Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 339: Ou Ze’s decisiveness


Piaoxue City, Hou Mansion

The nearby corpses have been carried away, but the cleaning was not thorough. If you smell it carefully, you can still smell a faint smell of blood.

James was sitting alone in the living room at this time, with annoyance written on his face, and even a little panic.

Just one day ago, he was in high spirits when he defeated the rebellion of the Senate. In the blink of an eye, he was back to his original form one day later. Originally, James thought that after defeating the Council of Elders, he would become the sole master of Piaoxue City, so he confidently sent someone to notify the four legion commanders to come to the Marquis Mansion to discuss matters.

Unexpectedly, one day passed and none of the four legion commanders came. If Ou Ze of the first legion had ideas, James might understand, but two of the legion commanders he personally promoted pretended to be sick and hid. Not coming out of the military camp made him feel a deep sense of frustration. He had clearly defeated the Elder Council, but he felt like he was betrayed by everyone. The Council of Elders was not successful enough, but it was more than enough to destroy things. Once it was activated, James, the Marquis, lost the last trace of his majesty. Except for the first legion that they could not move, the remaining three legions were all infiltrated by the Council of Elders to varying degrees. Well, James didn’t uproot the Senate at once, so now the army is starting to wait and see.

Piaoxue City is obviously his base camp, but it has already made him feel unsafe.

“Lord Marquis, Lord Letterman just left.”

“This ungrateful guy! I knew I shouldn’t give it to him!”

“Why didn’t you stop him!”


The personal guards didn’t know how to answer this. Letterman was a great knight. Apart from reporting, who among these small soldiers would dare to stop the other party?


Just when James was feeling irritable, his bodyguards brought him another piece of bad news. The trump card he relied on to make a comeback, the Great Knight Letterman, took his Senior Knight Blessing Potion and left. This news directly ignited the anger in James’ heart, and he punched open the table in front of him that had been changed several times.

The personal guards who came in to report the news were trembling in James’ incompetent rage, fearing that James would be angry with him. Anyone with a violent personality like James would be a headache for anyone who encounters him. Marquis Wade When he was still alive, he could still suppress him, but now that he has become the Marquis of the North, he has unleashed his nature more and more.

There have even been cases where he took out his anger on others and maimed servants. Fortunately, although James was irritable, he was not confused. Even if he found the air bag, he would not find it on these personal guards who fought for him.

“Hahahaha, the elders were defeated by James and two of them died?”

Outside Piaoxue City, a burst of hearty laughter came from the station of the First Legion. This laughter was full of schadenfreude.

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander, the people from the Council of Elders are now asking for a meeting outside the camp.”

“Don’t these old guys want to leave me alone? Now they are here to beg me?”

“Then, shall we drive people away?”

“No, let them in.”

After thinking about it, Ou Ze decided to meet with the Elders. Although he currently controls the most powerful first legion in Piaoxue City, he is not named Lanster after all. The Elders can leave him alone and go it alone. , but it was difficult for him to sell James for a good price alone.

Soon, representatives of the Elder Council walked in under the leadership of the guards.

“Commander of the Ozer Army.”

“Senior Igor, do you have any business with me?”

Although Ou Ze had the intention of cooperating with the Council of Elders, there was still a hint of sarcasm in his words. It was because the Council of Elders was so bad at doing things, Ou Ze couldn’t help it.

“Big things about your future, wealth and life.”

Igor didn’t care about Ou Ze’s tone, but instead brought the topic to Ou Ze first.

“Oh, my future, wealth and life? I am sitting in this camp, who can touch my wealth and life?”

Unlike the constraints between the commanders of the other three legions and the captains of each flag, the first legion was almost completely turned into a private army by Ou Ze after Lin Te left. Regardless of Xuan’s wishes, the army of 20,000 people was completely under Ou Ze’s control.

“You have been in your own hands for the past two days. When the Hunter family’s army and dragon come, are you sure you can still control it?”

“Ahem, if you have any questions, please tell me directly, Elder Igor.”

“What happened a few days ago, the Senate agreed. The commander of the Ozer Army will control Piaoxue City and cooperate with the Hunter family. You will have a share of the castle and land.”

“Add ten knight estates.”

“There are too many. The Hunter family promised that Lanster would not leave much land.”

“This is the bottom line, you are here to beg me this time.”

Ou Ze did not expect that after the Hunter family came, he could still dominate the army of 20,000 people. The conditions discussed now were just to prepare for the future, a castle, land for ten knights’ manor, It was enough for him to live a good life. Of course, it would be best if he could continue to command the army.

“Okay, send troops now. If the Hunter family arrives and we haven’t dealt with them properly, I’m afraid there will be nothing.”

After thinking about it for a while, Elder Igor nodded and agreed to Ou Ze’s request. Anyway, two unlucky people died, and some of the interests of their two families can be divided and given to Ou Ze. Anyway, he will not touch him. That piece of cake.

“Adjutant Volodin!”


“Call the army into the city immediately!”

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander!”


While a series of struggles were still going on in Piaoxue City, Richard, who had caused all these events, was leading his army halfway through the journey. On the way, he also met up with Lin Te who had come from Demon Suppression City. Lin Te was also one of the important figures when he took over Piaoxue City this time.

Things in the Demon Suppressing City have been sorted out for the time being. The ogres in the wilderness will no longer threaten the Demon Suppressing City for a while. It is not a big problem for Lint to leave for a while as the city lord. .

On the contrary, Lint is more familiar with Piaoxue City. With his cooperation, Rhodes can reduce a lot of early troubles.

“There shouldn’t be any problems over there in Piaoxue City, right?”

What Richard was worried about was not whether he could capture Piaoxue City, which was basically a certainty. What he was concerned about was how to obtain a complete Piaoxue City. He was afraid that the Lansters would get mad and cause trouble.

“Don’t worry, Lord Richard, with these four dragons like you, those old guys will definitely try their best to give you a complete Snow City.”

While speaking, Lint’s attention was always on the four giant dragons in the sky. The four dragons were in three colors and there were no knights on them. This was the little basic information Lint could get. The other basic information was He was confused and couldn’t figure out how Richard managed to turn around the four giant dragons while he was in charge of the Demon City. However, Richard didn’t take the initiative to say it, and Lin Te didn’t ask. Sometimes, Talking to smart people can save you a lot of money.

“But what will Sir Richard do next after he takes over Piaoxue City?”

Lint spoke of Piaoxue City very lightly, as if he was speaking from the perspective of a stranger, rather than a person named Lanster.

“What do you think?”

“The next target is of course the river valley, but the time is not now.”

“When the orcs break the Dragon’s Breath Pass, it won’t be too late for us to send troops to the valley. Then we will block the orcs to the south of the valley and ensure peace first.”

“Are you so pessimistic?”

Lin nodded and did not deny it.

“However, when I see you giant dragons, you can’t see the situation clearly. Please tell me, will the tribe behind them fully support you?”

Li Cha shook his head when he heard this. Golden Dragon Cliff is already the latest target. He can build it as long as he defeats an adult golden dragon head-on and gets approval, but it can only be built once a week. There is no group to talk about in a short time.

Richard had tried to spar with the system’s golden dragon before and knocked it over head-on, but the construction of the Golden Dragon Cliff was still in a gray state. Obviously the system did not approve of his behavior, so he had to find a fight with the local golden dragon. Well, if you think about it carefully, the only one you can find recently is the golden dragon under Sol who is in charge of Wangdu. Richard still thought that once the incident in Piaoxue City was over, he would have to find a way to find a way to spar with Thor’s golden dragon.

“Without the support of their tribe, those four dragons can’t change anything.”

Since more than fifty years ago, the orcs have not been afraid of a few golden dragons, but the ethnic groups behind those golden dragons. Richard’s four-headed dragons are of little significance without the support of the ethnic group.

“Let’s talk about the matter at hand first. After taking over Piaoxue City, how do you want me to deal with the Lanster family.”

Richard could feel that Lint didn’t care too much about the family, had no hatred, and didn’t have much emotion. He acted entirely in the interests of the Hunter family, but Richard still had to ask more.

“Just deal with it according to the previous agreement. If Lord Richard feels that they want too much, you can ask them to hand over another part and save their lives.”

“No, I will give them everything they want, mainly the title of Marquis of Beidi. What do you think about it?”

“Just help any Lanster knight inherit the title, as long as it’s easy to control.”

“I mean, don’t you intend to inherit the position of Marquis?”

Lint: “…”


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