Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 320: Return


On the dragon boat

Richard was saying goodbye to everyone in Pare. After Natalie took five thousand elites to settle in the port city, Richard and Pare set out on their way back. Pare will continue to arrange the follow-up work. The families of these soldiers, as well as some refugees who lost their homes in the war, will be transported to the port city by the fleet and become new residents. The entire port city should be able to accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 people, and with the size of the Haizu Bengchang island, In fact, it is not a big problem to accommodate hundreds of thousands more people, but in order not to irritate the Hai people for the time being, the planned immigrants will not exceed 20,000 people.

“Brother-in-law, be careful all the way. Leave the affairs of Port City to me.”

“I will handle the affairs of Port City for your lord.”

In addition to Parley, the speaker was also Paul, who had recently joined Richard’s command. This hero who was good at maritime combat and had certain coordination and management abilities was indeed a rare talent. In the Kingdom’s navy, which was not taken seriously, The position in the Central Committee is indeed overqualified, and it is foreseeable that the importance of the Kingdom’s Navy will continue to decline. Judging from the current situation, except for Pare, the Kingdom’s officials may not invest a penny in the Navy. .

Under Richard’s persuasion and inducement, Paul quickly made a choice. On one side was the Marquis, who was currently at the peak of power in the kingdom, and on the other side was the fleet that was getting less and less attention. As long as he still had some ambitions It’s not difficult to make a choice.

Richard will not take Paul with him on his return trip. He will assist Natalie in managing the port city here, and will also have the task of preparing a fleet for Richard. He is half responsible for the peace of the ocean. Richard also wanted to take a bite of this bowl of soup.

For the far north, the current port city is nothing more than an enclave. He can only feel relieved if he has to keep Natalie’s combat power. With her here, she can effectively intimidate The Sea Clan can also make some southern nobles calm down their wariness towards the port city, including Pare, who is also within this frightening range.

As for whether it was worth holding down such an important combat power as Natalie for an enclave, after Richard thought about it carefully, he thought it was worth it.

A port city is an existence that cannot be lost. From a distance, it will be Richard’s tentacle in the south in the future, even like the elves in the past, it will serve as the foundation for controlling the sea clan.

Looking at the current situation, under the current cooperation with Parley, Richard can make tens of thousands of kinaurs every month, but this is obviously not enough. Compared with the economic and maritime trade income of the entire south, that Paying money is like drinking a sip of soup at most. Now that Richard has been here, how can he be satisfied with a simple sip of soup? In the pyramid of the kingdom, he is the top carnivore.

With this contribution to the expedition to the Sea Tribe, in addition to receiving the reward of 200,000 gold nuggets promised by Pare, Richard also tore a bite of the trade benefits from the mouths of this group of southern dignitaries. The share was divided among Richard, and someone had to keep an eye on this part of the interest.

The current arrangement is also temporary. Natalie’s force is an absolute deterrent, but Natalie’s management ability can only be said to be average, at a normal level. Paul is better than her, and there will be more from Tie in the future. Mucheng’s mid-level affairs officers came to the south one after another to help Natalie manage the port city and trade.

Richard waved to the people on the dragon boat, and then set off on the red dragon. The Ultimate Hydra hung in the sea and left with Richard. After more than ten days of recuperation, the Ultimate Hydra recovered When he came over, even the heads that were bitten off by the giant whale in the deep sea grew back, which made Richard sigh in admiration of its powerful vitality.

The dragon boat and several warships are still some distance away from the mainland, but Richard can no longer wait to slowly sail back. The days away from the North have been long enough, and he feels a little uneasy. Before doing a good job, After making arrangements, he set off alone. After leaving the sight of the dragon boat, he used teleportation and started the high-speed driving mode.


The clouds of war once again shrouded Ironwood City, and traces of orcs once again appeared on the edge of Ironwood Forest.

The elves in Forest City discovered the vanguard of the orcs in Ironwood City. This time, the orcs did not rush to attack. Instead, they built a huge advance base in Ironwood Forest. It is impossible for more than 50,000 orcs to rush in all at once. come out. They cut down trees, built camps, and opened roads in the forest, as if they were preparing for a long-term war.

“General Geert, the scouts over there found signs of human military activity on the edge of the Ironwood Forest”

After a long and arduous march, the orcs finally crossed the snowfield and entered the ironwood forest. However, even with the help of the snow giant and the **** Adelillo, the non-combat attrition was still very serious. Nearly five thousand orc warriors remained forever. On the snowy field, nearly one-tenth of the non-combat personnel were reduced. Even though the orc commander was mentally prepared, he still couldn’t help but feel pain.

But Geert couldn’t care less about feeling distressed at this moment. The troops had rested for two days and established a basic camp, and now it was time to move.

“Give me the order to have the vanguard battalion take the lead first. If the humans they face are not strong, destroy them. If there are too many humans, let them hold on where they are.”

The Pioneer Battalion is an elite unit of the orcs. Although there are only 5,000 in number, they are all veterans who have fought **** battles at Dragon Breathing Pass and have performed well.

“The Second Legion, circle along the southeast direction, try to bypass the human army on the front, and launch an attack from the human side and rear flank. Our side will delay the human army.”

“The Third Army, as a reserve army, is ready to support the Pioneer Battalion at any time.”

“Yes, General!”

The orcs are extremely confident when facing the human army in the field. Even though Gelt received the reconnaissance information that the human army had nearly 60,000 people, he still pushed the 5,000 vanguard battalion to the front. He did not want to To fight a simple defeat, since humans dared to leave the city to fight, he didn’t want to put anyone back. He tried to fight a down-to-earth battle of annihilation.

“Lord Moriel, the orc army has moved.”


At this time, Moriel was leading two ordinary legions, the Silver Wing Legion and the Dragon Army, and almost half of Richard’s system troops to confront the orcs.

Let’s not talk about the power of the system army. In terms of the number of strong men, the knight-level and above strong men possessed by the system army can completely crush the opposing orcs. The ordinary indigenous legions have also undergone considerable changes.

The most obvious thing is the change in equipment. In the past, Richard considered financial issues. The Hunter family had limited financial resources and needed to consider the cost-effectiveness of the equipment. However, as the Hunter family gradually became richer, the military equipment Updates are also coming in at a steady pace.

Originally, the standard configuration of the Hunter family’s army was a cloth-faced armor plus group armor, an iron-bone animal skin helmet, a standard scimitar and their respective main weapons.

Now starting from Long Army, the configuration of turtle back armor and heart armor has been added to the original basis. It is basically a double armor. The protective ability is greatly enhanced. The inner lining is made of some satin and soft leather. Used to mitigate impact injuries from certain blunt objects.

The helmet was replaced with an animal skin lining, with an all-metal exterior structure, and a neck-protecting shawl and chain mail. The overall protection in one set was greatly improved than before, but it made the already comfortable finances tight again. No, Iger lost a lot of hair because of this.

Weapons have also been updated a lot. The scimitar has been replaced by a more practical armor-piercing hammer. This weapon with a cone in the front and a hammer in the back is more suitable for dealing with heavy armored units such as orcs. The tip of the spear has also become Even sharper, with a posture that is about to break through armor.



“You go up with the First Flag Regiment and Second Flag Regiment of the Crusaders and Dragon Army to kill their prestige.”


Although Ron is also a hero, he is not on the same level as Moriel in terms of strength and ability. He is totally convinced by Moriel to command him. At least in terms of skill bonus, he is better than Moriel. A big difference.

Soon, Ron led more than a hundred Crusaders and 10,000 Dragon Army to greet them…

At this time, Richard had just arrived in the Northland. He rushed to the Congress Hall of Stone Castle as quickly as possible…


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