Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 310: Deep Sea Giant Whales and Port Power


“It means you didn’t complete any of the orders I gave you? And you lost more than 2,000 soldiers?”

“Your Excellency, High Priest, you can’t blame me. We were almost about to capture a large battleship, but humans found a monster from nowhere. Not only were the soldiers unable to cause harm to it, but they also suffered heavy casualties. I Had to order a retreat.”

“What about the intelligence? How many ships and armies do humans have? Are there any dragon knights? You don’t know any of them?”

The bloodline warriors who had just launched a tentative attack with the Sea Clan’s vanguard had now withdrawn with their men to join the main army. After discovering that the human army was out to sea, the High Priest and the Sea King ordered at the same time to let all the people in the human race territory The Hai Clan army on Shang Sa Huan returned to support.

Because this bloodline warrior, who is as powerful as a peak human knight, was the closest, after receiving the order from the high priest, he led more than 20,000 of his warriors to launch a tentative attack. Originally, his mission was not only To disrupt and hinder the actions of human fleets, as well as to detect the enemy’s situation.

However, this bloodline warrior is obviously not a good commander. He started attacking as soon as the flanks came into contact. He wanted to deal with a few ships first, but he didn’t even understand the basic situation after the Ultimate Hydra dared to run away. Clearly, a lot of manpower was lost for nothing.


Facing the angry high priest, the bloodline warrior did not dare to continue explaining. He lowered his head silently and did not speak, as if he was letting himself be dealt with.

Looking at the bloodline warriors who bowed their heads in silence in front of them, the high priest suddenly showed a cruel smile. These self-proclaimed noble bloodline warriors did not take the priests seriously in the past…

“How does that sea monster you mentioned compare to my baby?”

During the questioning, a giant ocean beast nearly forty meters long emerged from the dark deep sea. The giant beast’s eyes were more swollen than lanterns. When it entered the sea tribe’s team , even though they knew that this giant beast had been subdued by the high priest, the surrounding sea people still looked frightened, and the timid ones even retreated some distance.

This giant beast is called the Deep Sea Giant Whale. It is a natural enemy to the sea tribe. Every year, many sea tribes are devoured by the Deep Sea Giant Whale as food. There is nothing the Sea Tribe can do against the Deep Sea Giant Whale. , we can only avoid and dodge as much as possible. Fortunately, the number of deep-sea giant whales is very small. Otherwise, with their number, the sea tribe might be eaten and exterminated.

I just don’t know why, but the giant deep-sea whale that originally regarded the sea people as food and avoided them suddenly turned into a war beast that became the high priest. It obeyed the orders of the high priest, which greatly increased the high priest’s prestige. It rose, faintly surpassing the original number one master of the sea clan, His Majesty the Sea King.

“Of course, the high priest is stronger than the beast, and that sea monster is nothing compared to the giant whale in the deep sea.”

The bloodline warrior, who had his head lowered, looked up and saw two eyes of the giant deep-sea whale staring at him, which were bigger than lanterns. He was trembling a little when he spoke. However, the words were not meant to be complimentary. At least judging from the size, the high priest This deep-sea giant whale is even larger than the Ultimate Hydra, occupying a huge advantage in size.

With the strength of the deep-sea giant whales, if they attack the human fleet from the bottom of the sea, some smaller warships may be directly overturned. This thing is the absolute overlord of the ocean, but they usually do not attack humans. When a ship becomes interested, it will not even easily float to the shallow sea to have too many interactions with humans. Its presence among humans is not strong, but that may not be the case now that it is subdued by the high priest.

“Then how dare you come back and face me if you don’t dare to face that sea monster?”

“High Priest, I…”

The high priest suddenly sounded horrified. Just as the bloodline warrior was about to explain something, he saw that the terrifying deep-sea whale in front of him had opened its mouth, revealing its jagged fangs.

“High Priest, spare your life!”

However, the high priest just stared at him indifferently. The blood warrior felt that the sea water around him began to surge. He could no longer maintain his balance and began to unconsciously move closer to the ferocious mouth in front of him. That was the feeding action of the deep-sea whale. Because he was close enough, the strong current had completely restricted his movements. With the strength of the blood warriors and the deep-sea whale, he had no chance of resistance.

Seeing the indifference on the face of the high priest across from him, the bloodline warrior knew that it was useless to ask for help from him, so he turned to the other half of Neptune, who was not far away.

“Your Majesty the King of the Sea, save me!”

At this time, the Sea King was surrounded by a group of royal guards and patrol guards, watching the situation here, with a surprised expression on his face. He probably did not expect that the high priest would directly order the deep-sea whale to directly After devouring this bloodline warrior, the output ratio of the bloodline warrior will be much lower than that of the human knight.

To become a bloodline warrior, the sea tribe must first have noble bloodline, that is, have the so-called Poseidon bloodline. Only then can they have the opportunity to complete the awakening of the power seeds, and then further train to have a combat power comparable to that of human knights, and the best among them can reach With the combat power of a great knight, there may be only one bloodline warrior among hundreds of thousands of sea clans. This ratio is quite low. It can be said that every bloodline warrior is the backbone of the sea clan. Even if he makes a big mistake, he will not be executed easily. What’s more, this blood warrior who is about to be swallowed by the giant whale in the deep sea is still a blood warrior with great potential, and is very likely to become a high-level blood warrior with the same strength as the human knight.

“Your Excellency the High Priest, he has not made any big mistakes. His sins will not lead to death. Let him pay for his crimes and make meritorious deeds.”

Neptune on the side couldn’t help but tried to persuade him, but the giant deep-sea whale not only didn’t stop moving, but seemed a little annoyed with the opponent’s resistance. He swam forward and devoured the blood warrior in one mouthful. He was still struggling to resist just now. The bloodline warrior was swallowed into the belly of the deep-sea giant whale without even letting out a scream. The surrounding sea warriors showed a horrified expression, and looked at the high priest with even more awe.

“Sorry, Your Majesty, my baby is a little too hasty.”

After saying that, the high priest looked over the giant deep-sea whale with a smile on his face and stroked the giant beast affectionately. Then he looked at the awed eyes of the sea people around him and nodded with satisfaction.

The expression on Neptune’s face at this time was extremely ugly. He sentenced a bloodline warrior to death. According to the rules, he had to nod his head to execute it. But now the high priest dealt with a man who in his opinion was not guilty in front of him. The blood warrior made a big mistake. This is a slap in the face in front of everyone and a blow to his prestige. Or perhaps this was the original purpose of the high priest. Ever since the high priest subdued this deep-sea giant whale through some unknown method, he had become increasingly disrespectful of him.

Looking at Neptune’s ugly face, the high priest showed no signs of nervousness at all, but continued:

“I think it’s okay to kill such a person. He has lost so many soldiers and dared to come back before completing the tasks I assigned him. He must be executed. Otherwise, everyone will follow his example in the future. How can you and I carry out our orders?” Do you think so? Your Majesty the Sea King.”

Are you doing this to carry out your orders? Neptune looked at the ferocious deep-sea giant whale not far away. Neptune could only complain silently in his heart. Even with his earth-level strength, he was not enough to stand in front of the deep-sea giant whale. If he really wanted to show off his face, he would face the deep-sea giant whale. The result will not be much better than the bloodline warrior just now. In the end, Neptune could only nod with difficulty and chose to compromise again.

“Next, continue to gather forces. Humans are trying to get closer to the clam field. This time we don’t want to let another human go…”

“Yes, Your Excellency the High Priest!”

The surrounding ordinary priests and high-ranking priests who were originally subordinate to the high priest first responded to the high priest’s order. After these priests showed their strength and accumulated prestige during this period, they also gathered many middle and upper-level sea clan military merits. With them Following the lead, a large number of Sea Clan officers soon followed the orders of the high priest. Finally, a large number of wavering Sea Clan officers also followed suit out of a herd mentality, leaving only the **** members of the Sea King family still surrounding Sea King. There was no action, it was just that their numbers were a bit embarrassing.

“What are you still doing? Humans are trying to attack our clam farm. Do as the high priest says.”

“Well, it’s His Majesty the King of the Sea.”

Southern Ocean, human expedition fleet.

Since the brief battle that night, there has been no movement from the Hai clan for two full days, and the fleet has been sailing peacefully for three days.

There were not many people on the decks of each ship. Except for the necessary ship operators, most of the soldiers were resting. Because the sea tribe would always choose to launch attacks in the dark night when they had a better view, Pare ordered all Soldiers try to rest during the day to conserve their energy and try to stay alert at night.

“Brother-in-law, the Hai Clan hasn’t shown up for four days. I feel a little uneasy.”

Pare’s worry is not unreasonable. Since the Sea Clan has discovered them and has taken no further action, it can only mean that the Sea Clan is still gathering troops. Judging from this preparation time, the longer the wait, the more likely the Sea Clan will prepare. The more possibilities there are, the more powerful the troops gathered will naturally be.


Richard dealt with Parley in a perfunctory manner, and his mind was still thinking about a kingdom officer he met by chance in the past two days.

A young naval vice-captain. This naval captain may be considered a figure among ordinary people, but he will never be taken seriously by Richard. However, if he is related to the system, the situation will be different.

This naval admiral named Paul is actually a system-certified indigenous hero, and has successfully opened up the port city power for Richard. Unfortunately, now he has to find a way to recruit Paul from the Kingdom Navy, and find a way to find him. A place where Port City can be placed. Port City is a special mod in Ying 3 Mile. It is relatively powerful overall. As long as it finds a place to place it and develops it, it will definitely drive a nail in Nanyang for Richard.

“Your Highness Parley, after the war is over, can you part with your love and let General Paul serve under me?”

“Hey, brother-in-law, are you listening to me?”

“Well, listen, Paul’s matter…”

Forget it, you are justified in forcing yourself. None of Parley’s men dared to speak in such a perfunctory manner in front of Parley.

“Okay, isn’t he just a deputy captain? After the battle, as long as he is willing to follow you, I will never stop him.”

“That’s good. What did you just say? Are the Sea Clan coming?”

“It’s only noon now. It’s impossible for the Sea Clan to fight us during the day. The soldiers are still resting. What I’m worried about is at night. Four days have passed and the Sea Clan should have almost gathered.”

“Woo, woo, woo!”

Before Pare finished speaking, Richard heard a low and weak horn sound. This was a signal that the enemy had been discovered. However, the sea was windy and the waves were large and the ships were far apart. Not everyone had the ability to stand on the ground. With his strength, he can have such good hearing, so there is also a semaphore as an insurance measure.

For example, now, Pare didn’t hear the horn sound. It was Richard who gave him a hint. He turned around and saw the flag bearer on the flagship of the 11th formation on the right wing. They were shouting flags – they were attacked The sea tribe is attacking…

Pare’s first action was to look at the sun high in the sky, doubting his own eyes. Then he called the messengers on the side and asked the flag bearers to send flags to each formation to prepare for battle…


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