Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 369: The harbor and the new month (changed)


South, Harbor City

The beautiful Natalie is standing on the observation deck of the port city, looking at the prosperous port city below. Dozens of fishing boats are parked in the harbor and counting today’s harvest.

These fishermen are basically refugees who lost their homes when the Sea Tribe rebelled. Except for some military family members, most of them were half-cheated and half-forced to move to the port city.

After all, this city is isolated overseas and is located directly on the core territory of the Sea Tribe. Even if these fishermen have no brains, they will still feel that this city is unsafe. Unfortunately, no one in this era has ever cared so much about civilians. With the thought of Pare, these refugees who had lost their homes were sent to Natalie’s hands together with the military families of Harbor City.

After experiencing the first few weeks of fear, these civilians, who totaled nearly 10,000, gradually found a rhythm of life. There were abundant fish here and there was no competition. The sea tribe did not dare to harass them, and fishing was only for these coastal civilians. With his best skills, the civilians who settled down felt as if they were living in a paradise.

Haigang City is divided into two parts: inner and outer cities. The outer city is dedicated to the lives of these civilians, while the inner city is a system city. It has been nearly two months since the Battle of the Sea Clan. With no shortage of resources, Harbor City Development is rapid. This week, Harbor City has completed the construction of the sixth-level soldier’s lair, the Murloc Fortress, and produced a crocodile warrior with the peak strength of a great knight.

The buildings in Harbor City now have meeting halls and creature lairs ranging from level one to level six.

The advanced waterfall in the first-level biological nest can produce the first-level soldier sea elves every week. They are roughly as powerful as patrol guards in the sea. Their land combat capabilities are slightly weaker, but they are not needed in the land battles in Harbor City. Harbor City now has more than 150 in stock.

Level 2 biological lairs can produce advanced types of maniacs who are good at using double swords. They are somewhat similar to war dancers. They have strong attack and weak defense. They have no protection on their bodies, but they are a few steps behind war dancers. However, It is characterized by good water properties, which are considered to be the best among humans. It can barely be used on both land and water. Its combat effectiveness on land is comparable to that of the weaker quasi-knights. It can also fight with the patrol guards of the sea tribe in shallow seas. It is also stocked now. Nearly a hundred people.

The pirate captain, a third-level advanced soldier produced by the third-level creature lair, is a powerful long-range soldier in Harbor City. In terms of attack power, the pirate captain who uses a musket is stronger than the big elf shooter, a third-level advanced soldier in the barrier. It is higher, has a strong armor-breaking effect, and can pose a great threat to knight-level masters, but the attack speed is much slower. The time it takes for them to attack once is long enough for the elves to shoot two or three rounds of arrows. Comprehensive comparison I can only say that each has its own merits. It’s just that the number is a little smaller, less than fifty at present.

Level 4 biological nests Advanced seabird nests can produce sea eagles, a level 4 advanced unit. The size of the sea eagle is similar to that of the royal griffon, and its combat power is slightly stronger than the royal griffon, but its strength is limited. The only characteristic is that the sea eagle is It has the ability to attack on the sea surface like water. The feathers of the sea eagle do not touch the water. When they are gathered together, they suddenly fall. They can enter the sea more than ten meters deep to attack targets in the sea. After staying briefly in the sea, they can quickly rise again. , is actually a relatively useless unit in Port City, and currently only has more than 20 in stock.

The fifth-level creature lair Spellcaster Tower can produce the fifth-level advanced unit Marine Warlock. Marine Warlock is a spell-casting unit. Because of the recovery of water magic power, it can now cast spells normally without using magic crystals. Marine Warlock is not like a high-level monk. It can fight in close quarters, but its attack power is stronger. One blow can barely match the power of the big knight’s blow.

The sixth-level soldier biological lair and the fish-man fortress were built just this week. A crocodile warrior nearly three meters tall was recruited. The crocodile warrior looks like an upright giant crocodile, holding a handle that is taller than himself. The slightly taller Trident looks like a powerful player at first glance. The layer of skin on its body is already equivalent to the strongest leather armor, but it is also covered with a circle of heavy plate armor to provide better defense on land. His ability may have surpassed that of a champion knight, but his attack power is still far behind. When the advanced Murloc Fortress is built next week, it will be upgraded to a Crocodile Warrior and its combat power will be greatly improved.

However, the development of Harbor City will temporarily come to a standstill next week. Harbor City’s seventh-level soldier lair, the Sea Dragon Whirlpool, also has harsh construction conditions.

The prerequisite for the construction of the Sea Dragon Maelstrom is to make the Sea Clan completely surrender and offer the Poseidon’s Halberd, which symbolizes the power of the Sea Clan. This achievement was only achieved by the Elf Empire a thousand years ago, and is regarded as a shame by the current Sea Clan. Now Harbor City is just wary of each other and has reached a compromise with the Sea Clan. To make the Sea Clan surrender, it must be able to control and occupy all the Sea Clan’s clam fields for a long time and withstand the continuous attacks of tens of millions of Sea Clan warriors. Just fine.

In the short term, this condition is almost impossible to achieve.

Natalis looked at the patrolling soldiers below and the increasingly popular port without much sense of accomplishment. Most of the credit for the city’s internal affairs management was attributed to the local hero Paul, especially the management of cities outside the system’s Harbor City. Paul is doing everything personally, and Natalie only plays a decisive role.

Among Richard’s many subordinates, Natalie is an absolute hero on the military side. Although she is not incapable of managing internal affairs, her governance level can only be said to be average. Her interest is not in this. She prefers to be casual. Fight with Richard to regain strength in this world.

Yes, it is to restore strength. Natalis’ current pseudo-holy level combat power is not her peak state. It is just that she can only display this strength due to level restrictions. Due to the rules, she is not as powerful as Ron, who is lower in strength. The difference is that Natalie now has to go through battle upgrades to gradually regain her strength. She had improved slightly in the previous battle with the Sea Clan, but it was not obvious. Now there is basically no battle in Harbor City, and her strength has also stagnated. .

“Sir, another fleet came today. In addition to goods, they also brought us more than two hundred refugees.”

While Natalie was looking down, Paul came to Natalie and reported today’s situation to Natalie.

Paul has finished changing his uniform like other soldiers in Harbor City. He looks particularly capable in the Hunter family’s standard-style senior general’s armor, with blue and white cloth armor, reinforced goggles, and a Features gold Mitsuya logo.

Natalis turned back, temporarily stopped her thoughts, and forced her mind back to the daily affairs that she was not very interested in.

“Well, as long as you make the arrangements, the Sea Clan won’t cause any trouble, right?”

“Since you taught them a lesson last time, the Sea people are much more honest now.”


Natalis nodded, feeling a little disappointed in her heart. She actually wanted the Sea Clan to do something out of the blue, giving her a chance to take action.

Although the agreement with the Sea Clan has been reached, the relationship between the two parties is not harmonious after all, and small-scale conflicts still exist. The people most vulnerable to attacks by the Sea Clan are the refugee ships that come to Harbor City every month.

The southern part of the kingdom has a large population. There are more than a million civilians who lost their homes due to the raids by the Sea Clan. Some of them have found a place to go to relatives and friends, or have found a place to start over, but there are still some people who have no livelihood.

It just so happened that the new Harbor City needed a population, so Paul arranged for a fleet of merchant ships to transport some refugees who were willing to come to Harbor City to make a living every day to enrich the population. Now almost every day, one or two hundred people disembark in Harbor City to start a new life. Life.

But the Sea Clan didn’t want to see the population of Harbor City expand, so they started small moves in private. After all, it was normal for shipwrecks to happen at sea, and the sea was the home ground of the Sea Clan, so the Sea Clan started a fight. Wrong thinking, from time to time, they would concentrate their efforts to attack a certain fleet, sink the ship, and then quickly kill all the people, leaving humans confused, and even if they had suspicions, they would not be able to find evidence.

Unfortunately, after the fifth-level soldier Sea Eagle came out of Harbor City, the actions of the Sea Clan were exposed to Harbor City. Not only did the Sea Eagle cruise quickly, it also flew much further than the giant dragon on the sea. When they are dead, they can hunt directly in the sea. In theory, they can monitor the entire sea area.

One of the actions of the Sea Clan was discovered by the sea eagle. Natalis first personally rescued the fleet, repelled the attack of the Sea Clan, and captured many prisoners.

After catching the evidence, Natalis destroyed a small clam farm of the Sea Tribe without saying a word. The Sea King was so anxious that he quickly sent people to negotiate and compensated a lot of supplies before Natalis stopped her hand. , now that the Sea Clan has settled down, Natalie is even more bored.

The chores are all handled by Paul. It’s not that she trusts newcomers like Paul too much, but that middle- and lower-level affairs officers and junior officers are all dispatched from the Hunter family’s base camp in the North after traveling for more than a month. With the manpower coming, even if Paul had any intentions, these people would not agree, so Natalie would have less to do.

“Sir, there is an urgent order from the North!”

While Natalie continued to look at the scenery boredly, the courier responsible for delivering letters delivered an urgent message from the North.

“Show me.”

Hearing the order from the North, Natalie immediately became energetic. After taking the letter from the messenger, she opened the wax-sealed cylinder and took out the note inside. Then, a smile appeared on Natalie’s face.

“I can finally leave here.”

The development of Harbor City has almost entered a stable period. Nothing big will happen for the time being. Paul and the administrative bureaucrats in Northland are in charge of the affairs of the outer city. Richard manages Harbor City remotely through the system. It was enough. It was no longer necessary to drag Natalis with such a big force. Now he was about to face the snow giant. Natalis could just go back and join the battle.

Northland, Stone Fortress.

Because Northland and Harbor City are too far apart, even if the fastest wind bird is used to transmit the order, it still takes several days to send the order to Natalies. We have prepared the replacement site for the wind birds along the way, allowing the wind birds to rotate at a speed that can only be achieved by constantly rotating. That is, the Hunter family can only afford to raise so many expensive wind birds now that they are rich. The entire Golden Dragon Kingdom will not have more than five people who have the financial resources to do this. Home.

Just when Natalie was arranging matters for her departure with Paul and several administrative officials of Harbor City, time also entered a new month, and Richard entered the market of Stone Castle again, preparing to Check out this month’s items.

“Dear Richard…”

“Okay, let me see this month’s products.”

Because of the threat of the snow giant, Richard was even more eager to see what new products appeared in the market. Before Grandet could finish his flattering words, he had already walked into the market hall and wanted to immediately Checking the products, new product information soon appeared in front of Richard.

“Treasure type: Architectural blueprints (teleportation array). After you have the blueprints, you can build a teleportation array between any two power cities.

Effect: The teleportation array can be opened between two cities. After consuming a certain amount of materials, troops can be quickly mobilized between the two cities.

Price: 30,000 gold.

Poison: Knight Potion X15

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of a would-be knight to break through to the knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: A good-quality alchemical potion, the leisure work of the potion master.

Price: 800

Soldier type: Archangel X1

Introduction: The seventh-level advanced unit of Castle (Human Race) is an almost perfect unit.

Price: 12,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000

Although there are no accessories for the Dragon King’s divine power this time, the teleportation array blueprint is definitely a surprise. This teleportation array blueprint is comparable to an artifact. Although 30,000 gold is a little expensive, but compared with its effect At first glance, this amount of money can only be considered a small sum. It is equivalent to being able to directly connect two system cities and deploy troops at will. The strategic significance of this is self-evident.

The only thing to consider is which two cities to connect.

One of them must be Boulder Castle, which has now become the true base camp of the Hunter family. Because there is no system city bonus, Piaoxue City can only be operated as a prosperous economic center at best.

As for the cities connected to Stone Fortress, we need to think about it. Forest City must be eliminated first. The two sides are not far apart. We cannot waste such precious resources. The significance of placing it in Harbor City is much greater. After all, now Harbor City is so far away, like an enclave. Although the Sea Clan is too scrupulous to take action, Richard is still a little worried. If the Sea Clan suddenly attacks Harbor City with all its strength, he will not even be able to provide support in time.

Used in Harbor City? No, wait a moment. If the tower is built on a snowfield, it might take a little longer…

Richard temporarily put away the teleportation array drawings and picked up the next thing.

Fifteen knight potions were directly packed into a medium-sized box and appeared on the table in the market hall. The quality was not enough to make up for the quantity. These fifteen knight potions can help many quasi-knights of the Hunter family break through to knights. level, which can be regarded as enriching the basic strength of the Hunter family.

The Archangel is the most expensive unit currently on the market, but it is expensive for a reason. Richard is very clear about the strength of the Archangel. It is no problem to challenge the dragon alone, and he also brings a resurrection. I don’t know if it’s the strongest when it comes to stunts and fighting, but it should be the most cost-effective.

Soon, an archangel who looked similar to Mills appeared in the market hall. If they stood together after putting on the helmets that completely covered their faces, Richard would actually be completely indistinguishable. .

After the newly joined Archangel swore allegiance to Richard, he stood behind Richard and followed Richard around the Stone Fortress, waiting for the arrival of night.

As for the last super resource gift pack? Just do it once and be fine…


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