Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 315: Untitled


“Your Majesty.”

Sea King sat on the throne, with the patrol guards and bloodline warriors standing solemnly on both sides. The five high-ranking priests and other high-ranking members of the sea clan saluted the Sea King in a very orderly manner, even more respectfully than before the rise of the high priest.

Neptune’s methods are actually far superior to those of the high priest. The reason why the high priest suppressed him was simply because the high priest’s strength expanded too fast, causing Neptune to be unable to react in a short period of time.

After the death of the high priest, it is even more impossible for the priests of this series to play Neptune. To say that the strength of these five high-ranking priests is barely equivalent to the masters of the Earth Knight level, just because their magic is not systematic. , has obvious weaknesses, and can only be regarded as the weakest level in the earth level.

But as long as they unite together, they will definitely be a force that cannot be ignored. At least it is not something that Neptune can control at will, but Neptune can eliminate this possible confrontation invisible with a simple differentiation.

The authority of the high priest was divided into three, and they restrained each other. There was no longer the possibility of challenging the Sea King, eliminating the hidden dangers of the dual leadership system. The other two suppressed first and then attracted each other. Over time, they could completely win over the king’s party. It’s not impossible. What’s even better is that the resources used to win over the five high-level priests were all captured by the high priest with the deep-sea giant whale and his own group of people in the early stage. After the death of the high priest, the entire Sea Tribe became even more powerful. Concentrated in the hands of Neptune.

As for Sandro, who killed the high priest, he was hidden by the King of the Sea in the name of punishment. Not that no one had doubted some of the ulterior truths, but with the use of temptation and coercion by the King of the Sea, he could only keep it secret. Silence, after all, the Sea King is orthodox, and the high priest has been giving orders, which is a transgression. Now he is just returning to normal. And some diehards who can’t see clearly the form will soon disappear without a trace.

In a few days, Neptune has basically completed the reshuffling and integration of the integrated forces of the Sea Tribe. He may still have some tricks left, but the impact is not big. There is no one in the entire Sea Tribe who can challenge the majesty of the Sea King. Now When people are gathered together, they are prepared to consider human affairs.

In fact, for Neptune, he is unwilling to fight such a meaningless land war with humans. Although the relationship between the sea clan and humans is not harmonious, there is nothing irreconcilable or contradictory. Everyone’s hostility is just It’s just the natural vigilance of intelligent creatures living in two different environments.

Originally maintaining relative peace with humans, collecting some tolls, and occasionally attacking human merchant ships to clean things up, the benefits obtained are better than direct war. The benefits obtained from war with humans on land are far inferior. When they were getting along normally before, the high priest had other plans, but he didn’t need to rely on such things to gain prestige.

It is not an unacceptable thing for him to come back to the negotiation table. As the top leader of the Sea Clan, Sea King is very realistic. He has no hatred towards human beings and considers more interests. . So from his heart, he is ready to negotiate with humans, but the war has already reached this point. If he takes the initiative to negotiate, he may not be able to negotiate a good price. He needs to negotiate with humans as a winner.

“The human fleet is still heading towards the southern clam farm. We must stop them no matter what.”

“Sandro, tell me about the situation.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Now Sandro is placed beside Neptune and all power has been taken away, but as the commander of the previous battle, Neptune still needs him to talk about the situation of the human army.

Others below, especially those who still had doubts about the death of the high priest, felt a little uncomfortable when they saw Sandro coming out, but no one dared to mention it at the moment and could only wait for Sandro Finish talking about the situation.

“The strength of the human army is much stronger than before. In addition to the giant dragon, they also control a terrifying sea beast, and there is even a strong man who can kill the giant deep-sea whale in the water.”

When Sandro said this, even Aquaman, who had just regained his power, had a slightly unnatural expression. He wanted to say how terrifying the sea beast was, and Aquaman didn’t have any intuitive comparison. However, what Sandro said was straightforward. It would be a bit scary to kill a strong man who killed the giant whale in the deep sea. The fear of the giant whale in the deep sea is engraved in the heart of every sea tribe. At this moment, the Sea King even had the idea of ​​​​negotiating directly with humans.

“However, we are still confident of defeating humans.”

Speaking of this, Sandro paused for a moment. No matter what his status is now, after all, he has personally directed the war with humans and is one of the people with the most say. The attention of others was also attracted. Come over.

“Human beings are different from deep-sea giant whales. We have no way to use our numerical advantage to kill a vicious ocean beast like a deep-sea giant whale. When a deep-sea giant whale feels threatened, it will run, and no one in the sea can stop it.

But the human race is different. Ships are the only support for human beings on this sea. Without ships, strong human beings will have no place to stand. As long as we don’t remember the losses, we will definitely defeat human beings. ”

The translation of Sandro’s words is that as long as there is enough cannon fodder, sooner or later the cannon fodder can be used to pile up those terrifying human strongmen. The Sky Knight can defeat ten thousand people or even one hundred thousand people. The Sea Tribe can’t defeat them. There is already overpopulation, and even if a million troops are lost, Neptune will not feel any physical pain.

“How many troops do we have now?”

“There are 600,000 ordinary warriors, 100,000 patrol guards, and less than 100 bloodline warriors. After a while, we should be able to recruit more warriors.”

Although the combat effectiveness of the Hai Clan army is somewhat poor, their huge numbers can completely make up for their lack of quality, and their consumption has also consumed mankind.

“Let’s go, there is no need to wait for the follow-up army, the three priests will accompany them together, and they will launch the attack at night.”

As for the purpose of human beings, as long as you are not stupid, you can guess a little bit. The opponent’s goal is very clear, which is to take the sea clan’s clam field. Human beings obviously have dragon knights. If they don’t block the human fleet, wait until the dragon knights arrive. At a close enough distance, the passive ones are the Sea Clan.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Several high-ranking priests quickly entered the role. Anyway, it is not difficult for the Sea Clan to switch their allegiance to the Sea King.

The dispatch of hundreds of thousands of sea tribes caused the surrounding fish schools to shun. Seeing hundreds of thousands of troops from the sea is definitely more shocking than the actions of hundreds of thousands of troops on land. It must make the scalp of those who are intensively afraid go numb. scene.

On the dragon boat, Richard rode on the back of the red dragon and prepared to set off. Because of a misjudgment of Richard’s ability to travel, the Hai tribe thought they could stop them in time.

“Brother-in-law, my life is entrusted to your hands.”

“Don’t worry.”

Richard said this with a relaxed look. Although Parley could still trust Richard, after all, he was risking his own life, so he couldn’t help but feel a little worried. This distance was better than before. They understood the extreme movement of the Dragon Knight. The distance is much further.

“But you guys have to hold on for at least one day”

Richard is not worried about himself. He is just on his way anyway. As soon as he shows up in Bengchang and the Sea Clan has passed on the message, the battle will naturally end. He is afraid that even the Sea Clan will not know that he is good at traveling and think he is He bluffed and continued to attack the fleet. Before he reached the clam field, the fleet was completely wiped out. Even if he destroyed the Hai Clan’s clam field out of revenge, it would still be a lose-lose situation.

“It’s okay, we can still hold on for a day!”

Pare nodded fiercely. Although he cherished his life, he was still willing to risk his life. He had ordered the fleet to move closer, stop moving forward, and concentrated supplies and troops on some ships to defend, just waiting for the good news from Richard.

“Natalis, if things are in crisis, try your best to take Parley away. If that doesn’t work, ensure your own safety first.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard warned Natalis alone that there was no danger at all for him to go to the clam farm. The sea tribe could not threaten the dragon. There was no need to bring Natalis with him as an important combat force, so he should keep her. Ensure the safety of the fleet and guard the way back.

(There will be another chapter later)


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