Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 364: The Ordnance Factory and the Dragon (Changed)


“Dang, Dang, Dang…”

What appeared in front of Richard was a very shocking scene. Carbon was burning fiercely, the furnace was roaring, thousands of craftsmen were working inside, and all that came to his ears was the sound of hammers.

“Lord Richard!”

Seeing Richard coming, the managers of the ordnance factory immediately came over to greet him.

“How much output does the machinery factory produce in a day now?”

“If we operate at full capacity, with sufficient raw materials, we can produce more than 200 sets of half-body plate armor a day. If we process cloth armor pieces, the output can be doubled several times, and we can produce more than 3,000 spear heads. More than 5,000 arrows…”


Richard nodded and was quite satisfied with the output. The ordnance factory was a small golden finger that Richard opened in this world. Hydraulic hammer forging was the idea proposed by Richard and was explored by these craftsmen. As a result, more than a dozen forging hammers have been erected next to the tributary of the Xiaoling River, saving a lot of manpower. There is probably no place in the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom with a higher production capacity than the ordnance factory under Richard.

After inspecting around and finding no problems, Richard turned back to where he was and simply asked the management and the accompanying master craftsmen:

“Are there any difficulties in making equipment in the ordnance factory now?”


The management staff and several master craftsmen looked at each other and then said:

“There is no longer any problem in the production of conventional weapons and armor. With the advent of hydraulic hammer forging and bellows, the weapons and armors produced by our Beidi Ordnance Factory are definitely high-quality products. Every piece is placed on the market. They can all be sold at a premium.”

“However, our craftsmanship is still not as good as the craftsmanship of the dwarves. After we used the best knight swords to fight with the knight swords produced by the dwarves purchased from the market, the weapons made by the dwarves were still harder and sharper. The armor made by dwarves is also much stronger than ours.”

The things made by the ordnance factory are not as good as the weapons and armor produced by the dwarves, which is within Richard’s acceptance range. After all, that is the skill of the dwarves, and it is not something that he can catch up with just one or two golden fingers. Anyway, it is the skill of the dwarves. The things produced by dwarves can only be used by at least knight-level officers in the kingdom. Although the quality of the things produced by the Northland Ordnance Factory is not as good as that of dwarves, it is much easier to use than the equipment made by ordinary human craftsmen. , it is completely acceptable to be used as large-scale equipment.

“Nothing, just ensure our quality first. There is no need to compare with the dwarves.”

However, although Richard can accept it, these best craftsmen in the North are not convinced. Now the people in the North, especially those led by Old Hunter, are arrogant. This is different from Li Cha. It has something to do with Richard’s constant propaganda, and it also has something to do with the fact that Richard has never been defeated since he became famous, and he also led the Northlanders to get better and better. Anyway, they believed that the Northlanders should not lose to the dwarves. Several master craftsmen were very satisfied with what they had built. The weapons are not as grudges as the dwarves, and they feel ten thousand dissatisfactions in their hearts.

“Lord Richard! It’s not a big deal what the dwarves make. We all know their skills, and the ones made with water-powered forging hammers will not be worse than theirs!”

A master craftsman with a beard and dark skin could not help but speak first.

Li Cha looked at this bearded man who could tell from his appearance that he was a senior blacksmith, with an unconvinced look on his face, and became interested.

“What’s the reason?”

“The dwarves are better than us. One is the metal formula. This is passed down from generation to generation. We can’t do anything about it. People can improve the quality of weapons by adding several metals with different proportions. We have tried it now. Several formulas are also available,

But the dwarves rely more on the earth fire they occupy. They have a much better advantage than us in casting weapons and armor in the earth fire. Even if we use bellows, we cannot increase the temperature to that level. If we can find With a fire source that is comparable to the dwarves’ earth fire, we can create equipment that is not inferior to the dwarves. ”

“How to increase the temperature of the forging furnace?”

“There is a giant dragon…”

“Didn’t Old John tell you not to mention it?”

The blacksmith named John let go of his chatter, and when he was about to keep talking, he was suddenly covered by the steward behind him. Obviously everyone around him knew that this old John was going to have some bad idea again.

The master craftsmen mentioned the issue of furnace temperature during the technical discussion. If the temperature can be increased, whether it is experimenting with metal formulas or forging some special metals, it will go more smoothly, and the quality of the equipment will be visible to the naked eye. promote.

But after thinking about it, apart from the dwarves’ earth fire, they couldn’t think of any way to increase the temperature. Only Old John came up with an unreliable idea. The dragon’s breath is comparable to the dwarves’ earth fire. Even higher. As long as the giant dragons under Lord Richard can cooperate a few times a month, they can get a batch of high-quality equipment.

Now that the Hunter family has become rich, ordinary soldiers use self-produced weapons and armor, and many of the equipment used by officers are dwarf equipment purchased at high prices. If they can create some high-quality equipment, they can Save money on expensive equipment.

It’s just that although the idea is good, it was quickly rejected by everyone. If you let the proud dragon come to help you light the stove, is that a mistake? Even if the dragon agreed, no dragon knight would be willing to let his partner do this job. But this is really not a problem for Richard. Anyway, the dragon is usually raised, and coming to the ordnance factory to help out when there is nothing to do is just enough for them to eat so much living expenses every day.

As for the arrogance of the dragons, that’s even better. The dragons under Richard are not arrogant like Richard.

“Don’t stop him, keep talking.”

With Richard’s order, several stewards also let go of the excited Old John. Seeing that Richard was willing to listen, Old John was even more excited.

“Sir! As long as we have four giant dragons and use dragon breath to help add fire at critical moments, we don’t need to work too hard. I can guarantee that we will be able to make equipment that exceeds the quality of dwarves!”

“We can even try to make some key parts of the metal for the bear hunting crossbow ourselves, so we no longer have to buy it at a high price.”

“What’s your name?”

“My name is John, John Tieli.”

“Good name.”

This name made Richard feel like a blacksmith when he heard it, and he couldn’t help but praise it.

“Hey, my family has been a blacksmith in the North for generations. I used to customize equipment for the officers of the Lanster family.”

John’s skills are indeed good. After annexing Piaoxue City, the Hunter family really became a big fat man in one bite. The army was second to none. The craftsmen and technicians they obtained were comparable to those of Richard’s previous seven years. Eight years of accumulation.

“I will give you six giant dragons. During the critical moment of forging, you can let them use dragon breath to help heat them. I hope you will come up with the results as soon as possible.”

“It will be done within a week! If you can’t do it, throw it into the stove and add more heat.”

Hearing that Richard promised to send six giant dragons, John felt a little swollen. He patted his chest and issued a military order to hit the wall.

The people around didn’t stop them. They all looked dull now. When will dragons be used to help light the stove?

After a final round of customary greetings, Richard ended his inspection of the machinery factory, leaving only the still excited blacksmith John and the steward who had just woken up from a dream…

What is this? Dragon Technology?


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