Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 348: An important discussion


“Master Richard wants to compete with Master Thor’s golden dragon.”

“Master Richard wants to fight the golden dragon!”

“Master Richard and Master Thor have broken down and are going to slay the dragon!”

The news that Richard challenged Asuo somehow got out, and it became more and more outrageous. Fortunately, everyone in the Hunter family knew what was going on and calmed the army in time, otherwise it might have caused something serious. s consequence.

“Let’s go outside the city.”

There are a lot of open spaces in Piaoxue City, but when it comes to a battle of this level, the damage caused by a fight will definitely not be small. There is absolutely no room for one person and one dragon in Piaoxue City. Now Piaoxue City has This is Richard’s territory. If a few streets and houses are destroyed, it will be Richard’s loss.

Ignoring the crowd trying to watch, Asuo and Richard flew out of the city, followed by Thor and two outstanding swordsmen who had been responsible for protecting Richard’s safety…

“Do you really want to challenge me?”


Arrived outside the city, Asuo once again confirmed whether this human being who he felt was a bit crazy was serious. In other words, golden dragons like Asuo who had been hanging out in the human world for a long time had a better temper, while others with a bad temper met him. The inexplicable challenge from humans would probably come up with a breath of dragon’s breath, and the opponent would be repeatedly confirmed. Of course, Asuo’s action would not be without cost.

“You have to prepare the ten heads of roast beef and several boxes of kinnar.”

“No problem!”

“Are you sure you want me to go all out?”

“Please don’t hold back.”

Asuo has been in the human world for so long, and he has never heard such a rude request, but he knows that the other person seems to be an important person, and he would kill him for fear of getting Thor into trouble. The intelligence of golden dragons is no worse than that of humans. , Asuo has somewhat understood some human rules after staying in the Golden Dragon Kingdom for so long.

“Asuo, go ahead and attack with all your strength. You may not be Richard’s opponent yet.”

“Then, humans, be careful!”


With Thor’s confirmation, Asuo no longer hesitated. He spread his huge wings and attacked Richard on the ground.

Although they both have sky-level strength, dragons actually have much more advantages than human or orc sky-level masters.

They have no fighting spirit consumption, so they rely entirely on physical strength to fly and can fight in the air for a long time. If humans or orcs did this, they would not have enough fighting spirit to stay in the air.


Asuo came up and opened his mouth and breathed out a breath of dragon’s breath. The position that Richard had just occupied was directly burned to a white ground by the dragon’s breath.

It’s just that Richard himself has long since left his original position. With Richard’s current strength, it would be very unwise to take over the dragon’s breath head-on.



Spurred by Richard’s sky-level fighting spirit, the tongues of fire spit out by Richard’s Vulcan Sword are more than three meters long. Coupled with the length of the Vulcan Sword itself, the Vulcan Sword can be used as a spear to some extent. , a sword struck Asuo’s body, causing Asuo to roar in pain instantly.


With the golden dragon’s defensive capabilities, although Richard’s blow damaged some of its scales and left a scorched black mark on his body, it did not cause any substantial damage. Instead, it inspired ferocity, and the giant tail moved toward As Richard swept over.


The giant tail was firmly drawn to the open space, making a muffled sound, but still did not hit Richard. Richard’s agility had an advantage over Asuo. In Asuo’s eyes, Richard was like a flea. Just as annoying. @

No, it’s much more annoying than fleas. At least fleas won’t hurt him so much.

The moment Richard jumped up to dodge, the Vulcan Sword slashed out a streak of golden-red fighting energy and struck Asuo’s tail. This time, it directly broke the dragon scales, and a trace of dragon blood flowed from Asuo’s tail. overflow.

However, seeing the blood this time, Asuo reacted and stopped fighting with Richard on the ground. Instead, he fluttered his wings and tried to rise into the air to distance himself.

But Richard had already expected it, and finally got a chance to fight on the ground. There was no way for Asuo to escape. After discovering Asuo’s motive, Richard jumped up first and jumped directly to Asuo. Cable above.

Although the giant dragon has air superiority, it is much slower to start than a sky knight like Richard who directly relies on physical strength and fighting spirit to jump up. When Asuo just left the ground, Richard had already jumped from the sky. Falling.


Li Cha’s fighting spirit burst out and hit Asuo’s back with his whole body, slamming Asuo back to the ground just after he left the ground. Then he gained the upper hand and slashed the dragon behind Asuo with the Vulcan Sword. On the scales, this close-range burst of fighting energy did more than just shatter a few dragon scales. The Vulcan Sword penetrated halfway through, flying away large pieces of dragon scales.


Asuo swung hard, trying to throw Richard off his back, but he failed, and instead made the wounds on his body a little deeper.


Seeing that Asuo was injured, Thor on the side couldn’t help but yelled. The dragon’s physique was strong, but when he saw Asuo being injured, Thor was still a little worried.


At this time, Asuo also fell into a rage. They agreed to spar, but Richard’s style of play was too cumbersome. With his agility, tall size, and small size, he kept causing small injuries to it. Although these injuries were temporary, It’s not fatal, but if it continues to bleed like this, it will bleed to death.

As Richard kept attacking from behind, Asuo, who was in pain, no longer cared about his face. He fell to the ground and started rolling, trying to drive Richard off at any cost.



The battle between the two sides made Thor terrified. He tried to stop him but was stared at by two outstanding swordsmen. Richard gave an order before the fight started. No one can interfere until the battle is over. Richard I am afraid that if someone breaks into the battle midway, the result will not be recognized.

Looking at the intensity of the battle between the two parties, Thor regretted that he agreed to let Asu accept Richard’s challenge just for the sake of Richard’s extra reinforcements. Sol was not willing to see any problems arise between the two sides. of.


Asuo was still roaring. After descending to fight with Richard at low altitude, he never had the chance to fly to high altitude again. He was stuck to the ground and fought with Long. He breathed out an unknown number of times, and a large area around him was burnt to black. The more times he breathed, the more times he breathed, and Richard could not completely avoid it.

At this time, the armor on Richard’s body had already changed color, but there was no obvious damage yet. The quality of the system’s golden armor was indeed good, but his face was already covered in blood and dust. Like a coal miner who has just experienced a mining accident.

Asuo felt even worse. At least one-third of the dragon scales on his body were damaged to varying degrees, and more than a dozen dragon scales were directly picked off by Richard.

He was bleeding from more than a dozen sword wounds, large and small. At this moment, Richard was holding his head on the ground and unable to move. What was even more distressing was that Richard was still shouting in his ear.

“Are you convinced?”

“Are you convinced?”

“Admit defeat if you accept it!”

The pride of the golden dragon made Asuo still struggle, but its struggle became weaker and weaker. Although it was slightly injured now, it was not too serious. It was just Richard’s fighting power that made it a little It is suspected that a dragon is born.

As a powerful giant dragon in its prime, it should be stronger than most golden dragons, second only to those ancient golden dragons on Golden Dragon Cliff. When Richard used agility to harass and attack like a flea, it was just He felt a little irritated, but now that Richard pinned him to the ground with his strength, it really hurt his confidence.

To say that Richard’s strength is that of a humanoid dragon is to belittle him. With a solid foundation, system upgrade bonuses, and several equipment bonuses, Richard is absolutely crushing this continent in terms of strength. Most of the creatures and ordinary giant dragons are now within the range of being crushed. Perhaps letting the ancient dragon out will have a chance to compete with the current Richard in terms of strength.

Asuo, who was held by Richard around the neck and pinned to the ground, could not break free no matter how hard he struggled. Every time he tried to stand up but was pushed down by Richard, Richard would ask again if he was convinced.

Gradually Asuo’s roar turned into a whine. After losing blood for a while, Asuo became a little weak. In the end, the whine turned into a canine whimper.

Asuo lay completely motionless on the ground, his eyes still open, but he no longer wanted to struggle.

And Richard also let go of Asuo with satisfaction, because just now, Richard received a prompt from the system.

Linzhongcheng can now build Dragon Cliff.

“Asuo! Asuo!”

“Are you okay?”

The moment Richard let go of the golden dragon Asuo, the two outstanding swordsmen no longer stopped Thor. Thor quickly rushed to Asuo who collapsed on the ground and patted Asuo’s dragon head. .

Asuo, who felt weak after listening to Sol’s words, rolled his eyes directly at Sol with his lantern-sized eyes. The meaning was obvious.

Do you think I’m fine?

“Is this what you meant by discussing with each other?”

After confirming that Asuo’s life was not in danger, Thor immediately raised his head and questioned Richard.

Saul is really angry this time. Asuo is an alien among the golden dragons. He prefers life in the human world. He took the initiative to follow Saul to leave Dragon Cliff and come to the Golden Dragon Kingdom decades ago. We have been together with Asuo for decades. It is no exaggeration to say that Asuo is to some extent more important than Saul’s own wife and children. Seeing Richard beating Asuo all over his body through sparring, Saul was heartbroken and bleeding. .

If he hadn’t been able to defeat Richard, Saul would have wanted to smash Richard’s head to relieve his anger.

“Here, if you don’t take it, stop it. If you don’t take it, stop it.”

Richard, who had just been immersed in the joy of unlocking Dragon Cliff, looked up and met Thor’s angry gaze. He was momentarily embarrassed. To put it bluntly, he didn’t know what the system’s defeating rules were. The proud golden dragon bowed his head. It was indeed a bit too much to admit defeat, not to mention it was in front of the dragon knight Thor.

Fortunately, Richard still has a sacred blood bottle to use. This treasure can also have an effect on local life. Without rushing to explain anything, Richard immediately used the recovery effect of the sacred blood bottle on Asuo. .

Fortunately, Asuo and Richard are currently both nominally affiliated with the Golden Dragon Kingdom. The system should have defaulted that they are in the same camp and can enjoy the effect of the sacred blood bottle.

Asuo’s injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood at the wound stopped flowing out and scabs began to form. The wound where the scales had been blown off also grew tender dragon scales again. After some tea time, Ah Suo Suo’s injuries have fully recovered, but due to blood loss and too much energy spent fighting just now, he is now a little exhausted and lies down on the spot to rest.

Richard will no longer deliberately hide any magical methods in front of Thor. With the strength he has accumulated now, the more these methods are displayed, the more of a deterrent they will be to those who want to take advantage of the Hunter family. People always have to consider some of Richard’s powers from strange sources.

“Asuo, how are you feeling?”

Although the treatment method shown by Richard just now surprised Sol, Sol’s focus was not here. Instead, he asked about Asuo’s situation first.

Asuo shook his head while lying on the ground, and responded to Thor angrily.

“I feel much better, just a little tired.”


After seeing that Asuo was fine, Sol’s mood finally calmed down. Although he was still a little dissatisfied with Richard, his thoughts were no longer dominated by his emotions.

“What was that just now, magic?”

“Well, a magic item.”

Saul did not continue to ask. In the era when the demonic tide receded, the magicians still left behind many magical props with strange functions. The royal family kept a few that were still usable. Richard had one that was not Strange.

Then the atmosphere became a little awkward. Sol was angry and couldn’t express himself, but Richard knew he was in the wrong and didn’t talk much. After thinking about it, Richard simply turned to Asuo and asked:

“The roast beef in Piaoxue City should be ready. Do you want them to bring it to you?”

Asuo shook his head, not even wanting to eat the roast beef he had promised, but said to Sol:

“Old man, I’m almost done resting, let’s go back to the capital.”

Asuo was beaten mentally by Richard.

“Okay, remember to report to Longxiguan at the appointed time! Asuo and I are leaving first.”

“Lord Thor, walk slowly.”

Asuo felt a shadow in his heart. He ignored the fact that he had consumed so much energy just after the fight and insisted on leaving. Richard had no choice but to stay, so he could only wave his hand to say goodbye to Saul.

Saul also respected the old man’s wishes, and after a few words of advice to Richard, he climbed onto the dragon’s back and left.

In fact, Richard used some tricks in this battle. Although Richard is stronger than Asuo, he is definitely not strong enough to crush Asuo. The main reason is that Asuo has never met Li Cha. In the battle with Cha, he was a little light. At the beginning, he landed directly on the ground to fight. He wanted to rely on his size advantage and physical fitness to crush Richard. Unexpectedly, Richard was like a humanoid tyrannosaurus. Compared with strength and body, he was completely at the point of a gun. .

Richard, who caught Asuo’s mistake, didn’t leave any chance to Asuo. He just hit Asuo with a blast and almost made Asuo cry.

If Asuo had initially used the method of breathing dragon breath remotely in the air to fight Richard, Richard would not have been able to win so easily.

“Lord Richard!”

As soon as Thor left, Richard turned around and ran into Rhodes who was coming with the four-headed dragon. The angry Asuo roared a little loud just now. After thinking about it, Rhodes was still a little worried, so he took the four-headed dragon with him. The dragon came out.

“Sir, are you okay?”

Richard looked a little embarrassed at the moment. He fought with the dragon. Although he won a great victory, it was still impossible to be spotless with Richard’s strength.

“Nothing, I’ll go back to the Hou Mansion to clean up first.”

After that, Richard took Rhodes and the four giant dragons back to Piaoxue City in an instant. After packing up, he did not rush out to deal with the affairs, but opened the panel of Linzhong City…


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