Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 347: Plans and requirements


“Eastern Expedition Plan?”

“Well, the kingdom plans to launch a three-pronged attack from Dragon’s Breath Pass. Five of the country’s dragon knights, including me, will be dispatched at the same time. The cavalry of the Ross family in the west will also join the battle.”

“Send troops in three directions?”

Sending troops in three directions seems a bit unwise to most people. When many people talk about dividing their troops, they can think of being defeated individually. In fact, most generals are not willing to divide their troops if possible, but when the number of troops increases, , the supply and water supply terrain along the way will become a factor that restricts the movement of the army, and the troops will have to be divided into several routes.

The key to the success or failure of division of troops lies in the contact and cooperation between the various armies. If the army is of high quality and closely coordinated, the enemy’s operations of defeating each one will become an opportunity to encircle and annihilate the enemy’s army.

What Richard is confused about is the specific role he needs to play in the kingdom’s eastward expedition plan. He definitely wants the river valley. The land is fertile and densely populated. For the kingdom that owns the entire central plain and the southern provinces, this may be just A jelly bean, but to Richard, this is definitely a big bite of fat. Originally, he didn’t take it because he was concerned about the kingdom and was afraid of stepping on Ren’s bottom line. But since Ren offered it to negotiate terms, he didn’t refuse. reason.

It’s just the Eastern Expedition. It’s what he should do as a human being to fight the orcs for mankind, but if Ren wants to use a river valley to frame him, Richard, as cannon fodder, that won’t work.

“The main goal of this battle is to break through the orcs’ camp in front of Longxiguan and destroy the materials that the orcs have hoarded to attack Longxiguan. I led all the dragon knights of the town and the main force of the Longxiguan army from the center line Breakthrough and directly collide with the main force of the orcs in front of Dragon Breathing Pass.”

“So what do I need to do?”

“You lead the Northern Route Army, starting from the north gate of Longxi Pass and heading east. After breaking through the defense line of the Held Mountains in the northern part of the Orcs, you can act on your own, whether it is to go south to outflank the main Orc force in the middle, or to continue to in-depth destruction It’s all your freedom.”

Richard also probably understood what was going on. In fact, most of the wars at this level are about stability and a fair fight. It is impossible to say that the orcs are not prepared at all. This can only be regarded as the Golden Dragon Kingdom. A desperate move.

Stay still and wait for the dragon to leave and die slowly, or try your best to take advantage of the dragon’s presence and do your best to search for more preparation time.

Yes, it’s just preparation time. Even if the kingdom wins the Eastern Expedition this time, it can only slow down the pace of the orcs’ attack. Humans no longer have the power that could completely wipe out the orcs five hundred years ago. That’s gone. With the golden dragon’s intimidation, the orcs will sooner or later catch their breath and continue attacking humans.

In this great battle of the Eastern Expedition, the central route army plays the leading role. Although the troops are divided, there are still key points. The five dragon knights and elite forces should all be concentrated in the middle route. The northern route army led by Richard needs to rise. What we get is more of a containment effect.

The North Route Army does not have any combat objectives, nor does it need to have one. As long as it completes the breakthrough in the northern mountainous area, Richard can stir up the battle situation no matter what he does. If the situation is right, it is natural for Richard to choose to go south and join forces with the Central Route Army. Best, if the situation does not allow it, then if Richard leads the Northern Route Army to go deeper, it will also be able to contain a large number of the orcs’ effective forces and slow down the speed of the orcs’ support. I think the purpose of coming to the South Route Army should be similar to Richard’s.

This matter has been going around in Richard’s mind. To be honest, it is a bit dangerous. No matter what Richard chooses after leading his army to break through the Orc North Road, it will be a situation deep behind enemy lines. It’s no wonder that Ren is willing to directly set aside the valley area for Richard to send troops. This potato is a bit hot to deal with.

“How many people do I need to dispatch?”

From an extremely self-interested perspective, Richard could actually choose to refuse. Even if he refused, the kingdom would have nothing to do with him. After a year and a half, after the orcs began to attack Longxi Pass, the kingdom’s full power When he was restrained, there was no risk at all if he sent troops to capture the valley, but this operation was simply a traitor, and Richard was not so bottomless.

“The army in the North does not need to be mobilized. Continue to guard against the snowy plains. You, the four dragons, and the knights who appear on the battlefield will allocate 100,000 elite troops to your command over Longxingguan. They will be the Northern Route Army. ”

To be honest, although the Northland army can fight, after being placed on the large meat grinder of Longxiang Pass, the Hunter family’s 100,000-strong army is really not enough. Now Longxiguan plus the surrounding There are more than three million regular troops, all of whom are elites with qualified combat capabilities. Fortunately, Longxingguan is backed by the huge grain-producing area of ​​the Central Plains. Otherwise, an army of three million, plus an equally large number of auxiliary soldiers and civilians, would be able to The supply lines were overwhelmed.

In a battlefield of this scale, one hundred thousand people is not much more than one hundred thousand people are less. In the eyes of Saul and Renn, the Hunter family’s army of one hundred thousand is not as good as the 300,000 cavalry of the Western Region. It’s important to come. What they valued more was the dragons in Richard’s hands and the powerful men who appeared inexplicably around him.

What Thor wants by name is the four dragons and the champion knights, these high-end powers that are already being explored by the Black Prison.

“Will the 100,000 men of the Northern Route Army be too few?”

At this moment, Richard was already calculating in his mind. It was not impossible for him to command the Northern Route Army on the expedition. With teleportation, he would not be in the embarrassment of being surrounded by orcs behind enemy lines. When there was nothing he could do. , he would not feel any psychological pressure if he tried his best to escape using teleportation.

But at any rate, the 100,000 troops along the way seemed to be a little less.

“The terrain of the North Road is not suitable for large army operations. It is mountainous. Even these 100,000 people are a bit too much. There will not be too many orcs garrison over there. 100,000 people will be enough to cooperate with the dragon in your hand. Complete the breakthrough.”

After Sol explained to Richard, Richard finally understood the basic situation. Now the two fell into silence. Sol stared at Richard again, waiting for him to make a decision.

After a long time, Richard raised his head and replied:

“The Hunter family is willing to contribute to the kingdom.”

Saul nodded with satisfaction. Richard was considered a surprise in the plan. Although the Northern Route Army was small in number, it was also a key to the plan. Without the Northern Route Army to copy the rear, Saul himself knew that relying on the Central Route Army alone would It is difficult to break through the center line of the Orcs.

Now that Richard is leading the Northern Route Army with his incredibly powerful men and four giant dragons, the success rate of the plan has been greatly increased.

“Then I’ll leave first. I will go to Burai City to read out the order for you to serve as the guardian of the valley.”

“Thank you, Lord Sol, and please stay a while. I have asked someone to prepare a dinner.”

“No, the matter is urgent, I can’t leave the capital for too long.”

“Then I have one more request, and I hope Lord Thor can satisfy it.”

“What request?”

“I hope to have a discussion with Lord Thor’s partner Asuo.”

“Do you want to challenge Asuo?”

Sol didn’t understand what Richard’s purpose was. Why did this man get into trouble with his golden dragon inexplicably.

“I’m in a hurry.”

This matter is meaningless no matter how you think about it. Saul simply declined Richard’s request, but Richard didn’t understand and continued:

“I will bring more than two hundred knights to participate in the battle of the Northern Route Army.”

Thor: “Suddenly my time is not so tight anymore.”


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