Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 342: New Beidi Hou


“What, James is dead?”

“Yes, Lord Richard, we have controlled James before, but James was poisoned in the food the night before and died of the poison.”

“Oh? Someone poisoned him?”

After the Silver Wing Legion basically completed the takeover of Piaoxue City, Richard and his team followed Ou Ze and several elders of the Lanster family into the prince’s mansion, which had commanded the Northland for more than a hundred years. It wasn’t until Richard mentioned that he wanted to meet the unlucky Lord Marquis that the gang in Piaoxue City told Richard that James was dead.

It’s just that Richard acted very calmly, just out of curiosity, without any other emotions, and even felt that he was a little relieved, because from the intelligence, this James was not a peaceful person, and he had once If he wanted to take his life, even if he didn’t die this time, Richard would have to find an opportunity to kill him. Richard was not someone who would just laugh it off if someone plotted against him.

“According to our verification, the person who poisoned was the third son of the old Marquis, Andrzej Lanster.”

“It seems like the stupidest thing he can do.”

Lint on the side actually answered after hearing this. His tone did not show sadness because of the murder of brothers, but was a bit sarcastic. It is not surprising that Lint was weak in emotion. Marquis Wade himself was only strict but not loving. , the brothers have been scheming and scheming since they were young, and they don’t have any deep feelings.

Otherwise, when James came to power, he would not have given up on Piaoxue City and left. James could tolerate the useless third child, but he would never tolerate him, Lint.

It is a pity and irony that James died in the hands of the third child who was looked down upon by everyone.

“Okay, let’s bury James properly.”

Debts are eliminated after death. Although Richard had the idea of ​​killing James before, but now that the person is dead, Richard will not take out his anger on a corpse. Burying him normally can show his greatness. Come.

“What about Andrzej?”

“Lint, what do you think we should do?”

There should be doubts about James’ death, but Richard doesn’t care about this. He is too lazy to use his brain to think about the dirty deeds involved. After all, elephants don’t care what ants think on the roadside. No matter how the people in Piaoxue City fight, as long as they want to live, they will not dare to fight against Richard. Their so-called conspiracy fight is at best nothing more than a bone thrown by Richard.

“Killing the lord without authorization and mutilating his own brother. Lord Richard should seek justice for James and execute such a villain who commits brother-killing.”

Lint was also unambiguous. In his eyes, the third son of the Lanster family was just like a stranger who had nothing to do with him. He would kill him if he wanted to. Killing him would just give Hunter more money. The rule of the family adds a touch of legitimacy, although this bit of legitimacy is dispensable to Richard.

“Well, let’s let Mr. Ou Ze carry out this matter.”

Richard nodded and agreed to Lin Te’s suggestion. He had always heard that Lin Te was often bullied when he was a child because of his weak constitution. Judging from the attitude of Lin Te, the two brothers who did not care about killing, it seems that the rumors Not fake.

“Yes, sir!”

No matter what Ou Ze thought, this was the first task he had received since joining his new master. Regardless of whether his hands were dirty or not, he immediately accepted it.

Poor Anjie was coaxed into killing James by the Elders. He also fantasized about becoming the new Marquis of the North under the operation of the Elders. But now he did it without even seeing Richard. His fate was decided, and no one at the scene spoke for him.

Ou Ze acted as if the matter had nothing to do with him, and several elders were even vaguely happy. Unexpectedly, things went smoothly than they thought.

“Well, there is another important thing next. Since James has been killed, there must be someone to inherit the position of Marquis of the Lanster family. It will be better for the two families to work together in the future.”

When Richard mentioned this topic, everyone in the hall suddenly cheered up. This matter was much more important than the decision to execute Andrzej just now. During the brief moment when Richard paused, Ou Zeji remained expressionless. This title dispute had nothing to do with him.

The three senators had an eye on each other. They had negotiated and planned for so long, leaving a lot of benefits in the name of the Lanster family. They had to win this title to get it. For this reason, they They even encouraged Anjie to kill James, completely clearing the obstacles. Now the key is coming, they have to stand up and push their own people away.


“Since no one has spoken, let me make a suggestion.”

“Lord Richard…”

“I think Mr. Lint, the youngest son of Marquis Wade, is the most suitable person to inherit the position of Marquis.”

“But, Lord Richard, Master Linte is not a knight. For him to inherit the title is inconsistent with the laws of the kingdom!”

As soon as Richard spoke, several Lanster family elders became anxious. Although Richard’s previous behavior was quite excessive, he still had to take into account the rules of the kingdom.

This gave them the illusion that they could use the rules of the kingdom to restrict Richard a little. Especially when Richard agreed to retain the title of Marquis of the Lanster family, they also felt that Richard should still have What he was worried about now was that Richard directly proposed to let Lin Te inherit the title. It would be better to let that idiot Andrzej become the marquis. They were all people who had been dealt with by Lin Te.

“Who said Lint is not a knight? Lint has been a knight for a long time, but he just didn’t show it before. I’m here to vouch for him. If any of you don’t believe it, you can come and have a fight with Lint to test him. ”

Faced with the questioning of the Lanster family elders, Richard suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the elders who stood up to question him, as if he wanted to convince others with reason.

Several elders were stunned at first. It was a recognized fact of the Lanster family that Master Lint was too weak to become a knight. How could Richard dare to ask him to accept the challenge?

But looking at Richard’s compelling gaze, they instantly understood. This guy was just telling lies with his eyes open. Lint was definitely not a knight. This was something they could confirm, but Richard’s look It seems that who among them dares to test Lin Te’s strength? The probability of succeeding in the challenge is infinitely close to zero, and the possibility of being killed by Richard’s sword is infinite.

Just when several elders were either advancing or retreating, Ou Ze, who had been standing there as a stake, walked out.

“I know the strength of Master Lin Te. I think the young master is indeed the most suitable successor to the title.”

Ou Ze seriously recognized Lin Te’s strength and broke the deadlock. Several elders looked at Ou Ze in disbelief. The fact that this guy could be so shameless exceeded their imagination.

“Okay, since everyone supports Lin Te to inherit the throne, the ceremony will be held in a few days!”

“I don’t think anyone has any opinions?”

Under Richard’s slightly threatening tone, and thinking about the army and the dragon outside, several senators finally did not get so greedy for profit that they acted like ostriches. It was up to Richard to say so. He settled the matter with his own words.

The elders looked depressed, but Ou Ze couldn’t help but smile a little in the end. It was quite satisfying to be able to stand alongside those old guys…

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