Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 335: Changes in Piaoxue City (1)


In Piaoxue City, several elders of the Lanster family gathered together to discuss some matters in secret.

“The Hunter family has already sent troops, and they are obviously coming to our Piaoxue City.”

Richard didn’t hide the dispatch of the army at all. He could basically arrive at the city in ten days. The Lanster family obviously had their own information sources in Ironwood City. As soon as Richard sent out troops, they received it. intelligence.

“How many people did they dispatch?”

“The number of people is not large, only 50,000 troops in total, but according to the spies’ report, the Hunter family’s army also brought four giant dragons!”

“Four dragons!”

The elders below who did not know the specific situation were obviously shocked by this number. If there were 50,000 troops, Piaoxue City might be able to fight one or two with its fortified city, but the four giant dragons were incompetent in their eyes. The existence of solution, let alone the four giant dragons, they had no confidence at all in the last one.

Piaoxue City has been fighting against the giant dragon for so long, and it already has certain countermeasures. The Lanster family was loyal to the kingdom before, so they never considered fighting against the giant dragon. If a giant dragon comes to them, they will be killed. be thrown off balance.

“Sir Igor, should he have received the letter he sent to Master Lint before?”

“The letter sent by Wind Bird should have been received long ago.”

“Are our conditions too high?”

“Hand over Piaoxue City and the territory directly under it, and the army will accept the reorganization of the Hunter family. Only the property of each family in the three castles and the title of Marquis of the Lanster family will be retained. This is no different for us than surrender!”

“But, the opponent has four giant dragons…”

As soon as he said this, the secret small conference room fell into a brief silence. After the gap in strength between the two sides was too large, they were so unconfident even in negotiations. It was really the Hunter family that was too outrageous, and even the kingdom There are only five dragon knights, and now the Hunter family has created four, letting everyone do whatever they want.

“If the Hunter family wants to get a complete Piaoxue City, we have to cooperate no matter what. Our conditions are not excessive.”

“Okay, the conditions have been negotiated with Master Lint. Don’t be suspicious here. Today we are here to discuss how to complete those conditions. Within a week, the Hunter family must keep them intact. Take over Piaoxue City.”

“Our Lord James, the Marquis of the North, doesn’t want to surrender at all. I heard from the servants in the Marquis’ Mansion that after receiving the information that the Hunter family’s army was dispatched today, James broke a few more things in the mansion. A teacup. At this moment, several army commanders are gathering to prepare for a fight to the death with the Hunter family.”

The words of this veteran were obviously ridiculed, mocking James for overestimating his capabilities. Of the legions, only the first legion still had some combat effectiveness. The three newly recruited legions behind him had average training. , has no combat experience, and is better than the militia. How can it be the opponent of the Hunter family’s army? It is a powerful army that can sweep the wilderness and compete with the orcs. What’s more, the opponent has a giant dragon to help. If you really want to fight, you are looking for death.

“This James is really ignorant.”

Several senators frowned when they heard James’ reaction. Although James said that the Northern Marquis had a lot of constraints, he was not a real puppet after all. He still had a group of his own supporters. He really wanted to meet with the senators. If you go against it, it can still cause some trouble.

“Let people watch him closely and don’t let him do anything stupid.”

“Don’t worry, there are people around James who can report his movements to us at any time. We can get news in time if anything happens.”

“We have also contacted Ou Ze of the First Legion. He should be willing to surrender, but his original words were that he was willing to serve for Master Lin Te.”

Ou Ze was the commander of the fifth legion of the Jingbei Army. He stayed in Piaoxue City when Marquis Wade went on the expedition. When the main force of the Lanster family was exhausted, his fifth legion suddenly became a The most powerful first legion.

When Lin Te and the Council of Elders were fighting for power, Ou Ze was a fence-sitter. He clung to military power and refused to take sides. But now it’s impossible not to take sides. Compared with others, professional soldiers like Ou Ze know the differences between the two sides better. The difference is that if he really wants to fight the Hunter family according to James’ orders, wouldn’t he die? Therefore, as soon as the elders of the elders contacted him, he expressed his attitude, but he also wanted to increase his worth and did not want to be inferior to the old men of the elders, so he mentioned that he would serve Lin Te.

“This Ou Ze, at this time, he still cares about this.”

“Okay, Ou Ze’s first legion must be won. The threat from other legions is not great. As long as Ou Ze is willing to cooperate with us, the other legions will not be much of a threat.”

Except for the First Legion, these later legions not only had average combat effectiveness, but were also penetrated by the Council of Elders like a sieve. Especially after Lin Te left, they replaced them with many of their own cronies. Compared with Lin Te, , James is really too simple.

James only knows how to arrange his own people in the position of legion commander, but he does not know that if the middle and lower levels cannot control them, they cannot control the army. Moreover, the people he thinks are his own people are not necessarily his people.

“James wants to organize the army to face the battle, but he doesn’t know what he will do next. Contact Ou Ze and ask the people in the Marquis’ Mansion to prepare. He will control James in the next two days, so as not to The night is long and the dreams are many.”

“Senator Igor, please contact Ou Ze again. Senior Andesa, your internal affairs in the Marquis’ Mansion should be prepared to take action in the future.”


“Okay, let’s go back and prepare first. Be careful these two days to avoid any accidents.”

Marquis Palace

James got up early again, and after doing his daily training, he was lying on the table and starting to deal with official business. Speaking of which, James had not had a smooth life since he became the Marquis.

Short of money, food, and soldiers, things that Lint could handle in an orderly manner turned into a complete mess when it came to him, as well as the group of old guys from the Council of Elders who were obedient when Lint was in power. , once he takes the position, he will be constrained in every way. I really want to kill two to establish his power like Lint did at that time.

It’s a pity that I can only think about this kind of thing. Lin Te’s strength at that time was completely beyond his comparison. If he dared to attack the Elder Council, it was hard to say whether his position would be stable or not.

“Why wasn’t the military report delivered today?”

After reading the official documents for a while, James suddenly found that a military report was missing and asked with some dissatisfaction.

“Well, we didn’t receive a military report today.”

This military report is a report on the movements of Richard’s army. The spies of the Lanster family will responsibly send the situation of Richard’s army directly to Piaoxue City through Fengniao every day, and then a dedicated person will report directly to them. Hou Mansion.

Since discovering the changes in the Hunter family’s army, James has demanded that the general’s report be placed on his desk every morning.

“Forget it, get ready and let’s go to the military camp together.”

“Yes, Lord Marquis!”

Although James has average abilities, he is not stupid. He knows where the focus should be at this time. It is always right to focus on the army first. In the past two days, he has been going to inspect several legions every day, just to Maintain your presence and control your troops.

“Lord Marquis! There are soldiers outside, surrounding the Marquis Mansion.”


James, who was wearing armor while being served by his servants, was startled, with a look of disbelief on his face.

“Who surrounded the Hou Mansion?”

“The leaders led by several senators are currently confronting the pro-army camp.”

“These old guys, I haven’t given them any trouble yet!”

“Gather the soldiers of the Hou Mansion and come with me to have a look!”



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