Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 325: Change tactics


“Da da da, da da da…”

Hadmen was a little depressed and led his heavy cavalry to change the direction and eliminated more than 300 wolf cavalry. Logically speaking, it was definitely a big victory. Considering the rarity of wolf cavalry, a victory Three hundred cavalry were lost in the battle, which would definitely make any orc commander feel distressed.

But if he continues to chase, Hardman will be sure to keep at least half of the wolf cavalry. This opportunity is rare. Next time, these wolf cavalry will probably have to hide far away when they see him again. No Will give the Red Flame Knights another chance to chase after them.

It’s a pity that there are so many military orders. No matter how unwilling Hardman is, he must immediately execute the retreat order from the coach.

Retreating with Hardman were the Silver Wing Legion that had just come up to support and the 10,000 dragon army led by Ron. The human army that had just put on a decisive battle posture suddenly retreated, and even the orc vanguard army They all evacuated less than half of the planes.

“The humans have retreated, General, do we want to pursue them?”

“No need, the combat effectiveness of human heavy cavalry is still there. The wolf cavalry just suffered a big loss, but there is no way to restrain the human cavalry.”

Gert is still very rational. There is no advantage in pursuing him at this moment. He can save the vanguard battalion and the wolf cavalry and readjust them.

“Let the vanguard battalion and the wolf cavalry go down to rest first, don’t be in a hurry.”

In Geert’s eyes, it is within the normal range for humans to retreat at this moment. Although the Wolf Cavalry suffered a loss, he has immediately sent up the last 10,000 reserve troops. In terms of strength ratio, Still better than the humans on the other side.

Perhaps humans are still waiting for reinforcements and have no intention of decisive battle, but he, Geert, is waiting. When the Second Legion returns in a roundabout way, whether it is to directly cut off the opponent’s logistics line or directly carry out encirclement and suppression, it is up to him. in a moment.

In this expedition, Gert’s 60,000-strong army was not only equipped with four dragon-hunting ballistas, but also equipped with two thousand wolf cavalry. A thousand-man team had just been maimed. It seemed that they had encountered humans. The ace cavalry unit, following the second legion to detour the wolf cavalry, should be able to easily eliminate the human reconnaissance cavalry and destroy the human food routes. As long as the time is delayed for a day or two, victory can be achieved more easily. There is no need to fight the human army now.

Although Geert did not think that he would lose, the fighting power of the humans in front of him was obviously not weak. If he suddenly faced a decisive battle, he would suffer greater losses. Since the opponent had no intention of a decisive battle, Geert was willing to delay it for a while. .

Human Military Camp

As the legions retreated, the camp became slightly more crowded.

“Hey, our team just killed two orcs, and our military achievements are evenly matched, so we can use the Steel Breathing Technique.”

“Two are nothing. Look at the Red Flame Knights. There were hundreds of orc wolf cavalry there. They were chasing and beating them. Orc corpses were spread all over the ground. I also want to join the Red Flame Knights in the future. ”

When the soldiers of the Dragon Army mentioned the Red Flame Knights, they looked full of yearning.

“Come on, for the Red Flame Knights, I’m afraid you’re not even qualified to be a squire. Everyone in the Red Flame Knights is a knight.”

“Hmph, when I switch to the Steel Breathing Technique, I first become a quasi-knight, and then kill a few more orcs on the battlefield, maybe I can switch to the Qi-Entraining Technique and become a knight.”

“Okay, okay, future knight, the most important thing now is to survive.”

Although there were still a lot of casualties in this battle, the morale of the soldiers was not low. Many soldiers were counting their own military exploits. There were many who had the same idea as this soldier, and they all had their own merits. Be rewarded and change your mind.

At this time, some senior officers were sitting in the main tent having a military meeting, but they still had a look of surprise on their faces.

Because Moriel also sat on the second seat, the person on the main seat now turned out to be Lord Richard, who had disappeared for almost a month.

“To make a long story short, our plan needs to be changed. We are preparing for a night attack tonight to defeat the orcs quickly.”

Moriel’s original plan was to slowly bleed the orcs after clinging to the orcs’ vanguard camp. Step by step, she would directly dispatch the system army when she found the opportunity to defeat the current orc army in one fell swoop. Then he went back to eliminate the so-called roundabout troops of the orc commander. In the final analysis, Gert was still too far behind in intelligence. He just regarded the human army on the opposite side as ordinary elites, and his entire tactical thinking was still focused on annihilation.

But he didn’t know that on Moril’s side, more than a dozen earth-level champion knights and ice giants were already making preparations. When his reserve team took over the battle, Moril would launch the final blow. You will even transform yourself into a dragon to join the battle.

However, because of Richard’s sudden arrival, Moriel decided to change this plan. The Hunter family’s financial resources were very poor. According to Moriel’s initial plan, the damage in the battle might inevitably be a bit large. Now she has a better choice. , Richard himself has a sky-level combat power, plus the Red Dragon and Ultimate Hydra who are still in Ironwood City, this is the three sky-level combat capabilities.

When Richard’s magic power is fully restored at night, he will teleport the red dragon, black dragon and ultimate hydra in Ironwood City directly into the orc camp, and Moriel will lead the troops to attack from the outside. , it is possible for the orcs to directly blow up the camp.

“Sir, do you really want to attack at night?”

The generals below were a little hesitant when they heard Moriel’s plan to prepare a night attack. After all, a night attack is not a simple matter. This kind of thing will test the organization and morale of the army. If you are not careful, it may even be self-defeating. possibility.

Moreover, things like night attacks not only depend on one’s own army, but also have something to do with the other party. Now that the camp is facing the camp and they have already fought for the first time, the orcs cannot be unprepared. How can it be so easy to succeed? , Moreover, it is easier for orcs to exert their combat effectiveness in melee, so the human army is generally the one to guard against orc night attacks, and active night attacks are very rare.

“Let the Dragon Army prepare. We must believe in the ability of the Dragon Army. As a backup, the Silver Wings Army must also be ready and wait for orders. Now go back and let the soldiers have a good rest.”

“Follow Moriel’s plan and defeat the orcs tonight!”


The senior generals who were originally hesitant about the night attack plan saw that Richard had given the recent order and no one had any more questions. They immediately answered yes and went out to prepare.

“Can Sir Richard guarantee that he will arrive at the corresponding location directly at night?”

“No problem, I have already seen the orc camp. As long as I have seen the place, I can go there.”

Richard has seen the location of the orc camp from a distance. According to the effect of teleportation, he can take people directly to any place in the orc camp that he wants to enter. This skill of teleportation can be used in I haven’t seen how powerful it is in the game, but in real combat, it’s almost like a bug after using it.

“When it gets dark, bring the Ultimate Hydra and the two giant dragons to the camp first, and prepare some cover to prevent the orcs from discovering it.”

“After I recover my magic power in the camp, I will attack the orc main tent with the Ultimate Hydra, Ice Giant, and the outstanding swordsman Fred, and you will launch the night attack army at the same time.”

The golden dragon, black dragon and red dragon are under Moriel’s command. They move faster and can be dispatched in time after being activated. It would be better if Richard takes the ultimate troops on the ground and dispatches them directly.

“Well, let’s get ready first.”

This plan is simple to say, it is to use the ability of teleportation to give the orcs an intermediate bloom at night, causing chaos to the orcs to the greatest extent, and controlling the losses better than fighting the orcs during the day.

The sky quickly darkened. The human camp was loose on the outside and tight on the inside. The torches at the main entrance of the camp were bright. The patrols were still checking back and forth. However, the troops did not rest normally. They walked around from the back camp and slowly walked towards Arrive at the orc camp.

Thanks to Richard’s limited nutritional knowledge, the Hunter family’s army’s usual food mix is ​​absolutely reasonable for this era. Meat, carbohydrates and vegetables are available every day, and some animal offal are provided regularly. , offal soup and other things make the Hunter family’s army basically no problem with night blindness.

People walked next to each other, and the formation was maintained well by the moonlight. At this time, Richard had brought the Ultimate Hydra and the Red Dragon to his own camp through teleportation, but the orcs were still unaware…


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