Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 331: Victory and Upgrading


South of Ironwood

Orc corpses were piled from outside the forest to the edge of the forest, and pools of blood even accumulated in some low-lying areas.

The third army of the orcs did not escape Richard’s encirclement and suppression. Xi Aier completed the task very well, entangled the orc army with a little loss, greatly slowed down their marching speed, and made Richard He arrived at the combat position in time, and when the orc army had just left the forest and had no time to form a team, they collided with the army led by Richard.

With a wolf in front and a tiger behind, naturally there is only a massacre waiting for the orcs. The orcs who rushed to fight faced a human army that had just won a victory and had high morale.

At the beginning, four giant dragons fell from the sky and immediately stunned the orcs. In addition to the familiar Fang Jinlong, there were also slightly unfamiliar black dragons and red dragons, but these unfamiliar dragons were not weak in combat power at all.

In particular, there is a black dragon that is much larger than other dragons. The power and range of the dragon’s breath are much greater than that of ordinary dragons. One breath of dragon’s breath can directly cause dozens of orc casualties, like The ancient dragon in the records.

In this battle, Moriel actually got playful. After Richard took over the command of the army, she transformed into a black dragon and led three giant dragons to wreak havoc on the orc army. After Moriel transformed into a black dragon, she was more powerful than an ordinary The dragon is much more powerful. According to Richard’s observation, when Natalis does not use death judgment, Moriel is even stronger than Natalis after transforming into a black dragon.

It has escaped the category of the peak of the sky level, but has not yet reached the holy realm. It must be defined. It can be called a false saint. If there was Moriel when Rand, the envoy of the Rising Sun, came before, , maybe you can fight Rand without using the Ring of Rebellion. I don’t know whether the black dragon transformed by Moriel is stronger or weaker than the ancient dragon in the records.

It didn’t require much command. After a burst of dragon breath washed the ground, Richard directly ordered the entire army to attack. The soldiers rushed forward to harvest the heads of these orcs who were in chaos. Richard finally caught him in a battle. He sat leisurely on the horse and smoked a cigarette, becoming his ideal master.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

As the battle ended, the long-lost prompt sounded. After two victories, Richard finally accumulated enough experience to reach level 21. Starting from level 20, it became increasingly difficult to upgrade. There is still a slight increase in various attributes, but this attribute does not significantly improve Richard. One skill point cannot be used randomly for the time being. It is saved by Richard. He must keep this attribute to use it to break through the blazing sun and draw Qi. Jue, according to Richard’s estimation, after the Lie Yang Qi Jue reaches the master level, it should be time for him to step into the holy realm.

After this battle, Moriel and Siel also gained a lot of experience, but Moriel’s basic level was just there. These experiences only allowed Moriel to move up a level. The improvement was not obvious, but Siel’s level was not obvious. This salted fish elf has been upgraded to five levels in a row because of its low initial level.

As soon as Richard looked at Xi Aier’s panel, his expression darkened.

Heroic unit: Siel

Race: Elf

Level: 10

Strength: 18

Agility: 24

Physique: 19

Spirit: 21

Magic: 0 (210)

Feat: Unicorn Affinity

The unicorn output of the city where it is located is increased by 1

Skills: Natural Forest Breathing Technique (Master Level), Natural Forest Qi Entrainment Technique (Intermediate Level), Financial Management Technique (Master Level) to obtain one thousand gold Naals every week, Offensive Technique (Intermediate Level), Defense Technique ( primary).

Treasure: Magic Book

Record: Thunderbolt Ice

Introduction: A pure girl of the forest, kind-hearted and close to nature, loved by unicorns.

In addition to comprehending a primary defense technique and upgrading the Qi-Entraining Technique by one level, Si Air’s fifth-level upgrade is the same as if he had not been upgraded.

This guy actually added precious skill points to financial management skills, which cost him one thousand gold naars a week. Well, actually it’s quite a lot, but Richard has never confiscated Xi’er’s Jinnar. It’s not good to use these skill points to add something else. This salted fish is really in the eyes of money.


“Brother Richard.”

Siaire, who was riding the sacred unicorn, looked at Richard with a smile on his face, a bit of coquettishness in his tone, which was obviously a sign of guilty conscience.

The sacred unicorn under her seat also swung its hooves uneasily. She didn’t know whether he was intimidated by Richard’s aura or sensed Si Air’s uneasiness.

“What happened to your skills?”

Richard was not polite to Xi Air either. Although Xi Air behaved well this time, it did not prevent Richard from teaching her a lesson.

“That, I don’t think about it, it’s all added randomly.”

This is true. Richard has also discovered this problem before. When heroes including Ron upgrade, their skill points will be allocated independently and are not very controlled. However, this happened to Si Air, a little money man. The points are basically added to financial management skills. Richard doesn’t believe that there is no relationship with Xi Aier himself. Maybe it is related to the hero’s own personality. For example, after Ron upgrades, the points are mainly added to combat-related matters. In this place, Ron has suddenly changed from the peak of knights to the peak of great knights. It is estimated that Ron will reach the level of the earth level in just two battles.

Although Xi Air’s reasons were very good, Richard did not want to let her go easily.

“From now on, I will hand over 500 kinnar generated by financial management skills.”

“500 pieces?”

As soon as Richard finished speaking, Si Air’s face suddenly fell. Originally, her financial management skills were to produce five hundred gold nuggets a week, but now the master-level financial management skills can produce a thousand gold nuggets a week, but Li Cha After Zha took one bite, she ate half of it and left. It felt like her financial management skills had not been upgraded.

“How about half less, two hundred and fifty?”

“I think you are only a 250-year-old, no!”

Si Air didn’t know which of his words offended Richard. Seeing that Kinnaar couldn’t save himself, Si Air’s whole face looked like he was about to cry, but this had no effect on Richard. She had to hand over what she was supposed to hand over. Richard was afraid that this guy would upgrade and use his massive skill points on financial management in the future. It would be a waste to directly develop a master-level financial management skill.

Ignoring Si Air’s tearful look, Richard forced himself to walk away and inspect the battlefield. Although the battle was already won, there was still a lot of finishing work waiting for Richard to deal with. Visiting the wounded soldiers and giving encouraging speeches are indispensable. Although the enemy has achieved an unprecedented victory this time, the orcs are indeed not soft persimmons. There are still many casualties. Not counting the losses of the systematic army, the dragons alone The casualties of the Army and the Silver Wings Legion are more than 3,000, and there are still hundreds of wounded lying around.

Next, the class teacher will return to the city to record merits and rewards. All of these are waiting for Richard to sort them out slowly.

Piaoxue City

Because the distance was close enough, less than three days after Richard defeated the orcs, news of the Hunter family’s victory had already spread wildly in the city.

“You don’t know, my cousin is a soldier in the Hunter family army. He told me that the orc general was beheaded by Lord Richard on the battlefield. What kind of strong orcs are these? He is simply vulnerable in front of Lord Richard!”

“That’s not true. Lord Richard is the number one master in the kingdom. I heard he is even more powerful than Lord Thor. Killing a few orcs is like chopping melons and vegetables.”

“What’s the use of being so powerful as Lord Richard? I heard that the orcs came with tens of thousands of troops and were defeated by the Hunter family like this?”

“What is a defeat? It is annihilation. The corpses of the orcs were spread out for more than ten miles, and the blood flow turned the soil several meters underground red.”

“Let me tell you, according to my cousin, there were more than ten dragon knights in the Hunter family in that battle, and they followed the dragon knights and overwhelmed the orcs!”

“Just brag. Apart from the Kingdom, which noble can have more than ten dragon knights? The Hunter family’s army has just finished fighting. How can your cousin meet you and tell you so much?” What?”

“I, can’t you write a letter! Besides, if there were no dragon knights, how could the Hunter family defeat the tens of thousands of orcs? Sir Richard is the king’s son-in-law, so your majesty is not allowed to send dragon knights to help. A help? ”

“It seems so, but more than ten dragon knights are too exaggerated. There are only five dragon knights in the kingdom.”

“The kingdom says there are five dragon knights, just five dragon knights. I don’t know how many dragon knights are hidden in the capital. How much money does your family have? Do you tell everyone about it?”

This braggart can always tell some absurd truths. Although most people in the crowd think that this man is bragging, they have to admit that what this man says seems to make sense. At least according to rumors, tens of thousands If the orc army did not have the help of dragon knights, the Hunter family would never be able to win.

“Hey, the Hunter family is so powerful, I think this Piaoxue City must change its owner.”

“It shouldn’t be the case. The Lanster family is also the marquis of the kingdom. The Hunter family cannot directly seize Piaoxue City.”

“If the Hunter family really wanted to rob, would the Lanster family resist?”

“There are still 80,000 troops in Piaoxue City.”

“Can this 80,000-strong army defeat the orcs or the dragon knights?”

“Tsk, tsk, this is not something we should care about. No matter whether the Hunter family or the Lanster family is in charge of this snowy city, my tavern will always be open. As long as the people who come are not ogres or orcs, we will be closed. What’s going on?”

“That’s right. I have to remind my brother that if the Hunter family comes to seize Piaoxue City, don’t resist. It’s not worth fighting the Hunter family.”

The impact of this great victory was far-reaching, and it even brought certain things to the table. People who were more sensitive in the past had already noticed that the balance of power in the North had reversed. Now even ordinary people in Piaoxue City Everyone knows that the Lanster family is far inferior to the Hunter family. I am afraid it is time for the Northland overlord to be replaced.

This kind of thing that even the common people of Shengdou know about, naturally the top management of Piaoxue City will not fail to respond. They got the information earlier and in more detail.

Piaoxue City Senate.

This place was reduced to a display institution when Marquis Wade and Lint were in power. After James became Marquis, he had the opportunity to become more powerful. There were even faint signs of suppressing James, the Hou of the North. He had already vetoed James’s decisions several times before, and James was so angry that he couldn’t do anything about it.

Now they are gathering here to discuss important matters without notifying James, which has obviously excluded James from this decision-making.

“Have everyone read Master Lin Te’s letter?”

Just now, they circulated the letter sent by Lint. Most expressions these days are somewhat complex.

They had a grudge against Lint. During the short period of time when Lint was in power, the Council of Elders was suppressed to the extreme. They killed people whenever they wanted, without any mercy. How could they excuse James now? Comfortable. If possible, they don’t even want to mention this name, but they can’t not mention it now. The Hunter family is too powerful. They are different from James, an impulsive young man. Although they have some selfish intentions, they can see the problem Being farther away and more thorough, he naturally knows the embarrassing situation in Piaoxue City now.

To put it bluntly, the Lanster family now has a standard mismatch between strength and status. It occupies Piaoxue City, the largest city in the North and the most strategically located territory, but does not have the strength to match it.

It would be okay if the situation was stable, but now a blind person can see the chaos in the kingdom. When order gradually disintegrates, it is a bit dangerous for them to hold Piaoxue City and such a large territory.

“Sir Igor, what do you think of Master Lint’s letter?”

“The conditions are too harsh. Before the Hunter family comes, we will be like surrendering.”

“Yes, if Piaoxue City is handed over, the army is reorganized, and only part of the land tax rights and personal property are retained, can the Lanster family still be called the Lanster family?”

“What can I do if I don’t agree? Four giant dragons have appeared in the Hunter family this time, as well as giant beasts. There are no less than two sky-level experts. When they come over, will you die first or me?” Fight to death first?”

Although the Lanster family has declined, its foundation is still there. Basically, through this battle, the strength of the Hunter family has been fully explored. But sometimes the more you know, the more you fear

“Senior Andesa, there is no need to be so absolute. After all, the kingdom is still there…”

“Huh, Master Lint’s letters are all here. The Hunter family is already ready to take action. Are you still thinking about the kingdom?”

“Now that the Hunter family has the power to defeat the orcs, and there are four giant dragons, even if our Lanster family is destroyed, what else can the kingdom do?”

“But this condition is too harsh. Should we call James to discuss it?”



As soon as this statement came out, it was quickly opposed by many people. Even the veteran himself realized that he had said something stupid.

“James cannot know about this until the last minute.”

“How about we ask Master Lint to intercede again? At least give us the Lanster family half of their fiefdom?”

“Hey, do you agree if half of the fiefdom is under the name of Master Linte?”


“Okay, okay, let’s send someone to discuss with Master Lin Te, there must be a solution…”

“Oh, let’s try it, let’s try it…”

Suppress the Demon City

Lint, who took the initiative to write to Piaoxue City to ask them to submit to the Hunter family, had no intention of cheating the Lanster family. He had already given the Lanster family guidance for the sake of this surname. found a clear path.

Except for James, who is a bit stupid, the Lanster family members are all experienced figures. They may not be able to see the situation clearly for a while, but with Lint’s reminder, they will probably wake up and peacefully resolve Piaoxue City. The question is Lin Te’s wish at this time. He is planning to give Richard a surprise before he reacts…

At this time, Richard has not yet thought about this issue. The mission regarding the orcs has been completed, and a month has come. He now has many things to do in Stone Castle…


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