Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 349: Longya and Zhenmo City


“Dragon Cliff: You can recruit a green dragon every week.”

“Consumption: Kinnaur (50,000), crystal (20), gem (20), mercury (10), sulfur (10), wood (30), stone (30).”

As the seventh-level biological nest of the barrier (elf) force, the construction of Dragon Cliff requires a huge amount of resources. Fortunately, the development of these system cities is supported by an entire force.

For Richard, who already controls the entire Northland, these resources are nothing, but sooner or later the system, a big gold hog, will cause currency tension in the entire kingdom.

Fortunately, the congresses of various system cities and heroes with financial management skills can also provide tens of thousands of gold nairs every month, which can alleviate this deflation phenomenon. Although prices in the North have dropped slightly, Still within the acceptable range.

After Richard confirmed the construction, a huge cliff suddenly appeared on the side of the city in Linzhong City. Compared with the Dragon Cliff in the game, which seems to be surrounded by barrier buildings and stingy, the real Dragon Cliff is much more majestic. Well, the entire Linzhong City combined is smaller than Longya.

Due to the sudden appearance of Dragon Cliff, the animals in the woods around Linzhong City were frightened and fled. These naturally sensitive wild animals seemed to have a great fear of the power of the system. Animals within a dozen miles radius became restless with the appearance of Dragon Cliff, and some animals even began to migrate outwards, wanting to stay away from this huge mountain that suddenly appeared.

“Wow, so awesome!”

Siaire, who was happily playing with the sacred unicorns in the forest, looked at the dragon cliff that suddenly rose from the ground with an expression of admiration.

Then he muttered:

“It seems that our lord is quite powerful, he even has a dragon cliff.”

“Damn it, part of the money for building Dragon Cliff must have come from my gold.”

Siaire, who was originally happy, suddenly thought of the 500 gold Naars taken away by Richard every week and suddenly felt depressed again.

Richard in Piaoxue City didn’t know that the construction of Dragon Cliff had caused a small-scale commotion in the Iron Wood Forest. Because the building could be operated remotely, Richard found Dragon Cliff directly in the interface.

“Dragon Cliff: Green Dragons can be recruited (1)

Price: 2000. ”

This price is indeed conscientious compared to what is on the market. It is several times cheaper. Richard directly recruited the Green Dragon. When he upgrades the Dragon Cliff to the Golden Dragon Cliff next week, he will be able to mass-produce the Golden Dragon. ability.

According to Richard’s understanding, there are only more than a hundred golden dragons in the Golden Dragon clan. Including the green dragons, the number is probably less than 500. In less than three years, Richard will be able to recruit a group of people with this dragon cliff. A giant dragon army came that could rival the entire Golden Dragon clan.

However, Richard should not be able to recruit without limit. He also has to consider the issue of consumption. These real creatures are not like in the game, just recruit them and be done with them.

Hundreds of royal griffins consume tens of thousands of kilograms of meat every day, which puts a lot of pressure on the Hunter family’s logistics. This is because the royal griffons are omnivores and can be fed with additional food, otherwise they will consume even more food. .

Not to mention giant dragons. One giant dragon can eat as many as ten griffins in one day. Moreover, these guys are complete carnivores. Hundreds of kilograms of meat a day is considered a giant dragon’s bad appetite. when.

If the Hunter family had not now taken over the wilderness of the central grassland, obtained a huge pasture and millions of livestock out of thin air, the logistics of the Hunter family would have been overwhelmed by these guys.

Of course, now is not the time to consider consumption. For the current Richard, the more troops the better. The threat of orcs is ahead. Facing an army of millions of orcs, his strength is still a little weak. Somewhat lacking.

After being able to recruit the seventh-level soldiers of Linzhong City, Richard was in a good mood. What was a little regretful was that he did not receive a reminder from the Stone Castle. He had already become a duke and could not meet the construction standards of Yunzhong City? Do you really want to **** Ren’s chair and sit on it?

Suppress the Demon City

This important town built by Richard to connect the wilderness has begun to take shape. With the non-stop work of the kobolds, the six-meter-high outer wall has been basically completed. Under the outer wall is a seven-eight-meter-wide Its moat is already the largest city in the North, second only to Piaoxue City.

The city has gradually gained some popularity. According to statistics from the Administration Department, about 60,000 people have settled in Demon Suppression City. This population is already equivalent to that of Ironwood City, but it is far from reaching the design capacity limit of Demon Suppression City. .

However, because Demon Suppression City has the advantage of connecting the wilderness and the Northland, trade is developed. From fur goods to large livestock businesses to some minerals unique to the wilderness, the transactions of these goods are all transferred through Demon Suppression City. Of course there is also the very evil slave trade.

In the past, kobolds were difficult to catch, and no one wanted kobolds who couldn’t work. But now the ogres have been completely defeated, and the connection between a large number of kobolds and ogres has been severed. The capture is much easier than before, and the officials of Suppressing Demon City will also conduct certain training on the captured kobolds in Suppressing Demon City, so that they can do things and roughly understand what humans mean.

This has greatly increased the value of kobold slaves. In the past, kobold slaves were not worth a copper nar. Now they can be sold for several silver nar. Not only the humans in the North and the river valley are using kobold slaves. Even some landowners and nobles in the Central Plains sent people to Zhenmo City to purchase some.

The kingdom also supports this. If there is a war, it would be good to use kobolds to supplement the labor force.

At this time, Richard and Lin Te were wandering on the streets of Zhenmo City. While walking, Lin Te introduced the current situation of Zhenmo City to Richard, because Richard did not come to Zhenmo City often, and Lin Te was big Most of the time, he squatted in the city lord’s palace, and would not go out on the street from time to time to build his reputation like Richard. No one recognized the two of them after walking for a long time.

“Are these kobolds capable of fighting?”

After hearing Lin Te introduce his experience in training kobolds for a long time, Richard asked about the war again.

The performance of the kobolds in the wilderness battle left a deep impression on Richard. Their combat power was weak but their courage was commendable. A group of kobolds who had not received formal training could easily withstand three or four attacks. The level of casualties means that the human army has reached a level above the elite. If it can be trained, it may have more combat effectiveness.

However, when hearing Richard talking about this, Lin Te shook his head.

“Before, I tried to train relatively strong kobolds together, and even assigned them some short spears and leather armor of good quality.

But after a month of training, these strongest kobolds are only a little more obedient, and their strength is even worse than that of women. Such military training is not worth the gain. ”

Lint’s statement is indeed correct. In the Cold Weapon Age, apart from extraordinary knights and disappearing magicians, people with larger body sizes and greater strength will always have an advantage. Otherwise, humans would not be so afraid of orcs for thousands of years. It was during Aragorn’s time that mankind rose to prominence.

Kobolds are creatures that are much weaker in size and strength than humans. After spending some money to train them, their combat effectiveness will definitely be stronger than when they were under the hands of ogres, but there is a limit to how strong they can be, and the upper limit is too high. If it is too low, it will not be cost-effective to form an army of kobolds.

However, Richard suddenly thought of some of their uses. Although the kobolds are not good at combat, they have many excellent qualities that an army should have. They are hardworking, have good endurance, and have a high enough injury threshold. When they have a master, It has a firm will to fight under certain circumstances, is small in size, flexible, does not consume much food, and is even highly resistant to hunger, allowing it to march and fight at high intensity.

They are useless in the flat terrain of the wilderness and the Northland. They can’t be beaten by anyone in a head-on fight. They can run faster than humans and they can’t outrun the scouts. But if these useless guys are placed in mountainous terrain, Here, it might be able to play a big role.

“How many kobolds have you trained for combat and where are they now?”

“Ten thousand kobolds have been trained. In line with the principle of no waste, I have asked Haba to take some of them to catch kobold slaves in the wilderness. Their efficiency in catching the same kind is much higher than ours.”

Good guy, these kobolds are quite cruel to their own kind.

“Take me to have a look, maybe I can use them.”

The Northern Route Army will leave from the mountains north of Longxing Pass. In the mountain forests, the reconnaissance effect of the Royal Griffins will be greatly weakened. These kobolds should be easier to carry than the scouts.


Richard has not yet told Lin Te about the Eastern Expedition. This matter is too relevant. Even if Richard trusts Lin Te very much, he cannot tell such things easily.

Although Lint was a little confused, Richard’s order was not too outrageous. At least it was not a particularly confusing behavior compared to the behavior of taking away tens of thousands of gold from the vault at every turn.

“Well, when Haba comes back, I will let the kobold army concentrate.”

“Intensify your training during this period, don’t relax, use more generous weapons and equipment, and try to give them better equipment.”


Lint’s response to Richard’s request was so brief. When Richard spoke to him in a discussion tone, Lin Te would discuss it with Richard, but when Richard spoke with such command statements, Lin Te Te Bian only thinks about how to get things done, and he is definitely an excellent minister that any monarch would appreciate.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Lint!”

The two of them walked back to the inner city as they spoke. The soldiers patrolling the inner city were all veterans of the Flying Bear Army. They were basically the earliest city guards under the Hunter Army. They were very familiar with Richard. When they saw Richard They were all a little excited, and then paid tribute excitedly.

Richard waved his hand to say hello to the patrol.

The inner city and the city lord’s palace are directly inherited from the Hull family’s castle buildings. Apart from some decorative changes, there are not many changes. Lint has no energy to spend on these small things.


Before entering the City Lord’s Mansion, a roar of a big cat came from the mansion, and then a big cat several meters long jumped out from the main entrance of the City Lord’s Mansion and landed on Richard’s shoulder.

This is the scorpion lion that has been staying in the Demon City. Its mission is to protect Lin Te’s safety in the Demon City. After not seeing Richard for a long time, he seemed a little enthusiastic at first.

However, Richard is no longer the great knight who would be knocked down by the poisonous manticore. He is now a powerful man who can make the dragon city cry.

He caught the manticore steadily without saying anything, and hugged it, and stroked the manticore of the manticore. Big cats are also cats. The manticore rolled up the terrifying scorpion tail and rolled it up. He rested his face on Richard’s body happily for a long time before letting him go.

“Hey, why did Master Linte come back so soon!”

Not only one scorpion lion heard the noise in the city lord’s palace, but also Gandolf and Luo Lin, masters and apprentices. They have been practicing in the Demon Suppressing City relying on the magic crystals collected in the wilderness, although they are very efficient. It’s low, but it already makes the two of them quite happy. It’s better to have a direction in cultivation than to have no feeling at all.

The practice of magic can be addictive. During this period of time, Gandolf and Luo Lin have been staying in the city lord’s palace, relying on the magic crystal provided by Linte to practice. In the past two days, Gandolf has made a breakthrough and will The magic crystal that Lin Te sent before was almost used, and Lin Te went to Piaoxue City again. Gandolf, who couldn’t find the magic crystal, was worried now. He was a little surprised when he saw Lint, and completely ignored the real owner Richard on the side.

“Your Excellency Gandalf.”

Fortunately, Richard would not argue with such an academic person, so he took the initiative to say hello to Gandolf.

“Ah, good day, Lord Richard.”

As soon as Richard opened his mouth, Gandolf, whose attention was all on Lint, reacted, and then greeted Richard. The magicians of this era are no longer as cold as they used to be. Most of the former magicians like Gandolf A magician who has never released a single spell in his life will not be arrogant. Instead, his words are vaguely flattering to Richard.

“Go get some magic crystals.”

“Yes, sir.”

The magic crystal has always said that resources should be controlled. Without the approval of Richard or Lint, no one has access to it. This is why Gandolf was so worried for a long time.



On the training ground, a fireball the size of an egg hit the target, shattering the entire target. The power was comparable to what Gandolf had shown before, and it was already worthy of a blow from a knight-level master.

But this time it is more stable. What was initially ineffective can now be released stably.

“Not bad.”

Richard praised, the power was good, but the efficiency was still too low. If the demonic tide did not return, the magician would still be embarrassed to practice by relying on the magic crystal.

Seemingly seeing the perfunctory nature of Richard’s praise, Gandolf called Luo Lin over.

“Sir Richard, Luo Lin’s talent is much better than mine. He can already release some second-level magic.”

Although Gandolf is a teacher, he is only a theoretical teacher. Once he starts practicing, the difference in talent becomes apparent. While Gandolf can only stably cast first-level magic like Fireball, Luo Lin can already cast it. Level 2 magic.

“Continuous fireballs!”

After saying hello to Richard, Luo Lin was not polite and released a series of fireballs at the target. Five egg-sized fireballs hit the wooden target in succession, not only shattering the target, but also blowing up the surrounding area. Several big holes.

Although this hand cannot change the overall situation on the battlefield, it is already said to be quite lethal.

“Can you use water magic?”

Li Cha suddenly thought of something and asked.

“I don’t have much talent in the water system, but Luo Lin should be able to do it, but the power of water magic is weaker than that of the fire system, so we haven’t studied it recently.”

“Well, then I will take you to a place, and then you can try to delve into water magic.”

“Where to go?”

“Go to a place where you don’t need to rely on magic crystals to practice…”


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