Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 375: Dragon! dragon! dragon! (Changed)


“General Frederick, mankind can’t stand it anymore.”


Without the size of his subordinates, Frederick could also see that the human side was on the verge of collapse. As the champion knights left the battlefield, the remaining snow giant warriors accelerated into the battle. These last ones who entered the battle were all snow Although the elites of the Wind Department are not many in number, their combat effectiveness is still higher than that of the snow giants just now.

The Flying Bear Army, which was barely able to support itself in the first place, could no longer support it after the elites of the Snow Wind Tribe entered the battle in large numbers. After all, no matter how fierce and fearless they were, they would still be unable to withstand the absolute strength of the Snow Giant. If they were to Relying on ordinary troops to resist these more than a thousand knight-level Snow Giant warriors, according to the current battlefield conditions, at least more than 200,000 elites like the Flying Bear Army and a strong will to fight are needed to have a chance of fighting, and The Flying Bear Army, which currently has only 50,000 people, even with a small number of powerful system troops, can hardly resist this number of Snow Giant warriors. It can drive away a dragon race, even the weakest among the dragons. The white dragon cannot be done without two brushes.

It seems that the defeat of the human side is already doomed. Even Quill pulled out the sword on his waist and called to the surrounding guards to prepare for the last stand. Facing the snow giant, except for a small number of cavalry, With some systems that are stronger, most people have no possibility of escaping. They don’t even have a chance to retreat. How can ordinary soldiers run past these big guys who are at least six or seven meters tall?

As the commander-in-chief of the Flying Bear Army, Quill had no intention of surviving alone. In the final stage, he gathered the soldiers around him and prepared to become the first high-ranking official of the Hunter family to die in battle.

But at this moment, more than twenty giant dragons seemed to appear out of thin air in the sky. Among these giant dragons were black dragons and red dragons, but most of them were the kingdom’s signature golden dragons.

“Dragon, it’s a dragon! Our dragon is here to support!”

The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army who were already in dire straits suddenly let out a burst of cheers. They were very familiar with the Hunter family’s dragons. Although they didn’t know why so many more dragons suddenly appeared, but it looked like They are undoubtedly our own reinforcements. In the entire North, no other force except the Hunter family can use so many giant dragons.


More than twenty giant dragons breathed dragon breath from the air towards the Snow Giant warriors below. They avoided the contact area between the front and middle sections and directly attacked the rear formation of the Snow Giants where no human activity could be seen, avoiding a large amount of damage. The situation of accidental damage to the area.


More than twenty giant dragons suddenly appeared in the sky above the battlefield, and breathed dragon breath at the same area at the same time. The effect was much more shocking than any artillery fire coverage. Because they did not expect the appearance of the giant dragons, the formation of the snow giants was very dense. At this time, the evil consequences were highlighted. Nearly a hundred snow giants were within the attack range of the dragons’ breath.

The snow giant warriors on the periphery still had a chance to escape when they saw something was wrong. Originally, they were only on the edge of the dragon’s breath, but the snow giant warriors in the center, which were originally the safest position, had nowhere to escape. Being able to withstand the dragon’s breath, this is a dragon’s breath that even the top sky-level experts have difficulty withstanding. Even if the snow giant warrior has rough skin and thick flesh, it is impossible to withstand the high temperature of the dragon’s breath.

Their strong vitality can only allow them to survive for a few more seconds in the dragon’s breath. Surviving for a few more seconds is not a good thing. After all, not everything is better as time goes by. The snow giant who was burned by the dragon’s breath because The severe pain let out a hoarse scream, which made the surrounding snow giants feel scared. They even had the strength to run a few steps and instinctively ran to their companions for help, causing even greater chaos.

Due to the chaos at the rear and the large number of giant dragons that appeared in the sky, the snow giants rushing at the front also hesitated. Finally, the Flying Bear Army, which was on the verge of collapse, breathed a sigh of relief and launched a counterattack.

At this time, Elena was fighting on the front line and had lost control of the big move. Only Quill, who had just made up his mind to kill Cheng Ren, was slightly embarrassed when he raised his sword. The look that looked at death just now was not there for a moment. Calm down.

However, this sudden change does not affect Quill’s judgment of the situation. With the addition of the dragon, the offensive and defensive patterns have now changed, and it is time to counterattack.

“Send my order! Attack with the whole army! Everyone rush with me!”

In the end, Quill joined the battle with his sword. After giving the order, he rushed forward with his bodyguards.

On the other side, it was not just the giant dragons that entered the battle. However, they were large enough and appeared in the most conspicuous place above the battlefield. Naturally, they attracted all the attention. But besides the giant dragons, there were also other people on the battlefield. Two more Titans appeared.

Originally, a Titan and an Ice Giant have always been two solid nails on the human front. The elite Snow Giants led more than a dozen Snow Giants to besiege them, but they could not defeat them. They had no choice but to entangle them first, and now they Two ends appeared, and the snow giant warrior who rushed in front was also stunned.

Not only is the Titan’s lightning attack powerful, its fists are also harder than the Snow Giant’s, and it causes a greater impact on the Snow Giant in close combat.

The situation on the battlefield reversed instantly after the dragon appeared, and the whole process did not even take more than a minute.

The snow giant general Frederick, who was full of confidence just now and had a smile on his face, now has his mouth opened in an O-shape. The appearance of a giant dragon is already outrageous. White, who likes cold The dragon clan has been driven out of the snowfield by them. The golden dragon, black dragon, and red dragon are races that are not very interested in the cold climate. They should not appear in this snowfield. What is even more outrageous is the way they appear.

A large group of giant dragons (more than twenty dragons are considered a large group) appeared on the battlefield out of thin air, breathing dragon breath at the dense formation of snow giants. The snow giants, including Frederick, did not even react. There is no chance.

It’s not that the snow giant has no experience in dealing with dragon breath. After all, it has fought against the white dragon clan. When facing the giant dragon, don’t maintain an overly dense formation. Use a loose and mutually supportive formation, equipped with rocks and stone spears. The right way is to use the advantage of numbers to grind slowly. Frederick himself is a snow giant general with rich experience in fighting dragons, and he knows this very well.

But it was very unreasonable for Richard to bring the dragon into the field by teleportation. Frederick and his snow giant warriors suffered a big loss without even having time to react.

“Let our people spread out a little and use tactics like fighting the white dragon!”

“A team of four, three teams staring at a giant dragon! Avoid the dragon’s breath!”

“The vassal tribe warriors in the front row must be blocked by humans and are not allowed to retreat!”

After a slight hesitation, Frederick still issued the correct order. Although the situation he faced was a bit outrageous, Frederick did show the magnanimity of the three generals of the Xuefeng tribe. Flustered in the ups and downs, but still trying to stabilize the situation.

After all, the dragon’s breath attack range is not very far and cannot be sustained. When the dragon can attack with its breath to the height of the snow giant, the snow giant’s counterattack can also cause damage to the dragon.

Those simple stone spears and stones also did a lot of damage after being boosted by the huge power of the snow giant. They were hit too much and the giant dragon could not withstand it. If the giant dragon tried to pounce after the dragon breath was consumed, Melee combat is what the Snow Giant wants to see.

The previous White Dragon was stunned by the Snow Giant’s tactics. The Snow Giant pushed him all the way to the White Dragon’s lair and forced him to fight.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

After reacting, the elite members of the Yukikaze Department also looked a little more elite, and despite the intense discomfort, they made battle arrangements. Among them, the good ones had already started to accurately throw stone spears at the giant dragon in the sky.

It’s just that these giant dragons are much stronger than the white dragons they have faced. The golden dragon is one-third larger than the white dragon in size. It looks much more difficult to deal with. Some stone spears focus on the giant dragon. The effect is not as obvious as when dealing with the white dragon, it just makes the golden dragon or the black dragon suffer a little.

However, some of the effects were too obvious, making the snow giant warriors on the ground feel unreal.

A giant dragon that was clearly showing off its power and spitting out dragon’s breath just now suddenly disappeared the moment it was hit by a stone, as if it had never appeared before, but the dragon’s breath it just breathed out was so real that the temperature of the ground dropped. It hasn’t dropped yet.

The initiator of all this was of course Richard. After teleportation, Richard recorded a very useful magic, the Mirror Image Technique.

Although there are not many units that can be copied by Mirror Image in reality, and these units will dissipate immediately as soon as they are attacked, this does not prevent it from becoming a magical skill, because the creatures copied by Mirror Image will remain All of its attack capabilities, lifelike and lifelike, are used to replicate high-level creatures, which can be a great deterrent to the enemy.

These mirror image dragons that maintained attack capabilities were mixed among the real dragons, causing heavy casualties to the snow giants at first, and later also played a role in spreading firepower for other dragons. At this time, they finally Even if it was discovered, it would have already paid back.

Although the Snow Giant changed its fighting method after suffering heavy casualties and was barely able to fight against the giant dragon, the situation on the entire battlefield has actually been reversed. The Flying Bear Army, which was already in collapse just now, is now Their morale was high, and they roared with weapons and attacked the snow giants. The snow giants were a little confused because they were facing the human army on the ground and the dragon in the air at the same time. Moreover, their morale was greatly reduced because of the heavy casualties they had just suffered. Many warriors from the vassal tribes now seemed hesitant in the battle.

The high-end combat power brought by Richard is not limited to these big dragons. The two archangels directly inspired the bright white fighting spirit in mid-air and attached it to the long sword in their hands. They fell quickly and cut through easily. The throats of some confused Snow Giant warriors, the sky-level fighting spirit, even the elite Snow Giant warriors could not resist.

Compared to the giant dragons, these archangels, who are relatively dexterous and powerful in attack, make it even more difficult for the snow giants. Their movements cannot keep up with the archangels, and it is even more difficult for the long-range weapons in their hands to aim at the giant dragons like they just did. If you still aim at the archangel and attack, you can only passively endure casualties.

The balance of the war has clearly tilted towards the human side. However, because there is still the command of Frederick System and some personal soldiers holding the battle, although the snow giant warriors of the vassal tribe are hesitant, they have not yet escaped on a large scale. The Giants seem to be able to continue to maintain their performance from the scene.

However, this kind of maintenance cannot continue.

After a little observation, Richard had determined the location of the Snow Giant Commander. At this time, he looked at Natalie and Moriel beside him.

Teleportation was activated, and five masters, including two outstanding swordsmen, suddenly appeared in front of Frederick, feeling confident in their own strength. At this time, Frederick only had two subordinates and more than a dozen people around him. Personal soldiers are really a bit empty for Richard.


There was no unnecessary dialogue. The first second he arrived in front of Frederick, Richard inspired Vulcan to launch an attack. The red fighting spirit hit Frederick like a wave of fire, causing Frederick to hurriedly raise his hand. He raised the stone spear in his hand to resist.


Moriel also exploded with all her strength immediately, transforming into a black dragon of more than 20 meters, which was larger than the black dragon that was still entangled with the snow giant warrior not far away.


Frederick didn’t have time to think about the bizarre question of why the delicate human woman just now suddenly turned into such a ferocious dragon. His strong sense of combat made him roll away the moment Moriel turned into a dragon. He dodged hard and managed to avoid a large dragon’s breath.

But before he could get up, a black fighting spirit had already taken over.



This time Frederick was unable to dodge. The black fighting spirit hit him directly on the back, and the wound began to rot visibly to the naked eye. This was fighting spirit with a little death rule. After the hit, there would be a quick small It can fester over an area and be very fatal.

“General Frederick!”

Everything just happened in a flash of lightning. After Frederick was injured, the surrounding snow giant warriors came to their senses and wanted to rescue, but they were blocked by the dexterous and outstanding swordsman. In just a moment, Richard was approaching again with the Vulcan Sword in hand.



Frederick resisted Richard’s blow with difficulty, but failed to completely dodge the subsequent breath of the dragon, and half of his body was burned to coke.


Frederick, who had a strong vitality, did not die from the dragon’s breath, but he couldn’t help but scream in pain. When the dragon’s breath fell, half of his body was destroyed.

Richard was a humane person and did not let him suffer for too long. The Vulcan Sword flashed past and cut off Frederick’s head, and the screams stopped.

Under the sneak attack and siege of three masters of the same level who showed no respect for martial arts, Snow Giant General Frederick, a sky-level master, was decapitated by Richard before he could survive for even a minute…

PS: Sorry for not adjusting the time this week. I have been in a state of exhaustion. I will adjust it back on the weekend and a similar situation will not happen again.


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