Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 33: Command


Not to mention the crisis hidden under the prosperity of Golden Dragon City, the Northland is already making intense preparations for the upcoming ogre tribe.

The spring plowing has not yet ended, and the Flying Bear Army has expanded to nearly 2,000 people, and the soldiers produced by the system have also been qualitatively improved. Richard did not mobilize the peasant soldiers again.

After all, mobilizing the young and strong forces in the territory on a large scale to participate in the war is a method of fighting seven injuries, which will greatly affect the normal production of the territory. Unless it is absolutely necessary, Richard will never use farmers and soldiers during the spring plowing period.

At this time, nearly 2,000 members of the Flying Bear Army were already ready to leave. Richard and Lint had the same idea. If the ogres invaded, he would have to keep the enemies outside his territory and would not let the ogres go. The devil is wreaking havoc in the territory.

“Report, Lord Richard, urgent report from Piaoxue City.”

Colen seems to have been waiting for Richard in Ironwood Castle.

As soon as Richard returned to Ironwood Fort after inspecting the military camp, he received a letter from Yu Sidu.

Richard opened the envelope and found two notes inside. One was a report from Yusidu, which was good news. With Yusidu’s efforts, Richard’s father, Viscount Sauter, successfully became a member of the Sixth War Zone. The official appointment as commander is already on the way, and Viscount Sauter has become the nominal chief of several surrounding territories.

The second note is very interesting, there is only one line of words on it

“You owe me once.”

The signature was Lin Te. The fight for the leadership position went so smoothly this time, and of course Lin Te helped.

Li Cha smiled slightly after looking at it. Anyway, it is the uncle who owes money these days. Only if you can owe him money can you prove that you are valuable. This thigh is considered to be right.

“Colen, when the appointment letter arrives, you will directly invite Lord Viscount Nader and the other three barons to Ironwood Castle for discussion in the name of the commander of the Sixth War Zone.”

“Yes, sir.”

If I can’t use this chicken feather arrow to have the effect of a royal gold medal, I, Richard, can pronounce his name upside down.

It is Richard’s style to extract the maximum value from this position of commander.


In addition to the strongest Hunter family, the Sixth War Zone also includes three baronies and one viscounty,

The strength of three of the baronies is average, and they rely on one knight each and no more than two hands of quasi-knights to support the situation of the territory,

The Viscount Nader family is slightly stronger. The Nader family has two knight-level combatants and more than fifty quasi-knights. The overall strength is slightly stronger than the previous Will family.

Originally Nader was also a strong contender for the leadership of the Sixth War Zone, but before they had time to operate, they encountered a dimensionality reduction blow from Lint, and they have not recovered yet.

Several territories are close to the edge of the wilderness, at the edge of the intersection of the Ironwood Forest and the wilderness. It is unlikely to become the main attack direction of the ogres, but we must always guard against the ogre tribe sending out partial troops to carry out plunder and destruction. .

So a sixth war zone was established for coordination and dispatch. Of course, what Richard wanted was not as simple as coordination and dispatch.


One day later, the messenger from Piaoxue City came to Ironwood City to announce the formal appointment, and several other territories also received the news.

The manpower arranged by Coren immediately sent invitations to various families in the name of the commander of the Sixth War Zone, allowing several lords to meet in person at Ironwood City.

In Fort Nader, Viscount Nader, who received the news, called his tribe together to discuss the matter of Richard becoming the commander of the Sixth War Zone and the Hunter family inviting Viscount Nader to meet in Ironwood City.

The bright hall was filled with a group of aggrieved Nader family members.

“My Nader family has a century-old heritage. When we led the troops here to drive out the ogres, the Hunter family were still hunters in the Ironwood Forest. How could they become the leader?”

“That is, in terms of inheritance, the Hunter family is not worthy of carrying shoes for our Nader family.”

“I don’t know what methods the Hunter family used, but we are not convinced by Piaoxue City’s decision.”

Xiao Linghe defeated the Hunter family and destroyed the Weir family in the first battle, showing great strength. There were three knights exposed to the public, and they were definitely the ceiling at the Viscount level.

No one in the Nader family dared to question the strength of the Hunter family anymore, so they could only talk about inheritance.


Viscount Nader, who was sitting at the head of the table, slammed the table heavily.

“Okay, who will be the leader is decided by Piaoxue City. It is not our turn to question. Don’t let people say that we are dissatisfied with Piaoxue City.”

“Now I am mainly talking about the Hunter family asking us to go to Ironwood City to attend the meeting. What do you think?”

“Just send a representative there, there is no point in leaving the big brother.”

The person who spoke was a quasi-knight from the branch of the Nader family. He meant that it was too high of a standard for Viscount Nader to go there in person. Sending a random representative would not only give the Jifei Lingjian in Piaoxue City a face. , and can also show the attitude of the Nader family to the Hunter family.

“No, I think my eldest brother and I should go together this time, bringing the elite power of the clan to fight for the right to speak, otherwise we will be too passive.”

“Well, what the third child said makes sense. Didn’t the Hunter family want me to go there in person? This time I will go with the third child and bring a group of approved knights to give him enough face.”

Viscount Nader also had a strong sense of dissatisfaction in his words, but he did not dare to express his dissatisfaction with Piaoxue City, so he could only vent his pent-up anger towards the Hunter family.

It is true that your Hunter family has three knights, and the two knights in my family are not just decorations. If there are more than quasi-knights, the Nader family, don’t even think about overwhelming me with the tiger skin of Piaoxue City.

“Okay, tell the people to prepare, we will set off early tomorrow morning.”

The Nader family only has two knights, Viscount Nader and the third son of the Nader family. When they reach an agreement, the matter has been decided.

Compared with the thoughts of the Nader family, the other three baron families were much simpler. After receiving the letter, they entertained the messenger well and prepared to take the people on the road to Ironwood City.


In Ironwood Castle, the nominal lord of this territory, Viscount Sauter, rarely went out for hunting and fun. Instead, he wore formal clothes and looked at himself in front of the mirror.

Today is the day when Richard convenes a meeting with several nobles. As Sauter has become the nominal commander of the Sixth War Zone, he naturally has to make an appearance.

Richard has already received the lords of three baronies in the city. So far, only the Nader family has not arrived. The appointed time is not far away. Although the three barons in the council hall are smiling, But the expressions are a bit subtle.

No one is a fool. You can now guess what the Nader family wants to do.

Richard naturally realized that the Nader family was afraid that they wanted to show off their power, but he would make the Nader family understand how ridiculous some childish behavior was under absolute strength.


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