Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 359: Long smile


When Richard found out the first line of information, he was slightly stunned. It wasn’t that Richard didn’t know anything about it, but the name Catherine was familiar to anyone who had played the game Invincible Heroes. She is one of the protagonists of Destiny in the game. First, he led the castle (human race) forces to regain Erathia, and with his cheating ability, he drove the **** forces back to the ground. Not to mention whether it is easy to use in the game, the name alone is loud enough, and Catherine is definitely an all-round hero, with absolutely first-class political, military and diplomatic abilities, which is exactly the talent that Richard desperately needs.

Name: Catherine

Race: Human

Level: 18

Strength: 29

Agility: 29

Physique: 33

Spirit: 22

Speciality (1): Crusader

Effect: Catherine is very good at commanding the Crusaders in combat. Under her leadership, the overall combat effectiveness of the Crusaders will increase by 40%.

Skills: Erathian Royal Breathing Technique (Advanced), Erathian Royal Qi Entrainment Technique (Ultimate), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Advanced), Leadership Technique (Master Level) , Financial Management (Ultimate).

Treasure 1: Crown of Oracle

Effect: The hero and the troops under his command have attack power +6 and defense power +6. The hero’s own strength +6 and spirit +6.

Introduction: One of the six-piece sets of the Angel Alliance of Combination Artifacts.

Ms. Catherine is a woman with a royal bearing. She is a natural leader and commander, with a strong affinity. Everyone who comes into contact with her will be unconsciously infected by her bearing. Catherine She hates evil creatures so much that she is willing to surrender to a righteous lord under the guidance of God.

After reading this introduction, Richard felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn’t covet the combat power of a sky mid-level to pick up the elite demon, otherwise it would be difficult for Catherine.

It has to be said that Her Majesty the Queen is Her Majesty the Queen after all. The treasures she brings with her are more than what Adelaide can match, and she also comes with a component of the Angel Alliance.

The Crusader specialization is the same as in the game. It seems to overlap with Ron’s specialties, but Catherine’s specialties are obviously much stronger than Ron’s bonus to the Crusaders.

Looking at skills, from tactical skills such as offense, defense, and logistics to management skills such as financial management and leadership, Catherine is indeed a person who can both command military operations and manage internal affairs. As an all-round player, the only thing that falls short of is Catherine’s personal strength. According to Richard’s experience, from the perspective of Catherine’s skills and personal attributes, her physical strength should be at the peak of the earth level, far from the sky level. There is a wall between them, and Moriel, who is at the same level as her, is a high-level expert in the sky.

But this is not important. Catherine is not known for her personal force like Moriel. The environment of Negan’s Dungeon does not allow the lord to have the slightest flaw in force, but Erathia is different. Catherine is not needed most of the time. Taking part in the battle personally, most of the time there are countless knights willing to fight for the queen.

While Richard was observing Catherine, Catherine also raised her head and took off her hood to look at Richard. She was obviously aware of Richard’s gaze. In line with the principle that as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed. Li Cha The inspector met Catherine’s eyes openly, and the two looked at each other from a distance.

Katherine has brown hair with a string of hair accessories, regular facial features, and healthy wheat-colored skin. Although she cannot be said to be very beautiful, she is very temperamental. There is a look in her eyes. A confident and majestic kingly demeanor.

Richard reacted first, holding up his wine glass and nodding to Catherine with a smile. Catherine did not have a sullen face, she also showed a reserved smile, polite, generous and elegant, showing a sense of warmth everywhere. Extraordinary temperament.

“Ms. Catherine, can I buy you a drink?”

“Oh? Do you recognize me?”

Facing Richard who came to the table, Catherine also showed an interesting expression.

“Queen Catherine, the restorer of Erathia, I have known your name since I was a child.”

Richard was not lying about this. After all, he had played Heroes of Might and Magic 3 when he was a child. The recovery of Erathia was one of the main storylines, and Catherine was of course someone who could not be bypassed.

It’s okay that Richard didn’t say anything. As soon as Richard opened his mouth, the big devil on the side turned his head instantly and stared at the table fiercely again, but Catherine and Richard didn’t care. They knew the rules of the tavern better. It was profound that nothing could be done in this tavern anyway, and it didn’t matter what he did. The two continued their communication.

“I didn’t expect that my name could spread so far? Even God’s Favored Ones have heard of my name.”

He is the favored one again. Some people said before that he was the divine son of Lao Shizi. Richard knew nothing about these things, but Richard did not show any abnormality. Since the other party regarded him as the favor of Elrath, Or, from the perspective of the beliefs of the castle (human race) forces, recruitment will be much easier.

“Ms. Catherine’s reputation has long spread to various places, I just happened to hear about it.”

Anyway, compliments are free of charge, so just say a few words to make people happy.

“Okay, since you invited me to drink this glass of wine, you must have something to tell me. There is no free lunch in the world, and this wine is actually the same.”

“I hope Ms. Catherine can work for me.”

Judging from Catherine’s profile, he does not object to working for a lord. Richard has not stepped on the other party’s weak points, and his chances of recruiting Catherine are not small.

“I can serve the favored ones of Elrath, but I have my own principles. If your territory is full of filthy activities, it will be difficult for me to serve you.”

“You can go and take a look first. The people in my territory live and work in peace and contentment, with fair laws and abundant supplies. Now I need more heroes to protect all of this.”

Richard set his camp very firmly from the beginning. There were no zombies or skeletons in the territory. On the whole, he belonged to the lawful, neutral and good camp. When he said this, he was extremely confident. Confidence.

“I should trust the favored one of Elrath, but I still want to see it first.”

Compared to Catherine, Rhodes is a bit naive. He bows to Richard as soon as he is confirmed to be the favored one of Elrath. Catherine, on the other hand, has seen too much ugliness and still believes in what she sees with her own eyes. Some.

“Please invite Ms. Catherine to my territory as a guest.”

Then, Richard made a gesture of invitation, and Catherine immediately stood up and prepared to walk out of the tavern.

Catherine’s side is settled. After seeing Richard’s territory, it was only a matter of time before Catherine joined Richard’s army. At this time, Richard has not forgotten the knight hero Adelaide just now. Although he has grown The **** is a little lower, but after all, it is the high-level strength of the earth, and the ability to command cavalry, which is much easier to use than Ron, how could he give up.

“Knight, can I buy you a drink?”

This familiar opening might be more interesting if it were a fellow Taoist, please stay.

Faced with Richard’s initiative to talk to him, Adelaide seemed a bit more rigid and said:

“A knight will not accept gifts from others for no reason.”

Okay, I have a good subordinate named Rhodes. You can share the spirit of chivalry together.

After Richard complained in his heart, he simply said it directly. Faced with such a straightforward and straightforward person, it would be easy to complicate things by making insinuations.

“I am a powerful lord and want to recruit knights like you to fight for me.”

“How powerful?”

Adelaide is very good at grasping key points. He hopes to join a powerful lord and does not want to do anything false.

“I have more than 15 million people under my command, an army of 500,000, and a territory that is round…”

“Adelaide is willing to work for you!”

After Richard boasted about his strength for a long time and swore his guarantee in the name of Elrath, Adelaide was really impressed. After Richard stood up, Adelaide stood up and went to Richard. A standard knightly salute, and then followed closely behind Richard. When Catherine saw the two coming, she also walked slowly behind Richard.

Li Cha, who was walking at the front, couldn’t hold back his smile. He burst out laughing as he walked out of the tavern. The harvest this time was simply too rich…


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