived, but when they returned, Richard and others encountered some difficulties.

When the group of them had just walked through the prison area, a change occurred.

I don’t know when everyone touched the mechanism. Several cracks opened on the four walls at the same time, and eight dark golden demon statues floated out of them.

Yes, they floated out. The upper body of these demon statues has two arms that are comparable to heavy hammers, but the lower body is a square stone platform. I don’t know why they float in the air like this, and then move at a slow speed. Slowly approaching Richard and others.

The positions of these dark golden stone statues must have been calculated, and the eight stone statues just happened to surround Richard and others.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it makes sense to encounter the eight stone statues on the way out. This is originally a prison and experimental place for terrifying creatures. When this elf holy magician is here, he will definitely not Something can escape from the prison, but if he leaves, it will be troublesome if these strange modified creatures escape, so when you walk to this place, these eight dark golden golems will come out. stop.


Looking at the eight dark golden golems coming around, Richard’s face also showed some solemnity. Although he has not yet tested the combat power of these golems, these guards who are used to prevent powerful creatures in the prison from escaping may not be good. Dismiss, fortunately, he is also surrounded by powerful people.

The two outstanding swordsmen first mobilized their fighting spirit and attacked the dark golden golem in front, preparing to test each other’s strength.


The fighting spirit of the outstanding swordsman caused a lot of movement on the dark golden golem, but the effect was not very good.

The sky-level Dou Qi bombardment only caused a few pieces of gravel to fall from the hit dark golden golem, without even stopping its approach.


In addition to using fighting spirit to attack from a distance, two outstanding swordsmen rushed over quickly, and their huge swords hit the dark golden golem. The dark golden golem did not make any block or dodge movements, and directly used The body received the blow from the outstanding swordsman.

The effect of the heavy sword slash was better than the fighting spirit bombardment just now, but it also did not affect the action of the golem. The heavy hammer in front of the golem directly hit the outstanding swordsman in front of him, and the outstanding swordsman retracted the heavy sword. After blocking, he was hit by a “bang” and took a few steps back.

The power of this golem is still higher than that of an outstanding swordsman. If it were a weaker one, being hit by the golem might not be a matter of taking a few steps back.

“Come back, don’t get caught up in them.”

After the outstanding swordsman tested them like this, Richard probably saw the strength of these dark golden golems. Although they were powerful, they were not enough to force him to use teleportation to escape.

These golems have strong defense, and are difficult to hurt even the outstanding swordsmen of the mid-level sky. Their attack methods are average. As long as you pay attention to them, the skills of the few people here will not be hurt. If you must divide them, it will probably be The strength of Sky’s primary level can be used to exert the effect of Sky’s mid-level in such a narrow and open environment. As a battle golem created by a mage, it is already very good. If it is put on the battlefield , it can definitely exert the effect of a bulldozer.

These golems are like bosses with thick skin and low attack power. They can be killed by grinding them for a while. The only trouble is that there are eight of them.

But Richard has no intention of spending time with them here. These big guys don’t seem to move very fast. It’s better to just teleport out and get rid of them to see if they will keep chasing them.

After several people gathered together, Richard silently started teleportation, and his destination was the wooden door where they had just arrived.

Just the next second after using the skill, the smile on Richard’s face gradually froze.

Skill activation failed…

“Natalis! Prepare to fight! Destroy these stone blocks!”

Fortunately, everyone except Richard did not relax and maintained their fighting posture. After Richard gave the order, they just fought with the stone statues that surrounded them~


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