Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 328: Kill (changed)


After weighing the situation, Gert realized that there was no possibility of victory in this battle. Three giant dragons were raging in the front camp, and the four dragon-hunting ballistae had been controlled by the opponent. Now there was no way to deal with them. , although the orc warriors are still fighting hard, the entire camp has been beaten to the ground.

Not to mention that human masters and two giant creatures appeared directly in the core area of ​​the camp inexplicably. After they were defeated, they cooperated with the attacking human army outside, and they could be defeated in a few clicks. Tear open the already precarious line of defense outside.

Tigert is the protector of the Orc Kingdom, a master at the pinnacle of the sky level. Even if he loses his army and escapes alone, the king will not even say a word of blame. He has lost tens of thousands of his army, and the orcs can still do it casually. An army of hundreds of thousands is raised, but if one warrior is lost to protect the country, the next one may not be able to come out for more than ten years. As long as Geert didn’t make any serious mistakes in principle, he couldn’t be punished in any substantial way. The only thing he had to pass was the test in his own heart. For Geert, it was no longer a matter of course. He still wanted to remain useful and continue to serve the orcs, but he would not let himself die here easily.

“I want to run away!”

Although sky-level masters have the ability to fly, normal sky knights rarely play like this in battles at the same level. They mostly fight on the ground. For no other reason than flying consumes too much. It would be more expensive for experts at the top of the sky level to fight in the air, so the main battlefield is still on the ground.

After Geert suddenly flew into the air, Richard did not follow him immediately due to lack of experience and did not predict that the opponent was about to escape. Fred, on the other hand, took Richard’s safety as his mission goal. There was no movement and Fred didn’t catch up.

I could only watch as Geert fled into the night. Geert was not only decisive in leading his troops, he was also very decisive in abandoning the army and running away at the critical moment. He did not even think about going to the front camp to join the army and continue to resist. If he dared to go back and join the army, he would instead be trapped at the three ends. Under the gaze of the dragon and Moriel, there was no chance of escape.

Seeing Geert running away so decisively, Richard was slightly startled. Geert left a good impression on him. Even in a hostile position, he had to admit that the other party was an experienced and decisive general, but Li Cha Unexpectedly, Geert, the orc general with thick eyebrows and big eyes, ran away.

“Hey, want to run? It’s not that easy.”

After reacting, Richard showed a sarcastic smile. With a thought, the ice giant who was still struggling with the ordinary orc soldiers suddenly condensed a short spear of more than two meters in his hand. A short spear made of ice crystals. He was thrown hard by the ice giant and shot straight away from Geert who was dozens of meters away.

Gert, who had just escaped dozens of meters, had not yet relaxed his vigilance. Faced with the blow from the ice giant, he turned around in response to the blow. After bursting out with fighting spirit, the battle ax in his hand struck at extremely fast speeds. Exploding ice spears.


The purest confrontation broke out as soon as the ice spear condensed with magic power and the battle ax in Geert’s hand came into contact with the power of fighting spirit and magic. After all, Geert was a master at the pinnacle of the sky level, while the ice giant was only in the sky at best. With mid-level strength, an ice spear was split open by Gert’s battle ax and scattered into millions of pieces like shards of glass. If you look carefully, you can see a piece of shiny stuff falling out of the air.

But the Ice Giant’s attack was far more than that. The Ice Giant’s magic power was enough to support him in releasing ice spears five times. Under Richard’s command, the Ice Giant released ice again at Geert in mid-air. spear.

The ice spear is very powerful. Although Gert can block it, he cannot ignore it directly. If he really uses his body to receive a blow, he will be half disabled even if he is not dead.

Faced with the ice spears that came one after another, especially the ice spears that came one after another, Geert had to deal with them with all his strength in order to block them.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!…”

Gelt continued to catch the next four ice spears, and was unscathed by the ice giant’s attack. It only consumed some fighting energy and delayed a little time. This usually doesn’t matter, but now it is quite deadly. .

In the time it took to resist the five ice spears of the Ice Giant, Richard had already caught up with Fred.

After Richard activated the Vulcan Sword with all his strength, a flame several meters long appeared in the black night sky, slashing towards Gert like a falling meteor.


Gert blocked the Vulcan Sword with an axe. He had no intention of fighting. He turned around and wanted to continue running away, but was caught up by Fred on the other side. After this first experience, Richard directly gave Fred the order to kill his opponent, and the two cooperated to not give Gert any room to escape.



“Damn it, do you want to trade your life with me?”

Although Richard has less combat experience than Geert, his current fighting style makes Geert very uncomfortable. He is trading injuries for injuries and lives for lives, completely ignoring defense and only focusing on offense.

It is said that one man is invincible with all his strength, which may not be completely feasible in this world of extraordinary power, but when there is no absolute gap in strength between Richard and Geert, this style of play can It was very effective. After all, everyone would be frightened by someone who was willing to fight with his life.

With Richard’s desperate fighting style and Fred’s tacit cooperation, Geert’s fighting spirit became more and more consumed. He gradually realized that if he didn’t kill the madman in front of him, he might not have a chance to escape. .

“Come on!”


Being able to become a master at the peak of the sky level, although Gert chose to escape before, he did not lack the courage to fight. After seeing the situation in front of him clearly, he also chose to exchange injuries with Richard. to fight.

The Vulcan Sword left another deep scar on Geert’s arm. Because of the characteristics of the Vulcan Sword itself, in addition to the cutting damage, Gelt also had to endure severe burning damage. , the high temperature caused the sound of sizzling barbecue coming out of the wound. This kind of pain made Gert lick the blood from the knife edge like this, and the warrior who had suffered countless injuries couldn’t help but grin.

But while sustaining Richard’s blow, Geert’s battle ax also hit Richard. The ax blade hit Richard’s chest, and a large piece of the special breast shield was dented. , Richard flew backwards for several meters before regaining his balance.

Although this ax hit the thickest part of Richard’s armor, an angry blow from a sky-level strongman was not so easy. Even though Richard had already dumped his force, he still felt that after he stood firm, There was an overwhelming feeling in my body.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Richard’s mouth. There were even some strange particles in the blood, which had already damaged his internal organs.

This injury exchange seems to be that Geert is more embarrassed, but Geert is obviously more experienced. He injured an arm in exchange for Richard’s internal injury, which directly damaged the internal organs. An ordinary soldier would have been able to lie down and prepare to die. It would definitely not be easy for a sky-level powerhouse. Even if he does not die on the spot, there will be certain sequelae afterwards. If not handled well, it will even affect his future lifespan and combat effectiveness.

But, Richard doesn’t care.


Richard who spit out blood just smiled at Geert, but the blood in his mouth made Richard’s smile look a bit ferocious. Then he attacked again with the Vulcan Sword in an even crazier manner.

“Damn, crazy!”

Gert, who was fighting Fred, couldn’t help but curse when he saw Richard flying over again without caring about his own condition.

Fred himself is a very difficult opponent, and with a fighting madman like Richard, Gert has a vague feeling that he may not be able to leave today.



It was another continuous exchange of injuries. Geert’s helmet had been cut off at this moment, and his armor was beaten to pieces. The most terrifying thing was that he even had a section of his arm broken. After a fight, In the movie, Richard forced a Geert to smash his shoulder blade and replace one of his arms.

The only person in slightly better condition in the audience was the outstanding swordsman Fred. His scarlet cloak, which was just a cool thing, had long since disappeared. There were some pits and dents on his armor. At first glance, he was blocked. It was struck with a blunt object in Walter’s hand. After all, Richard mainly relied on him to resist head-on. Frederic was always restraining and cooperating, and forced his way in at critical moments to prevent Richard from being directly killed by the opponent.


“You are the youngest master of mankind, Richard the Wilderness Hou, right.”

After fighting for so long and being on Richard’s territory in the North, Gert guessed Richard’s identity. He knew that he would not be able to leave alive tonight, and every step he made was wrong. From the moment he escaped and was caught up by Richard, he didn’t even have the chance to return to the army and sit in command. Now I have calmed down, and I feel like I want to have a few words with my equally matched opponent.

Richard nodded and did not deny it.

“Haha, it seems that I am worth it. You know, in my eyes, you are a much more dangerous opponent than Thor, the dragon knight of the country.

For such a young Sky Knight, I thought the information was wrong, but I didn’t expect it to be true. You may have the opportunity to step into a realm that no one has set foot on for hundreds of years. It’s a pity, it’s a pity, hahahaha. ”

After saying two regrets in a row, Gert started laughing again.

“It’s a pity that even if you don’t die here tonight, you will be a useless person in the future, and I, Geert, are worth it.”

Richard knew what the realm Geert was talking about was the realm where Aragorn and Qing from the palace were. Although Aragorn and Qing were obviously not in full condition, this did not prevent Richard from taking them out. Have a blast.

“I’m sorry, I think you still think too highly of me. Over the past few hundred years, there have been two ancestors of my human race who have set foot in the Holy Land. I am not the first person in these hundreds of years, but I am. You orcs haven’t even had a sanctuary for hundreds of years, right?”

“Hmph, you are just talking without any basis, so why bother to show off at a time like this.”

As Geert spoke, his figure was slowly falling. It was obvious that his fighting spirit had been exhausted, and Richard was not much better. The armor on his body could not be seen as it was before, and his disheveled helmet had already flown away. There was blood everywhere from his mouth to half of his body. This was different from the past when it was mainly stained with the enemy’s blood. This time, a lot of it was his own blood. After so many years of fighting, this was the most seriously injured Richard. once. Now that his fighting spirit has been exhausted just like Geert, Richard is also slowly descending like Geert.

“Why, do you have to wait until I bleed dry before coming up?”

Fred on the side obviously still had some strength left. Geert looked at him standing there and looked at Fred. He wanted to say something and try to get more excited. Taking advantage of the last bit of strength left, he tried his best. Let yourself die with dignity.

“No need, you will be the first sky-level master I kill.”

After that, the injuries on Richard’s body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. From the internal organs to the scarred body surface, everything recovered very quickly.

The effect of the sacred blood bottle restored all the injuries on Richard’s body, and Fred and Gert, who saw all this with their own eyes, showed two completely different expressions.

Fred looked calm. He had seen this kind of thing too many times. He could even be resurrected on the spot, but just recovering from his injuries was nothing. But Geert looked like he had seen a ghost.

I wanted to say something but couldn’t.




Richard didn’t show any more politeness. Letting the other party see with his own eyes that he had recovered all his injuries and then terminating the other party’s life were all Richard’s impromptu decisions. He just didn’t want the enemy to die with a strange sense of satisfaction. This would It made Richard feel unhappy.

Relying on his last bit of strength, Geert held the ax with one hand and blocked Richard twice before completely losing his ability to resist. The ax was knocked away by the Vulcan Sword that had turned into black iron, and was finally struck by Richard cut off his head with a sword, ending the pain.

Gert’s head flew at least ten meters away, and blood spurted out. Perhaps the sky knight’s blood was too strong, so that his death was more vigorous than that of ordinary people…

“What a pity”

What Richard regrets is not Geert’s death, but the effect of this sacred blood bottle. Although he recovered all his injuries, it did not restore Richard’s fighting spirit, otherwise Richard would not have activated the fire in the end. There is no fighting spirit in the Divine Sword.

However, Richard gained a lot from this battle. Not only did he accumulate the experience of fighting to the death with a peak sky-level master, he even had a vague understanding of the life-and-death fighting experience that Fred mentioned. This has provided a sublimation improvement to Richard’s fighting skills.

The battle in the front camp was not over yet. Richard did not delay too much, but walked to the position of Geert’s head, picked up Geert’s head and battle ax, removed the ax blade, and hung the head on the He put it on the wooden handle and carefully found Geert’s helmet and placed it on it.

Although this behavior is a bit barbaric, it is definitely very effective in terms of lowering morale.

“Fred, hold it up.”

“Yes, sir.”


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