Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 378: Special features



Richard almost without hesitation chose to place the main city of the tower (mage) force. However, the buildings of the tower (mage) force did not rise from the ground like the cities of other forces before. Instead, they followed the After a huge tremor, the snow and ice on the ground melted away, revealing a large area of ​​ground made of a marble-like material.

In the middle of the black and gray stone floor, a small piece of red lit up, with red mysterious runes floating on it. It looked somewhat similar to the appearance of the teleportation array, but it was just a little smaller, like a miniature version. Teleportation array.

“Special existence appears in the ruins of the Mage Tower, which can be placed after exploration.”

Here, Richard was also reminded by the system that the main city of the tower (mage) force failed to be placed. The reason is that the ruins in front of him have special existence?

The snow giants and dragons who were waiting for the miracle to appear were a little embarrassed. When the ground shook just now, they thought there would be big changes. Unexpectedly, this change was a bit anticlimactic. In addition to the appearance of an open space and a Apart from the small piece of mysterious runes that glowed red, there was not much change, nor did it look like the imaginary city.

“Sir Richard, do we need to build a city here now?”

The first person to ask was Mangu. Richard proudly told him before that a city would appear on the site, and they would resist the attack of the Snow Giant King’s court in the city. Now it doesn’t look like there is a city. What does it look like? Is it necessary to build a new city on the same spot, but it is difficult to find suitable materials to build a city in the snowfield? Moreover, the Snow Giant Royal Court will not give them time to slowly build the city.

Faced with Barbarian Bones’ question, Richard did not respond. Instead, he frowned and stared at the conspicuous red light in the middle. His previous deception was just a trivial matter. Now it is obvious that the system wants him to explore the special characteristics of the magic tower ruins. It has something to do with this red teleportation array.

Li Cha did not approach the circle of red light immediately, fearing that he would be sent away directly. The thing would take him somewhere and delay him for a while. When he came back, the day lily would be cold.

And based on the bad habits of the elf magicians back then, he would not believe it unless there were some traps in the magic tower ruins. Entering the magic tower ruins to explore would not only delay a lot of time, but also bring some dangers. Do you want to It is a problem to put yourself at risk for the main city of the tower (mage) power.

“Damn it, do it!”

After much thought, Richard, who had not put himself in danger for a long time, decided to fight for the new main city.

The main city of the tower (mage) is of great significance to him. It is not only an outpost placed in the snowfield, but the main city of the tower (mage) itself is likely to have more connections with magic. Maybe it can be through the tower ( Mage) established the main city to gain more magical abilities.

No matter how bad it is, the mass-produced seventh-level Titan is still very delicious, and it is worth the risk.

And after repeated consideration, Richard believed that the danger he faced was within an acceptable range.

First of all, his own strength is already good. When used with all his strength, he has high-level combat power in the sky. Not to mention being top-notch in this era, even in the Elf Empire period a thousand years ago, it was The master who can call the number is on the same level as the magician, but there is a difference in status.

If this magic tower was left behind by an elf mage, it would never threaten the life of a master of the same level. Moreover, Richard also has his own teleportation skills. If he really encounters an irresistible danger, he can just activate teleportation and run out.


“Lord Richard!”

Moriel has also been observing the red runes appearing in the open space. Although she is not very accomplished in magic, she is more knowledgeable than Richard. She has already felt the extraordinaryness of the red runes when they appeared on the ground. He probably guessed the purpose of this red light, and when he heard Richard calling him, he thought he had to go in and explore together.

“Moriel, take the dragons and the giants around you. If there are other snow giants that come close to spy, try to lure them away. If that doesn’t work, destroy them. I will lead people to explore this ruins.”

“There may be some dangers in this… ruins.”

“Nothing, I’ll take Natalie and Mills in with them. If there’s any danger, I’ll teleport out.”

It was Richard’s decision not to bring Moriel in. Part of Moriel’s strength lies in transforming into a dragon. The ruins of the magic tower are obviously in the underground space, which is not suitable for Moriel of Huawei Dragon. Richard’s This time, he only chose to bring Natalis and two archangels and two outstanding swordsmen to enter together. Moriel took the dragons to guard outside and prevent others from coming to cause trouble.

“Yes, sir!”

Although Moriel was a little worried about Richard’s safety, she would not hesitate at critical moments. After Richard made a clear decision, she immediately obeyed the order.

“Let’s go and have a look.”

After arranging the task for Moriel, Richard led the people to approach the red teleportation array in the middle of the plain.

Looking closer, the light seems to be directly connected to the ground. The material of the surrounding stone slabs is somewhat different. The nearby ground has many strange lines outlined with silver material, which looks like ancient elven language, but Richard couldn’t fully translate the meaning.

Forget it, get ready to go.

Of course, the first person to approach the red rune could not be Richard himself. The outstanding swordsman Fred stepped onto the red teleportation array one step ahead of Richard. The moment he walked up, he disappeared into Li Cha’s body. Look before your eyes.

After Fred disappeared, Richard paused for a few minutes. After checking from the system that Fred was still alive, Richard let several of his men enter the teleportation array at once, while he and Natalie Finally accept the transfer.

“Master Richard, there is no danger for the time being.”

“There is such a big space.”

When Richard came in, the surrounding area had been explored for a while by Fred, who came in first. The danger was eliminated for him. The space inside the ruins was larger than Richard imagined. The location where they came in was A hall, the dome of this hall alone seems to be six or seven meters high. It is obviously underground. Excavation of such a large space underground would require a much larger amount of work than building a similar house.

And this hall of several hundred square meters is obviously just a small area of ​​the ruins. Looking towards the end of the hall, you can see a passage with no end in sight, and no one knows where it leads.

Li Cha stood at the entrance of the passage and observed for a few minutes but didn’t see anything interesting. He simply led the people along the passage. Two outstanding swordsmen opened the way in front, and two archangels stood behind. Natalie was in the center of the team so she could be ready to support in the event of an accident.

On both sides of the passage, there are always red magic lights lighting up, so that Richard and others do not need to use lighting torches and other tools, but this is actually not a good phenomenon. After so many years, since this can be Even the dispensable lights can maintain power supply, which means that the functions of this magic tower ruins are still sufficient and have not been ruined with the passage of time. Then it is very likely that some of the defense methods set up by the owner of the magic tower have not failed.

“Be careful and don’t be careless.”

“Yes, sir.”

In fact, there is no need for Richard to remind him. Both the outstanding swordsman and the archangel are existences with extremely rich combat experience, and it is impossible to relax their vigilance in such a strange environment.

“Sir, there is a door ahead.”

After walking along the passage for more than ten minutes, some changes finally appeared in front of me. A door appeared on both sides of the passage. Richard randomly picked a door and walked over to check it out.

The door is made of wood. Although it is still intact, after the baptism of time, Richard still smells a smell of decay when he approaches.

He stretched out his hand and pushed the wooden door. Although the whole door was rotten, it was still quite strong. Although he did not use his fighting spirit, Richard did not deliberately withdraw his force. He used the strength comparable to that of a giant dragon to push the wooden door, but he did not push the door. Open, I’m afraid this is not as simple as a simple wooden door.

There is nothing on the door handle that is suspected to be a keyhole. This door should not be opened with a key. Looking at the mysterious runes on it, it seems to be related to magic.

Richard took two steps back and signaled to Fred, the outstanding swordsman next to him. Fred raised the giant sword in his hand and took a step back. Then he shouted and exploded with all his fighting spirit before hitting the wooden door with his sword. superior.


After the loud noise, the wooden door actually cracked a small hole under the heavy sword. With Fred’s strength, let alone smashing a wooden door, some castle iron doors of poor quality like Fred’s Even a sword blow would break it open, but only a small hole was left on the wooden door. This door was indeed a little weird.

However, don’t be afraid of weirdness, just be afraid of ineffectiveness. As long as you can make a hole, continue to smash. Violence is not the best way to solve problems, but sometimes it is the most effective way.

Two outstanding swordsmen took turns attacking the wooden door. Huge echoes continued to come from the corridor. Finally, a few minutes later, Fred struck hard. The wooden door, which had been covered with scars, finally couldn’t bear it anymore and completely shattered.

A dark passage was revealed. Behind the door, there was actually a downward tunnel. And although there was light in the tunnel, it was much dimmer than the passage outside. It was hard to tell how deep the tunnel was. It was a bit dangerous. Feel.

“Light the fire and go down.”

Regardless of whether there was danger or not, Richard, who had already entered the ruins, had no chance of backing down. He directed everyone to light torches and walk towards the tunnel behind the door.

The group of people came down smoothly and encountered no danger. The tunnel was not as long as expected. After turning a few turns, they came to a slightly more open space.

It’s just that although this place is wide, the smell of decay is getting heavier and heavier. This smell of decay is not the smell of decaying wood just now, but more like the smell of decay brought by corpses. There are probably many corpses in this place.

“Sir Richard, something is not right around here. We seem to be in a prison.”

Richard also saw that this place was a prison, not an ordinary prison. The dome here was several times higher than the one at the entrance just now, at least a space of thirty meters high.

There are cells on both sides of them now, but the size of this cell is a bit too big. The iron railings on the front are all half a meter thick. It seems that the material is not ordinary metal. What are these cells made of? What kind of monster are you here to imprison?

Soon, Richard’s curiosity was satisfied. The outstanding swordsman approached a cell with a torch. By the light of the fire, Richard saw several huge iron chains and a huge corpse.

A giant dragon corpse that looked at least thirty meters tall.

“Is there an ancient dragon imprisoned here?”

“No, there’s more than one giant dragon, there’s also a dragon head.”

“But why is there only one more head and one missing body part?”

After carefully observing the giant dragon corpse, Richard discovered the bright spots in it.

“The junction of the cervical vertebrae is so thick and bifurcated. These elf mages are really good at playing.”

This turned out to be a two-headed ancient dragon that was suspected to be made by elves. It was simply outrageous.

“Sir Richard, do you need to go in?”

“Forget it, it’s of no value, just keep reading.”

Li Cha looked at the half-meter-thick fences and decisively gave up the idea of ​​opening them to take a look. This was a prison used to prevent the ancient dragon from escaping. It was much stronger than the wooden door just now. It would be difficult to break it open. so easy.

Besides, there is only the corpse of an ancient dragon inside. Although the dragon bone has a certain value, it is not exaggerated. He is not a necromancer, so there is no need to waste too much time here.

Next, Richard saw the elf mage’s prison. The corpse of a giant more than ten meters high had some metal objects on it, and it looked like it had been modified.

There is also an orc with six hands, a giant eagle with two pairs of wings, a giant wolf with three heads, and finally there is something that is difficult for Richard to accept. There is actually a half-modified one that looks like The corpse of a human or elf.

No wonder, the ruins of this mage tower are underground. I am afraid that even during the Elf Empire, these studies were not visible to the light. The ground buildings of the mage tower are normal things. I am afraid that there are some problems with the ones placed underground. .

“I’m afraid the elves back then weren’t that white lotus-like.”

Just looking at these studies, we know that during the Elf Empire, these Elf mages had a superior and indifferent attitude and did not treat human orcs as equal intelligent creatures at all.

Enduring the intense discomfort, Richard walked through an area similar to biological specimens and then came to a round platform with some debris around it. It looked like the place where the owner of the magic tower worked daily.

“Look around to see if there is anything missing.”

“Yes, sir.”

This is the only advantage of exploring with his men. At least he can find things faster. Natalie stayed by Richard’s side, alert to possible dangers, while the others began to rummage through the nearby miscellaneous items. Things come.

“Be gentle, don’t break things.”

“Sir Richard, there seems to be a book here!”

An outstanding swordsman actually found the most valuable thing among the debris on the round platform, a book wrapped in unknown materials. Although it looked old, it was still intact.

The cover of the book shows orthodox elven writing. Richard had studied elven writing before. Although he was not proficient in it, he just happened to recognize that line of writing.

To the effect:

“On how to create creatures that rival gods.”


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