Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 333: New heroes


Richard’s expectations for the tavern are quite high. Here he can find his most scarce material – talents.

Don’t look at the many talents under Richard’s command now. The system heroes include Moriel, Elena, and Natalis, who can be considered pillar-level figures anywhere. The next-level heroes also include Si Air and Ron. This kind of talent can be called a minister-level talent.

The local area has also discovered great talents like Lin Te, and Ironwood City College has been sending grassroots affairs officers to the Hunter family. But after all, the Hunter family’s foundation is a bit poor. Their power has expanded too fast, and their stalls are getting bigger and bigger. Richard always feels that he can’t handle the manpower. Ordinary affairs officers need to be trained for a long time before they can gradually be given important tasks, but the tavern The heroes in it are definitely people who can be entrusted with important responsibilities immediately.

Richard returned to Stone Castle just in time. It was completely dark. The originally quiet tavern suddenly lit up with orange lights. Richard was too lazy to explore how many secrets this tavern had. He opened the door skillfully and walked into the tavern full of stale atmosphere.

The boss who is also the bartender is still standing leisurely in front of the bar, making some ordinary drinks. There are five customers sitting sparsely on the table in the lobby.

Richard raised his eyes and glanced at the person closest to him first.

“An ordinary drunkard tends to talk nonsense after drinking.”

After seeing that this person was of little value, Richard turned his attention to the guy on the other side.

“A thief may have stolen two dollars and come to the pub to satisfy his alcohol addiction, or maybe he has no money to pay for the drinks.”

Come on, looking at the two of them, they are both crooked and cracked. The one on the left with a bit of a smell is obviously a zombie, and the one on the right with red skin and horns is probably a **** demon.

As soon as Richard glanced over, he knew that these were not suitable for recruiting, especially zombies. There was no need to bring them back to comfort himself.

All that’s left is a hooded guy.

“Rod Hart?”

The attributes of the opponent quickly appeared in Richard’s mind.

“Human Hero: Rod Hart

Level: 15

Strength: 31

Agility: 32

Physique: 30

Spirit: 19

Speciality: Financial Management

Effect: Increase financial management level by 1

Skills: Financial Management (Master Level, automatically provide 2000 Gold Naars every week), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Intermediate), Brilliant Breathing Technique (Master Level), Brilliant Air Entrainment Technique (Advanced) )

Treasure: Prophet Sword

Effect: The carrier’s spirit +5, the carrier and his soldiers’ attack power +3 and defense power +3.

One of the components of the Combination Treasure Angel Alliance.

Introduction: Rhodes is a loyal knight, always loyal to Erathia, loyal to mankind, and loyal to his own beliefs. He seems to have been summoned by Elrath and came here to wait for a new object of allegiance to appear. ”

All of Rhodes’ attributes are good. In terms of strength, Rhodes has earth-level strength and should be comparable to the champion knights.

The Kinnar produced by the master’s financial management skills also greatly supplements the Hunter family’s finances, and according to Richard’s experience, heroes with financial management skills are not weak in domestic affairs. With offensive and defensive skills, he is basically an all-round hero similar to Elena and Moriel, that is, a character who can fight when mounted and manage politics when dismounted.

The treasure that comes with it, the Prophet Sword, is a level 4 treasure in the game. Not only does it have good attributes, it is also one of the six-piece sets of the Angel Alliance. Counting the angel necklace on Richard, the Angel Alliance also Collect two of them.

The key is still in Rhodes’ profile. Generally, Richard will formulate recruitment rhetoric based on the hero’s profile. Like Elena and Moriel before, they were sold by the profile, but Rhodes’ profile That’s a bit interesting. Summoned by Elrath to wait for a new allegiance, isn’t that me?


While Richard was evaluating Rhodes, Rhodes took off his hood and turned his head. Richard’s observation caught Rhode’s attention. A person like this with double-digit mental power, even if Even after drinking alcohol, you will become very sensitive. The moment Rhodes turned his head, Richard even had such an “amazing” feeling.

With long blond hair, deep blue eyes, a high bridge of nose and almost perfect facial features, he looks like a blond male god. Even Richard has to admit that he has the qualifications to challenge him in terms of handsomeness. .

Before Richard could speak, Rhodes actually showed a gentle smile towards Richard. Coupled with Rhodes’ handsome facial features that were comparable to Richard’s, Richard actually felt that the other person was somewhat charming. a feeling of.

Damn it, why are you so handsome? You make me have the urge not to take you back.

Li Cha, who felt that his appearance and status had been challenged, felt a little jealous in his heart, but he soon adjusted it with sincerity, and also gave the other party a kind smile. After all, handsome people can’t be fooled. Food, at least not in this era, still depends on ability.

Next, Rhodes stood up from his position. The half-body plate armor and skirt armor could not hide Rhodes’ slender and straight figure, and he was half a head taller than Richard.

But now was not the time to care about this. Rhodes walked straight up to Richard and suddenly bent down and half-knelt down.

“Rod Hart, offer your loyalty to the lord!”

At this time, Richard was still standing there blankly without reacting. In addition to observing the other party’s handsome appearance just now, he was also thinking about what kind of words he would use to convince the other party that he was the one who made Ella Where is the lord that Si Ming is waiting for. I just didn’t expect Rhodes to be so direct, which made Richard slapped and stuffed back into his mouth.

However, Richard’s reaction was still very quick. He did not hesitate for too long to embarrass the other party. He drew out the Vulcan Sword from his waist with a clang and placed it on Rhodes’ shoulder.

“I, the Marquis of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the ruler of the North, and the favored one of Elrath – Richard, accept your allegiance.”

Although Richard has never had much respect for the gods, it does not prevent him from using this piece of tiger skin. Anyway, when it is beneficial, Richard can be a devout believer. When it is not beneficial, he can be one of you. kind.

This ceremony with simple etiquette attracted the attention of several other drinkers in the tavern, but most of them looked at it with disdain. The occasion was really not right, except for Rhode’s face, which had no sense of sanctity at all. Oh, Richard also pretended to have some sense of sanctity on his face. After all, he couldn’t smile playfully no matter what.

“Loyalty, bravery, humility…”

Fortunately, Richard was thick-skinned enough. He muttered the ceremony in a space of less than two meters between several small tables, and first determined the names of the monarch and his ministers.

Afterwards, Richard hurriedly took Rhode out of the tavern. Even with Richard’s shameless level, the ritual in that scene just now made Richard feel a little ashamed. Fortunately, these people didn’t know each other. As soon as the door of the tavern closes, he won’t know where to go next time, and he won’t have a second chance to meet anyone else except the bartender.


“Yes, Lord Lord!”

As soon as the two of them walked out, the tavern suddenly closed the door and turned off the lights, and they ran into another dimension. Richard casually greeted Rhodes, but the other party’s reaction shocked him.

Not only did he respond loudly with honorifics, he immediately stood up straight, crossed his arms, and gave Richard a standard knight’s salute, which was even more elegant than Elena’s.

“No, no, no, just speak normally. Don’t be too particular.”

In private situations, Richard is still very willing to show his friendly side.

“My lord, as a knight…”

Richard: “…”

“Okay, then you can speak softly, not so loudly.”

“Yes, sir.”

Rhode was unusually persistent in this matter, and almost got Richard involved. Richard had no choice but to tell Rhodes not to shout so loudly and then gave up persuading him.

He is now thinking about how to arrange Rhodes. It is not that there is no place to put them, but that there are too many places that need people, so where should he put them first?

Form a new army? Or manage a new city?


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