Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 371: Preparation and eve


The Hunter family is very efficient under Richard’s management, especially in engineering construction. Because Richard has long attached importance to infrastructure construction, the Hunter family has accumulated a large number of engineering talents, and now there are With the help of kobolds who work tirelessly, the Hunter family’s engineering team’s construction capabilities are definitely unparalleled in this era. From Richard’s instruction, they began to build the Crusade training camp in accordance with Risel’s requirements. From the beginning, in less than three days, a training camp covering an area of ​​several hundred acres had taken shape.

At this time, Richard was also taking Ruisel to select qualified soldiers in various military camps.

Silver Wings Camp

Due to Richard’s order to expand the army, the Silver Wings Legion has expanded from more than 20,000 to 50,000. The new recruits were added this month, thanks to Richard’s strict management of the army and the good people in the North. Although most of the recruits have been replenished, the entire Silver Wing Legion camp still seems to be in good order. It has not been greatly affected by too many recruits, and the structure is still very stable.

Of course, too many new recruits will have a certain impact on combat effectiveness. In the eyes of experts, there is a big difference between well-trained recruits and war-hardened veterans.

Just like Risel who followed Richard into the Silver Wings Legion camp, he began to observe after entering the camp gate, and then kept shaking his head, as if he was dissatisfied with the Silver Wings Legion’s troop sources, causing people on the side to The commander of the Silver Wing Legion had a look of dissatisfaction on his face. This man was simply making him look bad in front of Lord Richard.

“The soldiers have been trained well.”

Fortunately, Richard’s words of affirmation made the commander of the Silver Wings Legion look a little better.

“Thank you for the compliment, sir.”

“Sir, there are too few qualified soldiers. Unless you select from officers, ordinary soldiers will almost never meet the requirements.”

Risel didn’t care much about the expression of the commander of the Silver Wing Legion who was accompanying him. He just described it truthfully. After all, he couldn’t explain to Richard that he chose unqualified soldiers and failed to train the Crusaders.

“Approximately how many suitable soldiers can be selected from among the officers?”

Richard was mentally prepared for the harsh requirements for soldiers. After all, the Crusaders with a blank slate were still at the beginning of the knight’s combat effectiveness. If Ruisel was given just a few recruits to train the Crusaders, then Ruisel would be able to train the Crusaders. Serge’s value is too great.

“If you can choose officers, there will be about two hundred qualified soldiers.”

After wandering around the Silver Wings Legion’s station for so long, Risel is certainly not a freeloader. He basically got a feel for the Silver Wings Legion. According to his screening criteria, the least that can meet the requirements is Silver Wings. The officers above the Centurion Commander of the Wing Legion must be the stronger ones among the Centurions. They are all quasi-knights and above, veterans of the battlefield who have participated in several battles. As for the officers of the level of Wing Commander, they are not included in this range.

After Richard changed the military system, the captain of the regiment was in charge of a thousand people, and they were basically all knight-level masters. Crusade training was of little significance to them.

After hearing this data, Richard pondered for a moment. It takes time for Risel to train these people into crusaders. Three months is not a long time or a short time. If he is suddenly withdrawn from the Silver Wings Legion, Removing so many senior junior officers will inevitably affect combat capabilities.

They can only be drawn from different units, and try not to affect the legion’s combat effectiveness too much.

“Deploy thirty people from the Silver Wing Legion, and the rest will be deployed from other legions.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, Risel took away thirty lucky people from the Silver Wing Legion. It cannot be said that they were lucky people. The Hunter family mainly focused on military exploits, and among the more than two hundred Silver Wings, they were still qualified. Among legion officers, priority is also given based on military merit.

These people can now skip the hurdle of other would-be knights accumulating insights and successfully become knights in three months.

“Let these people pack up and set off immediately and report to Miracle City.”

“Yes, sir.”

The commander of the Silver Wings Army felt a little distressed when he saw that Risel had chosen thirty of his best grassroots officers like this, but the Hunter family’s army was not a warlord’s army. Li When the police officer gave an order, let alone firing people, they had no choice but to disband the Silver Wings Legion on the spot.

Then Richard took Risel to gather the first batch of training personnel at the slightly closer Sun Legion and Griffin Legion. Now back to Miracle City, let Risel wait for all the personnel to arrive before starting the training of the Crusaders. After three months, these trained Crusaders will return to their respective legions, that is, more than a hundred The knights have been supplemented as grassroots officers. Over time, the proportion of knights in the Hunter family’s army will exceed that of the Royal Guards in the royal capital, and it will become like the orcs. It is not impossible for each centurion to have a knight-level master.

Risel is also a workaholic. Shortly after Richard finished selecting his soldiers, he hurried to the newly built training camp without following Richard to have a few pleasant afternoon teas at the Duke’s Mansion in Miracle City. The camp started making preparations.

Richard’s salty fish didn’t stay idle for long, as his cavalry general Adelaide quickly found him.

“Lord Richard!”

Although Adelaide is not a legendary hero, he is capable of transforming from an elite knight to a heroic level. Not to mention his peak personal strength, he is definitely good at using cavalry. During this time, he has become a hero. Richard’s cavalry training has put forward many fairly effective reform plans. Although they are just minor repairs, there are still occasional ideas that make Richard’s eyes shine. Therefore, when Adelaide comes to visit, Richard still Pay more attention to it.

“General Adelaide, there is no need to be so polite. If you have anything to do, sit down and tell me.”

Richard pointed to the seat in front of his desk towards Adelaide and motioned for Adelaide to take a seat. However, Adelaide obviously did not have the habit of sitting on an equal footing with his master, so he stood there and explained to Richard His purpose.

“Sir, I found that the number of light cavalry in our territory is seriously insufficient, and there are also some problems with our tactics.”

“Oh? Please elaborate.”

“Our light cavalry currently pursues speed too much and is mainly light-armed. In fact, this is a bit wasteful. Although we lack heavy war horses now, there is no shortage of qualified light horses. We can completely transform the cavalry into infantry. Infantry and cavalry.”

The heavy war horses Adelaide is talking about should be the Western Horses. Although the Hunter family has already begun to cultivate the imported Western Horses, this is a slow job and it will take some time before they can all be equipped with cavalry. , now the Hunter family has one thousand heavy cavalry, the Red Flame Knights have expanded to one hundred and fifty, and the rest are light cavalry on northern war horses.

Although Adelaide’s words were a bit convoluted, Richard basically understood what he meant. He seemed to have remembered something important after Adelaide’s reminder, and his interest greatly increased.

At Richard’s signal, Adelaide continued:

“Our light cavalry should be trained in infantry battle formations like the infantry. When going to the battlefield, they should not only be equipped with thin armor. Soldiers equipped with heavy armor and crossbows must be able to mount and dismount to fight, and they must also be able to dismount and form formations. . They can seize key points with higher mobility than ordinary infantry, mount their horses to pursue them, and dismount them to attack the city. ”

The more Richard heard about this set of tactics, the more familiar he became. In fact, the early Eight Banners soldiers were cavalry that were prepared for many battles, rather than light cavalry with a single function.

It is naturally a good thing to have such a cavalry. At least we can get an elite force that can move fast enough. But will the requirements for soldiers be too high?

Adelaide seemed to see Richard’s doubts and said to Richard with confidence.

“Sir, as long as you mobilize some more war horses and qualified soldiers, I am confident that I can train the army.”

Tsk, obviously bringing more than 10,000 cavalry is not the limit of Adelaide’s ability. Adelaide, who can be promoted from an elite knight to a hero, also has positive aspirations. This is to add tasks to himself.

Of course, Richard would not refuse this kind of thing. Although the Western Horses are not enough, after controlling the wilderness, there is still no shortage of high-quality Northern War Horses. Although the Northern War Horses are shorter than the Western Horses?C Some, the load capacity is also quite different, but it is not without its advantages. At least it is not that expensive and has good endurance. It is quite suitable for long-distance running.

“You go to Manager Egg to replenish your cavalry regiment with 20,000 recruits. I will ask the Demon City to deploy the war horses, but we have agreed in advance that not many recruits in the North have been able to ride horses since they were young, but I I hope you can help them quickly form a fighting force.”

Richard’s request sounds a bit excessive. Training people with no equestrian skills into cavalry is not something that can be done quickly. Richard also requires that combat effectiveness be quickly formed, which is not that difficult.

But Adelaide obviously had enough confidence in herself and promised Richard.

“After the horses and soldiers are in place, I promise to bring you a cavalry that can fight in three months.”

Adelaide’s confidence is not unfounded. The infantry cavalry he wants to train does not have to be so advanced in riding skills. As long as he can ride on the road in the early stage, three months is enough to train him. , and then take it out for a few battles, and you will basically be able to practice it.

After sending Adelaide away, the tea gradually cooled down, and Richard had no interest in continuing to drink tea. Instead of letting the waiter warm the tea, he went directly back to the desk in the Duke’s Mansion to smoke a few volumes. Latest chores. When Richard handles official business, in addition to some important decisions that he has to personally review, he also requires all administrative matters below to be reported to him. He occasionally takes a few volumes to check, which can be regarded as a warning to the following, and always Let the officials below maintain a certain sense of awe.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry! If someone from the flag group can’t walk any further, the leader of the flag group will carry the person on my back and run without stopping!”


An army kept trying to increase its speed under the urging of its officers. Although it carried a lot of heavy equipment, the army’s forward speed was not slow at all.

And judging from its military appearance and team uniformity, it can be seen that this is an elite division.

This 50,000-strong army is the Flying Bear Army that was ordered to go to the wilderness border to support. Because Quill received the order not only to carry all the heavy equipment, but also to ensure the marching speed and reinforce the wilderness as soon as possible, so he The following scene appeared. Quill was very talented and extremely loyal to Richard. He was able to carry out Richard’s orders with great attitude.

Just like now, the Flying Bear Army under his command has been on the road for almost ten days. On the day he received Richard’s order, Quil quickly gathered his troops and set off. Now the soldiers are already showing signs of fatigue. Although he was not as highly equipped as the Dragon Army, their toughness was definitely not inferior to that of the Dragon Army. All the soldiers still held their breath. Teeth persist.

“Sir, we have our scouts ahead.”

“It should be the cavalry sent by Lady Elena to lead the way!”

There is a high risk of getting lost when marching in the wilderness. Seeing the reconnaissance cavalry coming from the opposite side at least means that they are not lost. The morale of the soldiers is greatly boosted. Seeing that the military morale is available, Quill immediately ordered:

“Speed ​​up! Work harder and try to reach the destination tonight, so we can have a night’s rest!”

Wild frontier.

The vanguard of more than a hundred Snow Giant warriors has approached the original hunting ground of the Ice Flame Tribe. No large or medium-sized tribe would have visited this place in the past. This place is cold for humans, but for Snow Giants It is not a comfortable environment, and it is difficult for the mammoths, the iconic prey of the Snowfield Tour, to come here. In the eyes of the snow giants, this is a place of little value.

But today, there was a rare gathering of Snow Giant warriors, and as the subsequent Snow Giants continued to enter, the number became more and more.

The Snow Giants did not deliberately hide their actions. Their size could not be concealed, and the scouts who had dispersed quickly discovered it.

“Lady Elena, the scouts have discovered the snow giant, about fifty miles to the north. They seem to be stopping there to gather forces, and they may be able to reach us within two days.”

“Sir, our scouts have discovered the Flying Bear Army, and they will arrive tomorrow at the latest.”

“It came in time.”

This time the Snow Wind Tribe sent not only their own warriors, but also recruited some warriors from affiliated tribes. There were thousands of Snow Giant warriors from all over. This power was really not achieved by Elena’s current subordinates. To be able to block it, there must be enough reinforcements.

Even the Flying Bear Army alone is not enough. She has to wait for the support from Richard. However, Elena will not worry about the support from Richard not being timely enough. With teleportation, Richard’s Bian must be able to arrive on time.

“Order the scouts to continue monitoring. Don’t get too close. Just observe from a distance. Everyone else should be vigilant and ready to fight at any time.”

“In addition, let Barbarian Bone of the Bingyan Department also take several of his soldiers to participate in the battle. Don’t compete with those prisoners yet. When the battle is over, he will only think that there are too many prisoners of the Bingyan Department. .”

“Yes, sir!”


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