Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 356: Huge harvest



The killings have been going on for several days. In addition to the seven larger noble families in Burai City, there are also more than 40 small noble families in the entire river valley who participated in this incident. According to Moriel’s order, Dane personally directed the operation. In the past few days, thousands of heads had fallen to the ground, and half of the city of Burai could faintly smell the smell of blood.

But the remaining nobles in the river valley are more frightened. The civilians in the city have lost their initial panic because they have discovered that this battle is just a fight between gods to them. The knife was only for the noble men in the river valley, but in my heart I was even more in awe of the Hunter family.

Ordinary people say that you kill a chicken to show the monkeys, but Moriel killed the strongest monkey in the river valley and showed it to a group of chickens. In a short period of time, the Hunter family’s ruling efficiency in the river valley will be greatly improved.

There are two ways to establish a new rule. Either collude with the original interest class and let everyone be the superior master. At worst, if you are stronger, we will regard you as the leader and let you represent this class. Interests. Or simply completely defeat and **** the original interest class and completely establish a new rule.

The first method is more commonly used in practice. When dynasties change, most of the time, the new rulers combine with the interest classes. Of course, except for the most recent time, everyone has divided their interests to form a new governance model. .

The advantage of this method is that it can quickly stabilize the situation, but the disadvantage is that even if you become a nominal ruler, you will still be constrained by the interest class, and you may even be controlled in turn when you are weak.

The second method is the method used by Moriel, and it is also very consistent with Moriel’s style. He found an excuse to directly kill almost half of the nobles who originally ruled the river valley, and it was still a killing method of eradicating the roots. In the future, the Hunter family’s bureaucracy can replace the original aristocratic rule system in the river valley as quickly as possible. At least now there will be less resistance when the Hunter family sends administrators, tax collectors and sheriffs to establish rule in various towns in the river valley.

Either the local nobles have been wiped out, or the nobles who were lucky enough to escape were frightened by the thousands of heads. How could they dare to resist the rule of the Hunter family and even dare not make small moves? She was afraid that Moriel would find an excuse to kill again.

Just doing this also has certain drawbacks. The river valley is just a corner of the kingdom. The gentle methods used by the Hunter family to change the kingdom’s system in the North were already very bad rules. It is difficult for the great nobles to accept Hunter. This is a means of taking back power.

This time, Moriel went even further in the river valley, directly clearing out the river valley with a knife. Although Moriel found an excuse for this action, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Moriel’s true nature was What is the intention? Everything is planned. It’s okay for Richard to only rule the Northland and the River Valley. At worst, he could separate one side and become a local emperor. But if Richard continues to go south and wants to replace the Charman family as the new owner of the kingdom, the difficulty will skyrocket, and rulers who don’t care about the interests of the nobles will be ostracized by the nobles.

But this is not something Moriel has to consider, because the order given by Richard before the expedition was to complete the control of the river valley as quickly as possible. Moriel did it. When the killing just ended, , the Hunter family bureaucrats brought by Morel have been dispatched to various parts of the river valley. Soon these skilled administrative officials will be able to help the Hunter family complete effective rule in the river valley.

“Lord Moriel, all the families involved in this price hike have been dealt with.”

At this time, Dane returned to Moriel in the river valley and was neatly dressed, but with Moriel’s keen sense, he could still feel that there was a faint smell of blood on Dane’s body that had not dissipated.

This shows that when Dane was responsible for cleaning up various houses, he not only acted as a commander, but also personally participated in some killings, showing so much force that the smell of blood on his body has not dissipated.

“Well, thank you for your hard work, General Dane.”

“This is my honor.”

“How many supplies were copied from these nobles’ castles this time?”

After some small talk, Moriel turned the topic to a more critical point. The nobles in this river valley are all rich people who have accumulated hundreds of years in this prosperous land. Even Moriel must admit that this The ability of the merchant nobles to make money is much better than that of the naive nobles in the North. If they could invest more of their accumulated wealth in armaments, Moriel would not be so easy this time, but now they have accumulated All this wealth has been filled into the Hunter family’s warehouse.

“In total, more than 1.5 million gold coins, 15 million stone of grain, various jewelry and luxury goods were confiscated during this operation. Land and other industries are also included in the statistics.”

Dane can be considered a man who has seen the world. His voice was trembling when he reported the seizure results to Moriel. Such wealth sounded like an astronomical figure to him. With his strength as a great knight and his ability in the valley The position of legion commander may not allow him to come into contact with such a huge wealth in his lifetime. Of course, he would not dare to think about these properties at all, not to mention that the administrative officials of the Hunter family and the Dragon Army soldiers were involved in the whole process. Dane took care of everything by himself and he didn’t dare to reach out.

Moriel not only shocked the nobles of the river valley, but Dane was also a little afraid of Moriel. Now she has been nicknamed the **** queen of the river valley. Of course, this nickname is somewhat malicious. There is even a hint of provocation in it, but Moriel won’t care about this kind of provocation. Her loyalty to Richard is unimaginable to outsiders, but the word “bloody” really fits Moriel’s current image.

“This time, Lord Dane is the first to suppress the rebellion of the nobles in the river valley. I will report to Lord Richard truthfully. General Dane should have a quota for the training camp and the strengthening knight blessing potion.”

Good guy, Moriel directly defined the economic confrontation of the nobles in the valley as a rebellion in one sentence, but how to define it is Moriel’s business. What is more important to Dane is Moriel’s recognition and follow-up of his contribution. Promise of.

“Thank you, Lord Moriel!”

Dane’s tone was a little excited. He had long planned to join the Hunter family. Of course, he was also concerned about the situation of the Hunter family. The existence of special training camps and knight-enhancing potions was nothing to the Hunter family. The secret, after all, meritorious or outstanding officers are selected for training in the training camp every week. It cannot be concealed. This method of quickly improving strength has long been spread within the Hunter family.

Although in the test, neither the training camp nor the enhanced Knight Blessing Potion had an ideal effect on the knight-level masters, but at Dane’s stage, resources that have a little effect are very precious. With the superposition of resources, and the fact that he has accumulated a lot of time in the middle level of the Great Knight, there is still a high probability that he will break through to the high level if his realm is slightly loosened. Isn’t this the point of him fully joining the Hunter family? .

“You deserve this.”

Although Moriel’s methods are cruel, rewards and punishments are very clear. Without Dane this time, the Hunter family will definitely be able to successfully take over the valley, but it will never be like now. It went well, at least Dane’s men didn’t lead the way when it came to ransacking the house. Even half-migrants like the Hunter family might not be able to find the right location.

“50,000 gold will be used as rewards for the soldiers under my command. The contributions of the soldiers of the River Valley Legion and the Dragon Army will be calculated together. The rest, including all kinds of jewelry, will be loaded into trucks and transported. Return to the Northland.”

“Yes, Lord Moriel!”

While Moriel was arranging the captured supplies, a Dragon Army affairs officer walked in.

“Sir Moriel, the Military Justice Department found that a soldier had hidden something secretly…”

“Oh? Which flag regiment is so bold?”

The Dragon Army officer who reported to Moriel glanced at Dane, who was still smiling, which made Dane feel a little bit in his heart, and then he said:

“They are soldiers of the River Valley Legion.”

The rules of the Hunter family’s army are strict, and privateering is strictly prohibited during war. Especially the Dragon Army, which has the most stringent military regulations. With the Dragon Army acting together, the River Valley Army is also subject to a lot of restrictions. There was no looting. But after all, wealth touches people’s hearts. Faced with such a huge wealth, there are always people who take desperate risks and hide some gains secretly. But obviously they were unlucky and were quickly caught by the sharp-eyed military judges.

These **** guys!

Dan’s face, which had been smiling just now, suddenly changed. He was really unaware of his men’s actions, but being caught hiding the confiscated property made him lose a lot of face here. He didn’t wait until Molly When you opened your mouth, Dane immediately said:

“I will go back and punish these people severely.”

“Does General Dane know what the crime of hiding and seizing at Hunter’s house is?”


Dane still knew a little about the Hunter family’s rules for managing the army, so he immediately said the correct answer, but soon he looked at Moriel’s half-smiling expression and understood what Moriel meant. not enough.

After thinking for a while, Dane continued:

“The River Valley Legion has just joined His Excellency Richard and does not have a deep understanding of military law. Please ask Lord Moriel to send some military judges of the Dragon Army to teach the soldiers in the River Valley Legion.”

“Okay, Carres, you will take your people to the River Valley Legion with General Dane in a moment. The River Valley Legion will be our own from now on, and military law must follow that of our Dragon Army.”

“Yes, sir!”

Dane himself also realized that his control over the River Valley Legion was too strong. After joining the Hunter family, it was obvious that this kind of control was not suitable. He took this opportunity to actively invite Moriel to send officers and exert the influence of the Hunter family. Impact so that neither party looks ugly.

“Okay, everyone needs to continue to be more vigilant during this period. Anyone who dares to take the opportunity to cause trouble will be severely punished.”

“Yes, sir!”

Northland, Miracle City.

The relocation work is proceeding very quickly, because the two cities are not far apart, and there are not many people who need to be relocated in the first batch. At this time, the main members of the Hunter family and most of the students at Ironwood City College are here Er has completely entered Miracle City.

The effect of prolonging life and longevity cannot be seen in a short period of time, but it can be clearly felt by improving the efficiency of cultivation. As long as the senior members of the Hunter family are masters above the knight level, they can basically feel that the efficiency of fighting qi cultivation has improved a lot. This Most of their Qi-Entraining Techniques have nothing to do with the water system. If people who specialize in water-based Qi-Entraining Techniques practice here, their efficiency will be even greater.

After arriving here, the one who reacted the most was Richard’s father, Viscount Sauter. He seemed to have found a target. Every day he was familiar with a first-class water-based Qi-entraining technique that Richard found through Paley, Whale. Haiyin Qi Jue.

This Qi-Inducing Technique is slightly stronger than the previous Qing Qi-Inducing Technique, and its power is slightly less powerful than the Qing Qi-Inducing Technique. It seems relatively mediocre, but its characteristic is that the amount of fighting energy is larger, and it is as endless as the sea. Richard spent a lot of money to have Pa Lei collect them, specifically to match the special characteristics of Miracle City.

After feeling the special nature of Miracle City, Viscount Sauter neither hunted nor played circuses nor watched the circus. He studied the Whale Sea Qi Entraining Technique all day long. He had infinite yearning for the earth level.

But during this period, Richard was not as leisurely as his father and two uncles. After more than ten days, the Dragon Cliff in Linzhong City had been upgraded to a Golden Dragon Cliff. Not only did he recruit a new Golden Dragon, but also After successfully upgrading the original green dragon, Richard now has more than six dragons at his disposal. Of course, everything was fine, but it consumed a large amount of resources and delayed the implementation of Richard’s army expansion plan.

Things in Piaoxue City have now been basically straightened out and on track. Rhodes has kept Piaoxue City management in order. Richard doesn’t need to worry about it anymore, but information about the river valley is constantly being sent to Richard’s desk. Afterwards, everyone was a little shocked by Moriel’s murderous intention. It can only be said that this acting style is worthy of the Dragon Queen Moriel.

However, after the matter was handed over to Moriel, Richard did not interfere too much and allowed Moriel to exert his influence. If someone wants to be a good person, there will always be someone who wants to be a bad person, and someone else will be a bad person. Although Moriel’s actions are easy to kill, the results are really good.

“Sir Richard, a new letter from the valley.”

Richard, who was at work, received the new information brought by the messenger and opened it to check as soon as possible.

The envelope contained a request letter and a list. In the letter, Moriel asked for instructions to use the acquired fields in the river valley to recruit and expand the army on the spot. Based on the conditions in the river valley, at least 150,000 soldiers could be raised. This matter Richard naturally wanted to agree, and there was a string of numbers written on the list that made Richard excited.

“One and a half million gold nards.”

“Fifteen million shi of grain, including 2 million shi of fine grain.”

“All kinds of jewelry are useless.”

At the end, Richard’s eyes lit up and there was only one word in his mind.

“Get rich…”


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