Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 350: Untitled



Gandalf and Luo Lin looked at the castle in the distance and had not yet reacted to their shock. Although the Stone Castle was still tall and tall, and there was a statue of Liz in it that was considered a wonder, but coming from the royal capital The two of them had also seen real big cities, so they were not shocked by the Stone Castle that did not yet have Yunzhong City.

They had not yet reacted to the shock of teleportation. They just felt that Richard had taken them away from the familiar Demon Suppression City in a flash and arrived in a wilderness. Richard did not even give them time to react. He activated teleportation again and brought the person to the foot of the boulder castle in a few consecutive moves.

“This is one of the territories of the Hunter family. The Stone Castle is located in the northeast of the Northland, on the edge of the Ironwood Forest, no less than a few hundred miles away from the Demon City.”

Richard did not let them make any more guesses, and directly told them their current location.

“Is this magic too?”

Richard’s image suddenly grew bigger in Gandolf’s eyes. Not only was this man highly accomplished in fighting spirit and a top master of the Sky Knights, he also had a good level of magic. Just this teleportation song , according to the records, only those with outstanding talent can master the great magic. It must be a higher level for people like Richard to use it with two people, right?

“What a rich magic power.”

Compared to Gandolf, Luo Lin, who is more sensitive to magic power, has noticed the special feature of Stone Castle. The magic power that originally had to be felt through magic crystals can now be felt directly through mental power.

For a magician like Luo Lin, this feeling is as exciting as encountering rain in the desert. Is the magic wave returning?

“The demonic tide has not returned yet, but this kind of city has its own special features. If you practice water magic here, the effect will be stronger.”

“What about us?”

“You will stay here permanently from now on. Except that you cannot enter the core area of ​​the Stone Castle at will. You can choose a yard closest to the Stone Castle.”

“Thank you, Mr. Richard.”

This is exactly what Gandalf and Luo Lin wanted. After feeling the strong magical atmosphere of Stone Castle, it would be a pain to let them leave.

For the planning of Boulder Castle, Richard already has a basic plan. The entire upper management of the Hunter family will definitely move here collectively. Ironwood City will only be used as a transit city for the timber and fur trade in the future.

However, because there are too many secrets involving the system in the Stone Fortress, in order to avoid trouble, the inner city will not be inhabited for the time being. All the relocated residents will be placed in the newly built outer city. Now, except for the city wall, there are still some work to be done.

The houses and streets in the outer city have almost been built, and with a little treatment they can be barely inhabited. The closer you are to the statue of Liz, the stronger the protection effect of Liz will be. Even though the Rock Castle and the outer city still look a bit desolate, with the effect of Liz’s protection, the land here will definitely fetch sky-high prices in the future.

As it happens, Richard is the owner of all rights to this land and the castle.

The upper management of the Hunter family will automatically be arranged in the courtyard closest to the core area of ​​​​Boulder Castle. Others, either have merit and the right of residence can be used as a reward, or they can buy it from Richard at a large price. Such a good thing The location is the political center of the Northland, and it also comes with physical fitness and training bonus buffs, so why can’t it be sold at a sky-high price? At this moment, the wallets of the wealthy people in the North were beating inexplicably.

“Lord Richard!”

The current steward of Stone Castle is a very discerning person. Anyway, his eyesight is particularly good. Richard had just spoken a few words to Gandalf and Luo Lin when the steward had already noticed the three people who suddenly appeared. He was busy Ran over.

“Take the two of them to choose a yard. During this period, we must provide them with necessary living supplies. From now on, they will be the first residents of the city outside the Stone Castle.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Gentlemen, please.”

After settling Gandalf and Luo Lin, Richard checked the construction status of the outer city on his own. In addition to some necessary houses and yards, a large amount of open space was reserved within the outer wall for construction. The Stone Castle The scale is much larger than Ironwood City, on par with Piaoxue City, and even exceeds Piaoxue City by a lot in terms of reserved space.

After walking around a lot, Richard didn’t find anything wrong. The manager was indeed smart and capable, and he managed the construction site well.

“In the future, this city cannot be renamed the Stone City along with the Stonehenge Castle. It is too rustic, so just call it the City of Miracles.”

After walking around in silence, Richard’s magic power was basically restored. Without disturbing Gandolf’s master and apprentice who were feeling the rich magic power, he started teleportation and returned to Ironwood City.



As soon as he returned to Ironwood Fort, Messiah came up to him with some surprise. He didn’t care about the crowd around him and immediately threw himself into Richard’s arms excitedly.

Richard held Messiah in his arms and kept patting her on the back, as if coaxing a child. Richard is indeed not a very good husband. After Messiah married to the Northland, Richard probably didn’t spend more than ten days with her. He often left Ironwood City for ten and a half months, even if he stayed in Ironwood City. It’s also a lot of things to deal with.

Fortunately, Messiah has a general understanding. Perhaps she was mentally prepared for this when she first married Richard. She is very satisfied to be able to meet Richard from time to time and has never complained to Richard. What’s going on.

Senna has been very disappointed during this period. As the Messiah’s personal maid and dowry, in principle, Senna can also be regarded as Richard’s person. Ever since she arrived in Ironwood City, Senna has been looking forward to changing her identity. one time.

Senna was originally very confident in herself. Although her appearance is not as stunning as Messiah, she can still be said to be a beauty, and her figure is even plumper than Messiah. One day, she will become a beauty. When Saya is overwhelmed, Senna can naturally complete the transformation of her identity.

But during these days, Richard has not even touched Messiah a few times, and Senna has no chance. At this moment, she can only stand aside and watch Richard hold Messiah in his arms. I hope Richard can stay in Ironwood City for a longer time this time.

“Richard, look at the textbook you wrote. Is this so-called force calculated like this?”

“Uh, yes.”

“But what is the principle? Is it demonstrated through experiments?”

“There are many issues to consider, such as the direction of the force and ground friction.”

“I feel like you still haven’t made it clear…”

“Hmm, you will be more impressed if you study this yourself. I will teach you all the methods.”

“Does this need to be experimentally demonstrated? Did you get the conclusion through experiments at that time? Also, this arithmetic method is good, I feel like you can do everything.”

“Well, I understand a little, I understand a little…”

After hugging Richard for a while, Messiah eased her lovesickness a little and then began to feel shy again. Messiah, blushing with shame, wanted to push Richard away but was held tightly by Richard. He hugged her, and then picked her up by the waist, and walked through the front yard and the hall. Many guards and waiters passed by on the way, but no one dared to take a second look. Only Messiah buried her face in shame on Richard. .

After arriving in the room, the two people seriously discussed academic issues in the room. Senna stared at the sidelines, but Senna still dared to be a little presumptuous in front of Messiah. In the presence of Richard Don’t dare to be too casual under the circumstances, you can only worry on the sidelines.

At this moment, Richard was already sweating from Messiah’s questions. The textbooks were compiled by him and were very good. These things that were considered common sense in his previous life are already quite advanced here. He has to be in Ironwood City College. Only senior students will have some exposure.

But Messiah had nothing to do but had a thorough study of the basic knowledge of Ironwood City College. Instead, she began to draw inferences from one example and kept asking Richard, and now she was full of questions about Richard, who was half-assed. Head sweating profusely.

Sure enough, in front of such a truly high-IQ talent, Richard can pretend for a lifetime. Fortunately, he has already married Messiah. Otherwise, it would have been too much if he had encountered this situation when he was pretending to be X in the library. Too bad.

“These things may seem simple, but upon careful study they are very profound. I always feel that these textbooks of yours are just the tip of the iceberg.”


“If you are interested, Messiah, you can discuss it with the teachers at Ironwood City College.”

If you insist on talking about these things, they are part of basic science. Richard can only give some direction guidance based on some vague memories. There are too many things to make up for.

But Messiah seems to be very talented in this area. Let Messiah study these, maybe she can give him a little surprise.

“Okay, Messiah, we’ll talk about these things later. It’s been so long, I miss you so much.”


Richard suddenly started talking about love, which made the shy Messiah blush again. Before she could respond, Richard had already hugged Messiah and put her on the bed.

The astute Senna finally left the room with satisfaction. Although she wanted to stay inside, it was obviously not her turn now, and she did not dare to listen to Richard’s corner there, so she could only wait for the opportunity. As long as Richard stays in Tiemubao for a while, there will always be a chance.

“Woo, Richard, it’s daytime!”


Richard pulled the curtains smoothly, and the thick blackout curtains directly blocked the sunlight, making the whole room dark.

“Honey, it’s getting dark now.”

After Richard pulled down the curtains, he pressed Messiah from above. He looked like I’m just going to be a scoundrel and you can’t do anything to me. Messiah’s symbolic resistance was completely painless and he continued to curse afterward. However, Richard’s hands were already around Richard’s neck, and his whole body hung naturally on Richard’s body.

“I miss you too…”

Although Messiah is thin, there is just enough flesh where it should be. Richard caressed Messiah’s body and gradually became addicted…


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