Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 313: Death Judgment



The giant whale in the deep sea quickly made a judgment. The dying Ultimate Hydra had no ability to attack. What really made it aware of the danger was the sudden appearance of the human being.

After letting go of the Ultimate Hydra, the giant deep-sea whale pounced on Natalis. The surrounding sea people were pushed away by the powerful current, but in the face of such a behemoth, Natalis did not dodge. Instead, he raised the cold moon in his hand and chanted something.

There was a faint black air flashing on the Lengyue knife. However, this black light was not obvious in the sea, but the deep-sea giant whale that was selected as the target felt a fear from the heart. It was as if the blood all over his body was about to stop flowing.

“What’s going on?”

“General Sandro, send patrol guards up quickly to help!”

Others cannot understand the fear of the deep-sea whale, but the high priest can clearly understand the fear of the deep-sea whale because he is soul-bound to the deep-sea whale. This fear makes the high priest stand in front of his men. He couldn’t hold himself tight, his legs were shaking slightly, and he couldn’t even speak clearly. It seemed as if there was a knife hanging over his head that would fall and take his life at any time.

“Death Judgment!”

After all, the sea warriors did not have time to support the deep-sea whale. The release time of the death trial was actually very short, so short that the deep-sea whale did not have time to pounce on Natalies who raised her sword.

When the Death Judgment was released, an obvious black energy overflowed along Natalie’s Lengyue Knife, and then turned into a black line and surrounded the target of the Lengyue Knife – the giant deep-sea whale.

The giant deep-sea whales that have lived for hundreds of years have never experienced such a feeling. As the top predators in the sea, they have almost no natural enemies. The only thing that limits their numbers is themselves, with extremely low fertility rates. And the extremely high mortality rate has always limited the number of deep-sea giant whales, and adult deep-sea giant whales never know what danger is in the sea.

It cannot understand this mysterious and mysterious rule, but it does not hinder its biological instinct. The crisis of death is approaching, and a withered zone like a mummy appears on the huge body, and the withered flesh and blood range is gradually spreading.

The instant death effect of the death trial has been triggered, and the life of the deep-sea whale is passing quickly~

“嘘,嘤…” The giant deep-sea whale screamed in despair. It was unable to stop the passage of life, as if its remaining thousand years were suddenly accelerated into ten seconds.


The giant deep-sea whale used its last strength to roar towards Natalie and then completely lost its power. Its entire body turned into decay, just like an old and dying giant whale finally breathed its last breath.

After the death trial takes effect, the target object is completely trapped in an irreversible high-speed life flow. Except for divine creatures with almost endless lives, no matter whether you are a deep sea overlord or an ancient dragon, you will be turned into a pile of decay in a very short time. corpse.

“Looks like I’m pretty lucky.”

Natalis slowly put down the Lengyue Knife in her hand and muttered to herself.

The success rate of the judgment of death is only 30%. With the addition of Leng Yue Dao, this probability has reached about 50%. With a 50/50 chance, it killed the most troublesome side of the Hai clan in one fell swoop. The combat power can indeed be said to be good luck.

Natalis had already made two plans. If the death trial failed, she would have no choice but to leave first. The strength of the deep-sea giant whale exceeded her expectations. Fighting with the deep-sea giant whale in the sea, let alone saving Returning to Ultimate Hydra, she might be able to explain it herself. Fortunately, the skill was activated successfully, and she completed the task assigned by Richard perfectly.

“How about it, can you still move?”

Natalis came to the Ultimate Hydra and asked the other party with some disgust. Although the Ultimate Hydra cannot speak like a dragon with inheritance, it is not low in intelligence as an advanced creature. Basically understanding the meaning of Natalie’s words, the rest of the heads nodded in unison, meaning that they could still move.

The appearance of the Ultimate Hydra at this moment is so miserable. Not only are there scars all over the body, but two or three heads are broken directly at the neck. It seems that it was directly bitten by the sharp teeth of the deep-sea giant whale. It was dropped, and this injury could no longer be recovered in a short time with its recovery ability.

After confirming that the Ultimate Hydra was still capable of action, Natalie took it and swam towards the dragon boat. Now the Ultimate Hydra had temporarily lost its ability to fight. Thanks to Natalie’s attack just now, The shocking effect of killing the giant whale in the deep sea made the surrounding sea warriors dare not step forward for a moment, allowing Natalie and Ultimate Hydra to leave and swim to the surface of the sea.

On the other side, after the death of the giant whale in the deep sea, the high priest who originally looked young and vigorous is now holding his head with one hand. He looks like he is suffering from severe pain, and there is a lot of fat on his face visible to the naked eye. The markings look like he has suddenly aged by more than ten years.

The high priest’s control of the deep-sea whale is not without cost. After awakening the strongest secret of the sea tribe, the high priest by chance completed the soul of the deep-sea whale that broke into the sea tribe’s habitat to look for food. Contract, there is a certain symbiotic relationship between the two, and part of each other’s soul and vitality is bound together. Of course, this contract is actually more restrictive to the high priest, and the same soul power and vitality are lost. For the deep-sea giant whale It might just be a headache for a while, but it was a huge blow to the high priest. After the death of the giant deep-sea whale, the high priest himself could feel a tearing mental pain, as if his entire head was It was like being torn apart, and a lot of life force had been lost, and the condition was very bad.

“Your Majesty the High Priest? You…”


The high priest who tried to say something spat out a mouthful of blood, unable to maintain his majestic image any longer.

“Your Highness, High Priest, are you injured?”

“Things must be kept secret! No leaks are allowed!”

The words of the high priest are acknowledgment of the fact that he was injured, and the injury was not serious. This situation is very dangerous for him. When the deep-sea giant whale dies, it feels like his arm has been broken. If anyone knows that he has been injured again, If it’s serious, his situation won’t be very good.

The high priest’s current position over the Sea King relies on authority rather than prestige. To put it simply, he is unpopular and has no legal recognition. In order to establish prestige, he can only rely on strength and the coldness of killing people to establish prestige. To establish his own authority, and to accumulate his own prestige by commanding armies and sending priests to continuously win wars with humans. If the high priest is given enough time to accumulate, maybe he can successfully transform this authority. For the sake of prestige, he can completely replace Neptune’s position, and then the Neptune family can be at his disposal.

Unfortunately, his plan was completely interrupted by an accident. The giant deep-sea whale that he regarded as invincible was actually killed by someone, or died in a completely incomprehensible way, which also caused him to be seriously injured. Having lost the ability to take action in a short period of time, the death of the giant deep-sea whale cannot be concealed, but his injury must be concealed, otherwise the Neptune family who were suppressed by him during this period may counterattack without hesitation.

“High Priest, what should we do now?”

“Continue to attack! The sea beast on the opposite side has still lost its ability to fight. As long as we continue to attack, victory will still be ours.”

The high priest still has a basic judgment. Nearly a million sea warriors and more than 2,000 human warships are gathered here, and more than 100,000 troops are fighting together. Now it seems that the battle is fierce, but in fact the balance of victory has always been They are leaning towards the Sea Clan. With the absolute numerical advantage and the coordination of the Sea Clan priests, the first ones that cannot be consumed will definitely be humans.

Of course, there is more than one reason why the high priest asked the army to continue the attack. After losing the deep-sea whale, he must win this battle to brush up his prestige, even if it is against the sea at this moment. This is not the best time for a decisive battle for the clan.

“Your Majesty the High Priest, I think we should retreat temporarily and wait for His Majesty the Sea King’s next order.”

“What did you say!”

The high priest subconsciously wanted to be angry at Sandro, but he soon realized that something was wrong. Most of the close priests around him were assisting in the attack, and no one stayed by his side. Because of his own strength, , and with the deep-sea giant whale as his trump card, he had never considered his own safety before. Now that Sandro contradicted him, he realized that he was now surrounded by the men Sandro brought when he took refuge, and there were no A confidant of his own.

For a moment, the high priest thought a lot. He was seriously injured and had no fighting ability for the time being. He could not fall out with Sandro. He had to get over the current hurdle first, and then he would make this guy look good after he summoned the priest and some of his subordinates. . Thinking of this, the high priest tried his best to suppress his anger and spoke to Sandro again in as calm a tone as possible.

“Go and gather people first, ask some high-ranking priests and generals to come back, discuss it before inviting His Majesty the Sea King.”

The words of the high priest made Sandro completely relieved. The attitude of the always strong high priest actually softened. It seemed that he was really hurt.

“Haha, Your Majesty the High Priest, there is no need to discuss, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of His Majesty the Sea King.”

“What do you want to do!”

The high priest was aware of the danger, but he was too seriously injured and had no chance of resisting Sandro, a high-level bloodline warrior. He could only turn around and try to escape.


Sandro’s stone ax hit the high priest’s back hard. The high priest immediately stopped swimming and appeared to be floating in the water. The blood in his mouth kept pouring out. Sandro’s move actually It had already caused fatal injuries to him, but his survival instinct made him want to make one last effort.

“You can’t kill me, I am the high priest of the Sea Clan, the future of the Sea Clan…”


Sandro didn’t listen to his continued talk. Instead, he hit the high priest on the head with an axe. As a spell caster, the high priest was not a strong man known for his physical strength. This ax blow hit the high priest hard. As soon as he went up, his brains sputtered out, and there was no longer any possibility of survival. The surrounding technical blood warriors and patrol guards looked at Sandro’s murder with great indifference. They were all Sandro’s confidants. The high priest’s carelessness made it difficult for him to survive. There was no one around to stop Sandro at the moment.

“Everything is for the Sea Clan and for His Majesty the Sea King.”

Sandro has always been a member of Neptune and has never changed…


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