Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 345: Planning of Piaoxue City


Piaoxue City

After a few days of restlessness, the city has basically returned to calm. The military discipline of the Hunter family’s army is better than anyone imagined. When tens of thousands of troops entered the city, there was not a single incident of harassing the residents, and they were still helping. To maintain law and order, some of the original city guards in Piaoxue City wanted to take advantage of the chaos to plunder, but were suppressed by the Hunter family.

After two days of hiding from observation, the people of Piaoxue City also realized that these soldiers in blue and white armor were harmless to humans and animals, and began to take to the streets as usual. No matter how the rulers above them changed, the people’s Life still has to be lived, no matter it is the Lanster family, the Hunter family or some Littlewhites, the teahouse is still a teahouse, and the tavern is still a tavern.

The tavern in the alley that had been closed for two days has now reopened, and the number of drinkers sitting in the tavern to kill time is no less than usual.

“Our Piaoxue City will fly the three-arrow flag of the Hunter family from now on.”

“This Lanster family is also a coward. They opened the city and surrendered without firing an arrow.”

“Isn’t it good to surrender in Kaicheng? We have to fight our own people to the death. After that battle, no one wants to see most of Piaoxue City destroyed.”

“That’s right, it would be smart for the Lanster family to open the city and surrender. Look at the four giant dragons in the sky. Can the Lanster family resist?”

People in the Golden Dragon Kingdom always have a mysterious confidence in the dragon, and sometimes they even infinitely exaggerate the dragon’s strength while ignoring some of its weaknesses and limitations.

Of course, there is nothing that can be done about it. The Golden Dragon Kingdom has to promote the power of the dragon knights from the center. The propaganda has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for hundreds of years. It was originally intended to establish the authority of the center, but now it also involves countless giants. Long’s Hunter family was also promoted.

After the four giant dragons patrolled the city to demonstrate, all the forces in Piaoxue City were very honest, and the Hunter family who accepted Piaoxue City received almost no resistance.

“I just think it’s a pity that the Lanster family has lived for more than a hundred years.”

“The Lanster family themselves are not pity, so what are you pitying for others? Even if the Lanster family is defeated, it will still be better than the rest of us.”

“That too.”

“But I heard that Lord James didn’t want to surrender. The Elders brought the First Legion into the city and surrounded the Marquis’ Mansion.”

“Come on, stop talking about these gossips and take good care of your own life. I don’t know if our life will be easier now that the Hunter family is here.”

“The Hunter family is also a serious marquis in the kingdom, so why can’t they mess with your tavern?”

“It’s just that you were so frightened that you even closed the door for two days. The Hunter family is more disciplined than the new recruits from the Lanster family.”

After James inherited the title, the newly recruited troops pursued quantity, resulting in low quality. Compared with the previous ones, especially the last few legions, military discipline was much worse. Although they would not kill people and set fires, they would have to pay for their purchases. It is common for people to go crazy after drinking and hit people.

“Hey, it’s always good to be careful.”

The tavern owner seems to be in a good mood. Piaoxue City has been handed over peacefully, and his business has not been affected at all. As long as his life is not affected, he does not care whether the Hunter family or the Lanster family collects taxes. Home.


Outside the tavern, a group of Silver Wings patrols wearing blue and white cloth masks passed by. Although these people had never harassed the merchants, the people in the tavern instinctively stopped talking to avoid causing trouble.

Marquis Palace

The news that Renne has decided to promote Richard as Duke has not yet reached, but at this time, many people gathered in the meeting hall of the Hou Mansion. After all, they have newly taken over a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands, and there are still several In order to effectively manage an army that has laid down its arms, certain arrangements must be made.

In the open space in the Hou Mansion, Richard, who was dressed in military uniform, and Igor, the elder who looked a little flashy in his costume, appeared out of thin air at the same time.

Richard looked indifferent, while Igor showed a very surprised expression.

“Lord Richard, is this the magic of the elves back then?”

“Well, this is magic, but it’s not the magic of the elves back then.”

“It’s really amazing.”

Although Richard denied the elves, he admitted that it was the effect of magic. Igor was also considered one of the upper-class people. Naturally, he had heard rumors about magic, but he had always doubted its true existence. Now it is Richard personally felt the teleportation, and he became even more in awe of Richard.

Richard has always been sensitive to the army. Soon after entering the city, he asked Ou Ze and the elders to take him to inspect the four legions left by the Lanster family, and he felt somewhat reassured. end.

When he came back, he had a sudden idea and asked Ou Ze to rush back to the Marquis Mansion on his own, while he took Elder Igor to try teleportation. In the past, Richard had only used teleportation with system creatures, and had never tried using it with people from this world. This time he simply did an experiment with Igor.

If there is no accident, it can be used to take people like Lint on their way in the future, but if there is an accident.

Well, anyway, if only one member of the Council of Elders dies, it won’t be a big problem.

“Senior Igor, let’s go in first.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

Igor was still immersed in the shock of teleportation. Just now, he was in the camp outside the city, and suddenly returned to the Hou Mansion. He had not recovered yet, but he had no idea that he had been captured. The black-hearted Richard was used as a guinea pig.

“The Senate does not need to exist, but each family can keep its own manor and property. But nothing belonging to the Marquis’ mansion is allowed to be taken.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

Although this matter had been expected, when Richard actually announced it, the following senators were still extremely distressed. They had embezzled a lot of assets belonging to the Hou Mansion, and now they were about to spit it out.

But when people are under the roof, they have to keep their heads down. It is already generous for Richard to keep so much property. If he encounters the time when Richard is so poor that he goes crazy, the result may be different.

After Richard agreed to keep their land and property, they had to stand up to express their gratitude.

On the other side, through discussions with Lin Te, Richard determined the personnel of the municipal, taxation, public security and other departments one by one. This time Richard came to Piaoxue City to bring not only an army and four dragons, but also an army. The entire administrative team is composed of capable personnel drawn from Ironwood City.

The Hunter family, or rather Richard, has always attached great importance to the training of managers. He knows very well that after a place is conquered by the army, it is more difficult to effectively govern it. To implement the Hunter family’s method, It is inevitable that the original administrative affairs officials cannot be retained, and their own personnel must be replaced in key positions in order to operate the Hunter family’s system, which is considered alien in the kingdom.

There would have been some resistance to such a large-scale change of personnel, but the current situation is that the army is pressing down on the country, and local snakes like the Elder Council and Ou Ze have surrendered one by one. Even if some people are dissatisfied, they can only hold it in. The personnel are very Arrangements were made quickly.

The reorganization of the army is the top priority. It is impossible to retain all the original troops in Piaoxue City, but it would be a pity to abolish them all. Richard is not afraid of these people mutiny. As long as the officers have no problem with their minds, I don’t dare to attack the Hunter family. The main problem is the quality of the soldiers.

Ou Ze’s first legion is decent and can be retained, but the three newly formed legions that James later formed are a bit messy, and they have to be sorted out.

The first legion will be retained, and half of the remaining three legions will be cut off, leaving only a maximum of 30,000 people to be combined with the first legion into a reinforced legion of ten flag regiments, with Rhodes as the first The commander of the legion, and Ou Ze, who showed a very understanding and trusting attitude, acted as Rhodes’ deputy and assisted Rhodes in completing the reorganization of the legion. Everything was going normally, but at the end when the legion was named, something unexpected happened. .

“Sir Richard, can I give the new legion a name?”


This was not a big deal, and Richard did not refuse, but he would soon have to pay the price for his recklessness.

“I think the new legion can be called the Legion of Justice!”


“Why don’t you change your name…”


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