Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 367: The Secret Academy




In the school grounds in the core area of ​​Miracle City, a fist-sized fireball hit a target, and the wooden target was shattered into pieces.

A group of seven or eight-year-old children around him cheered and clapped fiercely. This fireball technique may be average in Richard’s eyes, but it is definitely amazing in the eyes of these children. They are little Everyone’s eyes showed high expectations.

Gandalf, who had released this fireball technique, was stroking his gray beard with a reserved look. With the mage robe that he had specially cut by someone, he really looked like a mage, but he was touching himself. Even when he was growing a beard, he still couldn’t help but smile, and he was obviously very satisfied with the effect of his pretense.

After Gandolf came to Miracle City, Richard did not let him idle. Now that the magic power has been restored to the point where he can barely practice magic, he has to cultivate his own magic master. This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. , being the first to take advantage of this kind of thing will give you a clear advantage.

Gandalf also has a good teacher-like personality. When Richard proposed to start training students on a large scale, he immediately agreed.

To be honest, Gandolf’s talent in magic is not very high. It is more about theoretical knowledge. A few months after obtaining the magic crystal, he was able to skillfully release ordinary magic such as fireball. Super magic, by the standards of the Elf Empire era, can only be regarded as the level of a magic apprentice.

On the contrary, his disciple Luo Lin has successfully broken through the first level and can release second level magic stably. According to the classification of the Elf Empire period, he can be regarded as an official mage. It took a few months to reach this point, and he could be called a genius even in the era of the Elf Empire.

However, Gandolf is obviously more experienced in teaching disciples, so in this secret academy, Gandolf serves as the dean, while Luo Lin serves as an assistant teacher.


Gandalf had not maintained his master look for long before the sound of salutes from the academy guards could be heard. This secret magic academy is currently the top secret of the Hunter family. Don’t wait for anyone to come in, maybe I don’t even know what’s going on here.

These students who enter the academy have also been greeted by Miracle City officials as guarantees for their families. They cannot leave here within three years to prevent the secrets from being leaked. Who else but Richard can now enter the academy so smoothly?

Gandolfo didn’t care about pretending to be reserved, he immediately tidied up his clothes, put on a somewhat flattering smile and greeted Richard. Gandolf obviously does not have the aloofness of a mage. He has been a court mage for so many years. Amid the doubts from outsiders, the latter has shamelessly received so many offerings from the kingdom, and his pride has long been smoothed away. , a person who is no less sophisticated than the businessmen in the market. He is the one who has the deepest feeling for Richard’s magic. He is also very aware of Richard’s power in the North, so he will naturally show a flattering attitude.

“Good day Lord Richard, Gandalf salutes you, and the beautiful lady salutes you.”

Gandalf took off his hat and bowed slightly to Richard and Messiah.

“Hello, Mr. Richard.”

Luo Lin on the side acted a little stiffer, but also showed respect for Richard.

Of course, as long as you have an attitude towards this kind of thing, that’s not what Richard cares about.

“Master Gandolf is too polite. Now I have to work hard for you to take care of the affairs of the academy.”

“This is what I should do.”

“What are the talents of these children?”

After a few casual greetings, Richard shifted the topic to the focus of his concern. He never takes education lightly, whether it is the ordinary knight academy in Miracle City or this one is still kept secret. The mage college.

“The talents are quite good, and we are still in the stage of cultivating their interests and laying a foundation for them.”

After all, the Hunter family used official power to select these dozen people. Basically all of them were literate, and at least they were children from wealthy families, which saved Gandolf, who was in charge of the professor, a lot of effort.

Compared with the Knight Academy, except for the reason of innate physical weakness, the threshold of the Master is actually much higher. At least the children from ordinary families have a chance to climb the threshold of the Knight, but the Master has never The vast majority of civilians have been eliminated from the beginning.

Of course, according to Richard’s habits, the profession of Master cannot be monopolized by the powerful class. It has not reached that point yet. When the enrollment scope is expanded, the official will still come out to provide certain support to the children of the common people. To maintain some balance, it’s just not the time yet.

“They still need to understand some basic spellcasting theories. If they want to condense magic power, I hope Sir Richard can provide a batch of magic crystals.”

Although Miracle City itself has shown signs of magic recovery, mana crystals are still important props that can assist in practicing magic. Especially when newbies are just getting started, touching the mana crystals can help you feel the magic better. exist.

“From now on, let Manager Egg allocate ten units of magic crystals every month for the college’s consumption.”

“Thank you, Mr. Richard.”

“One more thing.”

After agreeing to transfer the magic crystal

“Master Richard, please give me your instructions.”

“In the future, Messiah will also join Miracle City Magic Academy and become a member of the Magic Academy.”

“Huh? As a life teacher?”

According to Richard’s caution, it is of course impossible for an important school like the Magic Academy to be completely managed by Gandolf and Luo Lin. It’s not that they don’t trust them, but it’s just an arrangement to prevent problems before they happen. .

Except for Gandolf, who serves as the nominal dean, he is basically only responsible for teaching students magic knowledge like Luo Lin. They are not involved in the management of other things. Students have dedicated life teachers, ideological teachers and even There is also a physical education teacher. After all, Richard believes that a mage who cannot kill people with a knight’s sword is not a good mage.

Daily management is not handled by Gandolf. Gandolf himself has no desire for power. This model is acceptable to him, so when Richard said that Messiah would also join the academy, he subconsciously He thinks that Richard is sending his trusted wife to the college to serve as a life teacher or ideological teacher.

But Richard shook his head and said to Gandolf:

“Messiah is here to be a student, Lord Gandolf will have to worry more about it in the future.”


Gandolf was obviously unable to react to Richard’s words, but Messiah on the side gave Gandolf a slight salute.

“I will ask Mr. Gandolf to teach you patiently from now on.”


“It is my honor to teach you magic.”

Gandalf subconsciously wanted to say something about the talent test, but luckily he reacted quickly. Even if the Messiah’s talent is rotten, he still has to teach him. If the Messiah wants to learn magic, where can he get it? He is picky about other people’s talents.

Speaking of it, this is also the tragedy of mages in this era. During the Elf Empire, for any official mage to accept a disciple, the conditions were extremely harsh, and he was not as humble as Gandolf.

Letting Gandolf teach Messiah magic was something that Richard had agreed to before. He waited until the magic academy opened and then brought Messiah over as a student. Richard, who had always cared about rules, was doing this. Messiah made an exception.

“When will the Messiah begin learning?”


“I hope I can help you quickly.”

Richard nodded. Although in his opinion, even if Messiah became a formal magician, her help to him would be limited, but he was always a little moved in his heart. She understood Messiah’s anxiety and The lifespan of a sky-level master is close to two hundred years. If she doesn’t work hard to catch up, how can she stay with Richard for a long time.

In the end, Messiah stayed in the academy and began to learn magic from Gandalf and Luo Lin, while Richard returned to the city lord’s mansion after a tour.

At this time, a messenger was anxiously waiting for Richard’s return. There was a cage hanging on his waist, and inside stood a wind bird. The wind bird’s tail was painted with a red feather. According to Henry According to the rules of the special family, only the most urgent information will be delivered using the red-feathered wind bird.

“Lord Richard! This is the letter from Lord Elena.”

As soon as he saw Richard coming back, the messenger breathed a sigh of relief and immediately handed the paper tube on Fengniao to Richard.

Now that the ogres in the wilderness are basically no threat, the only thing that can make Elena send such an urgent letter is about the snow giant. When she opened the note, it turned out to be something related to the snow giant.

Richard was happy at first, then frowned.

The news is mixed. The good news is that the location for the tower base seems to have been found. The bad news is that Elena’s Ice Flame Tribe is facing off against a large Snow Giant tribe. The Snow Giants don’t have the food they had before. The human demons and the expeditionary orcs are so easy to dispatch…


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