Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 368: New tasks (changed)


Snow giants are considered to be a first-class powerful clan even in the entire continent. They are rare powerful clans that dare to compete with giant dragons. The white dragon clan with the lowest combat power among the giant dragons was conquered from the snow field. Driven away by the snow giant clan.

Although the strength of a single snow giant is not as good as that of a giant dragon, it can be absolutely suppressed in terms of numbers. There are tens of thousands of snow giants living in the entire snowfield, and even the young and strong ones have nearly 20,000 knight-level strength. Snow giant warriors, including hundreds of earth-level elites and stronger snow giant clan leaders and snow giant kings.

Compared with the giant dragons who only have a few hundred in total, the Snow Giants with a relatively small population also have a huge numerical advantage. The White Dragon clan cannot defeat the warriors of the Snow Giant Royal Court and can only feel aggrieved. Was driven out of the snowfield.

The entire snowfield is very large, equivalent to the Northland plus the wilderness combined. That is, such a wide place can accommodate creatures like snow giants to survive. In the past, humans did not care much about snow giants. Lan The Ste family had ruled the Northland for more than a hundred years and only knew that powerful creatures like snow giants lived north of the Ironwood Forest and the wilderness.

In the past, no one could connect to the soil across the Ogre Wilderness. Moreover, the snow giants did not like the environment in the south very much. It was more difficult for humans to survive in the snowfield for a long time. There were no conflicts between the two sides, so they lived in peace. It’s also normal.

It’s just that now that Richard’s power has expanded to the wilderness border, the ogre stuck between the two sides has been completely defeated, and the two sides have the opportunity to contact, but this kind of contact does not seem to come very easily every time. Friendly, the first time it was the Bingyan Tribe, and this time it was the Xuefeng Tribe. The Bingyan Tribe is a small tribe that is about to disappear. But the Xuefeng Tribe this time is a large tribe with thousands of warriors. In addition to There are many elite snow giants from the earth level, and there must be snow giant clan leaders from the sky level. It is not impossible to defeat them, but they must go all out and bear a certain amount of losses.

And unlike controlling an Ice Flame tribe, if Richard defeated a large tribe like the Xuefeng tribe, he would definitely attract the attention of the Snow Giant Royal Court. If the Snow Giant Royal Court targeted the White Dragon clan, , with the strength of Richard’s current men, they may not be able to withstand it.

Richard looked at the letter and tapped his fingers, wondering whether it was worth fighting the Snow Giant so early for the Ice Flame Tribe. Humans did not collect enough intelligence on the Snow Giant. In the past, Richard thought the Snow Giant King should be just The existence of the peak of the sky, but judging from its ability to drive away the white dragon clan, the Snow Giant King may have a saint-level combat power. Now Richard only has the transformed Moriel and the Night Angel Natalis with pseudo-holy level combat power. In terms of strength, you may not be able to take advantage against the Snow Giant King.

“Anyway, the existence of the ruins has been confirmed, why not hand over the Ice Flame Tribe? If there is a conflict with the Snow Giant at the wilderness border, it may also affect the important output of magic crystals.”

This idea flashed through Richard’s mind, and then he threw it away. How could a big force hand over its men unless it was a last resort? No matter which party is at fault, protecting the shortcomings is the only way to unite. With the help of people’s hearts, as long as the Ice Flame Department can be saved this time, the group of snow giants in the Ice Flame Department will be completely reunited.

What’s more important is that just now, Richard was reminded that a new mission has appeared. He can guess it without going to the Stone Castle to check. It must be a mission about the Snow Giant.

“This battle must be fought.”

“But you can delay it for a while. Anyway, a golden dragon will be added every week, and after next week, you can recruit new heroes and purchase goods to strengthen some strength.”

Elena did a good job this time. She kept all the Yukikaze soldiers who were chasing her to ensure that no one went back to report the news. This could greatly delay the Yukikaze’s reaction time. After realizing it, half a month would have passed before sending people to the south, and Richard would have enough preparation time.

“Send a letter to the Demon Suppressing City and order Quill to lead the Flying Bear Army and carry all the large crossbows in the Demon Suppressing City to Ms. Elena in the wilderness for deployment.”

“Use the red-tailed wind bird to send a message and ask them to set off as quickly as possible!”

“It’s an adult!”

The messenger outside the room took the order from Richard and quickly ran to the wind bird cage, passing on Richard’s order as quickly as possible.

Now that he had made the decision, Richard decisively made arrangements.

The Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army have been operating in the center of the wilderness and on the front lines of Demon Suppression City. They were originally used to protect Demon Suppression City and suppress some small ogre tribes. After all, although the unstable Grogesh was eliminated, factors, and defeated the four major tribes he left behind, but the ogres are still scattered everywhere in the wilderness and are difficult to eliminate, and the land with the richest pasture in the middle of the wilderness is now an important source of livestock for the Hunter family. Therefore, there must be a strong army stationed there.

The Demon City was not far from Piaoxue City before. At that time, the Lanster family, who controlled Piaoxue City, had a very tense relationship with the Hunter family, and an army must be stationed there.

Now that the threat from Piaoxue City has been eliminated, the Flying Bear Army has just become free. It has been preparing for expansion and restructuring, and now it is just in time to send it to Elena on the wilderness border for use.

Of course, sending the Flying Bear Army is only the most basic. To ensure that the strength is occupied, Richard is also prepared to bring six giant dragons, a Titan giant and two outstanding swordsmen, and even prepare to send the soldiers from the far southern Harbor City. Natalis has also been transferred back. It is not an exaggeration to be well-prepared to face a powerful fighting race that can compete with a giant dragon.

Stone Castle

After the Hunter family basically moved to Miracle City, it was much more convenient for Richard to go to Stonehenge Castle. After he and Catherine had planned the army’s expedition, Richard used teleportation to appear in Stonehenge Castle. Anyway, Miracle City The guards in the mansion over there have long been accustomed to Richard’s sudden appearance. Anyway, these guards are just a facade. If Richard is really attacked by a strong man, only two outstanding swordsmen can do anything to Richard. help.

The Parliament of Boulder Castle is still magnificent, with several huge Greek columns supporting the seven or eight-meter-high roof. Standing at the door, you can definitely feel the majesty of it. Unfortunately, it is not very popular.

Richard didn’t care about this, and walked to the hall to check it out.

Sure enough, the new task has been pending.

“Quest: Wrath of the Snow Giant.

Your men have unintentionally angered a group of powerful snow giants. They are about to launch an expedition against your territory. Please defend your territory and destroy or capture most of their troops. ”

After being prompted by the system mission, Richard knew that the Xuefeng Tribe’s situation could no longer be improved, so prepare to fight…


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