Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 362: Gryphon Knight



More than ten miles away from Miracle City, in a place designated as a restricted military area, rows of royal griffins roared past in an orderly formation in the air.

There are at least five hundred royal griffins wandering in the sky in this area. This number of royal griffons would make one or two golden dragons frightened when they see them. Moreover, these royal griffins are different from before. If you look closely, there are figures on their backs. Some thinner-looking female warriors are riding on the backs of the royal griffins with weapons in hand.

“How are the soldiers adapting?”

“Gryphons are very docile and much easier to control than sword eagles.”

It is natural that the royal griffins are easier to control than the sword eagles. After all, they are products of the system. Richard had already ordered the royal griffons to fully cooperate with the knights, directly skipping the domestication and familiarization period, and directly entered the tactical action practice. stage.

“The physical fitness and strength of griffins are much stronger than that of sword eagles. Even if they carry us and all the equipment, they can fly in the sky for two hours. Even if they enter the battle, they can last much longer than sword eagles. .”

Sandrine’s tone revealed that she was extremely satisfied with her new mount. Compared with the somewhat delicate sword eagles, the Royal Griffins are indeed much braver. The weight of sword eagles is generally strictly limited to 55 kilograms, so choose Most of them are petite women as riders, and they have to be trained from an early age.

In order to make up for their physical deficiencies, these female riders train much harder than ordinary people. They have to polish their physical fitness and control their weight. The hard work is not enough for outsiders. After going to heaven, everyone can generally only Carrying no more than five kilograms of equipment, a short soldier plus goggles and a helmet is already the limit, seriously affecting the air combat capabilities of the Sword Eagle Knights. Most of the time they can only be used for reconnaissance.

But the Royal Griffin is different. The Royal Griffin’s standard load is set at 75 kilograms. In addition to carrying a rider of about 50 kilograms, there is still a lot of excess load for carrying equipment.

Twenty-five kilograms is quite a lot of space to operate. The machinery factory has developed a fifteen-kilogram griffin lance specifically for griffin knights. It is about six meters long. The gun barrel is a special one bought from the south. The wood and the gun head are also made of expensive dwarf metal. The purpose is to give the griffin knights more lethality. In addition, each griffin knight is also equipped with a short crossbow, which can be used for mid-range combat in the air. , and three hand axes for throwing, which together took up the remaining space.

“Sandrine, let me see the results of your training during this period.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Sandrine was the former leader of the Sword Eagle Knights in Piaoxue City. She was a rare female knight. After the incident in Piaoxue City was almost peacefully resolved, she took her sword eagle knights to join Richard. Sword eagle knights have always been a rare unit, and with the financial resources of the Lanster family, they can only raise more than 200 sword eagle knights.

In previous wars, because the enemy had little air power, there was basically no loss. When Richard entered Piaoxue City, James had already been controlled, and no one ordered them to attack the Hunter family’s air force. The force launched a suicide attack, and now almost all of them have surrendered to Richard’s command.

The Sword Eagle Knight is regarded as a treasure by other forces, but is not much valued by Richard. The load capacity is insufficient, the flying distance is not enough, the body is light, and the hand-to-hand combat ability is not good. Anyway, in the eyes of Richard, he is almost useless. The only downside might be to eat less.

After Sandrine took her sword eagle knights to Richard, Richard used them as the backbone and recruited a group of petite but athletic women as recruits to supplement the griffin cavalry.

Now that I have been training for nearly a month, I seem to be in good shape.

As several special whistles sounded, the gryphon knights who had been lined up neatly in the air suddenly changed their formations, and the first column began to dive and attack a group of scarecrows on the opposite side.

“Dang, Dang, Dang…”

With the impact of the Royal Griffin, the riders accurately pierced the scarecrow with nearly six meters of lance and then quickly took off, leaving only the impaled scarecrow.

When the second group of gryphon cavalry dived, they took out the short crossbows on their waists and fired them repeatedly, completing a volley from a distance of more than 20 meters. Although it was not as accurate as the lance dive, it was still mostly After reaching the target, the last group of gryphon knights using flying axes also made a neat throw from a height of more than 20 meters, covering the pile of scarecrows on the ground.

After these hand axes of about one kilogram were thrown from the air of more than 20 meters, they were so impressive that no matter how thick the armor was, it was difficult to block the blow.

“Good practice.”

After the Griffin Knights finished their drill, Richard still praised him. Although he knew in his heart that Sandrine must have used the veterans of the original Sword Eagle Knights to show off in front of him, but the Sword Eagle Knights His fighting style is very different from that of the Griffin Knight. It takes less than a month to practice like this, which is indeed worthy of praise.

“What is your strength now?”

“Still at the beginning level of a knight, not far from the intermediate level of a knight.”

Sandrine is only in her thirties now. Not counting the cheaters from the Hunter family, she is considered to be quite talented from a normal perspective, and the world is inherently unfair to women. Women must serve in the military. It’s more difficult to get ahead in the mid-range than it is for men. Sandrine’s strength can be regarded as the best even if she excludes the female heroes under Richard’s command.

“This time you have done a good job in training the gryphon knights. You can get a quota in the training camp. Try to break through to the intermediate level of the knight. Then we will select some talented and outstanding gryphon knights to enter the training camp for training.”

“Thank you, Mr. Richard!”

Sandrine’s words were a little excited, and there was even a trace of flushing on her face. She knew about the training camp, and entering the training camp to strengthen her strength was also her dream, but according to her estimation, she had just joined the opponent’s team. , how could she have such an opportunity after a period of testing. She didn’t expect happiness to come so suddenly, causing her voice to tremble a little.

“No problem, train these gryphon knights well, especially the new recruits. After performing meritorious service on the battlefield, you can get more resources.”

Richard did not doubt the loyalty of these new people who took refuge. They were all human lords in the North, and the Lanster family themselves had surrendered. How could these new people have any second thoughts? Besides, the Griffins The gryphon is the most important part of the knights. Regardless of the close cooperation between the gryphons and these riders now, if someone has a second thought, these partners who are cooperating with each other one second will be betrayed the next second. If the rider on board is thrown off, there is no need to worry about the issue of loyalty.

“Yes, sir.”

Sandrine’s heart tightened upon hearing this, naturally knowing that some of her cleverness had been seen through.

Richard didn’t intend to go into details. Taking out the old soldiers during the drill to build up the appearance was considered normal operation. He just gave him a sweet date and had to give it a beating to let Sandrine know that he was just not pursuing it and was not being fooled.

“Okay, let’s continue training.”


Sandrine stood there and respectfully watched Richard and the person in charge of the testing site leave. She had already made up her mind to strengthen the training of the new recruits. After a month, she must make sure that this group of people were still vomiting in the air. The new recruits who have diarrhea can take action.


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