Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 32: Pillar Stone of the Kingdom


Saul Charman is the younger brother of the late king of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, and the leader of the five major dragon knights in the kingdom. With the cultivation of an earth knight, he has basically stood at the pinnacle of the human race,

With the cooperation of an adult golden dragon, it is difficult to find an opponent in the entire continent. It can be said to be the pillar of the golden dragon kingdom.

However, Sol, who was originally calm and full of energy, rarely showed a sad face.

As the leader of the delegation to negotiate the next round of contract signing with the Golden Dragon Clan, Thor has not completed his task. At this time, he is anxiously rushing to the palace to report to the king in detail the attitude of the Golden Dragon Clan this time.

After entering the palace from the palace gate and walking all the way to the palace gate where the king was, none of the guards had any intention of stopping Thor. Instead, they all saluted him with respect. The Dragon Knight’s superhuman status in the kingdom was reflected. incisively and vividly.


As soon as Thor entered the inner hall, he saw His Majesty Ren, who had the same sad face, sitting on a chair and thinking about something.

“Uncle King Sol.”

Seeing Thor’s arrival, Ren, who had just shown his majesty as a king in the court, completely lost the so-called majesty of a king in front of Thor.

Seeing that Sol was still planning to salute, Ren hurriedly came down from the high platform and supported Sol with both hands.

Saul also stood up. The so-called salute was actually just a gesture. Renn really couldn’t bear the bow from Uncle Wang.

“Uncle King Sol, what does the Golden Dragon clan mean? Are they not going to abide by the original agreement?”

Ren didn’t care to chat with Uncle Wang any more and quickly got to the point.

“The original agreement was that our clan would send young talents to Jinlongya. If there were members of the Jinlong clan who liked some of them, they would form a fifty-year equal contract with them.

This time, no one was selected by the Dragon Clan. Since they all looked down upon them, the Dragon Clan naturally did not break the contract. ”

“Are there even no green dragons left?”

Ren still asked again without giving up.

Saul shook his head silently.

“Hey, is there any remedy?”

In fact, no one is stupid. The young people Saul brought this time are all outstanding figures in the Royal Knights Academy. The weakest are masters of the peak knight level, and there are even a few geniuses of the great knight level.

The Royal Knights Academy is a knight training academy directly affiliated with the royal family. In order to ensure their loyalty, in addition to members of the Charman family, the only people who can be trained in the Knights Academy are talented children selected from civilian families.

This time, the best talents in the Royal Knights Academy, even those who graduated in the past few years, were taken by Thor to Jinlongya to be selected by the Dragon Clan. Even if the quality is not as good as that of the previous fifty years, it will not be worse. I can’t even bring back a green dragon.

The so-called no one is interested is just a lame reason for the Golden Dragon clan to terminate the agreement.

Faced with the Dragon Clan’s breach of contract, the human race actually had no good solution, except for the time of Charlemagne I, the founding monarch of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

In the following hundreds of years, the relationship between the human race and the Golden Dragon clan was not equal. The so-called Dragon River, Dragon Breathing Pass, Golden Dragon City, and even the Golden Dragon Kingdom were all unilateral actions of the human race to lick the dog. That’s all, the current situation seems to make the Golden Dragon clan a little tired of being licked.

Facing Ren’s question, Thor didn’t know how to answer. If he had his way, he wouldn’t have returned from Jinlongya with nothing.

“I’ll ask Asuo to bring some gold and silver treasures to Long Ya to try his best.”

Asuo is an adult golden dragon and Thor’s contractual partner. After fifty years of fighting side by side, there is always a bit of friendship left.

“The palace’s treasure trove, Uncle Thor can access anything if he needs it.”

Saul nodded solemnly. In fact, neither Ren nor Saul had much hope, but in this situation, they could only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

“Your Majesty, the kingdom must prepare early.”

Thor hesitated for a moment before speaking.

“I understand that when Uncle Saul returns, he will strictly instruct the insiders that the failure of this negotiation must not be leaked.”

Saul nodded. He knew very well the seriousness of this matter. Without the support of the Golden Dragon clan, the legitimacy of the royal family’s status would even be affected.

What’s more serious is that without the deterrence of the Golden Dragon clan, the orc kingdom, which is already ready to take action, may no longer be able to restrain its desire for revenge. The human race, which has been comfortable for hundreds of years, may face the disaster of extinction.

“With my ministers here, even without the support of the Golden Dragon clan, the glory of the Charman family will not fade at all.”

Even without the dragon, the peak strength of the Earth Knight of Sol is definitely the top power of mankind.

In fact, Renn is not worried about internal rebellion. The method of selecting the heirs of the Charman family ensures that every monarch of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is not a mediocre person. The royal family is powerful and always has a high degree of control over the country. .

What Ren is more worried about is the original owners of the central Great Plains. Those orcs who were driven to the eastern plateau by Charman I and the Golden Dragon Clan are the real threat.

“There is still one year left, so we have to prepare for the worst.”

The contract of this generation will expire in one year. If no new dragons join by then, the Golden Dragon Kingdom will not have a single dragon knight, and the name Golden Dragon Kingdom will look a bit embarrassing.

“Yes, Your Majesty, I will make my last effort.”

“If the orcs attack…”

“If the orcs attack, I will shed my last drop of blood for the kingdom.”

After that, Saul excused himself and turned around to leave.



Ren, who stood in the palace and watched Sol gradually leave, sighed heavily.

Although Thor is strong, when the orcs invade in large numbers, one earth knight can defeat a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand.

The humans have generally lived a comfortable life in recent years, but they still have constant friction with the orcs. Naturally, Renn has a certain understanding of the orcs’ combat power.

Because the eastern plateau is too barren, although the area is relatively large, there is not much arable land and grassland for grazing. The population of the entire orc kingdom is less than one-third of humans.

However, the natural physical advantages make every adult orc have the strength of a human quasi-knight. If it were not for the support of the golden dragon clan, the human race would not be able to defeat the orcs.

Now that the Golden Dragon clan no longer fulfills its contract, the orcs will definitely invade in large numbers when they react. Now they can only hide it for a day…

In the past few years since becoming king, Renn no longer has the surprise of being lucky enough to get the throne. As a king, he has too many things to worry about. Sitting in this position, the pressure is like a mountain on his back.

Sometimes Ren even envies his Uncle Saul, who lives a life without so many worries and just acts as a royal sword to wipe out all enemies.


As night falls, the lights in Jinlong City are brightly lit. There is no curfew in Jinlong City, and people are still coming and going on the streets.

Every tavern is full of guests. If you look carefully, you can even find dwarves from the south drinking in the tavern.

The smiling Oriole boldly solicits customers on the road.

The upper class sat in the large opera house and listened to the newly composed music.

It is such a prosperous and prosperous scene, but only a few knowledgeable people can detect the crisis hidden under the lights…


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