Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 351: Relocation proposal


“Ah, do you want to move them all to Stone Castle?”

“Well, let’s make preparations first. Starting with the people from Ironwood City, Ironwood City College will also move there.”

Richard had never thought about moving the entire Ironwood City. Although the relocation of all residents could expand the population of the Miracle City in a short period of time, such relocation would not only consume a lot of money, but would also cause Ironwood City to rapidly decline. Richard wanted to move the political center, but he didn’t want to destroy Ironwood City. Although Ironwood City has little development potential, its urban planning is very reasonable, and it is still good as a city with auxiliary functions.

As long as the core dignitaries and colleges are moved to the Miracle City, they will quickly develop due to their particularity and politics.

But it’s easy to say that. The Hunter family, senior officials, and the entire Ironwood City Academy have to move together. There are almost thousands of people. If these people are asked to abandon their Ironwood City belongings and move to the City of Miracles, it will still be more or less difficult. There will be some resistance, after all, most people tend to be more stable than change.

Fortunately, the Hunter family basically gave Richard the go-ahead, and no one objected to what Richard decided. When Richard made the decision, all that was left was to discuss the specific details of the action.

“If you move, is the new residence ready?”

“The houses have been built and will be allocated directly after entering the city. If you are not satisfied with them, you can modify them yourself. Believe me, these houses are the biggest benefit of this relocation.”

For this relocation, the location that Richard prepared for the Hunter family’s senior executives was second only to the location chosen by the students. When the City of Miracles develops, especially after its special features are discovered, the yard is now not very valuable. , under Richard’s hype, it can fetch a sky-high price.

“Why should we move if we live well in Ironwood City? Has the city wall been built now? What if there are only houses and orcs come to attack?”

When everyone acquiesced in executing the relocation order, the only person in Ironwood City who could question Richard was Viscount Sauter.

In general discussions, Viscount Sauter is actually a transparent person. Not sleeping is to give Richard face. He and his two brothers have always been the executors of the plan, but Richard’s decision today is It was to give up the Ironwood Castle where he had lived for most of his life, which was not easy for Viscount Sauter to accept.

This is the place where the Hunter family made its fortune, and it is also the place that Viscount Sauter is most familiar with. Almost every inch of soil here has the footprints of Viscount Sauter. If Richard does not have enough reasons to convince Viscount Sauter, he is Not willing to relocate.

What’s more, according to Richard, the Miracle City built around the Rock Castle that the Hunter family is moving to doesn’t even have city walls yet, which makes Viscount Sauter feel very unsafe. If you are not allowed to live in the Stone Castle, you must at least wait until the city wall is repaired before moving.

“Now there is no force in the North that can threaten us. Even if the orcs come again, they will not be able to get close to the City of Miracles. Moreover, the construction of the city wall is also in progress. It will not take long to move there and the city wall will basically be completed. ”

Faced with his old father’s doubts, Richard patiently prepared to explain.

“Then why are we in such a hurry to move there?”

“There’s something special about that city.”

“What’s special?”

“The effect of practicing the Qi-Entraining Technique there will be improved.”

“Well, really? How much better can it be?”

Normal people would doubt this kind of thing after hearing it. However, Sauter had already acquiesced that it was true. His eyes lit up and he asked Richard about the specific improvement effect.

Of course, everyone present in the Hunter family is not much better. Their trust in Richard tends to be blind, and they actually look at Richard expectantly.


“The effect should be to help my father break through from a great knight to an earth knight.”

“Well, I think there is nothing left to move in Ironwood Castle. Let’s go there as soon as possible.”

The Grand Knight level is already the highest level that most human knights can reach. For example, Dane from the River Valley has outstanding talent. He was trained at the Knight Academy in the Royal Capital since he was a child. In the end, he was stuck at the Intermediate Grand Knight level. .

As for Viscount Sauter, who is still at the beginning level of a great knight, at Viscount Sauter’s current age, his physical fitness is already going downhill. If there are no special opportunities, even with the large resources of the Hunter family, Heap, in the end it is estimated that he will only be on the same level as Dane. Viscount Sauter of the Earth Rank has never dreamed of it.

Now that Richard has said that after moving to the new city, he will have the opportunity to step onto the earth level, for a martial arts idiot like Viscount Sauter, there is really nothing to miss about this Ironwood Castle.

Not only Viscount Sauter, but most of the remaining people now look like they are eager to move. They have completely lost their calmness just now. Just now, they were just following Richard’s orders, but now they are more proactive. Quite a bit. After all, the top management of the Hunter family is still mainly composed of warriors. Who wouldn’t like it if it can improve the efficiency of cultivation.

“Sir Richard, how much does this relocation cost?”

Only Egger was still sober. Even if a few thousand people were relocated, it would cost a large amount of money. After all, it was not a march. There were too many things to bring, and Ironwood City College also had to go with him.

“First allocate supplies from the treasury and recruit a group of civilians.”

Yeah, Egg rolled his eyes. Richard couldn’t see any spare money in the warehouse. The warehouse in Ironwood City was a little less empty these days, and Richard started to act pretentious again. Of course, Iger was just used to feeling distressed. After listening to it for a long time, he also understood the meaning of the relocation, so he would naturally make every effort to coordinate.

It is completely impossible to expect Viscount Sauter to coordinate in this regard. In the end, most of the work still has to fall on Egger.

“Uncle Egg, please pay more attention. The first batch of relocation personnel will set off within three days, and the relocation will be completed within two weeks as much as possible.”

“Yes, Master Richard.”

“Okay, let’s go down and get ready.”

Meetings at the Hunter family are usually relatively short, without too many tedious steps. Richard arranges things, asks questions about the rest, and arranges and implements them immediately if there are no problems. The efficiency is definitely the best in the world.

“Richard, did you hear that we are moving?”

After the meeting, Richard made a short tour of Ironwood City. After looking at important units such as the arms factory, he returned to the room. Messiah had already received the news of the relocation.

“Well, are you reluctant to part with Ironwood Castle?”

“I will not be able to part with you in Ironwood Castle.”


Messiah has a shy personality and generally does not say nice words of love, but this occasional true expression of love is very useful to Richard, who has long been accustomed to all kinds of sensual love words in his previous life.

Can’t help but step forward and hold Messiah in his arms. With Nephrite in his arms, Richard was a little impulsive. No wonder he said Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes. At this moment, Richard’s thoughts continued to wander. .

“Damn it, it’s still daytime!”

Messiah pushed Richard away again. She hadn’t recovered yet and her walking was a little unsteady.

Richard didn’t get over it, and quickly adjusted his mentality back to normal. However, Senna, who was eager to try outside the door, was disappointed again.



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