Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 323: Fierce Battle 1


Although the assault of more than a hundred Crusaders was sharp, in Geert’s view, it should not be the reason for the vanguard battalion to stop moving forward. The orc warriors of the vanguard battalion, calculated as ordinary soldiers, also have the strength of senior quasi-knights. Normally In this case, five or six people can entangle a knight. In such a large-scale collision, the role of the knight will be more limited.

Compared with ordinary armies, the vanguard battalion should have an overwhelming advantage. The proportion of knights in the orc army is generally slightly higher than that of the human army. The number of orc warriors in the 5,000-person vanguard battalion is about 30, and There are two flag regiments of the Dragon Army, and the Dragon Army of 10,000 people has only a dozen knights in total. This is the most knights among the several legions of the Hunter family.

Under the current situation, the human armies of the two flag regiments basically had no ability to resist the five thousand orc vanguard army, but under the leadership of the Crusaders, they completed the counterattack.

The armor-piercing hammer in the hands of the Dragon Army soldiers has a greater chance of directly piercing the orcs’ iron armor. With the cooperation of two or three, these tall orc warriors are not afraid at all.



Soon, Ron, who was charging ahead, faced the commander of the orc vanguard battalion. After seeing that the battle was not going well, the orc commander personally came up with his guards to try to open up the situation. With the strength of a great warrior, As soon as the orc commander came up, he waved the battle ax in his hand, using various moves, trying to suppress Ron in one fell swoop.

This method has been tried and tested against strong human beings. After all, one force can defeat ten monsters. At the same level, the power of orcs is basically greater than that of humans. In this kind of head-on collision, there is not much room for skill to be used. If you give in, It can easily lead to instability in the battle line. Many times, human knights can only go up against it and suffer big losses.

However, this time the orc commander obviously picked the wrong person. Although Ron can only be regarded as a second-rate hero among Richard’s forces, and his strength has broken through to the great knight, he is not as powerful as Moriel and Natalies. There is no comparison at all, but he is a hero recognized by the system and an elite crusader who has experienced hundreds of battles. How can he suffer at the same level?

The round shield in his hand cleverly blocked the orc commander’s battle ax, and with one strike of the sword, he forced the orc commander on the opposite side to take a step back.


The orc commander crossed his battle ax and tried to repel Ron’s attack, but was blocked by the round shield in Ron’s hand.


This time, the orc commander did not retreat completely. His shoulder was scratched by Ron’s sword. If he had been a step slower, he might have lost his entire arm.

At this moment, the orc commander finally realized that his opponent was unusual, and he was a little overconfident.


The orc commander waved the battle ax in his hand, trying to use the advantage of the weapon to distance himself from Ron, and then retreated to the line. Ron took a step back, but the orc commander was not found at this time. When it came time to retreat, the Crusaders’ cooperation was more tacit than he imagined. From the moment Ron fought with him, several Crusaders intentionally or unintentionally blocked several directions, separating him from the surrounding guards. , now his personal guards seem to be not far away, but it is difficult for them to support him in a short time.

As soon as he retreated, he was stopped by two Crusaders. Crusaders with the peak strength of these knights are not characters who can be easily dismissed. If the orc commander is given some time, he is not afraid of the two Crusaders, but Now entangled, Ron could catch up in less than a second.



At the critical moment, the orc commander did not care about the consumption of fighting energy and began to exert all his strength. The light red fighting energy enveloped his whole body and his eyes were red. In addition, he had some wounds that had not stopped bleeding, and he actually felt a bit crazy. , he did not want to fight for Ron, but turned around and wanted to break through the obstruction of the two Crusaders and join his own bodyguards.

If it were an ordinary army, even the elite would probably have to be frightened by him in this situation. After all, they are strong but still look desperate. Most people would have to be timid, but it is a pity that he wants to intimidate. The Crusaders are killing machines that have almost no emotions on the battlefield.

The two Crusaders came forward without fear. At the same time, they burst out with fighting spirit and held the round shields in their hands to receive the orc commander’s axe.


The entire shield of the Crusader smashed by the orc commander was shattered, the arm armor of his hand was also broken, and half of his arm was twisted and broken before flying more than a meter away.

There is still a big gap between the peak knight and the great knight. It is not easy to fight head-on with just some injuries.

Another crusader attacked with a sword, not giving the orc commander a chance to finish his blow or escape, and tightly entangled him in place. The orc commander had no choice but to block with his battle axe. One note.


It was not difficult to block this blow, but the delay allowed Ron to catch up calmly. Ron has never had martial ethics. How can a young man talk about martial ethics?

Seeing that the orc commander’s back was still facing him, he gathered his fighting spirit and stabbed him with his sword. The orc commander’s back was also covered in iron armor, but it was difficult to block the long sword from being pierced by the great knight’s fighting spirit.

Ron’s sword opened a hole in his back, and blood splashed on half of Ron’s helmet. His faceplate was stained with blood.


The orc commander turned around and struck, but Ron cleverly blocked it. The orc commander in his heyday was no match for Ron, let alone that he was seriously injured now. The Crusaders on the other side are not just decorations either.

The surrounding guards were aware of the general’s crisis, but because the orc commander was overconfident in his own strength, he fell into a small-scale division among the Crusaders. The guards were desperate for their lives. The fierce attack was blocked by the Crusaders, and the soldiers of the Dragon Army did not just watch. Seeing the fierce fighting here, several Dragon Army commanders reacted very quickly and led their men to move closer to support.

The focus of the battlefield quickly gathered, and then under the gaze of half of the battlefield, Ron, half covered in blood, stabbed the orc commander’s heart with a sword, and then quickly cut off the opponent’s head with his sword.

Holding the head of the orc commander with one hand and looking around the battlefield, the attacking orc vanguard battalion suddenly let out a sigh of relief. No one dared to look at Ron.




On the contrary, the morale of the human side has been greatly boosted, especially the two flag regiments of the Dragon Army. They have been bearing much more casualties than the orcs. Sometimes the death of two Three Dragon Army can only be replaced by one. Soldiers of the Orc Vanguard Battalion, this was a bit difficult for the soldiers and officers of the Dragon Army to accept.

They are not the regular army of the kingdom, nor are they the troops that have fought against the orcs all year round at Longxingguan. On the contrary, they have no fear or respect for the orcs, and even regard the orcs as opponents of the same level. This seems to be different from other human troops. The exchange ratio, which can be said to be a huge advantage, turned out to be a disadvantage in their eyes. Morale also took a hit.

Now with Ron’s heroic performance of directly killing the opponent’s commander, the morale of the dragon army has been boosted again. The soldiers led by Moriel are not only disciplined, but also arrogant.

With the morale of the human side rising, the outcome of the originally anxious battle has become clear. However, the fighting will of the orc vanguard army is indeed good. Under this situation, there is still no large-scale collapse. Although they are retreating slightly, they are basically still fighting. It’s just that failure is inevitable.

“This waste!”

Gert, who was watching the whole battle, is now very angry. In his opinion, it was the mistake of the commander of the vanguard battalion that put him in danger, and he was unexpectedly killed by humans in front of the battle array, causing the entire vanguard to be killed. The battalion was shaken. Of course, he forgot that the style of the vanguard battalion had always been to rush and attack. It turned out that the vanguard battalion directly overwhelmed two human legions under the leadership of the commander. At that time, he did not feel commanded. Officials are reckless.

However, this is not the time to reflect. Although the commander has been lost, the actual losses of the Pioneer Battalion are not great, so they must be allowed to retreat first.

“Ask the commander of the Third Army to lead people to assist the vanguard camp and slowly withdraw.”

Gelt did not dare to give an order to retreat directly now. Without his commander and being so tightly clung to by the human army, if he directly ordered a retreat, what he would see would be a huge rout immediately.

“Lord Moriel, there is movement from the orcs again. They seem to want to take the orc vanguard back. Do you need to ask Lord Ron to retreat?”

“No, order the pursuit!”

“Let the Red Flame Knights and the heavy cavalry be prepared. How can they escape so easily? This time, we must take a bite of their flesh first.”

“Yes, sir!”

With the flag waving, the Red Flame Knights slowly walked out with more than 800 cavalry. Recently, many knights have joined the Hunter family. The number of the Red Flame Knights has grown to one hundred. The heavy cavalry It has also been expanded, and the tall cavalry with a total of nine hundred men and horses is definitely a terrifying deterrent on the battlefield. As soon as they moved, Gert noticed the army.

“This cavalry?”

Or the strange information is too outrageous. Geert, the orc commander in chief of the Red Flame Knights, is not very clear about the obvious power, but he is instinctively wary of it.

“Let the giant wolf cavalry follow and cover the third legion.”

More than a thousand warriors riding giant gray wolves came out of the orc queue. These giant wolves were smaller than war horses, but they were still enough for orc warriors to ride. Compared with war horses, giant wolf cavalry had few shortcomings. There are few, and the impact and endurance are worse than those of war horses. During normal operations, the orc cavalry walks with these giant wolves, and only rides giant wolves to fight in war.

Although there are many shortcomings, the giant wolf cavalry is a sharp weapon against human cavalry. The war horses have a natural fear of these predators. When the two sides approach, the war horses will always hesitate, and those who are poorly trained may even turn around. Escape, the impact of most human cavalry is somewhat ineffective in front of the giant wolf.

So, seeing the human side sending out cavalry, Gert naturally sent out this giant wolf cavalry for restraint.

“Let the Silver Wing Legion go up to support! Stick the orc vanguard to death and wait for the orc to come to support.”

Ron’s performance was beyond Moriel’s expectations. She didn’t expect Ron to directly kill the commander of the opposing orc vanguard army and gain a huge advantage. However, this did not prevent Moriel from making quick adjustments. Take this opportunity to bleed more orcs.


The messenger waved the huge command flag according to the order, and the Silver Wings Army followed the order. Although the Silver Wings Army was not as valued as the Dragon Army, and it was not as old as the Flying Bear Army, its equipment The training level is similar to that of the Kingdom’s regular army. The soldiers are all sons of good families from the North, and most of them have received favors from the Hunter family. In addition to defending the territory, their fighting will is far higher than that of the ordinary Kingdom’s regular army. .

“Does the human commander on the opposite side want a decisive battle?”

Although Gert could not understand Moriel’s intention, he believed that his soldiers had no reason to fear the human army, so he ordered:

“Let the third legion act cheaply when responding. If the human legion comes up, crush them directly.”

“Dong, dong, dong…”

On the battlefield, war drums began to beat, and the sound of the orcs’ big leather drums was so penetrating that the sound of the drums could be heard throughout the battlefield. It was supposed to be a tentative battle, but it turned into a decisive battle.



“It’s the human dragon knight!”


In fact, there is no knight on the golden dragon. It is just that it is high in the air and the orcs cannot see it clearly, so they default to the identity of the opponent’s dragon knight. Anyway, the dragon breath sprayed out is not fake.

The Orc Vanguard Army, which was being attacked by Ron with the Crusaders and the Dragon Army, was even more uncomfortable. With one breath of dragon breath, there were more than a dozen casualties, and the dragon could also open a breakthrough for the Dragon Army with great accuracy. It tore open several holes in the front line that the orc vanguard finally formed.

This is also one of the characteristics of the Dragon Army. Moriel is good at using dragons, and even better at cooperating between dragons and ground troops. After all, the underground world cannot be won by the black dragon and the red dragon alone, but also by relying on a massive foundation. troops for a decisive battle.

Under Moriel’s training, the dragon and the Dragon Army soldiers can form a good coordination. The dragon can always open an opening for the Dragon Army at the most suitable place, and the Dragon Army can quickly follow up without causing accidental injuries. This has some meaning of infantry and artillery coordination.

“Is the dragon out again?”

The Pioneer Battalion suffered heavy casualties, but Gert looked calm. The fact that the other party had a giant dragon was part of the intelligence. Some of the information was relatively easy to obtain in the human world, such as the fact that the Hunter family had a giant dragon. The divine envoy had been sold to the orcs a long time ago, and it was impossible for Gert to be unprepared this time.

Even seeing the giant dragon appear, Gert felt like a stone falling to the ground.

“Dragon Hunting Cannon!”

After Geert shouted, four giant ordnances were pushed out from the orc army. Said to be a cannon, it is actually a type of crossbow. Its principle is similar to that of a crossbow. However, this crossbow looks much larger and bulkier than an ordinary bed crossbow. Just looking at its base alone can hold the strength of eight people. The strong orc warrior knew the weight of this thing when he pushed it. After competing with the human dragon knight for so long, it is naturally impossible for the orcs to have no countermeasures.

The Dragon Hunting Cannon is a weapon specially used by orcs to fight dragon knights. The key parts are made of special materials, and the arrows are also made of precious snowfield cold iron. One arrow is four meters long and made entirely of iron. One winding requires more than a dozen orc warriors to exert force at the same time. The flexibility is extremely low, but the power is enough to pose a threat to the dragon.

The cost of this kind of weapon is too high, and there are not many orcs. Most of them are deployed in the orc capital to prevent human dragon knights from raiding, and some are placed at Dragon Breath Pass. This time Geert was able to produce four of them. , which shows that the orcs attach great importance to this expedition.

Of course it is impossible to transport such a heavy thing all the way. I just brought some key materials and craftsmen and built it temporarily in the past few days.

“Use four together!”

“Make sure to hit with one hit!”


“Crossbow No. 1 is ready!”




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