Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 341: Small moves and entering the city


“Lord Ou Ze, something happened.”

“What’s going on?”

Early in the morning, before Ou Ze got up and had time to have breakfast, the adjutant walked in with an anxious look on his face. It was obvious that something had happened. Looking at this, I’m afraid it’s not a good thing. At this juncture, Ou Ze felt a sudden change in his heart.

The adjutant approached Ou Ze and lowered his voice as much as possible:

“Early this morning, several soldiers guarding James found that James was dead.”

“Damn it, what happened? Take me to see it.”

Ou Ze didn’t care about breakfast, and immediately walked with his adjutant to the place where James was previously imprisoned. James was actually insignificant, but as a direct descendant of the Lanster family, he was previously recognized by the kingdom and all parties The North Land Marquis who had passed away should not have died in such an inexplicable way, let alone under the control of Ou Ze.

“Who came last night?”

Ou Ze has arrived at the room where James died. In order to protect the clues, the body has not been moved. The clothes of the body are very neat, and there is no look of pain on the face. If it is not breathing, it would still make people think Just fell asleep.

“Master Andrzej from the Lanster family came last night.”

The people in charge of guarding were now disarmed and treated as half-suspects. Faced with Ou Ze’s questions, his voice was trembling when he answered. He himself knew that this trap could be poked. It’s a bit big.

“What is he here for?”

“He said he came to visit and give Lord James some food.”

“Didn’t I say that no one is allowed to approach James without my order?”

Ou Ze felt there was something wrong with this matter as soon as he heard it. Except for his dead brother Weilu, it was an open secret that the remaining Lanster brothers had a bad relationship.

Andrzej was humiliated when he failed to ask for power from Lint. His face was so swollen that Sander next to Lint was sore. When James came to power, he became more active and wanted to do something. James was also perfunctory, and he said many strange things behind his back. Due to their relationship, James was only detained for one night, and Andrzej came to visit and gave him food. The problem here was too big.

“Sir Ou Ze, Andrzej came with your warrant, otherwise we wouldn’t dare…”

“I’m talking about anyone!”

Ou Ze didn’t remember what kind of warrant he had issued to Anjie. Anjie took his own warrant and gave James food. The suspicion was so great.

“Go and bring Master Anjie here!”


“Also, **** these idiots to me.”

When something like this happened, it was a good thing that Ou Ze didn’t execute a few people on the spot. Several soldiers in charge of the guard didn’t even dare to say a word and were taken down honestly.

Soon, the third young master of the Lanster family, Anjie, was brought to Ou Ze. Originally, except for James, Ou Ze was quite polite to the rest of the Lanster family. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. , in the final analysis, this matter is just an internal fight within the Lanster family, and he just wants to gain the maximum benefit from this struggle.

But now that James is dead, Ou Ze has made a big fuss. He is not polite to An Jie and brings An Jie up like a prisoner.

“What are you doing! Let go!”

Andrzej was still struggling, as if he didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter.

When he saw James’ corpse, he was slightly happy at first, and then he forced himself to show a sad look, and started crying in front of James’ corpse, but his acting was really awkward.

“Okay, Master Andrzej, you were the one who impersonated my warrant and poisoned James. Stop pretending.”

Ou Ze, who couldn’t stand it anymore, directly interrupted An Jie’s play. Although he didn’t know where An Jie got the rare poison, no matter how he analyzed it, the murderer could almost only be An Jie.

On the other hand, Andrzej refused to admit it and wanted to hold Ou Ze responsible. In Ou Ze’s eyes, he looked like a clown. No wonder he was the least effective among the sons of Marquis Wade.

“Take him down and take a look at him. No more accidents are allowed this time.”


“Yes, Lord Legion Commander!”

Ou Ze waved his hand and motioned with some disgust to his men to take Andrzej down. After looking at Andrzej’s performance and thinking for a while, Ou Ze probably figured out the whole story. This idiot was used as a weapon by someone from the Council of Elders.

Some people are still thinking about the position of marquis. If he observes correctly, Anjie has also entered the knight level at some point. At this moment, he is still hiding his own strength and fantasizing about James. After Mu died, he inherited the title of Lanster family. And with Andrzej’s ability, there is definitely no way to get his warrant. There are probably people from the Elder Council instigating him. Now it is not his turn, the murderer who poisoned James, to inherit this. A title.

A real fool and a group of old guys who are either smart or blinded by interests.

Ou Ze thought bitterly, he didn’t want to care about how these people plotted against his own people, but implicating him in it made him very unhappy. However, Ou Ze did not show any signs of such small actions that could not affect the overall situation.

Under the tacit understanding of several parties, James’ death caused basically no big noise. Time passed like this day by day until the four dragons of the Hunter family appeared in the sky above Piaoxue City.

Before seeing the army, he saw the giant dragon first. This was a shock arranged by Richard in advance. With Lin Te here, Richard knew clearly that Piaoxue City had no means to effectively deal with the dragon. The four giant dragons The dragon boldly flew around the city wall at low altitude, announcing Richard’s arrival.

The gates of Piaoxue City were now open. In order to show their sincerity, the soldiers lined up did not even bring weapons. Ou Ze and the remaining veteran army commanders stood at the door, looking at the soldiers who had been hovering at low altitude. The dragon couldn’t help but hold its breath.

Although I know that the terms between the two parties have been negotiated and these giant dragons should not attack, I think that if I take a breath of dragon breath, I will be killed immediately. This kind of life and death is in the hands of others. It is really not a good feeling. Especially those of them who have been in power for a short time.

However, the four giant dragons had no intention of taking care of their moods. They followed Richard’s orders and continued to fly over Piaoxue City, making the entire city feel the majesty of the dragons.

However, no matter how nervous I feel, I have to cheer up now, because the outline of Hunter’s ground army in the distance has gradually emerged.

“Lord Richard!”

“Piaoxue City welcomes you.”

Soon, the Hunter family’s army had arrived at the main entrance of Piaoxue City. The Silver Wing Legion troops had taken over this section of the city wall under the leadership of several flag captains. They would only retreat after there was no danger. The team sent a signal, allowing Richard Lint and others to approach the city gate in a swaggering manner.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to be searched by the Silver Wings Legion, as soon as Richard arrived, these people still had smiles on their faces and said some unintentional words.

It would be crazy if you really want to welcome Richard. Piaoxue City is no better than other small nobles. If Richard doesn’t come, they will be local overlords. James’ authority is limited, although the entire Lanster family is squeezed by the Hunter family They are a little breathless, but these high-level officials can live a comfortable life. Now that a hero like Richard is sitting on the head, how can they be as comfortable as they usually close the door and act as masters by themselves.

But we are all human beings. Apart from James’s irritable personality, we still understand how to be flexible and flexible. The group of people greeted each other with smiles, and Richard was somewhat generous. The people from the Silver Wings Corps had come to show off, so it was his turn to show off.

Taking the initiative to dismount and greet several representatives of Piaoxue City at this time, amidst the compliments of everyone, he led the army into the city. Looking at this posture, those who didn’t know thought it was the army of Piaoxue City returning from victory. , and everyone came to greet him.

“Go and control the four city gates first, collect the weapons of soldiers from several legions, and wait for the next step of selection.”

“Public order in the city is maintained. Anyone who dares to cause trouble at this time will be executed on the spot.”


Lint did not go to the Marquis Mansion to attend any banquet with everyone first. He had a more important responsibility, which was to assist Rhodes and basically control the city first…


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