Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 326: Night battle (changed)


The night is as dark as water, a crescent moon is like frost, and the blurred moonlight makes the whole night more silent

The orc camp is still brightly lit at this time, and the sentries everywhere can see no blind spots around.

As usual, Geert led his adjutant and a few soldiers to inspect the defense of the camp at a time when everyone should be sleeping the deepest.

As a commander leading troops, Geert is definitely qualified. The entire camp is well organized and there are no loopholes to exploit. All troops trying to attack the camp will have no chance except for a frontal attack. Other options.


The patrol team passing by was not surprised to see Geert patrolling at this point, so they naturally saluted Geert and continued patrolling.

The gaps between the several patrol teams were arranged very carefully, and there were almost no opportunities to take advantage of them. Next, Gert checked the hidden sentries throughout the camp before he was satisfied and prepared to return to the main tent to rest.

“Dang, Dang, Dang!”

Just when Gert was approaching his main tent, a high-pitched golden gong sounded.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

Afterwards, the entire night seemed to be awakened. Most of the sleeping orcs woke up, and then moved closer under the leadership of the commander, reacting very quickly.

“How dare you actually come!”

Although Gert patrolled every night, he never thought that humans would really dare to attack at night. After all, from that aspect, humans would not have an advantage in night attacks.

However, although he was surprised, Geert was not worried. He was quite confident in the abilities of his elite men. The entrance to the camp was not something that humans could easily break through.


The battle broke out at the gate of the camp. A large number of torches were lit. By the light of the fire, one could see the densely packed heads in the night. The human army actually attacked in large numbers.

However, I have to admit that Geert’s arrangement is already quite strict. The vanguard force led by Moriel is an elite system army, followed by the elite dragon army. Such an army can still be defeated by deliberate calculations or unintentional calculations. The orcs’ secret whistle discovered it in advance.

When the orc secret whistle sent out the signal, Moriel knew decisively and ordered to light the torch and launch a frontal attack. In a short time, more than a dozen champion knights even directly broke through the orc’s peripheral layout and pushed the battle line to the gate of the orc’s camp. .

It’s not that the orcs don’t have arrangements. The arrangement of the orcs is extremely standard for any military. The quality of the elite orcs is also first-class. These are all veterans who have experienced actual combat experience at Longxing Pass. They have been affected by The response to a surprise attack is extremely fast.

However, the attack of more than a dozen earth-level masters cannot be easily intercepted. The sentries on the periphery of the orcs quickly arrived to prepare for the interception after the warning was issued. However, in front of the charging champion knight, this weak defense line It had almost no effect, and several wooden barriers blocking key positions were directly shattered by the fighting spirit unleashed by the champion knight. The dozens of orc soldiers guarding behind the barriers were very courageous to charge towards them. The champion knights launched an attack, but they were quickly overwhelmed without even being able to delay the champion knight’s actions. They were not a force at the same level at all.

Then the Red Flame Knights and the senior Crusader monks led by Ron followed the gap opened by the champion knight and rushed in until they reached the entrance of the orc camp before temporarily stopping.

“General! Human beings were stopped at the gate of the camp and have not rushed in yet!”

Gert was first shocked by the advancing speed of the human army. He knew the situation of the outer defense line. The human army should not break through to the gate of the camp quickly. No matter how fast the sleeping orcs reacted, they gathered now Not many people got up. If the humans continued to break through the camp, maybe this night attack would be successful.

But now the human actually stopped at the gate of the camp, letting him relax a little. Although he didn’t understand why the human commander who was so difficult to deal with during the day would make such a mistake, it was always a good thing. At least he The reaction time is longer.

“Quickly, let the First Legion organize themselves first. We must guard the camp gate and never let humans break through!”

Because the champion knight stopped charging, the orc army has taken advantage of this time to gather together. Now there are at least 3,000 fully armed orc warriors gathered on the front line of the camp. If they want to break through again, it will not be as good as before. Simple.

On Moriel’s side, the reason why the champion knight did not charge is also very simple. She is waiting. After breaking through the orcs’ periphery, the troops will have room to expand. There is no need to rush now. She is waiting for the follow-up troops. Come up.

Originally, it should be possible to force a breakthrough by using champion knights as the vanguard, but the defense at the front line of the orc camp gate is still relatively tight. If you break through, you will have to suffer a certain amount of losses, so there is no need to make such a meaningless sacrifice. Moriel’s army includes not only the infantry of the Dragon Army and the Silver Wing Legion, but also three giant dragons…

“Swish swish…”

Although the champion knight stopped in front of the camp, the human long-range army was not polite. After the marksman troops and the great elf archers came up, they fired at the orcs in front. The accuracy of these system armies is not low at all in the dark, and they can hit the orcs as accurately as if they had turned on night vision. Because there are no tower shields and formations during the day, the casualties suffered by the orcs from long-range attacks are much greater than during the day.

“Shield! Raise the shield!”

After suffering some casualties, the orc shield bearers caught up and barely formed a formation to resist long-range attacks.


The orc’s special tower shield can block the marksmen and the great elf shooters, but it cannot block the shots of the phantom shooters and the blue magic missiles of the senior monks.

Five arrows flashed with white light, accurately passed through the gap in the tower shield, and directly shot the orcs hiding behind. The phantom shooter’s shooting accuracy was not affected by the darkness at all.

The dozens of blue missiles are even more brutal. Although the accuracy of magic missiles launched by senior monks is not as good as that of phantom shooters, they can basically hit the target. Every hit of these missiles has the full force of a knight-level master. It is so powerful that if it hits these ordinary orc warriors through their armor, it can directly kill them. If it hits the tower shield, the huge force can also break the arm of the shield hand, basically losing the ability to fight in this battle. .

Moriel directly turned over the trump card that had not been used in the day’s battle. The orcs who were beaten in the first wave felt a little uncomfortable. However, this is still within Geert’s acceptance range. Although the human long-range army seems a bit powerful, more and more troops are gathering on the front line of the camp. The chance of human beings charging forward is now very slim. Waiting for him After integrating the troops, it was time to counterattack. He believed that time was on his side.

Outside the camp, Moriel was calmly looking at the orcs gathering at the entrance of the camp. She didn’t mean to be anxious at all. The champion knight even took the initiative to retreat after cleaning up the scattered orcs. Only the long-range troops were standing alone. The orcs tried to put some pressure on the orcs, but the effect became worse and worse. The orcs who reacted either got close and raised their shields or found cover.

“Lord Moriel! The Dragon Army and Silver Wing Army have arrived at the designated location!”

“It’s a little slow, but it doesn’t affect the overall situation. Send a signal to Lord Richard!”


In the night sky, the unique sounding arrows of the Hunter family pierced the night sky. Richard, who was more than ten miles away, could see it clearly. The soldiers beside him were worried that Richard would miss it, so they reported to Richard very responsibly. There was a sound.

“Sir Richard, this is the signal from Lord Moriel!”


Richard nodded, looked back at the Ice Giant, Ultimate Hydra and Fred, and finally emphasized the order again.

The Ice Giant and Ultimate Hydra tried their best to cause damage and broke through from the center of the orc camp towards the direction of Moriel’s main attack. Fred followed closely behind him, trying to find and kill him directly in the chaos. The supreme commander of the orcs this time.


Under the incredible eyes of the messengers around him, Richard disappeared out of thin air with two giant creatures and a superb swordsman…


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