Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 377: Task rewards and depth


It is reasonable for Elena’s level to be greatly improved. After all, among several powerful heroes, only Elena was recruited by Richard in his early days. At that time, Richard’s own level was not high, which led to the Elena’s initial level is much lower than Moriel, Natalies and others, but in terms of growth potential, Elena is at the same level as them.

After this battle, Elena herself also has the strength of the elementary level of the sky, and the Angel’s Advent specialty can also allow her to upgrade her strength to the level of the intermediate level of the sky, finally pulling back her slightly lagging strength. Come up.

And even now, Elena’s level is still five or six levels behind Moriel and Natalies. When Elena’s level catches up, she should not be weaker than the two.

After the upgrade, Elena reported the situation to Richard and began to take up the task of rescuing the wounded soldiers. Elena has always been enthusiastic about this kind of thing, which is why Elena easily won the support of the soldiers. s reason.

Quil organized his men to clean the battlefield. In addition to searching for survivors among the large bodies of corpses, he also had to identify the dead and bring them back as much as possible.

The bodies of snow giants also need to be cleaned up. Although the temperature here in the wilderness border has dropped, it is impossible to just leave the bodies alone. Because of the existence of snow giants, there are no other predatory animals in the snowfield, but there are some scavenging birds. Human beings can’t digest so many snow giant corpses. The wilderness border is Richard’s own territory, so naturally he has to clean it up. Cleaning up the snow giant corpses is more troublesome than dealing with the orc corpses before. These snow giants It took more than ten soldiers to move the body.

Moriel and Natalies brought some high-level soldiers to help manage the prisoners of war. These snow giant prisoners of war, mainly young and strong, were still a bit threatening, and they brought many old and weak prisoners with them than before. The Ice Flame Department is a little more difficult to manage, so when setting rules at the beginning, you still have to be careful.

In the end, Richard, who inspected the wounded barracks, was free and there was no need for him to do anything for the time being.

It just so happened that at this time, Richard still had an important reward to receive. After explaining it to Moriel and others, Richard activated teleportation. After using his skills twice, Richard appeared. In the Congress Hall of Stone Castle, with the magic of teleportation, it really saved Richard a lot of time on the road. Otherwise, with the distance from Richard’s wilderness border to Stone Castle, even if he rode the Flying Dragon King, he would still be able to run wildly. It will take a day.

“Quest: Wrath of the Snow Giant (Completed), do you want to receive the reward?”


“Congratulations on receiving 3.5 million bonus experience points.”

“Congratulations on getting the reward treasure: Dragon Shield

Effect: Defense of the holder and his soldiers +5

Introduction: A shield made of the hardest armor on the dragon’s body, one of the accessories that combines the divine power of the Dragon King. ”

“Congratulations on getting the reward Ice Giant X1”

The rewards for the mission about the Snow Giant are extremely generous. The experience alone is more than three million points. The progress bar of Richard’s experience value has moved forward a lot, and he has obtained another accessory of the Dragon King’s divine power on the treasure. First, according to this progress, the collection of the components of the Dragon King’s divine power is already close at hand. Richard is still very much looking forward to the effect of the divine weapon Dragon King’s divine power in reality.

The unit still rewards a seventh-level advanced unit, an Ice Giant whose combat power is comparable to that of a Titan. This unit is slightly more special. According to Richard’s observation, the Ice Giant unit is obviously related to the Snow Giant. Relatedly, in terms of appearance, the Ice Giant is very similar to the Snow Giant. They both have white skin and are about the same height as the Snow Giant General Frederick. However, when worn, the Ice Giant looks more advanced and has the same height as the Titan. Just a suit of armor and a helmet, there must be some connection between the ice giant and the snowfield.

But just based on the existing information, Richard couldn’t figure out the reason, so he didn’t waste any more time. He picked up the dragon shield that looked normal on the table and went out with the dragon shield he had been waiting for. The ice giant activated teleportation and came to the military camp outside Miracle City.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

Now that many troops have gathered in Miracle City, Rhodes personally led the Griffin Legion to Miracle City. Although the Griffin Legion was established not long ago, it was originally the Jingbei Army of Piaoxue City. Basically, after Rhodes took over and rectified it for a period of time, there have been some subtle changes in the momentum. At least in Richard’s view, it can be said that it is an army that can fight.

“Thank you for your hard work!”

“It is my honor to be able to relieve adults’ worries!”

Rhode, a handsome blond boy, still looked like he abided by the code of knights. When he saw Richard, he saluted respectfully. Richard couldn’t hold him back and had to let him go.

“Let the troops have a good rest these days, and the heavy equipment must be well maintained. Next, wait for my order. When you are needed, act as quickly as possible.”

“Yes, sir! The Griffin Legion never slacks off!”

After Richard returned to Stone Castle to receive the reward, he took a look at the Griffin Legion that had just arrived in Miracle City. Rhodes led the Griffin Legion to arrive much faster than Richard expected. , after a inspection, it can be seen that Rhodes is rigorous in running the army. The combat effectiveness of the army may not be as elite as the Flying Bear Army and the Dragon Army for the time being, but this is just because the army has not been established for a long time and has experienced less battles. With Rhodes, Ability has nothing to do with it.

“Lord Richard? Will there be any combat missions when we come to Miracle City?”

After following Richard on his inspection, Rhodes finally couldn’t help but ask. After all, common sense suggests that with the current strength of the Hunter family, there is no force around that can directly threaten Miracle City. The Eagle Legion was transferred to Miracle City, and it was unclear whether there would be any combat missions.

“There will be a teleportation array in the Stone Fortress. You have to go to the battlefield through the teleportation array. Butler Egger will then send the prepared cold-proof clothes. The cold-proof clothes will be distributed to each soldier first.”

The matter of the teleportation array built by Lieutenant General Boulder Castle is not worth keeping secret. Besides, the person asking the question is also Rhodes, who is trustworthy, and Richard has no intention of hiding it. Clothing to keep out the cold has been prepared for a long time. The northernmost part of the kingdom will encounter an extreme cold wave from time to time. Richard has already prepared a lot of cold clothes for the army. He has not used them in winter, but it is almost here. During the summer, it was used by the army that was about to go on an expedition.

“Understood, no matter where the destination is, the Griffin Legion is the sharpest spear in your hand!”


Richard, who was used to Rhodes’s secondary words, was no longer so embarrassed. Instead, he nodded and expressed a hint of appreciation.

Now that the Griffin Army and the Sun Army are in place, and the Dragon Army a little further away is on the way, after confirming that there are no problems with the preparations in Miracle City, Richard encouraged Rhodes a few words and then led He returned to the battlefield at the wilderness border with the ice giant who had just been rewarded by the mission. This time he came with such a powerful force, not only to defeat the Snow Wind Tribe, but also to go deep into the snowfield, find the ruins of the magic tower, and build a tower city. That is his ultimate goal.


More than a dozen giants were running wildly on the white land, and the surrounding tribes were skillfully avoided by them. They kept moving firmly in one direction with a very clear purpose.

Thousands of meters high in the sky, more than a dozen giant dragons are dotted behind these giants.

“I don’t know how far it is. If we go there like this, we will be discovered by the snow giant sooner or later.”

This group of people was naturally Richard and others. Mangu had no time to stay in his Ice Flame tribe for two more days, so he embarked on a journey deep into the snowfield again, but this time the people he brought were much stronger. In addition to In addition to the original few warriors of the Ice Flame Tribe, there are also two more Titans and two Ice Giants in the team. This is a high-end power that can only be produced by a large tribe.

There are more than a dozen giant dragons following in the sky. If necessary, this kind of power can directly drive away a medium-sized tribe to **** their hunting grounds, and can even discuss the issue of dividing hunting grounds with a large tribe.

However, this is just a thought. According to Richard’s order, they tried their best to avoid contact with other snow giants along the way, and they were very lucky. They didn’t even come into contact with other tribes when passing through their territory. Other hunting members of the Snow Giant Tribe encountered this, and in the process they “stole” prey twice from other people’s hunting grounds for supplies, but they were never caught. Their luck was much better than the last time they came.

Of course, no matter how you avoid it, the dozen giant dragons in the sky are still a bit dazzling. In fact, many snow giant tribes have discovered the giant dragons in the sky. However, due to the slow transmission of information, many snow giants in the snowfield do not know yet. The Xuefeng tribe was defeated, and they did not know that a large number of giant dragons participated in that battle. Looking at the giant dragons above their heads, they thought they were just passing by. Anyway, as a small and medium-sized tribe, they could not afford to offend more than a dozen giant dragons. .

The big tribe may be a little more careful, but they don’t know the dragon’s purpose yet and haven’t taken any action. The reason why Richard led people to the ruins of the magic tower the next day was to grab a time gap. , at least before the Snow Giant Wang Ting reacts, the defense of Tower City should be arranged first.

“Sir, I think we may have been discovered by other snow giants.”

Natalis, who was riding on another giant dragon, responded to Richard, so that Richard didn’t have to be embarrassed by talking to himself.

“Their speed is too slow. If this continues, I am afraid that the Snow Giant Wang Ting will receive the news, and we may not be able to reach the ruins.”

Although the snow giant’s legs are fast, it is still not as fast as the giant dragon flying in the sky. Although the giants below seem to be moving at an extremely fast speed, they are as slow as a tortoise to the giant dragon. Now The following dragons have been suppressing their own speed, even less than one-third of the normal speed, and they have to worry about accidentally exceeding it.

“Sir, as far as I know, the snow giants do not have any fast way of transmitting information. They still rely on people to transmit messages. Maybe the tribes around the battlefield can get the message quickly, but it takes Wang Ting, who is located deep in the snowfield, to receive the message. It won’t be too fast. With Mangu’s speed, we should be able to reach our destination before the Snow Giant Wang Ting takes notice.”


Li Cha nodded. In fact, he just complained casually. Looking from above, he saw a vast expanse of white on the snowfield. If Man Gu and others didn’t lead the way, he might be able to fly with the giant dragon by himself. After a while, I couldn’t find the direction. When I looked down, there wasn’t even a landmark that could serve as a guide. I had to follow Man Gu to find the ruins accurately. There was no way to go slower.

Three days later

Yukikaze Club

The first destination of the defeated Snow Giant warriors after escaping was their own tribe. In order to maintain the population, the Snow Giants would impose certain penalties on escapees on the battlefield, but at most they would only eliminate the culprit or Traditionally, those who caused serious consequences would not execute deserters on a large scale, so the Yukikaze soldiers who fled returned to the tribe naturally.

Nearly a hundred snow giants returned to the tribe this morning, bringing shocking news to the tribe.

“Just chasing a few bugs, and Frederick is dead?”

At this time, the senior leaders of the Yukikaze Department who had confirmed the fact of defeat were gathering together to discuss countermeasures. As the leader of the Yukikaze Department, August Yukikaze still looked like he could not believe it. A simple task That’s all. The fanfare when Frederick set out still made him a little dissatisfied. Unexpectedly, not only did he lose a lot of soldiers, but Frederick himself fell into it. Although he didn’t like Frederick, an ambitious relative, from the perspective of the tribe’s interests, the loss of such a master as Frederick was a big blow to the Yukikaze tribe.

“Sir Chief, according to what the deserters said, the enemies Frederick dealt with were not the bugs of those small tribes at all, but the human army and the sudden appearance of the dragon.”

“Giant dragon? The white dragon has been driven away by us. Why would a giant dragon suddenly appear somewhere? Isn’t it really an excuse for those guys to escape?”

“Everyone said that a giant dragon appeared. It couldn’t be fabricated. Sir, this matter is no longer our Snow Wind Department’s own business. With the addition of humans and giant dragons, we must report to the king immediately. Ting, let Wang Ting initiate the summons, just like he did with Bai Long.”

“They are different from the White Dragon clan. They only operate in the harsh environment in the southernmost area. They are not a threat to Wang Ting. I am afraid Wang Ting will not come forward.”

“Lord Leader! A patrol discovered a large group of dragons passing by in the sky!”

Just when Augustus was distressed, a snow giant warrior came over and reported an unexpected news to him. Those giant dragons actually penetrated deep into the snowfield.

No matter what they plan to do, Wang Ting will not sit back and ignore it now.

“Send someone to contact Wang Ting immediately! Tell them the situation. There is a spy colluding with the dragon to invade the snowfield, and the dragon wants to come back!”

“Sir Richard, this is it.”

“Whether to place a tower (mage) in the main city.”


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