Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 321: Rewards and Upgrades


“Mission: Greedy Sea Tribe (Completed)”


“Congratulations on gaining 750,000 experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”

Congratulations on learning a new skill-Magic (Elementary)

Magic Basic: Your maximum mana will be increased by 10%, and the effect of the magic you release will be increased by 10%.

“Congratulations on getting the reward creature: Black Dragon”

“The black dragon is the most powerful unit in the dungeon. Its immunity to magic damage makes it a nightmare for all spellcasters.”

“Congratulations on getting the reward treasure: Dragon Scale Armor”

“Dragon scale armor: The wearer and his soldiers’ defense power is increased by 3, and their attack power is increased by 1. It is one of the components of the Dragon King’s divine power. Collecting nine pieces can be combined into the artifact Dragon King’s divine power.”

The harvest from this mission of the Sea Tribe is indeed huge. First of all, the gain in experience allowed Richard to successfully break through to level 20, and also allowed Richard to successfully comprehend a new skill.

The skill of magic power is now also a very practical skill for Richard. Increasing the upper limit of magic power and the effect of magic power can just make up for the shortcomings of Richard’s current insufficient mana. With Richard’s original mental strength Including the equipment bonus, his mana is only over 200. He can only use teleportation twice, and he can move 500 miles at a time. Now that he has the skill of Magic (Elementary), his mana is close to 300, and his movement distance is also less than 200. It has been improved by fifty miles, which is a small supplement.

Needless to say, the black dragon is a rewarded unit. The seventh-level advanced unit in the dungeon is on the same level as the golden dragon. When combined with the golden dragon kingdom and the earth knight, it can suppress the fate of the country.

This dragon scale armor, on the other hand, does not seem to be as effective as the golden armor on Richard. However, this thing is a combination treasure. Counting the dragon eye ring in his hand, the dragon wing robe and Moriel’s body. Red Dragon Sword, Dragon King’s divine power is almost half released. The combined power of the Dragon King is quite terrifying for the soldiers under his command and the improvement of individual strength. It also has a magic immunity effect, which makes Richard a little jealous just thinking about it.

It’s just that Richard now has golden armor. As a single treasure, it is definitely stronger than dragon scale armor. Richard has no plans to replace it for the time being. He can transfer it to Moriel first. It will be a little improved. OK


Outside the Congress Hall, the black dragon was already beginning to show its presence, but Richard was not so enthusiastic about the seventh-level soldiers now. He did not rush out to check, but turned his attention back to himself.

After the level was upgraded to level 20, various attributes have been slightly improved. This attribute is not the focus for the time being. After the upgrade, there are a few more skill points. The always dim Liyang Qi Entrainment (intermediate) skill actually shines. got up.

“Fire Yang Qi Drawing Technique, confirmed”

Richard left the Congress Hall and went to the heights of the Stone Castle to choose to improve the Blazing Sun Qi-Entraining Technique. This Qi-Entraining Technique may have some additional effects under the scorching sun.

After adding points, Richard felt that the fierce Yang Dou Qi originally contained in his body was expanding rapidly, as if it was trying to hold him up, making him feel a stab of pain coming from his body, but this kind of stabbing The pain did not last long, and the swollen fighting energy was quickly compressed and directed to Richard’s limbs, transforming and tempering the meridians throughout Richard’s body, giving Richard a wonderful sense of relief.

The strange feeling of being finally promoted gradually subsided. Richard opened his eyes again and waved his hands. He obviously felt that his strength and reaction had increased a lot, and his perception of the things around him had also improved significantly. In terms of the quality and total amount of Dou Qi and basic physical fitness, Richard’s advancement to the Sky Knight this time is equivalent to the level of the mid-level Sky Knight. It is also a matter of time to get to the high-level Sky level. Compared with others who use ordinary skills to advance, On the sky level of the level, the Blazing Sun Qi Entrainment technique is definitely a technique that even the Lord of the Rising Sun is afraid of.

Now Richard’s panel has changed

Level: 20

Strength: 42.2

Physique: 41.5

Agility: 40.1

Spirit: 20.5

Talent: Dominance

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster – cannot be upgraded), Burning Sun Air Entrainment Technique (intermediate level), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Elementary), Magic Power (Elementary).

The panel has been qualitatively improved compared to before. In addition to mental strength, all of Richard’s attributes have exceeded the 40-point mark. With Richard’s current strength, let alone wrestling with a giant dragon, Li Cha’s When Cha found an opportunity, he could press the dragon to the ground and rub it. The improvement of agility and physical fitness also allows Richard to not only bully others with strength in battle, but also maintain a faster speed and strong resistance. He is a fully developed monster.

Right now, Richard has no other ideas. He just wants to find the golden dragon as soon as possible, pick it out, press the opponent to the ground, defeat him, and then start the construction of Longya in the forest city.

After reaching the sky level, Richard tried to fly back to the Stone Castle alone and felt the ability to fly. After not getting used to it for the first minute, Richard quickly mastered the trick of flying in the air. This level Strong people also have a high sense of airflow, and it does not require long-term training to become proficient in flying. However, flying does consume a lot of fighting spirit. That is, Richard’s fighting spirit is much higher than that of the Sky Knights of the same level, that is, It can only fly for more than ten minutes, which is fine for short-term combat, but it is impossible to use it to rush on the road. Fortunately, Richard has many ways to rush, and he can fly by himself.

It was still a while before the last product refresh, and the tavern could not recruit new heroes, but this did not hinder Richard’s love of learning. After becoming familiar with the power of the sky level, Richard went straight into the magic guild, preparing to record A new magic, the magic guild has been upgraded to level four. The entire hall is much more grand than before, and there is an extra staircase going up. Richard is not going to waste time now, so he directly opens the magic book and records what he thinks. A more practical water magic – prayer.

Prayer (water level 4 magic): Used on friendly units to increase the friendly units’ attack power and defense power by 5 points.

Consumption: Each unit consumes 5 mana points.

Duration: two hours

Cooling time: one day

The combat effectiveness increased by prayer is quite considerable, better than the bonus effect of a high-level treasure. Each unit consumes five mana points. With Richard’s current mana value, it can be given to more than 60 system units at a time. Applying the prayer effect will ensure that at least high-level troops above level six can benefit.

The two-hour duration is basically enough to sustain a key battle. It can be used once a day, and the frequency is good. It is definitely a very practical auxiliary skill.

After completing the mission and promotion in Stone Castle, Richard started teleportation again and returned to Ironwood Castle with the black dragon, red dragon and finally Hydra. There could be no further delay. After arriving in the North, Richard found that the atmosphere was not right. Apparently the orcs should have arrived.

It’s not that Richard doubts Moriel’s ability. The system army plus the ordinary army of 50,000 to 60,000 will have no problem dealing with an orc army in Moriel’s hands. What he is afraid of is that Moriel moves too fast. Richard, who had not had enough experience and had just experienced the joy of upgrading, was now most eager to upgrade.

Ironwood Castle

Richard’s return once again caused a commotion. After all, no one could turn a blind eye to the sudden appearance of two giant dragons and an ultimate hydra on the school grounds.

“Master Richard is back!”

“Master Richard is back!”

The guards who were still vigilant at first finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Richard. At least these giant beasts were their own, and there was no need for them to go up and fight.

“Lord Richard!”

Richard walked all the way from the school grounds to the castle, preparing to understand the situation first. The guards and waiters on both sides saluted respectfully. In addition to the guards and patrols, there were several crusaders and senior officers at several checkpoints in the castle. Monks guarded the castle, and Moriel even left four champion knights in Ironwood Castle. The defense force of Ironwood Castle was getting stronger and stronger.

“Lord Richard.”


Richard was a little surprised when the noble Archangel Mills appeared in the castle. Didn’t Moriel bring such an important combat power with him?

“Why are you here?”

“Lord Moriel asked me to protect the people in Ironwood Castle and ensure the safety of your wife and family in case of emergencies.”

Moriel is too confident. Such an important combat force is left in the castle. Perhaps it is not because of Moriel’s confidence. It is also because Richard left more capital for Moriel. Even if he left it in Ironwood City, There are a lot of defensive forces, and now there are also a lot of high-end combat forces around Moriel.

A golden dragon, a frost giant and an outstanding swordsman. In addition to the champion knights staying in Ironwood Castle, there are also more than a dozen who are following Moriel. The unicorn holy beast on Xiel’s side can also be directly It is normal for those who have been mobilized to have spare capacity to take care of the safety of Ironwood Fort.

“Where is my father?”

“Lord Sauter is patrolling the city defense with his people.”

Although Sauter is unqualified in internal affairs, as a mid-level officer, he is absolutely excellent. With him here, Ironwood City’s defense will not cause any problems. Although Moriel’s side is very likely to give the orcs no chance to get close to Ironwood City.

“Mrs. Kaylin and Princess Messiah should be in the attic.”


Richard nodded and prepared to go up and take a look. After arriving in the North, his time with Messiah was limited. Now that he has arrived at Ironwood Castle, he will not miss those few minutes.


Compared to others, Messiah does not have any honorific title, but she sounds very kind to Richard.

After hugging each other for a while, Richard pushed Messiah away.

“Honey, are you leaving again?”

“Well, the orcs are coming.”

Messiah pursed her lips, looking like she was hesitating to speak, but finally asked.

“Richard, did you use magic just now?”


“It was when you just came back and suddenly appeared on the school grounds.”

Messiah happened to be in the attic to see the scene where Richard appeared at the school with the giant dragon and the ultimate hydra. With Messiah’s knowledge, she naturally thought of magic first.

Richard nodded, there was nothing to hide.

“Can you teach me? I think I can help you in the future.”

After Messiah arrived in the North, she always felt like an idler. Although most noble ladies in this era were idlers, and most lords also wanted their wives to be idlers, Messiah could feel that Richard was not Likewise, she herself hopes to help Richard more.

It’s just that the path of knighthood was unavailable with Messiah’s qualifications. When she saw Richard using magic, she discovered another path.


Richard originally wanted to refuse. His magic came from the magic guild. Messiah was not a system hero at all and she would definitely not be able to learn it. But when the words came to his lips, Richard suddenly thought of something.

It seems that because of the statue of Liz, the water element is gradually returning. The group of priests of the Sea Tribe can already release some innate spells. Maybe they should find something to do for Gandalf’s master and apprentice who are freeloading in the Demon Suppression Castle?

“Okay, I will find a teacher for you to come over and give it a try in a while.”


Messiah nodded, at least she had a goal, and her whole body became energetic.

“Okay, just stay in the castle and don’t go out, wait for me to come back.”

“Okay, please be safe on the battlefield…”

Richard said no more and turned around to walk to the school grounds. Fortunately, the two of them were already married. Otherwise, if Messiah had said something like “waiting for you to come back to get married,” Richard would have felt a little bit in his heart.


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