Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 355: Heads are rolling (changed)


(I have been working overtime in the past few days and I have been rushing to write. I apologize for your understanding. I will finish writing the rest and add it immediately, which affects everyone’s reading experience. I am very sorry.)

In fact, the sun has not completely set at this time, and the sky has just begun to get hazy. In the distance, four giant dragons are flying towards the Duke family’s castle, gradually turning from a small dot in the sky into four behemoths. .

Based on the recent situation, the guards in the Duke’s castle certainly knew that these giant dragons were coming with bad intentions. After issuing a warning with a trembling voice, they seemed a little overwhelmed. These little nobles had never experienced dealing with air targets. Not to mention dealing with the dragon.

“Bed crossbow! Raise the bed crossbow! Aim at the dragon in the sky!”

“Archers prepare!”

Although the Duke Viscount family is a merchant aristocracy, such a large family property still has many die-hard loyalists. The hundreds of guards guarding the Duke Castle still did not escape immediately. It’s an attempt to resist.

Several semi-fixed crossbows on the castle were adjusted by the soldiers in order to aim at the giant dragon in the sky. Dozens of archers also opened their longbows. Although their hands were trembling in the face of the giant dragon, they still He also aimed the arrow at the dragon.

“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

It’s just that these bows and arrows can only play a consoling role against the giant dragon. The dragon is huge and now it is so close. It is already considered that the archers can muster the courage to launch an attack at the giant dragon. This is the result of the Ke family’s usual combination of kindness and power to cultivate loyalty.

Half of the bows and arrows successfully hit the dragon, then made a crisp sound on the dragon’s scales before falling down weakly.


The red dragon that was the first to approach the city wall had a bad temper. Facing the attack of Duke’s archers, it felt that it had been provoked by ants. Although it was not injured, it was successfully angered and faced the city wall. The place where the archers stood was a breath of dragon’s breath.

The breath of the red dragon is the most powerful and wide-ranging among the dragons. The entire city wall is as if it has been struck by a powerful flamethrower. When the red dragon stops, the bricks and stones in this section are all gone. Smoking and cracking. The archers covered in the dragon’s breath have now turned into pieces of unidentifiable black objects.

At this moment, the few surviving archers had no intention of fighting anymore. The power of the red dragon’s breath and the tragic fate of their comrades made their fighting spirit completely collapse. They dropped their long bows and ran towards the city wall. go.

The red dragon stood on the city wall just now, as if it was stepping on a large toy.

“Let it go!”


The slow-moving bed crossbow finally adjusted its position and released a giant dragon at the red dragon that was showing off its power.



This arrow is completely shot close to the face, and its accuracy and power are basically at its peak. If this arrow is used to attack humans, even a knight wearing heavy armor will feel like he is being hit by a bed crossbow. It was torn open like paper, but this blow finally left a mark on the red dragon’s body. A little bloodshot could be seen in the depression. The effect was better than the bow and arrow just now, but it was just better. It just made the red dragon feel a slight pain from being tickled. It did not suffer any substantial damage. The defensive effect of the dragon scale was far more powerful than it looked.

If the giant dragon could be really hurt by this ordinary bed crossbow, then it would be impossible for the giant dragon family to become one of the strongest races in the entire continent after the demise of the elves.

Only the specially-made heavy crossbows from the orcs, or a very small number of sharp weapons hidden in the human capital, can threaten the dragon, and such things are very far away from the Duke family. Firstly, they don’t need such sharp weapons, and secondly, they don’t have the ability to get them. No matter how rich the Duke family is, they are just a very wealthy middle-lower noble. They are not qualified to get involved in such a weapon-level thing for the country.

However, although this crossbow did not cause substantial damage to the red dragon, it successfully attracted the red dragon’s attention. The commander was still forcibly directing the soldiers to load the second giant crossbow, but the red dragon had already turned its head. , saw the bed crossbow placed in the corner and shot an arrow at it.


After being stared at by the red dragon’s lantern-sized eyes, several soldiers operating the crossbow no longer ignored the commander’s urging, dropped the half-loaded crossbow and ran towards the city. At this time, even the commander The officer himself did not stop them, but followed the soldiers and ran towards the city. They didn’t even use crossbows. How could they have the courage to fight on this city tower.


Although they gave up resistance, Red Dragon had no intention of letting go of these enemies. Although the arrow just now did not really hurt Red Dragon, it did cause Red Dragon some pain. In this case, Red Dragon How could the dragon let them go?

With a slight flapping of its wings, the red dragon flew above their heads. Then, as soon as the hot dragon breath came out, several soldiers operating the crossbows and the commander were burned to a crisp.

The situation on other city walls was similar. Four giant dragons attacked the Duke’s castle at the same time. There was no possibility of resistance in this castle with only a few hundred defenders. In just a short time, no one alive could be seen at the top of the city. They either ran away or turned into charcoal.


After the four giant dragons took control of the city wall, they did not get into the castle. The final occupation still had to be completed by the dragon army and the ground troops of the Valley Army. An army of about a thousand people surrounded them. A ladder was quickly set up on the city wall.

This was probably the easiest attack on the city in their lives. There was no one on the top of the city, and there was no resistance at all. The soldiers of the Dragon Army and the River Valley Legion easily stood on the outer wall of the Duke’s castle. , and quickly assembled the entire team, and then headed towards the interior of Fort Duke under the leadership of their respective commanders.

With the huge body of the dragon, it is impossible to enter the castle to fight. The rest of the work is left to the ordinary troops. After all the follow-up troops enter the castle, all the four-headed dragons that have completed their tasks will fly again. In the air, it’s not just the Duke family that needs to be dealt with today…

“How dare the Hunter family!”

At this moment, Viscount Duke seems to have not recognized the reality. When the dragon was raging on the city, Viscount Duke, who had the peak strength of the knight level, did not have the courage to go out and fight at all, so he hid in the castle for a while Then, I heard the sound of the Hunter family’s army entering the castle.


“We surrender, we surrender!”

The soldiers who ran back to the castle had no intention of resisting anymore. On the city wall, most of the enemies were wiped out by the giant dragon that fell from the sky without even touching a hair. They are now in a state of panic. The Hunter family troops who entered the castle had no will to fight, and they all dropped their weapons and tried to beg for mercy.

“No more fighting! I want to see Mr. Moriel! The Duke family is willing to start selling food and is willing to cooperate with all orders from the city lord’s palace!”

Viscount Duke, who finally reacted, quickly made the right decision. When he discovered that the Hunter family had no intention of abiding by the rules, he realized how big the gap in strength between the two sides was. The dragon’s attack was such a terrifying thing, but soon, the reaction of the Hunter family soldiers made him feel a sense of despair.

The soldiers who dropped their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy were not forgiven. These Hunter soldiers still raised their weapons with ferocious faces and hacked down those who gave up resistance.

And a man dressed as an officer, who was obviously a knight, shouted directly:

“Lord Moriel has an order! No one from the Duke family will be left alive! No one from the Duke family will be left alive! Kill them!”

Sometimes offending a woman is a very scary thing, especially when this woman is a woman who can turn into a dragon. Such extermination military orders are rare in the Hunter family, but the execution ability of the Dragon Army But it’s quite good. With the military order in hand, all living creatures in Duke’s Fort are their targets for killing. Soldiers, maids, women and children are all within their attack range.



Although the soldiers of the Duke family had been overwhelmed, Viscount Duke, who had the peak strength of a knight, still had some resistance. After discovering that the Hunter family had no intention of leaving alive, Viscount Duke pulled out a weapon. The ornately decorated knight’s sword makes a final stand.

However, the people who led the attack on Duke’s house this time included two knight mid-level officers, one from the River Valley Legion and one from the Dragon Army.

After the two saw Viscount Duke drawing his sword to resist, the two knights came forward together to avoid unnecessary casualties.

The two of them took action at the same time, giving Viscount Duke, a strong man at the peak of the knight, a certain amount of respect. However, Viscount Duke’s strength is obviously a bit weak, and the knight’s peak level of fighting spirit is not very good at displaying it. His moves are very unfamiliar, and he has been relying on a slightly stronger fighting spirit to deal with it.


Soon, Viscount Duke, whose fighting spirit had not been exhausted, was knocked to the ground. His combat experience was really poor, or almost no combat experience. His fighting spirit cultivation was completely based on resources. As a merchant aristocrat from the river valley, Dou Qi training is not for fighting, but a means of strengthening the body. He has no experience in fighting with others.

Viscount Duke, who fell to the ground, felt a huge crisis coming. He still wanted to live, he still had inexhaustible money and so many lovers, and he didn’t want to die.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I have money, I can give you a lot of money.”

However, the knight of the Dragon Army did not hesitate at all because of his words. The long sword with fighting spirit penetrated directly from above into the chest. Viscount Duke, who was half sitting up and struggling, was nailed to the ground.

Then the knight of the dragon army was afraid that the opponent would not die completely. After instilling fighting spirit with all his strength, he twisted the hilt of the sword hard, directly breaking Viscount Duke’s heart. Viscount Duke, who was nailed to the ground, had a panicked expression even from the moment he died.

“Kill! Leave no one behind!”


The killings at Duke’s Castle continue, and other places in Burleigh City are not peaceful either…


The night has completely fallen, but the entire city of Burai has fallen into a real panic. The dragon’s roar has resounded throughout the entire area, and the fire of the dragon’s breath has become more obvious after the darkness has completely fallen.

At this moment, anyone with any brains would realize what happened. The Hunter family turned over the table regardless of the rules among the nobles of the kingdom, and directly used the dragon to attack each family’s castle.

The commoners hid in their houses in the dark and suffered uneasily, waiting for dawn, while most of the nobles were directly facing a trial-like situation.

The cooperation between the giant dragon and the professional army of the Hunter family was simply not something that these small nobles in the river valley could withstand. None of them could survive the attack of the army for more than three hours.

Moriel did not go out at all tonight, but waited in the city lord’s palace for news to come from everywhere.

“Report! Lord Moriel! The Duke’s castle has been breached, and the dragon army has followed the order and left no one behind.”

“Report! Lord Moriel! The Castle of the Sk family has been breached! All members of the Sk family, a total of eighty-seven people, have been executed.”

“Report! Lord Moriel!…”

Similar reports were received in the City Lord’s Mansion throughout the midnight. After each report, dozens or hundreds of lives were reported. Moriel just nodded slightly in response.

Except for the Duke family, Moriel issued an order not to spare any chickens or dogs. Morrel did not hold back much of the other nobles who participated in raising prices. She only let go of some surrendered soldiers and waiters who did not want to do anything. Regardless of direct or collateral lineage, no one is left behind.


Sluo was wearing a suit of iron armor and patrolling the castle with the guards over and over again. Seeing the scenes of flames blazing into the sky and shouting for death everywhere in the city, he felt panic, fear, and happiness at the same time.

If I hadn’t become a little soberer, and with the reminder from my father, Viscount Andel, the Andel family would now have to face the Hunter family who overturned the table.



“You’re up so late, what are you doing here?”

“There is something going on in the Hunter family.”

“The news in the Hunter family has nothing to do with us. We started distributing food at a fair price before the ultimatum at the city lord’s palace. Just ask the soldiers to pay attention to the possible rout in the city. Go back and rest quickly. .”


Viscount Andel obviously sees things much more clearly than Slow. He knows that the Hunter family will not touch him. Not only is he ready to rest, but he also takes Slow back to rest.

“Have a good rest, and wait until early tomorrow morning to go to the City Lord’s Mansion to find Mr. Moriel. Our Andel family will give you whatever the City Lord’s Mansion wants. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Father.”

Looking at the situation in front of him, even if Viscount Andel didn’t say anything, Sluo would not dare to ignore any orders from the city lord’s palace.

“Lord Moriel!”

“The seven noble families in Burai City who disobeyed the orders of the city lord’s palace were all uprooted!”

The sky has just turned white, and Dane, smelling of blood, strode into the city lord’s palace to report to Moriel that there are some smart people in the Eleven Burai family. Starting from the Andel family selling food in advance, and other Several companies that had prepared in advance also started selling grain before the ultimatum.

In the end, there were only seven families that were identified as fighting against the city lord’s palace. After a night of killings, these seven noble families were completely expelled from Burai City. At least a thousand people died in the night’s killings.

But this is not enough for Moriel. After raising the butcher knife, how can she put it down easily.

“In addition to these seven of the eleven families in Burai, there are also nobles who participated in driving up food prices who are not in Burai city.”

“There is no need to send another person to do one thing. General Dane can just do it. They will also have to pay the price!”

“Yes, Lord Moriel!”

Moriel will continue to expand the killing, and Dane has no way to turn back. The nobles of the valley will face the most horrific killing in hundreds of years…


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