Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 311: Confrontation



A large number of Sea Clan warriors emerged from the middle of the fleet. They quickly climbed onto the warship along the hull. Because the attack came too suddenly, this was the time when the soldiers were least vigilant. The human side was attacked by the Sea Clan. This wave of raids caught them off guard. Many sea tribesmen had already climbed onto the deck, and the soldiers on the warship were neatly dressed and organized an effective resistance.

“Archers, prepare!”

“Let it go!”

Ordinary bows and arrows are definitely not enough to deal with the heavily armored orc warriors, but they are quite effective against the poorly armored sea warriors, especially the sea warriors who have left the sea and climbed onto the ship.

With one salvo fired at close range, more than twenty sea tribesmen were struck by arrows and fell to the ground. After two or three salvoes, a small area of ​​open space was cleared on the deck. The fighting skills of these sea tribes are indeed not very good. Being able to overwhelm humans at sea relies entirely on environmental and numerical advantages. They have poor basic combat awareness. Things like being crowded on the deck and being harvested in large numbers are not only common on ships. It happened on the ship, and within ten minutes of the battle, the surrounding seawater was dyed red, and blood flowed back into the sea along the ship’s drainage channel.

Usually in this situation, if the Sea Clan wants to capture the warship, they will use their numerical advantage to continuously swarm the warship from all directions. The humans have a warship with 500 people, so the Sea Clan will send 5,000 people. The human sea tactics were used to forcibly submerge the humans on the ship. There was not much room for turning and retreating on the ship. Once the soldiers came into contact, it would be the bloodiest battle of attrition. Even the knights sitting on the ground would be able to fly short distances as long as they did not break through to the sky level. They were killed by the huge numbers of the Hai Clan.

The naval battles in this world are very ugly, because there is no artillery and gunpowder, and you can’t see the blood-curdling scene of thousands of guns firing in unison, even because the main opponent is the Sea Tribe, which has no concept of warships. Race, human warships do not even have collision angles designed, only some semi-fixed wooden boards are designed on the sides, which can facilitate the mutual support of the warships when the two warships are close.

Except for the human side who used long-range weapons such as bows and arrows at the beginning, the entire naval battle was turned into a hand-to-hand combat at sea between the two races.



“Get out of the way!”

But this time, the Sea Clan’s methods were obviously better than before. On a large warship, nearly a hundred archers stood high on the bridge, pouring arrows around, and there were densely packed people lying on the deck. Half of the corpses of the Sea Clan in a circle are due to them.

Originally, if the Sea Tribe wanted to attack them, they would first have to withstand the rain of arrows and break through the obstruction of the human sword and shield soldiers and spearmen between the deck and the compartment. Only then would they have a chance to attack the bridge and the higher parts of the warship. position, but now a huge water dragon condensed in mid-air and slammed into the bridge. Because the archers on the bridge formed a dense formation, nearly thirty archers were blown away at this time. Even if there were no He died on the spot and lost the ability to threaten the sea warriors.

“It’s the Sea Tribe Priest! Spread out!”


While speaking, the commander of the warship killed another patrol guard who was attacking him with one sword. Before his fighting spirit was exhausted, it was difficult for these patrol guards who were not even quasi-knights to deal with him. What threat does a commander with knight-level strength pose?

However, after the archer on the bridge was hit by the water dragon technique of the Sea Tribe priest, he was obviously stunned. There was a brief pause in the long-range support, which greatly reduced the pressure of the Sea Tribe. It took some time to recover and resume. The archers who were shooting were also trembling with fear, and their attack power was not as strong as before.

This made the soldiers in front, including the knight-level commanders, a little uncomfortable. Without the intensive bows and arrows to interrupt the rhythm of the Hai Clan’s attack, the Hai Clan warriors kept pouring in, killing one after another. More people rushed up, and there was no chance to breathe. If this continued, this medium-sized warship with nearly a thousand men would be captured sooner or later.

“Commander! Order the flag bearer to ask for help from surrounding ships!”

“Also, order all the oarsmen in the bilge to get their weapons and join the battle!”



Each ship has a considerable number of crewmen, and they are all young and strong men. These people have received some degree of military training and can still use weapons, but they do not have the occupations that are currently fighting on the deck. The soldiers are so proficient, and if they go to the battlefield, the casualty rate will probably be high. If these people lose too many, the actions of the ships after the war will definitely be affected.

However, this is no longer a matter for the commander to consider. No more active forces will join. After the deck is completely lost, judging from the Sea Clan’s behavior, there will not be a single living person on this warship.


Soon, the reserve team and crewmen who received the order quickly joined the battle. In this situation, everyone knows that they have to fight desperately. The Sea Tribe has no habit of keeping human prisoners at all. With the addition of reinforcements, the people on the deck The pressure has eased a little, but if this continues, it will still be only a matter of time before the warship falls. The Sea Clan’s numerical advantage is too great.

When fighting on the sea, human beings are naturally in a divided state. There is no communication between each warship. However, the Hai clan can concentrate its strength to attack some warships and easily block the support of other warships. , human warships can easily encounter attacks from an overwhelmingly superior number of marines at a certain point in time.

“Damn it, why are there no signs of reinforcements?”

The commander subconsciously looked at the position of the flag bearer on the bridge, only to find that there was no one on the high platform. The flag bearer who was supposed to send a message for help had inexplicably fallen to his position, and from the surrounding two corpses It can be seen that the reserve flag-bearer tried to take over the opponent’s post after the flag-bearer on the high platform fell, but he was also hit by a precise attack before he could reach it. The archers on the bridge also fell to pieces, and almost all of them were alive. No one dared to shoot arrows anymore. All this happened in a very short time, and the commander of the warship was unable to react in time.

He has never experienced such a naval battle. In the past, although the Hai Clan had an absolute numerical advantage, they were firmly suppressed by humans in terms of long-range attacks. It can even be said that the Duhai Clan did not have the ability to attack from a distance in the past. To capture a warship, you basically have to spend ten times as many lives, but now, the attacking sea tribe has the ability to suppress human long-range attacks.

“Priest of the Sea Tribe.”

The commander subconsciously thought of the sudden special power of the Hai Clan.


A sharp ice crystal rushed towards the commander, but the prepared commander blocked it with his sword, but the attack was not over. The ice crystal quickly cracked into dozens of fragments and flew towards The commander around him was lucky enough to have knight-level strength. The armor on his body was already excellent, and he reacted quickly and raised his sword to protect his face. His hands and feet only suffered some scratches, but the surrounding soldiers were not so good. With luck, two soldiers were directly pricked by the flying ice crystals and struggled on the ground in pain.

But at this moment, the commander who is a knight has no time to rescue them. There is actually a priest among the sea tribe attacking the ship. This priest is now like a fort attacking the human side. In addition to commanding Officer, it is simply difficult for others to resist the spells released by the other party.

If there is no support, this medium-sized warship will probably be captured by the Sea Tribe in less than an hour.

The dragon boat, as the flagship of the human fleet, is also one of the key attack targets of the Sea Clan. Its large size allows it to carry more soldiers and will also be attacked by more Sea Clan.

The situation on the battlefield was much worse than imagined. It was not just the ship that was caught in a bitter battle, but some small ships had been completely captured by the Sea Tribe, and the entire ship had been washed with blood.

However, the situation on the dragon boat is indeed better. After all, both the number of soldiers and the number of strong men are far more than other warships. There are five or six large warships around to support each other. The sea people are like ants. Generally, if you climb up and get swept down again, there won’t be any danger in a short period of time.

“Brother-in-law, this is not an option. Are you considering letting the dragon take action?”

At this time, Parley was neatly dressed and following closely beside Richard. The battle on the ship was mainly directed by the deputy captain Paul, who was the hero certified by the system. Facts have proved that Paul’s ability is indeed not bad. , the originally chaotic situation became orderly under his control, saving Richard and Paley a lot of trouble.

Although Parley has the strength of a knight, he obviously has to save his life. Those who besieged the dragon boat were not only ordinary sea warriors and patrol guards, but also several high-level blood warriors with great knight strength. There should be more There were no less than three sea tribe priests who were preparing to take action. His knight-level combat power was not enough at all. He was afraid that if he didn’t follow Richard, he might die inexplicably.

“The dragon is not suitable for taking action on the dragon boat.”

Richard rejected the idea of ​​letting the red dragon take action. The melee on the deck was not suitable for the red dragon to join. Let alone whether there would be accidental damage if the dragon’s breath was taken, the sea tribe would not have sunk the ship by then. It’s a bit ridiculous to have a dragon’s breath.

Of course, the number of Sea Tribes at this time is indeed a bit of a headache. With the strength of him and Natalis, it would be a random killing to deal with the Sea Tribe soldiers who are generally not as strong as ordinary human soldiers. Natalis’s hand As soon as the Leng Yue Scimitar danced, the black fighting energy was released in a ring. Every time, at least dozens of sea people around Natalis would be cut into two pieces, and strangely, they were killed by Natalis. The sea tribe did not shed much blood, but quickly turned into a shriveled corpse like a withered plant. The scene was very strange.

The killing efficiency of Richard on the side is also not low. After the Vulcan Sword is activated, he looks more conspicuous than Natalie. Each sword will take away the lives of several sea warriors. In just half an hour In just a few seconds, he and Natalie killed no less than a thousand sea warriors. There was no difference between patrol guards and ordinary sea warriors in front of them, so they didn’t count them separately.

But despite their astonishingly high killing efficiency, the Hai clan continued to attack the dragon boat. It seemed that something more terrifying than being hacked to death by them was forcing them to rush forward one after another. If this continued, Li No matter how strong Cha’s fighting spirit is, it will be exhausted, and in the end he will run out of energy and run away.

“Brother-in-law, let’s discuss something.”

Pare gave the command to Paul, and he easily paddled next to Richard, just picking up the heads that Richard and Natalie missed. Anyway, he had already determined that Richard was currently the best person around him. In a safe place, although this guy is a bit dazzling on the battlefield, he obviously still has some strength left, and he can always be protected.


“If you want to ride on a dragon, take me with you.”

Richard: “…”

As expected, this is the Fourth Prince Pare that he is familiar with. It is impossible for him to live and die with the fleet here. When things become impossible, running away, ah no, retreating is the best option.

“Just follow us and pay attention to safety. We haven’t reached that point yet.”

Fortunately, Pare is only talking about it and has not taken any substantive actions yet. Although the battle situation has worsened, it is still some distance from Pare’s escape line.

“Woo, woo, woo…”

Richard then did something strange in front of Pare. During the battle, he actually took out a small blue horn and started blowing it. Then he picked up his hand and played it in his own hand. A few rubs on a black ring.

What happened next made Pare even more incredible. A group of black dots appeared on the horizon, and a flying creature he had never seen before flew towards the dragon boat.

And five huge ogre chiefs wearing heavy armor rushed out of the dragon boat’s cabin. Why didn’t he remember that there was an ogre chief on the boat?

“Brother-in-law, what are these?”

Parley asked Richard next to him with some uncertainty. If there must be someone to suspect, it could only be the brother-in-law next to him who is full of mysteries.

“Well, they are the men I conquered during the Battle of the Wilderness. I arranged for them to board the ship and join the battle. Each of them has the peak strength of a great knight.”

Richard used excuses like fooling a fool to deal with Parley. There were so many loopholes in it that Parley didn’t know where to start his suspicions. In the end, he could only think about it because he couldn’t figure it out. At least he identified this group of terrifying people. As long as the guy is one of our own.


The heavy mace in the ogre chief’s hand knocked out a patrol guard with one blow, and his whole head was split open by the mace. However, ordinary human soldiers discovered that these ugly looking When the tall and mighty monster is on his side, his morale is greatly boosted. Even the ugly face of the ogre looks a bit ugly and cute.

With five fearless ogre chiefs and hundreds of harpies with quasi-knight strength joining the battle, the battle situation on the dragon boat is considered the easiest. Ordinary sea warriors and patrol guards They can’t even break through the defenses against the Ogre Chiefs. With them leading them, the Sea Tribe can no longer stand on the deck.

But other ships did not have as much combat power as the dragon boats. After a while, several more warships were attacked by the Sea Tribe. Even a medium-sized warship that was attacked by the Sea Tribe priests lost its resistance. The situation of the war is still not optimistic.


Ultimate Hydra also joined the battle under Richard’s command. Richard, who originally liked to wait for his opponent to make the first move, couldn’t help it this time.

“Your Majesty the High Priest, that monster has appeared.”

The Sea Tribe who reported to the High Priest looked horrified. He was a member of the Sea Tribe who launched a tentative attack before. The killing efficiency of the Ultimate Hydra left an indelible shadow on his heart. When he saw the Ultimate Nine He immediately rushed to report to the high priest, but it was a little awkward to say something nervous.

“Has it finally appeared? Just in time for my baby to play with it…”


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