Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 330: Moving to war


It was getting slightly brighter, and the pursuing cavalry had returned to camp.

Looking at Hardmen’s excited expression and the few heads hanging on Chi Yan’s head, you can tell that they have gained a good harvest. He also fought against the orcs at Dragon’s Breath Pass, and they basically mostly defended passively. , he rarely took the initiative to attack, and it was difficult to take advantage of the few times he did attack. Anyway, fighting against the orcs in the past was aggrieved.

This time it was quite enjoyable. It was a crushing advantage. Facing more than 30,000 orc warriors, three giant dragons fought together, as well as a dozen earth knights and more than 200 knight-level masters dispatched at the same time. Haha Demen had never fought such a big battle at Longxingguan.

In this battle, coupled with the defeat of the orcs, more than twenty orcs died at the hands of Hardman alone. Each member of the Red Flame Knights gained a lot, but the loss was less than two. digits, it is definitely a veritable victory.

On the battlefield, in addition to Hadmen and others, the soldiers of the Dragon Army and the Silver Wing Army were also full of excited smiles. They no longer felt any discomfort in the **** and burnt smell. When cleaning up the battlefield, their minds What I was thinking more about was the reward that would come next.

According to human tradition, the war merits of the orcs are the highest. After this battle, most of the living people will have half of the head share of the credit, and there will always be a lot of land and silver. , a better one would be enough to replace it with a steel breathing method.

Ordinary soldiers have gained a lot, let alone officers. For example, Matt, an outstanding officer who has become a centurion commander, has already considered further things.

When the Dragon Army was established, he took the initiative to apply to become a centurion leader in the Dragon Army because of his good performance, strength and talent, and his ability as a quasi-knight.

It turns out that Lailongjun is really right. He has accumulated merits by fighting with the orcs as soon as he arrived. Matt, who has already changed to the Steel Breathing Method, is now accumulating credits for the exchange of Qi-Entraining Techniques. After this battle, he There are at least three head-level merits. Combined with his previous accumulated merits, it is enough to switch to the Qi-Entraining Technique.

But now he has more choices. As an officer who has just entered the quasi-knight stage, he has not accumulated enough strength. He has been idle for the time being if he can exchange for a place in the training camp. First polish your strength to the extreme that the Steel Breathing Technique can achieve, and then exchange it for the Qi Entrainment Technique. The probability of being promoted to a knight will be greatly increased.

The training camp is a new functional building that Richard built in Stone Castle. In addition to improving system soldiers, it can also affect indigenous soldiers. When Richard went to the south to deal with the Sea Tribe, he asked General Moriel Use it for training camp.

The twenty training quotas per week are also used by Moriel. The improvement effect of the training camp decreases with the strength of the trainees. Elite soldiers can be 100% upgraded to quasi-knights in the training camp, and new recruits can A quasi-knight can also be polished to the peak state with a high probability, but it is a hurdle for a quasi-knight to be promoted to a knight. There are certain changes according to the talent of the trainee, but the success rate is only about one-third.

One week of training for knight-level masters can be equal to several months of normal training outside. Several knight-level officers in Ironwood City have improved to a certain extent, but the breakthrough effect from knight level to great knight level is very poor. , Moriel tried several people without success, it just brought people closer to the bottleneck, but it was still of some use.

Basically, there is no need to count on the training camp to go from the Grand Knight to the Earth level. This building can upgrade even the seventh-level soldiers of Might and Magic, but it has no effect on the natives above the Grand Knight. Maybe it has something to do with the rules.

After basically understanding the effects of the training camp, Moriel quickly formulated a set of rules for using the training camp. Military merit and talent are the two channels for using the training camp.

A small number of places can be allocated to those with outstanding performance in Ironwood City Academy to help them complete the early accumulation of strength, and more of them will be used on officers with sufficient military industry. In less than a month, the training camp will be for Hunter. The family has trained more than 60 senior quasi-knights and more than a dozen knights, so that several legions of the Hunter family have gradually lost the shortcomings of the lack of backbone officers. After a while, the Hunter family’s army will not be able to be as strong as the royal capital. Like the Imperial Guard, knights directly served as captain-level officers.

Matt is the quasi-knight of the Dragon Army who is about to take advantage of this wave of dividends. He has just become a quasi-knight. This time he will soon be heading towards a senior quasi-knight after returning. It is also unlikely that he will become a knight in the future. Small events can complete a leap that ordinary peasant families may not be able to complete after generations of accumulation.

“Quick, quick, quick… gather!”

Matt, who was quietly watching his soldiers cleaning the battlefield and calculating military merits, suddenly heard a sharp whistle.

Then he stood upright like a reflex and shouted loudly to greet his soldiers. The soldiers under his hands also reacted very quickly. They did not care about the battlefield that had not yet been cleaned, and quickly completed their formation preparations. This army From soldiers to officers, everyone responds to orders in a very timely manner.

“There are still some tails to clean up. Do we need to bring so many people with us?”

Looking at the army that was summoned in front of him, Richard asked with some confusion.

The orc army here was wiped out overnight, but there is still an orc army sent out by the clever Geert to perform a roundabout mission.

In Moriel’s original arrangement, the orc army detouring from the Ironwood Forest would be led by Xi Aier and part of the army of the barrier (elf) to delay it as much as possible, and then immediately go to follow Xi Aier after the situation was resolved. Al united to eliminate the so-called roundabout orc army. This strategy has not changed now, but the time is much earlier than planned.

“It is also good to let them accumulate more battlefield experience.”

It can be seen from Moriel’s attitude that the usually aloof Dragon Queen is indeed very interested in the army and does not miss any opportunity to improve them.

Otherwise, in the current state, it would be a simple matter to take a short rest, lead all the system troops to quickly catch up with Xi Aier, and deal with a circuitous partial division.

Soon, after resting on the spot for three hours, except for leaving some necessary troops to clean up the battlefield and take care of the wounded, the army chased in the direction of the Third Orc Army.

Generally speaking, the army should not quickly enter the next battle after a fierce battle. After all, everyone will get tired. Once tired, morale will be affected in all aspects, especially most of the armies in the feudal era. There is also the problem of malnutrition. After continuous fighting, the body will not be able to bear it at first.

But looking at the troops under Richard, not to mention the system troops, their physical strength and morale are originally bug-level.

Even ordinary troops are now more excited to fight than tired. From a physical point of view, their usual training and nutrition are very scientific, and there is no situation where the body cannot bear it, and there is no problem with morale. The will to fight is definitely the best in the kingdom. In a word, military morale is available.


Riggs, the commander of the Third Orc Legion, was in a very solemn mood.

On Geert’s order, he led the Third Army to detour from the Ironwood Forest, trying to encircle and annihilate the main human force, but he ran into trouble the next day.

His troops were attacked by tree people. Hell, why would this magical species that had disappeared for hundreds of years appear in the Ironwood Forest?

At first, the scouts who were exploring the path kept disappearing mysteriously. Later, small groups of troops simply lost contact. Sometimes I thought some troops were lost, marching in the forest, especially large groups of troops. , it is normal to fall behind and get lost, but when more and more troops disappeared, Riggs realized that something was wrong and they were attacked by unknown enemies.

After chasing for several times, Riggs finally discovered the identity of the other party. They were actually a group of tree people with the strength of a great knight. Dozens of tree people attacked and killed a small group of orcs in the ironwood forest. It was simply too late. Relaxed.

Of course, these tree men are the deadwood warriors under Xi Aier. The deadwood warriors will slow down after leaving the forest and their combat power will be greatly reduced. Richard has never used them outside, and has always left them alone. As a defensive force in the forest city, the orcs now cleverly divided their troops and took detours in the iron wood forest, which happened to hit the muzzle of the gun, giving the soldiers of the barrier (elves) forces a chance to play.

” Most of the centaur elites and great elf archers were brought along with the main force and used by Moriel.


“Those half-elves are here again!”

“In the southwest!”

“Go and support!”

“Watch out for the unicorn!”

The troops in Forest City caused more trouble to the orcs than imagined. Although they were not many in number, they were everywhere in the forest, and the quality of their individual soldiers was extremely high. In this kind of terrain, the orc troops could not deploy. , many times they can only be beaten passively, watching helplessly as their troops are cannibalized.

In just one day, the casualties of the orcs reached thousands, but the losses they caused to the troops in Linzhong City were minimal.

“How many unicorns are there?”

“At least four horses!”

“Order the troops not to go to support easily, let the Second Flag Regiment try to surround them!”


After a day of entanglement, Riggs had basically figured out the enemy’s tactics and strength, but he didn’t have a good solution. He couldn’t catch up and couldn’t catch up, and he couldn’t beat him. Those white unicorns were incompetent. He said that he was afraid that he single-handedly killed one of his officers who was at the peak of the great samurai rank. Four unicorns appeared at the same time. If the numerical advantage of the army could not be used, it would be possible for him to go there in person and capsize the ship.

We can only order the troops to be concentrated as close as possible to reduce the possibility of being attacked, quickly support each other, and occasionally encircle them to see if they can achieve results.

“General! The Second Flag Regiment suffered heavy losses! The siege failed!”

After a while, his subordinates brought him a piece of bad news. However, he had heard too much of this kind of bad news in the day, and he actually felt a lot calmer.

“What’s going on?”

“When the Second Flag Regiment surrounded the opponent, five more unicorns appeared. They caused a large number of casualties to the Second Flag Regiment and then tore apart the siege arranged by the Second Flag Regiment.”

“This is already nine unicorns appearing at the same time.”

Riggs rubbed his forehead, obviously already a little anxious, but because of his status as the commander of the legion, he could not show it too obviously in front of his subordinates.


After taking a deep breath, Riggs made a decision. He called the messengers over and issued the decision to have the troops march south immediately and leave the Ironwood Forest. If we stay in this forest any longer, let alone taking a roundabout way, whether we can get out intact is a question.

Fortunately, they didn’t go deep into the Ironwood Forest. According to Geert’s order, they just needed to march along the edge of the Ironwood Forest to reduce the possibility of being discovered by human detection. But now Riggs judged that they had no choice. Once strategic goals are achieved, changes must be made in a timely manner.

Whether Gelt will feel that he has disobeyed the order will be a matter for later. Of course, Riggs is not clear yet. Gelt has no chance to restrain him again.

The messengers moved quickly. After receiving the order, each flag regiment quickly changed its marching direction. According to Riggs’s instructions, more forces were deployed at the rear to cover the retreat southward.

On the other side, Siair was sitting on a unicorn bored and playing with her fingers. She was originally a salty character. Among many heroes, she had no ambition. The only thing that could make her The only things that provide some motivation are the shiny gold coins and various gems.

However, she was quite concerned about the major event that Moriel told her this time. After all, she would be rewarded with gems and jinnar for completing the task.

“Ms. Siel, the orcs are escaping to the south.”

After hearing the news from the Silver Pegasus warrior, Si Air came out of her daze. The battle before was really too easy, and she didn’t feel any pressure at all.

Now that she heard that the orcs were about to escape, she began to think carefully. If the orcs go south, they can leave the Ironwood Forest in one day. With the power in her hands, it is okay to bully the orcs in the Ironwood Forest, but after leaving the Ironwood Forest, the numerical disadvantage will be exposed, and ten unicorns cannot directly Fight tens of thousands of elite orcs.

“Send someone to report to Lord Moriel first, keep a closer eye on the orcs, and try to slow down their speed.”

This was the only operation that Si Air could think of. It was true that she had pressed so hard in the forest just now that Riggs would rather disobey the military order than withdraw first.

“Sir Richard, the news from Xi Aier.”

After Richard returned to the army, although most of the troops were still commanded by Moriel and Richard did not interfere, in terms of status, Richard naturally became the dominant one. After the news came, it was natural to let Richard read it first.

“Changed direction?”

After reading it, Richard handed the note to Moriel at the side. Although the Royal Griffins were scattered, the Third Orc Army had walked through the Iron Wood Forest, and it was not easy for the Royal Griffins in the sky. After discovering these orcs, their movements mainly relied on Xi Aier’s use of Silver Pegasus knights to transmit information. These Silver Pegasus were extremely fast and the information was delivered to Richard in less than two hours.

“Pass my order, change direction and march southward, be sure to block the orcs!”


Following Richard’s order, the army quickly changed direction and ran towards the south.

From intelligence to strength, Richard’s army has an absolute advantage in the North. What can the orcs win?


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