Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 373: The power of the snow giant (changed)


Frederick is an important general of the Xuefeng tribe. Not only is he wiser than ordinary snow giants, but according to the strength of the Elf Empire period, he is also a sky-level strongman. He conquered the White Dragon in the Snow Giant Court. During the battle, Frederick tore apart more than one white dragon.

Among the three generals of the Snow Wind Tribe, he is also a relatively prestigious one. The senior leaders of the Snow Wind Tribe are basically related to each other. The son of the clan leader who was seriously injured by Xiaoman is also the nephew of Frederick in terms of relationship.

So when this incident happened, Frederick also used this reason to be particularly concerned. Not only did he mobilize his direct relatives, but he also recruited many vassals, as if he must seek justice for his nephew.

Of course, only he knows how much weight that good-for-nothing nephew actually has here.

However, no matter what Frederick’s purpose is, it does not affect his command ability. Not only the direct descendants of the Xuefeng tribe, but also the snow giant warriors of several affiliated tribes have also formed a relatively decent lineup under the command of Frederick. The team slowly pressed towards the human side at an unhurried pace.


The Titan was still the first to attack. After a thunder, a Snow Giant warrior at the forefront fell to the ground without any room to struggle. Frederick was still observing from a distance. My heart skipped a beat.

He couldn’t see the trajectory of the Titan’s lightning attack at all. With his strength, he couldn’t think of any attack that was so fast that he couldn’t see it. Even if he couldn’t resist it, he wouldn’t be able to see it clearly. The trajectory is.

This kind of completely unavoidable attack, if the target is him, he can only bear it forcefully. Looking at the power, it will probably be uncomfortable if it falls on him. Although ordinary snow giant warriors are not as strong as him, the snow giant race has the advantage Right here, his vitality was so tenacious that he could struggle for a long time even after being pierced by the mammoth tusks. However, he fell to the ground immediately after being hit by this unknown attack, which showed that it was quite powerful.

However, Frederick is not too worried. Just like in the intelligence, it takes a long time for the opponent to launch a similar attack. Looking at the frequency of the opponent, he will not be able to attack when the soldiers on his side rush forward. Came three times.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Get ready!”

Shortly after the Titan launched the attack, the Flying Bear Army’s Divine Power Crossbow was not idle either. The Divine Power Crossbow, which had already been set up, began to be loaded quickly under the command of the officer. The five-meter-long giant arrow hit several soldiers. was pressed up with the combined force.

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

When the Divine Power Crossbow was fired, it made a muffled sound unique to a giant crossbow, and more than a dozen giant arrows flew towards the snow giant in the distance.

“Poof! Poof!…”


Because the Snow Giants travel in formations, and the Snow Giants’ targets are large enough, the hit rate of the dozen giant arrows is quite high. Nearly ten of them directly hit the Snow Giant warriors in the front row, the Divine Power Crossbow. The power of the weapon is also quite gratifying. The crudely made leather shield in the hands of the snow giant warriors cannot withstand the impact of such heavy equipment at all. It easily breaks through the leather shield in the hands of the snow giant warriors, and then penetrates the shield behind the leather shield without any hindrance. The snow giant warriors, even with the snow giant’s defensive capabilities, were completely unable to withstand the power of this giant arrow.

Some unlucky snow giants were even strung together on the same giant arrow, resulting in a situation where one pierced two.

“Not bad!”

This is the first time that the Flying Bear Army has used the Divine Power Crossbow to attack such a large target since it was equipped with the Divine Power Crossbow. The ogres in the wilderness cannot test the true power of such a heavy weapon as the Divine Power Crossbow.

This effect is surprisingly good in Quill’s opinion. It is indeed a weapon created by the ordnance factory that integrates all the outstanding craftsmen in the North, regardless of cost.


The soldiers responsible for operating the Shenwei Crossbow had no time to appreciate their results and quickly started the complicated loading work after one round of firing.


When the Snow Giant advanced to a distance of more than 400 meters, the Titan Giant fired a second bolt of lightning, which also made Frederick unable to see the slightest trace. Another Snow Giant warrior did not even leave any blood on his body. He fell to the ground.

And this time, not only did the Titan send out lightning, but the Ice Giant also fired an ice spear. The ice giant’s attack range was not as good as the Titan’s, but the power of the ice spear was not much inferior. It was also a single blow. A snow giant warrior in the front row fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight. However, in Frederick’s eyes, his blow still had a slight trajectory, and at least he could be prepared to resist it in advance.

“Order the soldiers to speed up. There is no need to conserve energy and move forward at full speed. Just launch a charge!”

After seeing the long-range methods of the humans on the opposite side, Frederick quickly changed his mind. In the past, the tactic of forming a queue and walking quickly to approach the target was a tactic used to intimidate the same race on the snowy field. Everyone was of similar size. , and there are no long-range means, so naturally we should fight like this. Now facing humans, conserving physical strength is not a priority. As long as we rush into the human front first, there is actually not much difference between fighting with seven or ten points of force and that group of little beans. , such a slow advancement is easily consumed by the opponent’s long-range means.

“Get ready!”

“Let it go!”

After the Snow Giant accelerated, the Divine Power Crossbow finally completed loading again. More than ten giant arrows once again caused about ten snow giant casualties, but the role of the Divine Power Crossbow ended here. This distance Here, there is no time to reload the Shenwei Crossbow for the third time.

“Get ready for battle!”

“Kill, kill!”

According to Elena’s arrangement, several Snow Giants from the Ice Flame Division, like the Titans, were interspersed in the Flying Bear Army’s front line. Dozens of fanatics were also evenly distributed in order to stabilize the front line. Trying to maintain morale as much as possible, several champion knights were not assigned to charge on the front line this time. No matter how strong they were, charging against thousands of snow giants would be courting death.

The champion knight was arranged by Elena to wait for the opportunity on the flank to avoid a head-on collision. Of course, Elena herself had to be among the army. She, Zhu Shuai, could not show any cowardice whatsoever.

A large number of soldiers of the Flying Bear Army gathered together with their special horses holding spears or holding trip ropes. Many of their palms were sweating nervously, and veterans with high morale were here. The Zhong formations also felt a little weak in front of the battle. Fortunately, they were old troops and had strong ideas. No one had the idea of ​​​​escape when faced with the snow giants coming like a wall.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!…”

At a distance of more than 200 meters, five phantom shooters and more than a dozen senior monks also launched attacks. The blue missiles and white cold arrows concentrated their attacks on the snow giant running at the front, and then knocked it down. Two snow giant warriors were killed.

However, at this distance, it is no longer just the human side’s long-range attacks, and the snow giants also retaliate.


Snow giants don’t have any professional long-range attack methods, not even throwing spears. Tools are hard to find in the snowfields, and having someone with a carefully crafted stone spear already makes the Xuefeng tribe very wealthy.

The snow giant’s long-range attack is very primitive. It just throws some rocks the size of the head. This pitiful attack method that seems primitive to humans has become extremely terrifying after being expanded several times in size. stand up.

The snow giant with amazing arm strength easily threw these stones as big as heads over two hundred meters and smashed them into the Flying Bear Army’s formation.




The scene of hundreds of snow giants throwing stones was no less than hundreds of catapults firing stones towards the human side. Stones the size of heads rained down on the flying bear army formation, which was placed later. The Divine Power Crossbow was still within the attack range of these rocks. The Divine Power Crossbow, which was being taken care of by the Snow Giant, was smashed to pieces in the third round of loading. Most of it was directly smashed into pieces. The soldiers operating the Divine Power Crossbow They also fled away with their heads in their hands. No one could continue to reload with such an attack.

Other soldiers didn’t fare well either. Ordinary shields couldn’t block the attack of such stones. Once they were smashed down, half of their bodies were numb. Some of the more unlucky ones were hit on the head, along with their heads. The helmets were smashed together and deformed, and the red and white things immediately flowed out along the helmets, leaving no room for struggle.

“Steady, steady!”

“Don’t mess up!”

“Don’t mess up!”

Under this wave of long-range attacks by the Snow Giant, the system army was okay. Although there were not many system troops under Elena’s command, most of them were mid-level or above units such as fanatics and senior monks, so they would not be thrown by the Snow Giant. The rocks caused too many casualties, and the system’s army was mentally strong and would not be shaken by the casualties. However, this rain of rocks was a great test for the Flying Bear Army.

Some people in the Flying Bear Army, always known for their tenacious fighting will, were panicking now. After all, the images caused by the rocks were too horrifying, and the feeling of standing there waiting for death was not pleasant.

“Steady! Steady!”

Fortunately, Elena had also made arrangements for this. The Flying Bear Army’s front line was not weak, because they arrived at the battlefield early. In addition to placing the horses to resist, they also arranged for the kobolds to dig many tunnels, and the team was drawn deeper. Long, the troops in the back row can also hide in the tunnel for a while.

As for the people in the front row, they didn’t have this chance, because after throwing two rounds of stones, the snow giant warriors also rushed forward…


The snow giants who rushed into the formation taught the Flying Bear Army a good lesson on what size advantage is and what individual strength means.

The special Juma prepared at the beginning did not have much effect. Two snow giants could knock the Juma aside with all their strength, and trying to restrain the Snow Giant with a trip rope was even more of a joke. Seven or eight flying The strength of the soldiers of the Bear Army is not comparable to that of a snow giant. As long as he does not lose his balance, the snow giant can easily get rid of the restrictions of the trip rope by raising his legs, and can also throw away several soldiers.

Only the swarming of spearmen had a little effect. The sharp spears caused some damage to the snow giant and gave the snow giant a stinging feeling.

However, this kind of damage is hardly fatal. Instead, after the snow giant was angered, it was swept away by the stone spear in its hand.

“It’s too natural!”

The moment they collided with the Snow Giants, the Flying Bear Army suffered huge casualties. The initial preparations were simply not enough. Dealing with dozens of Snow Giants was completely different from dealing with thousands of Snow Giants in a row.

Quil, who was behind the battle line, gritted his teeth in distress as he watched the casualties of his troops surge.

“Spear, spear! Up!”

“Pour in the kerosene and burn it with kerosene!”

However, the combat power of the Flying Bear Army is different after all. Facing the overwhelming advantage of the Snow Giant, most of the troops may find it difficult to generate fighting spirit at this time. However, although the Flying Bear Army is in a difficult situation, it still has not collapsed. , but continued to fight with the support of grassroots officers. They not only formed a gun formation to besiege, but also poured some kerosene prepared on the snow giant’s feet and set it on fire.

The effect of kerosene is somewhat better than that of a spear. The snow giant, which originally didn’t like the heat, was thrown on and ignited by kerosene and rolled on the ground in pain. For a while, it had no fighting ability.

In fact, in terms of numbers, the human side still has the advantage. Not counting Elena’s system army, the Flying Bear Army alone is fifty thousand, more than forty times that of the Snow Giant. If the last soldier is used up to fight the snow giant, it will still cause a lot of trouble to the snow giant. After all, theoretically speaking, any living creature of flesh and blood will be killed by sheer numbers.

Snow giants are only three or four times taller than humans. Swarms of ants can kill creatures hundreds of times larger than them. Of course, the calculation cannot be made like this. Fighting to the last soldier is only an ideal state.

Faced with an enemy like the Snow Giant, even the Flying Bear Army can only withstand 30% to 40% casualties at most before completely collapsing. If it were replaced by other regular armies in the kingdom, it may not be able to withstand even 10% and can persist. It may be considered good that it only breaks down when the two parties come into contact.

The sacrifice of the Flying Bear Army not only limitedly killed some Snow Giants, but also had other effects. At least with their sacrifice, they won a lot of victory for the Titans, Giants, Ice Giants, Barbarian Bones and other Snow Giants. The lack of space and the persistence of the Flying Bear Army prevented them from immediately falling into a state of being surrounded and overwhelmed. Although they had to fight one against several, they could still persevere.

The fanatics are also attacking hard. These fanatics at the peak of the knight level can also cause considerable damage to the snow giant. For example, they can take advantage of the gap between the snow giant and the Flying Bear Army soldiers to jump up and use their hands. The heavy scepter hit the snow giant’s knees. With one blow, most snow giants would immediately become lame and lose most of their combat power.

“Lady Elena! The snow giant has rushed into the second line of defense.”

Although the Flying Bear Army resisted resolutely, the Snow Giant’s combat advantage was still too great, and soon the first line of defense was broken through by the Snow Giant.


“Quil, you take command next!”

“Ah! Lady Elena!”

Before Quill could persuade her, Elena had already rushed forward with several fanatics around her. After the first line of defense was breached, the army began to show signs of instability. She had to provide support for the army. Boost your morale…


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