Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 361: Relics


Northern Snowfield

The cold wind is howling. As summer has gradually entered the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the climate in the snowfield is still extreme. Heavy snow falls every now and then, and white wind blows from time to time. The temperature in this snowfield is still around zero during the day. Once it arrives, At night, it can get as low as minus fifty degrees.

Looking up, it’s all white. Even the sunlight seems to be cold here. The light reflected when it shines on a white snowfield is a bit dazzling. Things that can survive in this environment, Both animals and plants are ruthless characters.

More than a dozen mammoths are taking advantage of the rare daytime to forage. Their huge tusks are like hoes, turning up the snow on the ground, gradually revealing a large area of ​​bryophytes under the snow. Then, with a hook of their tusks, they outline More than ten meters of moss.


At this time, a seven- to eight-meter-tall mammoth suddenly roared loudly. It seemed that it had discovered something that frightened it and began to run away. The other mammoths also gave up on the reminder of this mammoth. Food, joined the ranks of the escape.

There are not many creatures in this snowfield that can scare mammoths, or there is only one kind, and that is the overlord of the snowfield, the snow giant.

In the harsh natural environment of the snowfield, creatures still maintain a delicate balance. The giant cattle herds and mammoth herds that rely on various bryophytes to survive have always maintained a large population.

It’s just a giant ox, but a mammoth with a shoulder height of six to seven meters when it is an adult is definitely a dominant creature in the human world. It is definitely difficult to solve without mobilizing a large number of troops, but when placed on the snowfield, it is The number of natural enemies, the Yetis, has always been limited. They all have a fear of snow giants engraved in their genes. When a few snow giants appeared in the distance, they made them run away hastily. Fortunately, these snow giants had no intention of chasing them. Watch this small group of mammoths disappear into the snowfields.

“Brother, we don’t have enough food.”

After the mammoths escaped, a small group of snow giants arrived at their previous location. These snow giants were Barbarian Bones and others from the Ice Flame Tribe. They searched for several snow giants on the snowfield based on the map given by Richard. The leather jackets on their bodies now look a bit tattered, but because Mangu, who has the peak strength of the earth, leads the team, they have not yet experienced any attrition.

“There is a large tribe here, so don’t add extraneous things.”

Mangu looked at the snow that had been turned over by the mammoths, picked up the stone shovel on his back and walked over.

“Get to work quickly and clean up this area quickly.”

Mangu’s caution is not unreasonable. Snow giants are very sensitive to hunting grounds. The fact that they entered other snow giants’ hunting grounds is somewhat provocative. If they take away the prey again, it will easily cause a conflict.

It’s okay to encounter some small tribes. With the strength of Barbarian Bones, they are not afraid of each other at all. When encountering medium-sized tribes, Barbarian Bones will retreat after showing their strength and expel them. But now this hunting ground is It is owned by a large tribe, and the snow giants in the large tribe like Mangu are at least in double digits. There will also be fifteen-meter strong snow giants. If this tribe discovers them, they will not get any good results.

Xiaoman can be ignorant, but Mangu is not. It is also because of this caution that Mangu can lead the soldiers of the Bingyan Tribe around half of the snowfield without any attrition.

“Sand, sand, sand…”

With Mangu taking the lead, the remaining snow giants also followed up and started searching.

Even if this map is extremely accurate and no one specifically destroys it on the snowfield, after so many years, even normal accumulation of ice and snow would cover several meters.

The mammoths just turned over the new snow in order to eat some moss, which saved Mangu and the others a lot of work, but the remaining workload was still huge and could not be completed in a short time.

“Brother, when did it become a thing for us to dig like this? Looking for something with a picture from hundreds of years ago is a shame for those humans who thought of it!”

Mangu didn’t say anything and continued to wave the shovel in his hand. The snow giant worked very efficiently. In a short time, he had dug out a hole several meters deep along the new snow that the mammoth had just thrown away. The big hole is coming.


Xiaoman saw that Mangu continued to work on the ground. After complaining for a few times, Xiaoman did not slack off and continued to work honestly. The workload of a few snow giants was completely worth hundreds of humans.



After a while, the sound of several hard objects colliding with each other was heard in the pit, indicating that the ice had been dug.

“Brother, it’s all covered in ice and we can’t dig. There’s something wrong with this map.”

After digging into the ice layer, Xiaoman stopped. Digging further would be a waste of effort. The ice layer on the snowfield might be tens of meters deep. Even if the snow giants had outstanding strength, they would not be able to rely on their strength. I personally dug through the ice layer more than ten meters deep in a short period of time.

The other snow giants also stopped and looked at Mangu. Apparently they thought Xiaoman’s words made sense. We all have lived in the snowfield for so long, so we naturally know how difficult it is to break through the ice. We can dig it in a day. How many meters to drive?

“If there are any problems, we will know if we dig deeper. We are already here. It will be difficult to explain if we go back like this.”

Barbarian Bone really regards the Ice Flame Tribe as his own flesh and blood, otherwise it would not be a problem to use his strength to raise a small tribe on the snowfield, instead of having to be controlled by the Hunter family. Even now, when facing the ice, we have to try to dig in and make an explanation when we go back.

“Keep digging. There is no need to expand the scope so much. Just dig a few deep holes and check.”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Man Gu still has a high prestige among this group of warriors. After he made a decision, even though it seemed to be a very unreliable decision, the others continued to bury their heads in digging.

It’s just that this time the tools hit the solid ice, and the progress slowed down. However, after all, these snow giants are so powerful, and when they hit with the tools in their hands, they still made ice splashing everywhere, and hit each and every one of them. Come on.

A few hours later.

Several snow giants, including Xiaoman, stopped in place with tools and gasped for air. Being able to cut through the ice with such high intensity for several hours was already a sign of the snow giant’s natural physical strength. However, good physical strength does not mean infinite physical strength. Now it is exhausted. The snow giant, which had lost all its strength, could only rest on the spot. Only the more powerful Barbarian Bones were left to continue beating the ice. Now Barbarian Bones had knocked out a three or four-meter-deep cave in the ice in front of him.


Barbarian Bone’s strength was so great that the chisel in his hand seemed to break off when it hit something hard.

“Brother, stop digging. Where are the ruins here? I guess those humans were also deceived…”

“Wait a minute, I seem to have discovered something.”

Man Gu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly silenced Xiao Man with a gesture. His chisel just now seemed to have dug into other solid objects instead of some ice.

Rather than looking for new tools, Mangu stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and a new ice chisel condensed in his hand. This kind of tool condensed by magic power is harder.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

After Barbarian Bones was discovered, other snow giants rushed up to help, and quickly cleared a small open space several meters square.

“It really does!”

In the open space of several meters square, evenly distributed stone slabs can be seen. These are obviously man-made creations rather than naturally formed ground.

According to the urine of the snow giant, it is impossible to spend such effort to lay a layer of stone slabs on the snowfield, and it is even less possible for humans to penetrate deep into the snowfield. After thinking about it, except for the ruins they are looking for, it is not possible for humans to go deep into the snowfield. It will be something else.

“Okay, okay! Stop digging, try to pry off a slab, then fill it back with ice and snow, make a mark, and leave here immediately.”

Man Gu still has a clear understanding of his mission. After confirming the location, he will go back and report, instead of being responsible for exploring the entire ruins. That is not his business, and the nearby environment does not allow him to explore slowly and stay for a while. Time was discovered by a large nearby tribe and it would cause more trouble.

“Yes! Patriarch!”

Several snow giants around were also very excited after hearing Mangu’s order. Although there was no attrition along the way, they were still tired enough. Poaching in other people’s hunting grounds is always frightening, and occasionally they are hungry and full. It was a surprise. How could the Bingyan Tribe feel comfortable? It was a little hot, but there was no shortage of food at all.

A few snow giants were very proactive at the moment. They filled back the broken ice in a few clicks, then walked to the snow pit and filled back the dug snow.

“Brother, I have to leave anyway. I don’t have much food. The prey around here is good. Do you want it?”

Xiaoman walked up to Mangu and mentioned the food again, obviously he also had some thoughts about the abundant prey nearby.

After thinking for a moment, Mangu shook his head.

“Forget it, there is a hunting ground on the way back. It is a hunting ground for a medium-sized tribe. Hunt some prey there and then leave. Don’t take risks near here.”

“Okay, listen to big brother.”

“Go and help fill the snow back together. Get out of here early and don’t cause trouble!”


What happened in the snowfield has not yet reached Richard. Now he is still focusing all his attention on the management of the territory. This rare peaceful time is a great opportunity for the development of the Northland.

After receiving a large amount of financial and material support from the River Valley, the entire Northland has developed rapidly like clockwork. In the past half month, Miracle City has been changing day by day. Even the city wall that Viscount Sauter is most concerned about has also changed. It’s almost complete, and some details are still being worked on.

After the main members of the college and the Hunter family moved into Miracle City, the popularity of the entire city began to increase. After all, with the main consumer group, the related supporting consumption will gradually improve under the adjustment of the market. Now a circus has entered the city, bringing a lot of happiness to Viscount Sauter.

But Richard is more concerned about these, but about the new things that appear under his guidance.

“Master Richard, the things at Test Site No. 3 are ready.”

“Okay, let’s go and have a look…”


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