Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 360: The Secret Observer (Changed)


Except behind the tavern door, Richard restrained his smile slightly. This time, the harvest was far greater than expected. I originally thought that a knight general, Adelaide, would be the biggest harvest this time. I didn’t expect to recruit Catherine. An all-around hero.

After these system heroes have served Richard for so long, Richard has basically understood the purpose of their skills. Although the direct improvement effects of offensive and defensive skills are only useful to system soldiers, heroes with these skills can command The abilities of ordinary soldiers are not weak either.

In addition to generating a certain amount of gold every week, heroes with financial management skills also have internal affairs skills. Heroes with logistics skills generally also have strong organizational skills. Richard, who has leadership skills, infers that he should have good The ability to unite people.

After Moriel uses strong tactics to clear up the dissatisfaction in the river valley, it can be replaced by Catherine to win people’s hearts. In the future, she may continue to go south. To a certain extent, Catherine can play a greater role than Moriel. Some.

Fortunately, Catherine is also a product of the system, so there is no need to doubt her loyalty. Otherwise, with Catherine’s leadership ability, no matter how wise Richard is, he would not dare to use it without warning.

After that, the knights, centaurs, Red Flame Knights and the thousand heavy cavalry were assigned to Adelaide, and another 10,000 light cavalry were allocated to create a cavalry regiment headed by Adelaide alone. .

Catherine first arranged to handle all matters in Miracle City, and then brought up a legion. After Richard and Moriel went on an expedition with the human army at Longxing Pass, Catherine would also be the best person to guard the rear. The two heroes had just come out of the tavern and were already fully arranged by Richard.

“Let me familiarize you with the territory first.”

“Then I’ll trouble you Lord…”

Just when Richard was happy to have recruited Catherine, several voices emerged from the distant void. The voices seemed to have no source, and seemed to be in front of him, with a sense of majesty in their low tone.

“Elrath, have you gone too far? You have to give him the Dragon King’s divine power, and the Angel Alliance has to give it to him. Now you have sent Catherine as well. Have you gone too far?” (The Light of Light) Dragon Elrath is the eldest son of the creator **** in the world of heroes. Keywords: angel, human, light, sun)

“What, I am giving something to my favored ones within the rules and do I need your approval from Malashaman?” (Marashaman, the **** of darkness, is the eldest daughter of the creator **** in the world of Invincible Heroes. Keywords : Faceless Man, Moon, Darkness)

“Haha, the favored one, I think the other party doesn’t take you and us gods seriously. He doesn’t seem to have respect for you.”

“Whether he has respect or not is my business. His role is very important. You’d better not mess around. This is the will of the Mother Goddess.” (Mother Goddess, God of Creation Asha, in the world of Invincible Heroes In the middle is the creation spirit, the mother of the gods, keywords: stars, creation, goddess)

“Hmph, don’t use the Mother Goddess to pressure me. The Mother Goddess has been sleeping. Who knows if you are lying to me.”

“Can’t you feel the power of rules in this human being? Through him, we can find a new home for our people.”

“He is not the only one in this world who has the power of rules. Isn’t it because you value him so much because he is a human being?”

“No, it’s different. He is the person chosen by the mother goddess Yasha. Only he can complete our mission.”

“Why not try the orcs? If we support the orcs, we may be able to gather the destiny of the continent faster.”

“The protagonist of this world is the same as before, still human.”

“Why, every time the protagonist is a human, do you think it is Silena?” (Silaena, God of Harvest, Mother of the Earth, Keywords: Elf, Orc, Earth.)

“I, I don’t know, but I think there are only three of us brothers and sisters left, so we should do what the Mother Goddess wants.”

“Hmph, you are still the protector of the orcs, why do you still have to watch Elrath go astray like this?”

“The orcs here are different. They are not my dependents. I can feel the difference between them.”

“Why should we place all our hopes on one human being?”

“This is the meaning of the Mother Goddess.”

No matter what Mara Shaman said, Elrath always came back with one sentence. The conflict between them was deep and they were not fighting for a day or two. They were always against each other habitually. When Yasha was awake, he could still Calling the shots, now that Yasha has fallen into a deep sleep, Mara Shaman is always looking for an opportunity or two to fight.

“Okay, no need to fight anymore. Our goal is not to make anyone believe in us, but to find a home for a group of souls who have nowhere to go. Now this human being is doing a good job, so don’t make things more complicated.”

“Well, the rules of this world and the various creatures are very similar to our former home. When I discovered this place, I even thought we had found our former home again. We can’t miss it this time.”

“That’s it. Stop fighting. Mother Goddess Yasha has been forced to sleep. This world may not be as simple as we think. We should unite now.”

“Elrath, you have received a lot of benefits from the fallen water god…”

“Sister, stop talking. According to the rules, it should have been Elrath’s.”


The sound in the void gradually faded away…

“This is Ms. Catherine. She will serve as the governor of Miracle City in the future and be responsible for the training of the city defense army.”

“This is Adelaide. He will temporarily serve as the captain of the cavalry wing and be responsible for the subsequent large-scale expansion and training of the cavalry.”

Here, Richard did not know that several unknown beings were starting a small debate around him. He was introducing Catherine and Adelaide to everyone because of the addition of these two key heroes. , some of the arrangements made at the beginning need to be adjusted.

Everyone in the Hunter family is used to Richard being able to recruit some strong men from time to time that they never dared to think of before. Local heroes like Lint are just that. At least they have some traces to follow. , but something was wrong starting from Elena. At that time, strong men of this level should not be recruited by the Hunter family. By the time Moriel, a sky-level master, joined, the Hunter family had already They are numb. These people have suddenly risen to high positions after joining. They have nothing to be dissatisfied with. The gap between the two sides is too big. To express dissatisfaction is just to make people laugh.

This time both of them are only masters of the Earth Knight level, but they think that’s all?

Damn it, when did they have the right to think that the Earth Knight is an ordinary level?

Li Cha didn’t know the inner thoughts of the people under his command. After introducing the two of them, he took them to formally take office.

There was still some time before the Eastern Expedition and he planned to take advantage of this free time to sort out the affairs of the territory. After Catherine became familiar with the Hunter family’s system, Richard would be able to completely stop some chores. will be liberated from it, and some of his ideas will also be put into practice during this period.

The generals produced by these systems may be better than Richard in handling certain specific affairs, but in terms of innovation ability, they are really not as good as Richard, who stood on the shoulders of giants and acquired various knowledge…

(Same as yesterday, there should be another chapter later)


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