Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 353: Simple


“Lord Moriel, the food stores in the city are still not open today, and many civilians are already without food.”

“Prices are still rising, and now there is nothing you can buy in Burai if you have money.”

The city lord’s palace of Burai, where Thor used to work when he was reorganizing the valley. At that time, although Thor used thunderous means to suppress all dissatisfaction, the fundamental problems of the valley were still unresolved. These nobles were asking for help. I was a little more restrained when I was in charge, but when Thor left, they fished even more unscrupulously. That is to say, the valley was rich in cooked products, and there was no worry of war. The nobles squeezed them harder, and most of the civilians could still eat. Eat, otherwise the greed of the nobles in the valley might have caused a civil uprising.

There are some smart people among these river valley aristocrats. Although they control food prices, they drive up prices in a moderate manner. They don’t dig out all the leeks with a hoe, but they always give the common people in the valley a way to survive. Most people will not take risks as long as they are energetic. The river valley has been relatively stable over the years, and the Kingdom did not look here more than once until Richard set his sights on this precious land.

The process of the Hunter family taking over Burleigh City was very easy. A flag regiment in Burleigh City wanted to open the city gate after receiving Dane’s order. Thousands of city guards controlled by the nobles wanted to stop them. Directly disarmed, with Dane’s 20,000 River Valley Legion as the vanguard, leading the Dragon Army of 10,000 people and four giant dragons into the city. There was no resistance at all. There was a fierce commotion at the conference table. After the Dragon Army entered the city, no one dared If you really raise an army to resist, each family will gather tens of thousands of personal guards. You can easily bully the civilians. But if you really face Moriel who brings four dragons and an army of 30,000 into the city, you will only be destroyed openly if you dare to take the lead. Lose.

However, they dare not resist openly, but they have the ability to use disgusting methods secretly. The problem before Moriel now is the power they use.

The granary is only accessible and cannot be exited. Most of the rice and grain stores in the market have been closed. The prices of various daily necessities have skyrocketed, which has reached a level that is unacceptable to ordinary people. If this continues, there will be some trouble in Burai City. , the nobles in the river valley united and messed up the economy of the river valley in a self-inflicted way, just to show the Hunter family their power in this way. If the Hunter family does not want the economy of the river valley to suffer, they will take the initiative to negotiate with them. At that time, they will propose conditions to each other and divide the interests well. While ensuring the basic interests of each noble family, they will allocate part to the Hunter family. The two sides reached a tacit understanding.

In their opinion, the Hunter family is very likely to accept this condition. After all, they have stabilized the river valley, and they will naturally pay taxes to the Hunter family. The Hunter family was the former kingdom, and they gave the Hunter family The benefits prepared by the family are much greater than the benefits provided to the kingdom. If the chaos in the river valley continues like this, the Hunter family will not get a single benefit.

If it were a traditional noble, or even the Lanster family in the past, they would choose to compromise when encountering this situation, as long as they get benefits, but for the Hunter family, it is impossible to accept this threat , on the contrary, when they show their power in the river valley, the Hunter family will only intensify their attacks on interests and treat politics as business. Most businessmen will fail. For an ambitious man like Richard, it is absolutely impossible. It is impossible to accept rule in name only.

Moriel knew Richard’s decision without even asking for instructions. Compromise was impossible. What she wanted to think about now was a way to break the situation.

“General Dane, is the food in the valley controlled by these nobles?”

“Nine times out of ten, the merchant houses of the nobles completely control the grain trade in the river valley, and almost all granaries are located in the castles of each family.”

Dane is a familiar person. He was the one who led Thor to ransack his house. He has been collaborating with the nobles in the river valley for so long, and he knows his interests clearly, both overt and covert.

“Then, what does General Dane think we should do?”

In the meeting hall, Moriel was sitting at the main seat. Several administrative bureaucrats and senior generals were waiting for Moriel’s orders. This group of people had never been so aggrieved in the North, just waiting for Moriel. With one order, a mass killing began.

Looking at Moriel, who was squinting slightly, Dane knew that it was time for him to lead the way again. These idiots in the River Valley are really screwed up when it comes to business, and they use businessmen’s tactics to restrain ambitious people like Richard. This kind of people will not split their interests with a group of greedy nobles. He is much greedier than these. Look. The Hunter family’s actions in the North clearly want them all.

After thinking for a moment, Dane said:

“I suggest directly ordering all rice and grain stores to open tomorrow and supply food, otherwise all stores will be confiscated and prohibited from opening.”

“What if they still don’t open the door?”

“That’s just right. We took this opportunity to confiscate their shop and directly attribute it to the City Lord’s Mansion, which will be run by the City Lord’s Mansion.”

“Where does the food come from?”

“The noble families in Burai City are our granaries.”

“Starting from the Andel family, which has the most grain storage, their grain depot can at least supply the city of Burai for more than a month.”

“If they resist…”

“If they resist, the River Valley Legion is willing to be the vanguard.”

It just so happened that the Hunter family’s entry into Burleigh City seemed to be so smooth and smooth that the nobles in these river valleys forgot about the **** horror. The new ruler always had to use some people to establish his authority.

After listening to Dane’s solution, the following senior officers looked expectantly. This simple and crude method suited them best. They wanted to kill several troublesome nobles now and establish the three pillars of the Hunter family. The majesty of the flag comes.


“Have you heard General Dane’s method clearly?”

“Listen clearly!”

The officers and even civilian staff below shouted excitedly. For those of them who have long been bound to the Hunter family, the glory of the Hunter family’s three-arrow flag is their glory. In the new territory They were even more fanatical than Richard in setting up the majesty of the Three Arrows Flag.

Moriel’s next order also did not disappoint them.

“Now that you heard it clearly, I won’t repeat it again. All steps are in accordance with General Dane’s arrangements.”

“Issuing an order directly in the name of the City Lord’s Palace. If all rice and grain stores do not open to sell grain within two days, they do not need to open. The City Lord’s Palace will operate them on their behalf.”

“Yes, sir!”

“If there is a shop that opens the door in the past two days, write it down and let General Dane identify which house it is. By the third day, all merchants that have not opened their door to sell grain will be open, and the nobles behind them are within the capture range of the legion. ”

“Let Lord Dane lead the team to execute this operation!”


Dane got another chance to show his loyalty. Although from a profit perspective, Richard had never doubted Dane’s loyalty, but as a new recruit, Dane always had to gain more merit and qualifications. , to gain a foothold in the Hunter family system.


Andel’s Castle

The qualified nobles in the city gathered here again to discuss matters. In the past few days, the plan to confront the Hunter family was discussed here. However, the atmosphere here is a bit solemn now. In just two days, the Hunter family took action.

Judging from the orders from the city lord’s palace, it seems that the Hunter family has no intention of negotiating a compromise, but wants to suppress them through coercive means.

“Everyone, how should you respond to the order from the City Lord’s Mansion.”

“Haha, who can’t scare people? The property of the nobles is sacred and inviolable. What’s the use of forcing the rice and grain stores to open? Can they find a grain of grain in the river valley? Or do they want to put their own How about taking the military rations to the rice and grain store and selling them to those poor people?”


The words of this noble representative aroused the echo of many people present. So what if the city lord’s palace took over the management of the rice and grain store? With their control, the Hunter family can’t receive a single grain of grain in the river valley. Where can they sell the grain? .

They never thought that the Hunter family would directly rob their granary. The kingdom system has been solidified for hundreds of years. As the ruling class, the nobles have already formed a set of agreed-upon rules. The essence of these rules is to maintain interests of the ruling class.

For example, the private property of nobles is sacrosanct. This rule is not obvious in the Northland outside Zhenbeiguan, but for the river valleys where the nobles are powerful and close to the central plain, it has been for hundreds of years. Many nobles in the river valley still habitually believe that the Hunter family will not challenge the rules of the entire aristocratic class and will only play with them within the rules.

Even when Thor destroyed a noble family, it was because the other party was a little stupid and directly raised troops to resist, giving Thor a legitimate reason. Now they act like quails on the surface, and the Hunter family wants to There is no reason to touch them.

Only a few people did not respond, but only a few were sober, and it was difficult to change other people’s minds in such a large flow. Even sober people did not mean to remind others, and silently made their own plans.

“I think the Hunter family is showing cowardice by doing this. We don’t have to wait for two days. Today we will let all the rice and grain stores open, but they won’t supply a single grain. Let’s see what the Hunter family can do.” .”

“Okay, let’s all advance together and retreat together. Let the Hunter family know that without our nobles in the river valley, the Hunter family cannot be the guardian of this river valley.”

“Okay, let’s hold on for a few more days. The losses in these days are for the long-term interests of everyone.”

“We understand.”

“If you have nothing to do, just leave today. After everyone returns, let the rice and grain store open. If the City Lord’s Mansion wants to take over, let them take over.”


In the garden of Andel’s family, an old man is sitting in the garden to relax. He is the Viscount Andel of this generation. However, many specific affairs have been handed over to his eldest son, and he is no longer involved in management most of the time. .

“Is everyone gone?”


“What result did you come up with?”

“According to the order of the city lord’s palace, let the rice and grain store open immediately to give the Hunter family a face, but not a single grain of food will be supplied.”

“What do you think?”

“Let the rice and grain store prepare the food in the next two days. After two days, if there are changes, the food will be released immediately according to the Hunter family’s wishes.”

“Not bad.”

The old man seems to be quite satisfied with the performance of his eldest son. At least he has saved a hand. He does not cling to the rule that noble property is sacred and inviolable, and is ready to sell his teammates at any time.

“My father taught me better.”

“But it’s not enough.”

Faced with the praise from his eldest son, Viscount Andel showed no humility. In his opinion, it was indeed his credit. This son finally learned a lot and did not die with those fools.

He can see clearly than most people that the rules of the kingdom restrict most people, whether it is the Walaya family in the south or the Ross family in the west, even King Ren is bound by these rules. But the Hunter family is different from all the nobles of the kingdom.

At least two sky-level experts plus four giant dragons, as well as a powerful army. The Hunter family has the ability to disobey the rules. Rules are originally made by the strong. The Hunter family is not a follower of the rules. , but the maker of rules. It is really fanciful to expect the rules among the kingdom’s nobles to restrain the Hunter family.

“Ask your father to teach you.”

Hearing Viscount Andel say that it was not enough, the middle-aged man standing aside was a little puzzled.

“Not only do the rice and grain stores need to open immediately, but they also have enough food ready to start selling food in the afternoon of the next day.”

“Aren’t you waiting for the Hunter family to make a move?”

“Wait, are you waiting for the Hunter family’s dragon to burn down our Andelberg?”

“Here, will they really attack Andelberg directly?”

“Don’t think about whether they dare or not. If the Hunter family does this, can anyone make them pay the price? If not, then what dare the Hunter family not do?”

“By the afternoon of the last day, no matter what happens to other people or the Hunter family, the Andel family’s rice and grain store must immediately start selling grain normally.”

“Yes, Father.”

As night fell, another day passed in Burai City in a solemn atmosphere.

City Lord’s Mansion

“Is there any movement among the nobles in the river valley today?”

“Haha, the rice and grain store is open as usual, but there is not a grain of grain. Now some civilians in Burai City have begun to panic, and the price of grain has doubled again on the black market.”

“Sure enough, the knife was not put to the neck, but some people couldn’t understand the situation.”

“However, Lord Moriel, my subordinates have discovered some interesting things in the past two days.”

Although Dane now controls 25,000 troops of the River Valley Legion, he has treated himself purely as a subordinate in front of Moriel, and his ability to beat snakes and sticks has never weakened.


“Two of the eleven families of Bo Lai seem to be secretly delivering food to the rice and grain store.”

“It doesn’t matter, there is no need to spend any more energy on it. When the time comes, we will just act according to the plan.”

“Yes, sir!”

The nobles in the river valley are obviously not as united as at the meeting, but to Moriel, their attitude is not important…


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