Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 337: Changes in Piaoxue City (3)


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

After all, James was also a man who had fought in the army. The personal guards of the Marquis Mansion that he personally selected were not weak in combat effectiveness. They were also proficient in using military longbows. They could draw the bows and shoot arrows in one go.

The two Centuries attacking from the Elders’ side had just entered within 60 steps of the Marquis’ Mansion when they were covered by hundreds of sharp arrows, which were also very accurate.


“Don’t worry, raise your shield! Keep charging!”

It’s just that the private equipment of these senators is very good. Everyone is wearing scale armor or mail armor and iron helmets. Most of them are lined with leather armor. They are better equipped than the tens of thousands of regular troops in Piaoxue City. It’s much better, not to mention the warriors in the front row holding shields.

Except for a few unlucky ones who fell to the ground after being hit by arrows, most people just ignored the arrows and rushed straight up.

“Get ready for battle!”

“Hold on!”

Seeing that the arrows could not have much effect, James simply gave up on long-range attacks and directly ordered his men to prepare for melee combat.

Although the Hou Mansion has certain military defense capabilities, it is not a real castle. The battle happened suddenly. There was not even a crossbow on the outer wall. With the long-range power at hand, it was like scratching an itch. Save some time and get ready to fight.


It was only a four-meter high wall. The soldiers of the Senate rushed up with long ladders. Several quasi-knights led the team and quickly took a stand on the wall. A wall of this level is not suitable for Real armies don’t have very strong defense capabilities.

“Bang! Bang!”

Both sides were soldiers wearing heavy armor. During the battle, the armor-piercing blunt weapons made a loud bang, but the actual casualties were not many. Without the strength to crush, it was necessary to kill a soldier wearing armor. Being a soldier in heavy armor is actually quite difficult, and in many cases it even takes a lot of effort until one party has no physical strength.

But in this world, human strength and physical fitness are obviously stronger than those on the ancient earth. The fights between these armored soldiers are more intense, and the outcome is still unclear.


However, soldiers wearing heavy armor still have their enemies in this world. In addition to quasi-knights who use heavy weapons, knight-level masters who directly attach fighting spirit to their weapons can also easily break through their heavy armor. It is much easier than using a heavy-armed quasi-knight.

The knights from James’ side also joined the battle at the top of the city, and immediately suppressed the momentum of the soldiers from the Senate. It is said that the five senators are actually knights, and James only sent one on the outer wall. Knight, if a few senators were willing to take out two of their followers to charge together, I’m afraid the situation would have been opened up long ago.

However, the elders feel that they are precious, and at this age they are still willing to go into battle in person. Besides, they still have a huge numerical advantage, so they will not take risks in person.

The veteran Andessa who was in charge of the command waved his hand again, and another centurion rushed up with several long ladders. At the same time, the team pushing the battering ram also arrived outside the gate of the Hou Mansion.



This kind of battering ram used to deal with the city gate is used to deal with the gate of the Marquis Mansion. It is an example of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. No matter how thick the gate is, it is trembling from the impact of the siege hammer. After two impacts, the door frame is knocked down. There were cracks everywhere, and it was only a matter of time before they were knocked apart.

As soon as the gate opened, the guards of the Hou Mansion no longer had a barrier. The army of elders from outside swarmed in. A few knights could not reverse the situation at all.

“Lord Marquis! The door will not hold up!”

There is still a group of people holding on behind the gate, but looking at them, it is obvious that they have reached their limit.

“Get out of the way!”

James also knew that the gate could not withstand the impact of the battering ram. At this time, he personally took the remaining two knights and a hundred personal guards to prepare for a last ditch effort.

“Desan! Rush out as soon as the door opens. Do you see where those old guys are? Take them down directly!”

“No problem, Lord Marquis, but what did you promise?”

“I will give it to you after this battle.”

“I want you to give it to me now.”

“You are brave!”

James looked into the other person’s eyes and did not dare to say that he didn’t have it with him.

Lightman is a great knight recruited by James after inheriting the title, and he is also James’ only trump card. Letterman is willing to work for James. In addition to extremely high treatment, he also has some resources promised by James.

When you reach the level of a great knight, it is difficult to recruit them solely by Jinnar. Without some training resources, why should these people work for you? When people serve the kingdom, they can also obtain titles and territories through military exploits. When they serve ordinary nobles, they will naturally have other pursuits.

James prescribed the Advanced Knight Blessing Potion, a rare resource that was useful in the training of a great knight, in order to recruit Lightman to work for him.

Of course, it is impossible for Letterman to obtain such precious training resources as soon as he comes. James has such a bottle in his hand entirely because of the legacy of Marquis Wade. This thing was supposed to be left to The eldest son of Marquis Wade used it to break through the Great Knight, but in the end it fell into the hands of James, who tried hard to maximize its value.

It was used as a hanging carrot to recruit a big knight. According to James’ original intention, this was actually a blank check. When the situation stabilized, it was not certain whether he would give it to him. Letterman suddenly asked for it. Putting him into embarrassment.

Under Letterman’s threatening gaze, James finally planned to make a compromise.

“After this fight, twist off the heads of those old guys, and the potion will be yours.”

After hearing this, Letterman thought for a moment. He was so eager to ask for it because he felt that James’s broken ship was about to sink. If he didn’t get the benefits, he was afraid that he would never have a chance in the future. But now James’ request is not enough. Points, seeing as James is like this, it might be difficult to give it to him now.

While Letterman was hesitating, James took out a delicate thumb-sized vial from his body. The bottle contained a light red potion that looked almost exactly the same as the potion that Richard got.

“The thing is on me. If you take those old guys away, it will be yours.”

Seeing James show what he wanted, Letterman finally nodded, agreeing to James’ conditions.

Letterman is quite clear about the Lanster family’s situation. He knows that there are only a few knights in the Senate, and there are no masters of the knight level. The danger is not too great. In order to cultivate resources, he must fight hard.


The gate finally could no longer withstand the impact of the battering ram and completely fell apart. The entire door frame was shattered along with the gate.

“Get out of here!”


What the Senate soldiers who broke open the door saw was not a group of panicked soldiers, but more than a hundred elite soldiers who had been recuperating for a long time under the leadership of James…


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