Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 372: Full effort


Miracle City Duke’s Palace

After arranging the affairs of Harbor City, Natalis drove for two consecutive days and finally arrived in Northland. Although she traveled day and night, it was obvious that this level of consumption was not considered a problem for Natalis. What, after all, as a member of the Night Angel clan, Natalis can fly quickly even without consuming fighting energy.

“Thank you for your hard work, Natalie.”

“It is my honor to serve Lord Richard.”

Natalis, who has a cold temperament, actually had a slight smile on her face when she said this. She was obviously very satisfied to be able to escape from the trivial matters in Harbor City.

Richard waved his hand, indicating to Natalie that she didn’t need to be polite.

“Ms. Moriel!”

The next moment, Moriel also walked into the meeting hall, and the sound of loud salutes from the guards outside the door was heard first.

This time Richard not only recalled Natalie, but also called back Moriel who was in charge of the river valley. After being suppressed by Moriel for a while, the river valley was too honest and there was no need for Moriel to be there for the time being. It seems that this time Richard is not just planning to defeat the Xuefeng tribe. He is going to take advantage of the situation to enter the snowfield and take down the remains of the mage tower discovered by Barbarian Bones and others, thereby releasing the main city of the tower.

The threat faced by the main city that released the tower forces this time is much greater than that of the Harbor City in the South China Sea, because the Sea Clan has weaknesses and weaknesses. You only need to seize this weakness to make the Sea Clan compromise. No need Completely defeat the Sea Clan.

But so far, Richard has not found any obvious weaknesses in the Snow Giant. On the contrary, it is ridiculously powerful. If its population base was not too small, the threat of the Snow Giant would definitely be greater than that of the Orcs.

Furthermore, the Snow Giant is obviously a quite exclusive race. It’s okay that he defeated the Xuefeng Tribe on the border. If he continues to go deep into the snowfield and even builds a city on the snowfield, the Snow Giant Royal Court will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. , for similar things, just refer to the white dragon who was driven out of the snowfield by the snow giant. Although the white dragon clan is a little weak in strength, it can still be regarded as a serious dragon clan. After adulthood, it will also have the strength of the peak of the earth level. The clan leader At the very least, he was a pseudo-saint. He lost a large number of his clansmen and withdrew from the snowfield in despair. This shows that the snow giant is obviously ruthless.

To use such a strong force this time, the snow giant must compromise, at least keep in harmony with the established tower city.

“Moriel, are the Dragon Army ready?”

“The 50,000 elite dragon army had been organized when I left. They should have left Burai City and are on their way to Miracle City now.”

“Okay, we have mobilized the elite of the Dragon Army, but there can be no trouble in the valley.”

“Don’t worry, Sir Richard. With General Dane and his people staying behind, the nobles in the valley can’t make any trouble. There are no external forces around that can threaten the valley for the time being.”


Richard nodded. Dane is indeed the most suitable person. Anyone can cooperate with the nobles of the river valley, but Dane is not possible. The nobles of the river valley have reproduced for so many generations, and they are basically different. There are some relatives in the family, and most of them have relatives who died directly or indirectly at the hands of Dane. I am afraid that Dane is the one who takes the most strict view of the river valley.

Furthermore, this person knows how to behave and will not mess up. Even when he was committing corruption, he knew how to keep a fighting force at hand. Only then did he escape with his life from Saul. Now, although he has just surrendered to Li Cha’s subordinates, but absolutely reliable.

As for external threats, the north of the river valley is the Northland, and the south is connected to the Central Plains, which is the direct territory of the kingdom. Unless Ren has a brain cramp and no one can stop him, he suddenly sends an army north to occupy the river valley. Otherwise, this will The Erhe River Valley is very safe. All you need to do is look at the group of nobles who were frightened out of their wits.

It was also one of Richard’s plans to mobilize the elites of the Dragon Army to stand by in Miracle City. He not only mobilized the elites of the Dragon Army, but also the Griffin Army on Rhodes’ side was also within Richard’s deployment range, plus the nearby In addition to the necessary legions stationed in various places, there are nearly 200,000 troops of the Silver Wing Legion and the Fierce Sun Legion heading towards Miracle City.

According to Richard’s plan, first solve the problem of Xuefeng Tribe at the border, and then quickly occupy the Mage Tower ruins with high-end combat power. After quickly placing the main city of the tower, he will prioritize the construction of the teleportation array and the Miracle City. Connected to the newly built Tower City.

If the Snow Giant really wants to cause trouble, he can calmly deploy supplies and troops from Miracle City to resist the pressure of the Snow Giant.

“Okay, get ready to go, it’s not easy for Elena.”

“Quickly, set up the Shenwei Crossbow!”

“That position is wrong! Replace it!”

In the snowfield, Quill finally led the Flying Bear Army to arrive at the Ice Flame Tribe’s station earlier than the giants of the Xuefeng Tribe. At this moment, he was nervously beginning to deploy heavy weapons.

The Divine Crossbow is an enlarged and enhanced version of the previous Bear Hunting Crossbow.

The Divine Power Crossbow is nearly three times the size of the Bear Hunting Crossbow. It fires a giant arrow nearly five meters long. It is a monster created by Hunter family craftsmen by combining the previously captured Orc Dragon Hunting Crossbow with their own technology. , even if combined pulley technology is used, more than ten soldiers must operate at the same time to complete the launch.

Due to materials and some key craftsmanship, the power of the Divine Power Crossbow is still weaker than that of the Orcs’ Dragon Hunting Crossbow, but it is far superior to the Bear Hunting Crossbow. It should be powerful enough to attack the Snow Giant, but there is still time. Shortly, the Flying Bear Army does not have much equipment, and there are only a dozen units in total this time.

“Juma, please be more careful! This time we are going to fight a giant. Does the giant know? He can eat you in one bite!”


Not only did the officer’s words not arouse fear among the soldiers, but they made the people around them laugh. The Flying Bear Army has a high proportion of veterans. The Hunter family has participated in almost all wars, large and small. Recently, they have been collecting scattered items in the wilderness. The ogre tribe sharpened their knives, and both morale and combat power have always been maintained at a high level.

So even if you know that the enemy you are facing is a behemoth like a snow giant, you can still remain optimistic.

Isn’t it just that they are taller? The ogres and the others can take care of them. What’s the problem with the taller snow giants? If they are surrounded and stabbed with a few more shots, they will not be able to poke holes in the blood.

“Don’t laugh, make the Juma taller, at least four meters high, and make the ditch behind the Juma wider!”


Laughter, the soldiers of the Flying Bear Army are still very capable of action. After the officer gave the order, the soldiers did not feel tired and took action immediately.

Compared to the optimism of ordinary soldiers, the flag commander of the Flying Bear Army secretly sweated in his heart. He had seen the appearance of the Snow Giant before from the Bingyan Tribe, and the shorter Liu Qi Meters high, even ten meters taller. I heard that there are even taller snow giants. He can imagine how useful this size advantage will be on the battlefield, although they can easily suppress two meters and up to three meters. An ogre, but the size advantage of the ogre makes it look like a child compared to the snow giant.

I hope the loss this time will not be too heavy.

“Lady Elena! The snow giants of Xuefeng Tribe have appeared thirty miles away. They should have discovered us.”

Here, just as the Flying Bear Army was making nervous preparations to stand, the snow giants of the Xuefeng Tribe had already arrived thirty miles away from the border. This distance would not be possible if the snow giants acted with all their strength. It can be reached in two hours. In a war, this distance is considered close.

“Check their number again!”


Behind Elena, in addition to the 50,000 flying bear troops who came to support, there were also dozens of fanatics who were originally led by her and the system army that she had previously commanded. She had easily defeated them with these people before. Xuefeng tribe team was chasing Man Gu and others, but this time they had to be cautious.

The number of snow giants discovered by spies now exceeds a thousand, and there seems to be support in the future. The Xuefeng tribe seems to be taking this opportunity to promote its influence, not only dispatching its own tribe’s warriors, and also recruited several affiliated tribe warriors. The number of enemy snow giants was much higher than the estimated number based on intelligence from Gen Mangu and others.


“Get ready!”

Soon, Elena’s scouts no longer needed to observe anything. The snow giants of the Xuefeng tribe and its affiliated tribes had appeared unabashedly in front of the human army.

The concept of dozens of snow giants and thousands of snow giants appearing in front of you is completely different. When more than a thousand snow giants as tall as the city wall appeared in front of you, the elite of the Flying Bear Army were detoured. Everyone feels a little suffocated. Even the soldiers who were optimistic before now have a serious look on their faces. The rows of snow giants are slowly advancing, and it feels like an ice wall is approaching. The heavy footsteps It’s like hitting everyone in the heart.


Looking at the scene in front of him, even a warrior like Quill couldn’t help but swallow. Do you really want to fight against such a monster? There are still such a large number.

However, the system soldiers under Elena are still expressionless. Apart from the reason for the production of the system, it is really not surprising. Anyway, when Erathia swept across all directions, they knights and crusaders Behemoth has already fought against them, so these snow giants can only be considered a mid-level scene.

“Stop, stop?”

Unlike small tribes like the Ice Flame Tribe, which may disappear at any time, the Snow Wind Tribe, as a large tribe, is ranked among the best in the entire snowfield. The warriors under its command cannot be just hunters who only know how to hunt. Snow giants are civilized. When they gather in a certain number, an organization of military nature will naturally appear.

Although Yukikaze’s military organization is still very rough from a human perspective, it at least has unified stone weapons and a pair of decent-looking leather armor. Judging from the color of the leather armor, it should be mammoth skin. production.

After the officer or tribal leader gave the order, the more than a thousand snow giant warriors stopped a few miles away.

“Sir, they seem to have sent someone over to negotiate.”

“Listen to what they have to say.”

Seeing that the Snow Giant of the Snow Wind Tribe sent a negotiator, Elena’s performance was very dull. Knowing Richard’s will, she was willing to listen to the other party just to delay it for a while.

On the other hand, Mangu and the others behind him looked nervous. The opponent’s target was them. If these humans could not withstand the pressure and retreated, they would immediately become meat on the chopping board. Xiaoman had hurt the Xuefeng tribe. The patriarch’s son will definitely not end well if he falls into their hands.

It’s just that Mangu no longer has any qualifications to speak about this matter and can only passively watch the development of the situation.

“Humans on the other side! As long as you hand over the Ice Flame Tribe and withdraw from the snowfield, the Xuefeng Tribe will never hold you accountable!”

The snow giant warrior who came out to shout obviously knew that Elena had a strong long-range attack method. He stood two or three miles away and stopped moving forward and started shouting loudly.

In the eyes of the Xuefeng tribe, this is already a huge concession. After all, these humans had killed their people in order to protect the Bingyan tribe. Now half of the tribe’s main force has come, plus the vassal tribe, there are a thousand Many soldiers, if they were not afraid of unnecessary losses, would have wiped out all the humans in front of them.

Of course, the negotiation conditions they thought were generous were completely nonsense to Elena. It was impossible to hand over the Ice Flame Tribe. Mangu and the others had discovered the ruins of the Mage Tower and the location of the ruins. It was very important to Richard. He could no longer search for it on the unfamiliar snowfield with the drawings. Moreover, the Ice Flame Tribe was also his first step in establishing a hero in the snowfield. He would not give up his pieces unless absolutely necessary.

The second one is even more impossible. After exiting the snowfield, what should I do with the magic crystal mine at the junction? This is the lifeblood of urban development in Richard’s system, and it is impossible to give in even if he dies.

It can be said that the two conditions proposed by Xuefeng Tribe are completely impossible, but this does not prevent Elena from sending people to delay the time.

I casually gave a few instructions to a young officer, and then asked him to step forward to negotiate with the snow giant on the opposite side.

The two were shouting from a hundred meters apart, and Elena had no sincerity on her part and kept going around the topic, so it was delayed for two or three hours.

The snow giant on the opposite side was also sincere, and kept trying to figure out the logic in the young officer’s nonsense. He would scratch his head and look back from time to time, feeling a little confused about this strange negotiation.

“Go and call that idiot back, the humans on the other side have no sincerity in negotiating at all!”

“It’s the General!”

Leading the Xuefeng Tribe warriors this time was one of the three generals of the Xuefeng Tribe, Frederick Xuefeng. Most of the snow giants had simple personalities, but Frederick, who could become a high-ranking member of a large tribe, was a little more thoughtful. He had to be more flexible. After a few hours, he still discovered the human intention of delaying time, and sent someone to call back the snow giant who was negotiating.

“Get ready to attack. Let the warriors from the vassal tribes go forward first, and let our people hold down the battle.”

“Yes, General!”


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