Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 334: Preparation and surprise


There has been a famous figure in Ironwood City recently. I heard that he is a new master recruited by Mr. Richard. He is stronger than the chief instructor in the academy, and he is young and handsome…

What Richard was most worried about happened in the past two days. Rhodes, who had just arrived, stole at least half of Richard’s female fans in two days. Fortunately, Messiah only had eyes for Richard.

“Where is Rhodes?”

“Sir Rhodes seems to be still in the city. He must be surrounded by girls again.”

“Go call him back.”

“Yes, sir.”

The atmosphere of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is inherently open. For comparison, it may be comparable to the atmosphere of the ancient Tang Dynasty in China, and the Northland is one of the most open places in the kingdom. With a strong person like Rhodes, The overly handsome guy soon became the object of cheering for girls just like Richard.

Originally, Rhodes’s stubborn and conservative behavior made Richard think that this guy might not like this situation. Unexpectedly, Rhodes was still enjoying it and seemed to be familiar with it. I had nothing to do in the past two days and even ran out to interact with fans.

After being greeted by the messenger, Rhodes emerged from the crowd of women and returned to the meeting hall of Ironwood Castle.

“Lord Lord!”

As soon as he returned to Ironwood Castle, Rhodes changed his image as a prodigal son. He packed up neatly, leaving absolutely no rouge or lipstick on his body. He saluted Richard with a serious face, and then He regained his appearance as an upright knight.

Richard didn’t say much. This kind of personal life style issue was not his turn to deal with. He went straight to the point and talked about business with Rhodes.

“How well have you learned about Ironwood City in the past two days?”

“I am basically familiar with the affairs and have memorized all the legal provisions.”

Rhodes himself has strong internal affairs skills and a genius-level memory. He spent some time hanging out with women in the past two days. He also became familiar with various matters in Ironwood City and showed a certain talent. Richard also made arrangements for Rhodes in the past two days of consideration.

After the victory in the war with the orcs, Richard had already made up his mind, and now he has officially made up his mind.

The snowy city is like a stick in your throat…

When Richard was assassinated on his first trip south to the royal capital, Piaoxue City was the first target of suspicion, but no definite evidence was ever found. This hatred has never been forgotten by Richard.

Of course, Richard could shelve this kind of personal feud because of the situation. After all, the situation at the time did not allow him to take revenge. But now the situation has changed. The kingdom is shrinking in an all-round way and is preparing to deal with the upcoming crisis. He, Richard, is in the north. If he goes too far, the most Rennes can do is throw a few teacups at the Golden Dragon instead of raising a large army to attack.

Now that the Hunter family’s hidden danger from the orcs has been temporarily lifted, and the kingdom has no time to look north, it is a good time for him to swallow up Piaoxue City in one bite.

Piaoxue City is really important in terms of population and location.

The territory directly under the Lanster family, centered on Piaoxue City, lies between Richard’s territory and the river valley. It controls the Jinlong River that connects the north and the south. It enjoys the benefits of trade, which is what Richard must take advantage of. Target, not to mention the direct territory of the Lanster family plus some die-hard vassals, there are still nearly three million people under their rule, which is also fat that the Hunter family, which has expanded to a bottleneck, must eat.

Originally, Richard maintained restraint. In addition to worrying about the attitude of the kingdom, there was also a reputation issue. After all, although the fact that he was about to lose the support of the Golden Dragon clan was still confidential, the large-scale expansion and mobilization of the army was hidden. Don’t go there.

Any civilian who is more sensitive can also find that the atmosphere is not right, and who else is the enemy worthy of such a general mobilization by the Golden Dragon Kingdom besides the orcs? If Richard engages in internal strife on the eve of such a war, his reputation will most likely be ruined. Things like righteousness are not important to small lords and small forces. They can withstand the pressure of the kingdom and fight as much as they like, but for Richard who truly aspires to become the leader of the human race, he must pay attention to this. Influence is a silent existence that moisturizes things. If you really build a good reputation, the final benefit will be what the people want.

Now Richard has the power to defeat the orcs. He annihilated three orc legions in one battle, and also killed Gelt, one of the two orc warriors who protect the country. This kind of victory has not happened in the kingdom in the past fifty years. After that, taking advantage of this power, and using the Lanster family’s collusion with the Rising Sun Cult as an excuse, they seized all the territory of Piaoxue City and Lanster in one fell swoop, let alone ordinary people, including Lei. Well, you have to hold your nose to recognize it.

As for whether you can survive it or not? Just relying on the tens of thousands of troops that James has recruited since he took office, not counting the system army, and just relying on the Dragon Army and Silver Wing Army that he has taken action now, Richard is sure to defeat James. Now there is more to consider. Issues of follow-up governance and comfort.

After all, the Lanster family has been the overlord of the North for more than a hundred years. If the other party does not cooperate, the impact will be much greater than that of ordinary small nobles. There must be a capable character to suppress it. The place where he lives in Piaoxue City.

Among the locally trained talents, there are currently no comprehensive talents who can take action. The heroes produced by the tavern are all good, but Elena wants to take charge of the wilderness and the Snow Giant tribe, Moriel wants to watch over Ironwood City, and only Rhodes This handsome blond man, who has a balance between military force and internal affairs, and who seems to be very friendly, is more suitable to be the new manager of Piaoxue City. Richard summoned him to remind him to be prepared.

“Lord Moriel!”

At this time, Moriel also came to the meeting hall. The soldiers guarding were already familiar with Moriel. Compared to Richard, Moriel was more strict and less friendly. The soldiers were respectful and respectful to her. Afraid, he saluted Moriel very quickly.

“Moriel, how are the army’s preparations going? Is there no problem?”

“Well, the morale of the army is very high. The new recruits for each legion have been replenished and the combat effectiveness will not be affected.”

It has only been about a week since the war with the orcs ended. Being able to complete the recruitment of soldiers is considered to be extremely efficient for the entire Hunter family. New recruits who have received certain training can be quickly replenished, allowing veterans to lead the area to form combat effectiveness.

“This time the Dragon Army and the Silver Wing Army will be dispatched together, along with four giant dragons. After completing the occupation of Piaoxue City, Rhodes will be the city lord. You all go and make preparations. First, ask Piaoxue The city sends out a clear message, and the army moves simultaneously!”


“Sir, a letter from Demon Suppression City.”

At this moment, a soldier entered the meeting hall holding the letter he had just taken off the Wind Bird.

Richard opened the letter and read it carefully. The letter only revealed one piece of information.

Piaoxue City is willing to surrender and has put forward some conditions that are within the scope of Richard’s acceptance. Lint has paved the way for him in advance, which saves him a lot of trouble…

After reading the letter, Richard thought for a moment, and then ordered:

“Reorganize the army and set off early tomorrow morning. The target is Piaoxue City…”

Negotiation and force can be carried out at the same time, and there is no conflict between the two…


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