Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 312: Support


The appearance of the Ultimate Hydra caused a period of chaos in the sea tribe that was besieging the dragon boat. As a soldier killer, the Ultimate Hydra has group attacks, life recovery and other characteristics that are extremely unfriendly to a large number of soldiers.

The nine heads attack at the same time, which greatly improves its killing efficiency, and the life recovery characteristics make it difficult for the weak damage caused by the sea warriors to it. The effect of adding up a small amount to a large amount. To defeat the Hydra, in addition to letting the high-level Except for priests or bloodline warriors, if you want to kill it with small soldiers, you can only wait until the ultimate hydra is completely exhausted and has no physical strength.

But looking at the Ultimate Hydra’s vigorous appearance, who knows how much physical strength it still has. Can it kill another thousand, ten thousand or tens of thousands? Fighting against such a giant beast is a test of courage. If he continues to unilaterally commit suicide like this, I am afraid that the sea warriors will collapse first under the pressure of the high priest.


This sound is not cute at all. To the ears of the sea people, this long whale cry represents the long cry of death. Whenever you hear this sound, it proves that there is a giant whale nearby. Once it is If you encounter a hungry giant whale looking for food, there may not be a single breath of life in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten miles, and all of them will become the food of the deep-sea giant whale.

But this time, the deep-sea giant whale appeared as a companion, and its huge size actually brought extra peace of mind.

The giant whale of the high priest looks much bigger than the nine-headed monster. It should be able to defeat the opponent. This is the expectation of most sea warriors, otherwise they will keep letting them take it. I have to fill in my life, but I don’t know how many lives I have to fill in.

The approach of the deep-sea giant whale has been discovered by the Ultimate Hydra. The surrounding sea warriors fled very consciously. They should not have intervened in the battle between these two behemoths.


The giant deep-sea whale collided with the Ultimate Hydra fiercely, biting the two heads of the Hydra with its big mouth. The huge pain caused the Ultimate Hydra to scream in pain. The remaining heads of the Hydra swung wildly and bit at the giant deep-sea whale. Soon, they tore out several large holes in the giant deep-sea whale. The blood of the two giant beasts stained the nearby seawater. Its face was red, and it looked like it was hard to separate from the fight, but in fact the Ultimate Hydra was at an absolute disadvantage. The giant deep-sea whale looked **** as a lot of skin and flesh had been torn off its back, but in fact it was It didn’t suffer any major damage. For a giant beast of this size, the several meters-long gashes that were torn open could only be regarded as minor skin injuries.

But the Ultimate Hydra, whose two heads were bitten by the Deep Sea Giant Whale, was different. No matter how the Ultimate Hydra struggled, the Deep Sea Giant Whale would not let go. This is due to its strength and size. Crush.

The two heads bitten by the giant deep-sea whale were still shaking at first, but now there is no movement. This level of damage is difficult to recover in a short time with the life recovery characteristics of Ultimate Hydra. Ultimate Nine The life of the head snake is passing rapidly.


On the deck of the dragon boat, Richard was surrounded by a circle of sea warriors. The Vulcan sword and the sea warriors made Richard feel like a chef grilling squid, because of the high temperature of the Vulcan sword. The corpses surrounding Richard actually smelled like seafood.

“Be careful, it’s Water Dragon Technique!”

Although Richard is not as strong as Natalie, his ability to draw hatred is not small at all. For the first time, the Sea Tribe Priest could not help but choose Richard as his target.

The roaring water dragon condensed in mid-air and rushed towards Richard. The power of its advanced magic made the surrounding soldiers subconsciously dodge. For example, Parley, who had been following Richard, rushed towards Natalie very carefully. Si leaned over.

Richard did not need to wait for the Water Dragon Technique to hit him. Instead, he jumped into the air, raised the Vulcan Sword surrounded by dazzling red light, and slashed at the water dragon that was rushing towards him.


After a short confrontation, Richard split the water dragon in half from the head. Although the power of the water dragon technique is comparable to the power of a full blow from the earth level, it is only a one-time use after all, and no matter what, Richard is still fighting against the earth knight. For a person at the peak of his level, a single water dragon spell would still be difficult to pose a threat to Richard.


Richard’s heroic performance boosted the morale of the human soldiers who were fighting fiercely on the dragon boat.


Facing the high-ranking priest who came forward to release magic, Richard had no intention of letting him go back. He released magic on the sea, which was equivalent to exposing his position. The red dragon that had been swimming in mid-air quickly fell down. Facing the Sea Priest was a large-scale dragon’s breath. The Sea Priest wanted to blend into the sea and escape, but when the Dragon’s Breath came down, the water more than ten meters deep was evaporated into bubbles. How could he dodge? In the space, as soon as the dragon’s breath passed, the bodies of the dozens of nearby Sea Tribes, including the Sea Tribe priests, could not even be identified clearly.

“Damn it!”

The high priest witnessed all this not far away. It was under his instruction that the high priest tentatively took action against the dragon boat. He originally thought that as a high priest, even if he could not perform any functions, he would be able to heal the whole body. The only thing to do was to retreat. Unexpectedly, he was sprayed to death by the giant dragon in the sky without even a chance to escape. The high priests of the Sea Tribe can only be counted on two hands, and almost all of them are his die-hard supporters. Each one of them died, and the loss of a drop of blood made the high priest feel heartbroken.

It is said that the strength of a spell caster who can release advanced magic such as Water Dragon Technique is not much worse than that of the Sky Knight. At least he is not so easy to kill, but the priests of the Sea Tribe are lame spell casters without a system. , all rely on racial talent to survive, rather than forming a system like human magicians.

The priests of the sea tribe only have water arrows, water prisons, ice crystals, and water dragons. They don’t even know shield magic. The combat effectiveness of such unsystematic casters is completely incomparable to those of the same level. Compared to elf magic books or human magicians, it is no wonder that they are easily killed by the red dragon.

“General Sandro, let the warriors increase their offensive intensity and capture this ship as soon as possible. I want to achieve complete victory before dark.”


The naval general named Sandro wanted to say something else. In fact, there is no need to be so hasty when attacking human fleets on the sea. Take your time and consume it little by little. The sea tribe has an absolute numerical advantage and humans must not be able to hold on first. Live, and you should not attack the dragon boat directly and chew on the tough bones. The correct approach should be to use the advantage of mobility in the sea to gradually divide and encroach from small to large, rather than increasing losses in this way.

But after being glared at by the high priest, he did not dare to speak again. He immediately followed the high priest’s intention and ordered the army to increase their offensive intensity. Fortunately, the terrifying monster had been suppressed by the high priest’s deep-sea whale. Although the warriors fighting on the dragon boat still suffered heavy losses, at least they no longer had to face the unbeatable monster.

As a senior bloodline warrior, General Sandro possesses the strength of a great knight. He is also the first bloodline warrior to seek refuge with the high priest. On the surface, he is deeply trusted by the high priest, but in fact he knows very well that the high priest The most trusted group is the earliest priest group. The bloodline warriors are still not truly regarded as confidants by the high priest. Even he, the army commander, is trembling when facing the high priest.

If the priest group had not had the ability to command the army in combat, I am afraid that the status of these high-level bloodline warriors would have been even more obviously low.



The flagpole of another large warship was cut down. It is very likely that this warship was completely captured by the Sea Clan. Although the high priest was a little anxious and gave random instructions, he had to admit that the Sea Clan had some advantages in this battle. With the help of the priest, the fight became much easier.

In addition to several high-level priests, hundreds of ordinary priests from the Sea Tribe also participated in the battle. Although they could not use water dragon magic and could only release low-level magic such as water arrows and water prison, even the lowest level water magic Archery is as powerful as a single strike from a junior knight, and it can be unleashed seven or eight times in a row. Even the unlucky knights on the warships are in danger of being seriously injured. Ordinary soldiers will basically die if touched, and the casualties on the human side are much greater than expected.

“Natalis! Go and support the Ultimate Hydra, it is in danger!”

Richard has always had a certain conscious connection with these system creatures, especially for high-level creatures. This connection will be stronger. At this time, Richard can feel that the Ultimate Hydra is in danger of life. This is a seventh-level promotion. The military type actually encountered danger in such a short period of time, so they underestimated the Sea Clan.

“This waste.”

“What about your safety, sir?”

Although Natalis is not as eye-catching as Richard when she fights on the deck, those who look carefully will find her terrifying. With a cold moon knife in her hand, she walks like a dance on the battlefield. , you can actually have a beautiful and elegant feeling when killing.

At this time, Natalies, who heard Richard’s order, seemed to have withdrawn from the performance. She paused and scolded the Ultimate Hydra, who was already beaten to death, and then looked at Richard, a little worried about him. safety.

“I’ll be fine for a short period of time. Don’t worry, I can still use teleportation if it doesn’t work. You go and help Ultimate Hydra first. It won’t be able to hold on anymore. If nothing can be done, you should consider your own safety.” Lord.”

There is really no big danger on the dragon boat. There is a giant dragon hovering at low altitude, coming down from time to time to tear up a few sea warriors floating on the surface. Richard himself is the peak strength of the earth knight, so he can deal with the sea warriors. He has a completely crushing level of combat power, and it is difficult for any sea clan to pose a threat to him until he runs out of energy.


After confirming that Richard would not be in danger, Natalie followed the instructions and jumped into the sea to support the dying Ultimate Hydra.

Although she is a Night Angel who is better at fighting in the air, for a strong person like Natalis, her combat effectiveness will not be greatly affected if she fights in the sea in a short period of time. She just needs to pay attention to controlling the time. , You can’t stay in the sea for too long. After entering the sea, Natalis moves as nimbly as a fish. Her perception of sea water is no worse than that of ordinary sea people.


Seeing Natalie jump off the dragon boat, a large number of sea tribes around who had not seen Natalie’s strength swarmed up and tried to kill this “unfortunate” human being who fell into the sea, but soon they lost their lives. It proved that this was not some poor man who fell into the sea.

Natalis, who was still flexible in the water, quickly cleared the sea warriors around her and swam towards the ultimate Hydra. Before Natalis’ physical strength and fighting spirit were exhausted, these sea warriors quickly It’s hard to stop her.



On the Ultimate Hydra side, the Deep Sea Giant Whale has killed six of its heads. As the most powerful extraordinary creature in the sea, the Deep Sea Giant Whale is probably as powerful in the sea as the ancient dragon on land. At the top of the sky level, it has even exceeded the scope of the sky level, but it just does not have the understanding of the domain.

Ultimate Hydra only has the strength of the mid-level sky. It has not died yet, which is considered to be tenacious. However, if it continues like this, without the support of Natalis, it will be a matter of time before it dies in battle.


Just when the deep-sea giant whale was about to attack the last three heads of the ultimate hydra, a black fighting spirit struck from above. The giant deep-sea whale, which had been biting for a long time without much reaction, actually let go of the dying Ultimate Hydra under the pain, and turned to look in the direction of Natalis.


Anyone can hear the anger in the cry of the giant whale in the deep sea. It fought with the Ultimate Hydra for a long time, but this blow from Natalis was the one that hurt it the most.

Facing the two eyes of the deep-sea giant whale, which were bigger than lanterns, Natalis couldn’t help but frown. The sneak attack just now did not cause the opponent to be seriously injured. The defense and physical strength of the deep-sea giant whale surpassed Nata’s. Liz’s prediction was a bit tricky.

If it were a fight on land, Natalis would not show any timidity, but in sea water, Natalis’ strength would be somewhat affected, and she would not be able to fight in sea water for too long. This influence is crucial. That’s when it becomes very deadly.

Maybe we have to try that trick first…


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