Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 316: Arrival


“Your Majesty the Sea King, the warriors are ready and ready to attack at any time.”

Wearing a crown and holding a trident, which symbolizes the power of the Sea Tribe, the Sea King is observing the seemingly huge human fleet.

This fleet looks a bit weird. Almost all of them have their white sails folded up, and some of them are connected to each other to form a whole. They don’t look like a fleet at all. Instead, they use ships to form a floating harbor.

“Your Majesty, according to the scout report, the human dragon knight has left the fleet and flown towards the clam field.”

“This distance shouldn’t be a distance that a human dragon knight can reach, right?”

After all these years of dealing with each other, the Sea Clan didn’t know anything about human dragon knights, so naturally they were a little confused about Richard leaving so early. Although the dragon is powerful, it is not tireless. There is no place to rest on the sea. No matter how strong the dragon is, its endurance is not infinite. There is always a limit of flight distance. Now the distance between the human fleet and the clam field is obviously far beyond Most people know the limit of dragon flight.

“Maybe they’re bluffing?”

“Then what does it mean that they are adopting a defensive stance now?”

“Perhaps it is to cooperate with the Dragon Knight to confuse us and make us compromise first?”

“Your Majesty, I think we should ignore human bluff and attack immediately.”

“Let’s attack!”

After the King of the Sea gave the order, several messengers took out the conch and blew it, causing a strange ripple in the sea water that could be picked up by other sea tribes. Although Neptune was still a little uneasy at this time, he was now at the point where he had no choice but to fire the arrow. There was no way he would be frightened just because the Dragon Knight flew around.

Sometimes having abilities that are different from ordinary people has advantages and disadvantages. Richard and the army he led had extra mobility. This was originally a good thing, but because the Sea Clan didn’t understand it, they thought it was human. One side is bluffing.

This time it was hard for Parley who stayed behind. Under the order of the Sea King, hundreds of thousands of sea people launched a fierce attack in batches towards the fleet that was stuck in place, and because the commander this time was the Sea King. A line of bloodline warriors whose commanding abilities are far superior to those of the previous priests, and the Sea Clan has exerted even greater strength.

“Archer! Archer!”

“Get ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

Many of the ships had archers stationed at high altitudes. They raised their heads and caused considerable casualties to the attacking sea tribe.

“Spread out! Spread out!”


It’s a pity that they are no longer as safe as before. With the help of priests, the Sea Tribe has the ability to counter human archers. After several rounds of arrow rain, some archers on the high platform were attacked by the Sea Tribe priests. blow.

When a Water Dragon Technique came down, the commander had no other better choice but to order the soldiers to disperse in advance to reduce casualties.

Because of the participation of the priests, this battle was more difficult than the previous battles with the Sea Tribe. Fortunately, the human side still had Natalie’s bug-level combat power. She looked like she was walking in the courtyard, but She was the one who caused the most casualties to the Sea Clan. Where she stood, she was surrounded by the corpses of the Sea Clan.

The situation of the dragon boat with Natalis in it was not bad. After all, a top master is still very useful in this world. Some of the sea tribes who participated in the siege were killed by Natalis and were a little scared. But the situation of other ships was quite bad. Pare still underestimated the integrated sea tribe. Before, it was a group of priests who didn’t know much about commanding the army. Now the priests have become members who cooperate with the army, and their combat effectiveness is higher than before. Significant improvement.

After several rounds of attacks, in addition to the dragon boat and a few large ships around it, many battlefields on the periphery have fallen into hard battles, and some warships have been directly captured by the Hai clan. If this attitude continues, when Richard arrives at the clam farm, the fleet here may really be slaughtered.

“My people! Obey my orders!”

During the crisis, Natalie held up the Cold Moon Knife and used her second talent skill – summoning the Night Angel.

Soon two night angels, who were dressed exactly like Natalie and had black wings on their backs, appeared on the dragon boat.

“No, no way.”

As the commander of the fleet, Pare also noticed that two people who were related to Natalis appeared on the dragon boat. He couldn’t believe that a combat power like Natalis could be created out of thin air. Two appear.

Whether Pare was surprised or not, and he didn’t care whether he would be noticed by someone who was interested, the two night angels immediately went into battle after being summoned by Natalie. Their existence time was limited, and they had to fight for every second. time.


The addition of the two new Night Angels had the faint intention of turning the tide of the battle. After all, they had the combat power of two entire Sky Intermediate Levels. The Sea Tribe was almost driven off the dragon boat without preparation. Under the strict orders of the officers and with the continuous reinforcements, they barely managed to stand firm.

With two more sky-level experts joining the battle, the morale of the human side was greatly boosted, the situation was stabilized again, and the battle fell into a certain balance. This kind of battle involving 100,000 people, when one party is determined to hold on, resolving the battle is really not a matter of time.

The sea breeze blows

The bright sunshine shines on the white and vast beach. The sea water rises and recedes, and the coconut trees sway in the wind. The scenery here might have become another overcrowded attraction in Richard’s previous life, but now it is not. There is only one person here, the Sea Clan.

The southern clam farm of the Hai Clan is one of the three largest clam farms of the Hai Clan. It supplies millions of fresh blood to the Hai Clan every year. The Hai Clan is a magical race. Although they live in the sea for a long time, But he was born on land and has very strict environmental requirements. Growing up in a huge shell, and finally breaking out of the shell, the clam field is the special environment chosen by the sea tribe. Every year, a large number of sea tribes are born here, slowly adapting to the sea water from land, and finally completely adapt to the environment in the sea water when they reach adulthood. Life, leave the land and return to the sea.

As the most important place of the Sea Clan, Bengchang is always heavily guarded. Not only are there patrol guards patrolling the thousands of square kilometers of islands despite their discomfort, there are probably tens of thousands of Sea Clan soldiers on guard in the nearby waters. In addition, this island is isolated and far away from the mainland, so normally it should be quite safe.

But today, an uninvited guest spiraled down from the sky and detonated the entire beach.

The low sound of conch shells sounded intensively, and each sea warrior floated from the sea towards the land, with only one goal, and that was the red dragon that landed in the center of the clam field, and the humans on it.

At this time, Richard was paying attention but did not seem to be focused on the menacing sea tribe. Instead, he froze on the spot for a long time, with a look of thinking on his face. Richard had seen big scenes and naturally he would not be distracted by these. The sea clan with anti-air ability will be intimidated.

But after he landed on the red dragon, he actually received a prompt from the system.

“Ancient port ruins discovered.”

“If you meet the conditions for placing a port city, please ask whether you want to place a port city.”

This place is also amazing…


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