Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 336: Changes in Piaoxue City (2)


James is just a middle-aged man. He is somewhat incompetent in the position of Marquis, but he is not a real fool. These days, the Marquis of the North always has some close friends around him.

For example, most of the personal guards of the Hou Mansion were replaced by people he trusted. Three knights, a dozen quasi-knights, and two hundred elite soldiers were the weapons that could be used in the Hou Mansion at this time.

In addition, as a legitimate Marquis of the North, James still has a certain degree of appeal, and he has managed to recruit a true master.

At this time, James happened to be wearing all the equipment and came to the outer wall of the Hou Mansion with his sword in one hand.

Although the Lanster family’s mansion is not built like a castle, as a military noble, the mansion still has some military functions. The outer wall is four meters high and nearly two meters thick, which can accommodate two or three people. Actions were taking place on the wall at the same time. Because the movement of the senators was too great, the responsible guards had already closed the door of the Marquis Mansion and stood on the high wall with strong determination.

“Senior Igor, didn’t you ask us to use the internal resources in the Hou Mansion to prevent the gate of the Hou Mansion from closing? How did it end up like this?”

The strength of the elders is still good. To be able to become a elder of the Lanster family, the threshold is also the knight level. Even if it was just an honorary title in the past, there is no way that there is no threshold for any cat or dog to be. At this time, Lai Hou The five senators who were preparing to force the palace were five knight-level masters. Together with their respective subordinates, seven or eight hundred soldiers surrounded the Hou Mansion in such a swagger that the guards in the city did not even react at all. .

“You still think James is really stupid! He can’t defeat us in other places. The Hou Mansion has been tightly controlled by him for a long time. Those internal agents have no chance to touch the gate.”

“Okay, no need to say more, there are so many of us today, we must seize the Hou Mansion first no matter what.”

“Let’s talk to James first. We are all members of the Lanster family. Please advise him to recognize the formality and stop consuming this strength.”

“You five old guys! Do you want to rebel?”

The elder who just said he wanted to talk to James suddenly turned green. It’s not that he was not thick-skinned, it was just that James was too crazy and didn’t give any face in front of so many people. They, the elders, are here to stay. Even Lin Te from before would not go so far. Of course, when Lin Te was here, he was very tough on face. They were afraid of Lin Te, which was different.

The way James sounded at this moment was like an adult walking on the street and being suddenly provoked by a teenager, and he was very embarrassed about his face.

However, although James was rude, several elders still tried to persuade them. After all, they were all one family, and they were unwilling to fight if they could. In the end, the losses they suffered from fighting would not be their own fault.

“Master James, the Hunter family’s army is already on the way. We have negotiated with Master Lint to hand over Piaoxue City and retain all property and part of the land. The title of Marquis of the North will also be retained. Our Lanster family can just live like the Marquis of Varaya in the south, and we will be rich and wealthy, so we should not continue to resist.”

“Master James? Hahaha, so you old guys are here to persuade me to surrender? You don’t even shout for the Marquis. Why, after I surrender, who of you will inherit the position of the Marquis, or should I wait for you? Master Lin Te comes back to inherit?”

The elder’s words were actually very thoughtful. It was true that the title of Marquis of the North was retained, but how could Richard agree to let James continue to occupy this title? There was no discussion yet on whether he could survive or not. Well, the elders deliberately kept this issue vague, trying to coax James into cooperating first. Unexpectedly, James, who was usually as stupid as a pig to them, grasped the key point right away.

“Ahem, James, stop resisting. We are our people both inside and outside the city. If you open the door and come out, at least your safety will be guaranteed.”

After the elders’ thoughts were exposed, they did not deny it. No one was a fool. Since it has been said to this extent, it is better to speak openly.

“There are 80,000 troops in Piaoxue City, and the Hunter family is still halfway there and you want me to surrender? Are you worthy of the surname Lanster?”

“In addition to an army of 100,000, the Hunter family also has four giant dragons. It is precisely because we want the Lanster name to continue to exist that we have to sacrifice Piaoxue City. James, please stop being stubborn. ! ”

When the elders talked about the four giant dragons of the Hunter family, James’s expression was obviously stunned. He was a little arrogant, but not arrogant enough to think that he could fight against the four giant dragons. Elders What they said were objective facts, and he couldn’t refute them at all.

Under such a huge disparity in strength, did James really not think about surrendering? In fact, a normal person would have considered this issue to some extent. After all, the opponents are the Hunter family, who are also humans, and they are not ogres or orcs. They are of the same race and origin, and can even be considered the same place. There is no real possibility of surrender. Too much psychological pressure. This is two different things from a national war and a racial war. Besides, there is a direct descendant named Lanster who is an important subordinate of the other party. If you surrender, your power may be lost, but your life and property should be guaranteed no matter what. of.

But in the entire Piaoxue City, all Lansters can surrender, but James does not dare to surrender. First of all, from a general point of view, his position in this force is the king, and the risk of surrender is already higher than others. Much higher. The key point is that he had colluded with the church to assassinate Richard. His actions were not clean, and there was a high probability that they would have been noticed long ago. He was afraid of being liquidated.

“James, stop being so stubborn! Surrender to the Hunter family for the sake of the Lanster family.”

“There are no cowards like you in Lanster!”

“James, are you still waiting for reinforcements from the military camp? Do you think the Third Army and the Fourth Army are yours? And let the wind birds go? You can’t call for any reinforcements today!”

“Stop talking nonsense to him! Attack directly, don’t waste time!”

Although the troops in Piaoxue City have not moved yet, it does not mean that they are all from the Elders’ Association. It is just that several forces are tied to each other for a temporary balance, or they simply choose to sit on the wall, Zhan It was not that Mu had no supporters in the army. In order to avoid accidents, it is better to take advantage of the current military strength to capture the Hou Mansion first.

“Senator Ruidian, I leave it to you!”


Although the army was assembled from various families, these veterans were also people with military backgrounds. Naturally, they knew that inconsistent military orders were a taboo during combat. After the war started, the command power was concentrated in the hands of one person.

“Team 1, Team 2! Come on!”


The walls of the Hou Mansion are not high, and the gate is not as thick as the city gate. It does not require too many fancy siege equipment. A few ladders and battering rams are enough to launch an attack.

“Fire the arrow!”

After the troops from the Senate attacked, the guards of the Marquis Mansion were not to be outdone. Most of these soldiers were the men who had followed James before he inherited the title. They waited until James came to the Northland. Hou Hou’s status has increased even more. He has obtained various resources on weekdays, has been fed for a long time, and is still loyal to James.

They may be timid if they are asked to face the giant dragon, but they are still working hard to fight against the Elder Council…


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