Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 329: Big victory


Sometimes, Richard is actually quite pretentious, like now, even though his body was covered in sticky blood, he handed Gelt’s head to Fred to hold up in disgust. It wasn’t that he was feeling uncomfortable on the battlefield, but that Richard was suffering from mysophobia.

The orc warriors were not blind either. Richard, Geert and Fred fought for a long time, and the movement was quite loud. Although the main force was involved in the front camp, the guards who stayed near the tent were eventually killed. Hydra and the Ice Giant were in chaos, but there were still some scattered orc warriors organized by the officers to try to support Geert.

Unfortunately, they didn’t arrive in time. Just when Fred held up Geert’s head to display, two to three hundred orc soldiers gathered in the surrounding fields. The leading orc looked like he was dressed as a big orc. warrior.

When they saw Gert’s head, the surrounding orc soldiers hesitated. After all, the generals had already died in the battle, which was a huge blow to morale.

“Surrender and avoid death!”

Fred also has a lot of battlefield experience. Neither he nor Richard are in very good shape now. Facing an orc warrior and nearly 300 orc soldiers, even though he and Richard still have a battle left. strength, but it is also possible to fall into a hard battle. Being able to defeat the enemy without fighting is of course the best choice.

At this time, Fred was standing next to Richard, holding Geert’s head high with one hand and raising the dark red sword soaked in blood with the other. Matched with his tall figure, he looked quite intimidating. Enough.

“Master Geert is dead, and none of us can survive. Kill them to avenge Master Geert!”

Unfortunately, it is really difficult to reconcile the contradictions between humans and orcs, and although Richard and Fred are also sky-level combat powers, their deterrence is obviously not as good as the Ice Giant, and the Ultimate Hydra still has Giant dragon, even though the morale of the orcs was greatly damaged, they still chose to fight to the end.

Of course Fred’s so-called surrender to avoid death is just a deception on the battlefield. It is possible to avoid death. The next step should be to be scattered and assigned to accompany the kobold coolies. You don’t need to die on the battlefield, but dying in some black mine is a high probability event.



Under the leadership of the great orc warrior, nearly three hundred orcs roared in unison, seeming to have mustered up their courage and rushed towards Richard and Fred, who seemed to be alone.

However, during the charge, Richard discovered that the orc warrior on the opposite side had taken it seriously and ran to the center of the team. Instead, a group of enthusiastic mourning soldiers rushed up with battle axes.


“Tell me, I am already a Marquis, why do I always have to engage in such high-intensity battles on the battlefield?”

“But the progress of adults is also obvious, and I will protect your safety.”

It is difficult for Fred to understand that Richard is helpless as a superior. From a combat perspective, he feels that Richard should have gained a lot.


Richard’s tone was a little helpless, but he had to draw out the Vulcan Sword that was already attached to his waist. Although there were no injuries on his body now, the battle with Geert was not fake after all, and his fighting spirit was basically It has been exhausted and has not recovered in a short period of time. Its physical strength is also somewhat insufficient. Its current physical condition is more like that of a person who has not recovered well after strenuous exercise. Although the physical foundation is there, it can only perform at best. Show the strength of a great knight.

On the other side, Fred has already taken the initiative to occupy the front of Richard. Because the previous battles were more head-to-head battles involving injury exchanges, Fred’s fighting spirit is a bit weaker and he only acts as an auxiliary to cooperate with the battle. Although it is also The consumption is not small, but the condition is still better than that of Richard.


A giant sword was still as light as nothing in Fred’s hand. With one sweep, he cut the two orc warriors at the front into two pieces.

It’s just that this violent killing method obviously couldn’t deter these elite orcs, and the orcs behind them stepped in without any hesitation.


These elite orcs, who can usually fight against at least five or six professional human soldiers at the same time, are not much different from ordinary cannon fodder when facing Fred. They can’t even do simple close combat. Under the sweeping sweep of Fred’s giant sword, there were stumps and broken bodies within three meters around him. The intensity of the battle might not be as good as the previous battle with Gert, but it was extremely bloody.

Within more than ten seconds of contact, a dozen elite orc warriors fell beside Fred.

Richard was not idle here either. Although his fighting energy was exhausted, his basic physical strength was still at the level of a ferocious beast. The same few orc warriors who came up to try to besiege Richard were chopped down by Richard. land.


When the orc warriors gathered in a circle, Fred was not polite. The sky knight’s fighting spirit exploded, and dozens of orc warriors fell to the ground at the same time. After a while, the two orc warriors were besieged. It lost more than one-third.



The red-eyed orcs did not care about the casualties of their companions at all. The orc warriors at the rear stepped on the corpses in front and continued to charge forward.


For the first time, Richard’s sword didn’t cause any blood, and someone actually caught it. It was the commander who commanded this group of orc warriors, a great warrior-level master. After more than a hundred orc warriors consumed another wave of Fred and Richard’s physical strength, he finally felt that he could take action. .

Facts have proved that his judgment was not wrong. Fred’s fighting spirit has been almost exhausted. Now he is only fighting the orcs with the last bit of strength. The effect of Richard’s Giant Ring has also passed and he has reached exhaustion. on the edge.

The orc warrior not only caught the Vulcan sword struck by Richard with his axe, but also thrust it outward with force, causing Richard to almost lose his strength. Victory was just around the corner, and there were more than a hundred soldiers swarming forward, plus him, the great orc warrior, and two strong men at the national protector level. This time he was going to make a contribution. The great warrior was so excited when he thought of this that he was trembling with excitement, and he burst out with all his fighting spirit to make another attack.

But why are the humans on the opposite side still laughing? During the battle, the orc warrior hesitated for half a second. Then the Vulcan Sword suddenly glowed with dazzling flames again.



The orc warrior’s hand holding the battle ax flew out together with the battle axe. The arm was burned to stop the bleeding, and the fighting spirit condensed on the battle ax was instantly extinguished.

Hasn’t this human being exhausted his fighting spirit? There were too many doubts in the eyes of the orc warrior, but his doubts did not have to last too long. The Vulcan sword that cut off one of his arms came back with a horizontal slash, and a head was cut up to the neck, and a body with no body. The corpse with the head slowly blurred in the eyes of the orc warrior himself.

The vitality of creatures in this world is sometimes very unreasonable. Not to mention the Sky Knight, the orc warrior in front of you will definitely die if he is stabbed through the heart, but he can still fight for a while. , it is better to chop off the head with a sword, which can kill 99% of the enemies. I don’t know if one day I lose my head, if an angel can bring it back.

The next battle was completely one-sided. Richard, who used the angel necklace, had all the strength of the archangel in ten minutes. This necklace did not become useless at all after Richard broke through to the sky level. , it allows Richard to regain his fighting ability when he is completely exhausted. On the battlefield, this effect can occasionally be like having an extra life.



More than a hundred orc warriors were considered worthy of Geert. Even though the commander also died in the battle, they still fought to the death. In the end, they all fell under Richard’s sword.

When the last orc fell, Richard looked at several other battlefields. Although the main force of the orcs in the front camp was still fighting, they were obviously getting weaker and weaker. The level of cooperation under command far exceeds that of ordinary troops.

They even have a better understanding than the Dragon Xinguan Legion, which has been cooperating with the Dragon Knight for many years.

The soldiers of the Dragon Army can always charge immediately through the opening opened by the dragon. The main force of more than 20,000 orcs in the front camp is completely passive and vulnerable to beating.

The combat power exerted by the smaller number of system soldiers is only strong. Ron led the Crusaders to always rush to the front of the team. The so-called elite heavy infantry of the Orcs became a large-scale Crusaders after more than a hundred He was beaten in front of him and was unable to fight back.

The champion knights became a precise strike force on the battlefield. The dragon was responsible for cooperating with the main force to tear apart the front camp’s defense line. More than a dozen champion knights, under the command of Moriel, broke through the most stubborn areas of the orc resistance.

“The human knights are coming! Get ready to stop them!”

Gelt’s adjutant, an orc master at the top of the earth level, and several orc warriors organized hundreds of orcs to surround the circle and resist the horses, forming a relatively solid line of defense to block the human army. , Ron led his men to attack for a while without a breakthrough, and the three-headed dragon failed to take care of this place for a while, but the champion knight had already noticed it.

A champion knight with only a dozen riders is a destructive force second only to the dragon on the battlefield. Even a dozen champion knights acting together are more terrifying than the dragon.

“Da da da, da da da…”


Facing the charging champion knights, the orcs mustered up the courage to face them. After the battle for a while, most of the orcs also knew the strength of these human knights. These guys were unrealistically all from the earth level. Although the orcs also have more than two digits of earth-level masters, they will not concentrate more than a dozen earth-level masters into a battle at once like this group of humans. The orcs’ royal warriors, except for the two Tar brothers and sisters, are basically generals with tens of thousands of troops in charge.


More than a dozen champion knights crashed directly into the battle formation of the orcs, and the dozens of outward fighting auras directly produced a qualitative change. The so-called bravery of the orcs was completely useless in the face of these dozens of fighting auras.

The orcs who were able to compete with the Crusaders just now were knocked out by the champion knight. They were also torn apart by the champion knight who charged in a cone, and were blocked by dozens of spikes used as a barrier. , it seemed like nothing in front of the champion knight.

The charging red flame horse directly carried the heavily armored champion knight past the horse and rushed to the core area of ​​​​the orc.

“Stop them!”

Several orc warriors picked up their battle axes and led the surrounding soldiers to try to block the charging champion knight, but they were still not enough. The large group of orc soldiers behind them no longer have the ability to support. Ron has already led the Crusaders and a large number of ordinary soldiers to rush up through the gap opened by the champion knight. The entire front is shaking. How many people can come back to support? Woolen cloth.


The charging champion knights finally encountered an orc who could stop their horses’ hooves. The earth-level orc adjutant took action and cooperated with several great warrior-level orcs in an attempt to overwhelm the champion knight who was charging at the front.

However, the experienced champion knight hit his horse to avoid the blow, and moved around to surround the group of orcs.


The roar and bloodiness are a bit weak under the absolute strength. The orc adjutant who caused some trouble to the champion knight still could not escape the attack of more than a dozen champion knights. Instead, because of his status as a strong man, his head became Trophies displayed by champion knights on their lances.

Sure enough, what is good above will be effective below. Even the champion knights started to imitate Richard’s skills.

“Fred, can you still fight?”

Li Cha looked at the exhausted swordsman and asked a somewhat unnecessary question.

Fred straightened up and raised the giant sword in his hand. The meaning was self-evident.

“Five minutes, defeat the orc army, and join Moriel.”



In addition to Fred, those who rushed into the battle were also the Ultimate Hydra and the Ice Giant who had just been entangled with Geert’s soldiers near the tent. As beings equal to the sky level, they wasted some time. They also defeated the orcs who had lost their leader and were in a mess. At this time, they ran to the front camp to wreak havoc.

The attack from the back of the orcs by Richard and others became the last straw that crushed the entire 20,000 orc army.

The orcs, who were already demoralized due to being trapped in a passive and hard battle, were attacked from behind again. When the three-headed dragon swooped down again, the orcs on the edge began to escape into the darkness. Then it caused a chain reaction, leading groups of orcs to collapse and flee. These brave orc elites finally lost their courage completely after suffering up to 50% casualties.

“Chase! Don’t let anyone go!”

Now Richard didn’t even bother to lie about surrendering to avoid death, and directly ordered all the cavalry to pursue the fleeing orcs. The griffons in the sky also began to play their role, falling accurately at night and trying their best to eliminate the surviving orcs.

If these guys run away too much, they will still be a big trouble on Richard’s territory.

“Lord Richard!”

At this time, Moriel walked towards the high-spirited Richard and saluted first. After uniting the army, Moriel was much more careful than before.

“Well done, this victory depends entirely on your command.”

“This is nothing to praise. Any qualified general can win this battle.”

Moriel is not modest at all. She has such a strong hand despite her calculations. She can’t lose even if she fights hard. It’s just that Moriel handled the details better and controlled the battle damage quite well.

A brilliant victory…


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